Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 330 Goblins

[I wanted to make this the last chapter related to other characters and not the main character but I decided that we gave one to our boy Chris before ending it all],

[Third Person POV],

Adara and her friends weren't the only ones that had received the spirit crystals as everyone who had also been able to survive to the end of the battle with the golems received a crystal as well but what everyone did not receive or rather did not encounter was a portal materialising in front of them a few seconds after they had battled their respectively element strongest golem so far in the trial.

Adara and her friends together with a few others all had a portal materialise in front of them after their battle with their last golem before the spirit crystal appeared. Still, for the ones that did not see even the sign of a flicking portal, they all received a different message instead.

They were all told by the primordial chronicle that the trial had ended and would so be closed to them after everyone that came in together with them was done with theirs.

Of course, no one knew the real situation of the happenings in the challenge trial as everyone was left to their own thoughts and actions.


Chris descended deeper into the dark and treacherous dungeon, his heart pounding with anticipation. 

When the portal to this dungeon first appeared in front of him, Chris's initial thought was to leave immediately lest anything pops out from the dungeon and he was also weak at that time so he did not want to risk it but his objective soon changed when he let his curiosity take over.

After contemplating a while and seeing that nothing or someone came out of the portal, Chris made his way closer to the portal and used the primordial chronicle on it to see whether information relating to the portal would appear and it did.

[Temporary [Goblin Lair]],

[Condition to enter dungeon: Level 25],

[Difficulty: Normal ],

'Why does this look like something I have seen before?' Chris wondered for a while before he finally recalled that he was right in his assumption and that the information given to him about the portal was indeed something he had seen before.

If one was to remove the level and put aside the difficulty that had now changed from how it was in his memory, the text in front of him was essentially the same as the one he saw in his first dungeon run and the first time he encountered his teammates.

'At least I know it's a dungeon filled with goblins', Chris thought and wondered if he should enter the dungeon at that time and after contemplating for a while, he decided to enter.

For one, he only needed to wait for a while to heal and rather than staying in the wilderness throughout the night, Chris figured it would be better if he could grind a few levels while he was at it ad seeing as the primordial chronicle rated the dungeon difficulty normal for him, he thought that it should not be too dangerous if he played his cards right.

Chris hoped that the goblins in this dungeon did not behave differently from the ones he had encountered in the past.

He did know that they were going to be stronger though.

Back in the dungeon, the air grew damp and musty as he reached the first floor. The flickering flame hovering slightly above his palm cast eerie shadows along the stone walls. Suddenly, a horde of goblins emerged from the shadows, their wicked grins revealing rows of sharp, yellowed teeth.

Seeing this, Chris immediately got into action.

With a swift motion, Chris unsheathed his sword, the blade gleaming in the dim light. He took a deep breath, feeling the surge of power within him. 

Flames danced in his palms as he channelled his fire magic, ready to unleash its destructive force. With a battle cry, he charged towards the goblins, his sword slashing through the air.

The first goblin lunged at him, its crude dagger aimed at his chest. Chris sidestepped the attack and swung his sword in a wide arc, cleaving the creature in two. As the goblin fell, he unleashed a torrent of fire, engulfing the nearby enemies. Their agonized screams echoed through the dungeon as they were consumed by the flames.

But the battle was far from over. More goblins rushed in, their numbers seemingly endless. Chris spun around, his sword whirling in deadly arcs, while gusts of wind swept through the chamber. With each swing of his blade, he sent goblins flying backwards, their bodies crashing against the cold stone walls.

The first floor was fairly easy despite the number of goblins that had attacked him.

Their levels were only between level 20 to 23 so it was okay for Chris to handle as he had already strengthened his physique to a level comparable to powerful rank 1 creatures

As Chris made his way to the staircase leading to the second floor, the goblins grew more vicious. They attacked in coordinated waves, their agility surprising for their grotesque appearance. Chris dodged their attacks with deft footwork, the wind swirling around him, creating a protective shield.

This dungeon was also different from the first goblin dungeon he had entered as this one had a dark atmosphere.

The second floor was darker than the first, the air thick with a foul stench. Chris pressed forward, his fire magic illuminating the surroundings. The goblins were relentless, their bloodlust unyielding. They leapt at him from all directions, their claws scratching against his armour.

Chris retaliated with a barrage of fireballs, hurling them towards the goblins. The explosions lit up the room, momentarily blinding his foes. In the midst of the chaos, he summoned gusts of wind to disorient and knock them off balance. With each swing of his sword, he carved a path through the horde.

But the goblins adapted, their tactics evolving. They began using the environment to their advantage, hiding in the shadows and launching surprise attacks. Chris sensed their presence through the air currents, his senses heightened by his connection to the wind.

A goblin leapt from the ceiling, aiming a dagger at Chris's back. With a swift turn, he deflected the attack with his sword, then unleashed a torrent of fire, engulfing the creature. He leapt into the air, propelled by the wind, and descended upon the goblin horde like a hurricane. His sword cleaved through their ranks, a symphony of steel and fire.

By the time Chris reached the third floor, he was weary but determined. His muscles ached, and his breath came in ragged gasps. The goblins had grown larger and stronger, their ferocity matched only by their numbers. They charged at him with reckless abandon, their red eyes gleaming with bloodlust.

Chris twirled his sword, a blur of silver and steel. Fire and wind intertwined as he struck, creating a devastating display of elemental power. Flames engulfed his blade, enhancing its cutting edge, while gusts of wind propelled him with blinding speed.

The battle on the third floor was the fiercest yet. Goblins snarled and clawed, their desperation fueling their attacks. Chris fought with unwavering resolve, his movements honed by many days of training. He weaved through the onslaught, his sword striking true and his magic wreaking havoc on the goblin ranks. 

He conjured fiery whirlwinds that engulfed multiple enemies at once, turning them to ash. With each swing of his sword, he cleaved through their thick hide and bone, leaving a trail of fallen foes in his wake.

But the goblins fought back fiercely. Their brute strength was matched only by their sheer numbers. Chris found himself surrounded, by their wicked grins and bloodshot eyes closing in on him from all sides. He could feel the weight of exhaustion settling in, threatening to slow his movements.

Summoning his last reserves of strength, Chris unleashed a powerful gust of wind, creating a temporary barrier that sent the goblins tumbling backwards. 

Chris made sure he took any opportunity that came his way and killed all the goblins he could kill as they were precious primordial record bags at this point.

After doing all that he had to do, Chris took a moment to catch his breath, knowing that the final floor awaited him.

He didn't know what to expect from the fourth floor and whether it was the deepest floor in this dungeon but he made sure to rise his guard for any unexpected event that could suddenly happen.

As he ascended to the fourth t floor of the dungeon, the atmosphere grew heavier, laden with a foreboding presence. Shadows danced along the walls, and an eerie silence hung in the air. Chris could sense that something more formidable awaited him.

His senses heightened, and Chris moved cautiously through the dark corridors, his sword at the ready. Suddenly, a hulking figure emerged from the darkness—a goblin chieftain, towering over the rest. Its eyes burned with a malevolent intelligence, and a wickedly curved blade gleamed in its hand.

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