Almighty Summoner System

Chapter 127 - Boney Porcupines


"Just wait in here while I deal with those Boney Porcupines. Report to me immediately if any of you see something unusual or something approaching from the distance." He said as he immediately went down towards the area where the Drought Worms are located.

Belle and Delo observed as Leon descended down like an arrow towards the area of the Drought Worms. 

Belle was a bit worried as she could see four more approaching Beasts aside from the Boney Porcupines that arrived first. She knew that they were also Boney Porcupines as they have the same pattern of approaching with the first one earlier. 

She was worried for Leon's safety, as she knew that the Boney Porcupines Spikes are very lethal, and there are even another five approaching. 

Due to her worries, she somehow forgot that Leon was a Gold Rank Adventurer. 

Although it was just a fake rank, Ban would not need to worry much about five F-Apprentice Rank Beasts. 

He got Eva on her side as well as her Royal Guard. And even though the Rogue Red Termite was not fully healed yet, Ban thought that it should be able to release one Bullet Strike to kill one of the Boney Porcupines. 

Delo only looked at him descending down without saying anything. He doesn't know what Leon was planning but he does know that he won't end up well this time. 

Even he himself would be afraid to charge in with that kind of opponent, even though his Summon was a Monster that specializes in defense. 

He only saw him Summoning the Ant Monster and the Ant Monster was even only at X-Mortal Rank. He could not help but think how could a guy like that obtain a Gold Rank Badge from the Adventurers Guild. 

However, he no longer underestimates him that much. After all, based on his knowledge about Beasts alone, he would surely have a thing or two to boast with.

Anyways, he did not think even for a second that Leon would return without a scratch. He smiled as he thought about that plan that he was brewing earlier again. 

Meanwhile, Ban purposely slowed down to match the speed of the four incoming Boney Porcupines. He wanted to let them arrive in one place first before striking. 

He slowly took the Twin Baton at his back as he prepared himself to bash some heads. Eva also did the same as she stood up from Ban's shoulder while clasping four of her fists together as if saying that she was ready to fight. 

"Now!" Ban exclaimed as he finally increased his pace after seeing that the other Boney Porcupine was already closed enough. 

He rotated one of the Twin Baton before throwing it towards the first Boney Porcupine who was still munching on some Drought Worms. 


The baton traveled smoothly and rapidly and not even a few seconds had passed, the baton had already arrived near the Boney Porcupine. 

As if sensing the danger, the Boney Porcupine immediately curled up like a boar to defend itself from the incoming projectile.

The baton hit the curled Boney Porcupine, making the Beast quiver in pain. Even though it hit the Boney Porcupine perfectly, it still did not do much damage due to the Boney Porcupine's swift response. 

However, its curled-up position was released as it angrily stared around it to determine who was the attacker. It immediately noticed the approaching Ban as he was wearing the white Noble Moth Cloak that was very visible even from afar. 

The Boney Porcupine screech towards his direction but Ban just ignored it as if it was nothing. 

On the other hand, the closer he gets the stronger the Boney Porcupine feels the fear brought upon by the Ant Mask and the Noble Moth Cloak. 

It wanted to run away but at that moment, it regained its courage as it saw four incoming Boney Porcupines. 

The four Boney Porcupines rolled towards the one who was hit and they immediately started sniffing around the area, searching for stray Drought Worms to eat. 

However, at that exact moment, they instantly realized that something was going on. They looked up above them, and there, they saw Ban jumping towards them along with Eva and her Royal Guard. 

The Boney Porcupines look like an over inflated ball with spikes. They are huge compared to Eva as they can reach above Ban's knee and their overall size was also more than double compared to Eva and her Royal Guard. 

While mid-air, Eva uses the Fluid Release and instantly hits one Boney Porcupine. Even though it managed to curl up, the Fluid Release's effect was still able to hurt it, as its normal spikes actually started to get dissolved from the fluid's acidity. 

The Boney Porcupine rolled over due to pain, and seeing that, the others started to turn their back towards Ban and the others. 

Their bodies started to shake wildly and the next moment, multiple spikes shot out of the Boney Porcupine's body, targeting the incoming Ban and Eva. 

Like darts, the spikes traveled in front of them quickly; however, Ban and Eva were already prepared for it. 

Without waiting for Ban's order, Eva and her Royal Guard immediately slid under Ban's Noble Moth Cloak. 

Ban did not waste the Noble Moth Cloak's defense as he used it to block the incoming spike attacks from the Boney Porcupines. 

The spikes could not even make a dent on the Noble Moth Cloak as they dropped towards the sands, like a dead log, unmoving.

Seeing their attacks failed easily, the Boney Porcupines started to get worried as they realized that they were fighting someone scary. 


All of them produced a long screech at the same time, as if warning Ban to don't get any closer. 

However, Ban did not listen or to be precise, he was not able to understand what they were saying. 

With the Boney Porcupines getting scared, the fight became even easier for Ban and the others. 

The Royal Guard was just an X-Mortal Beast but with one stack of Ban's Reinforce Skill, it bravely faced one Boney Porcupine without any worry of death. 

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