Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 298 A Dragon-Like Man

[Beware that there might be grammatical errors in this chapter due to it not being fully edited but don't worry, it'll be fixed soon. Meanwhile I'm considering whether I should start releasing two chapters per day again. If you want this to happen then let the golden tickets reach a hundred in a small amount of time as this will be very motivating. This is not compulsory since I'll continue to upload regardless of the result. Thanks for reading.]

[Third Person POV],

At some point in Ace and Andrew Dawn's journey, they suddenly noticed that the mana in the air seemed to be gathering towards them and it didn't take long for them to find out what the cause of this was.

It was Andrew Dawn who solely caused the change that was happening to the mana in the air and as for why and how this was happening, Ace and the others figured that all what was happening should be related to the fact that Andrew Dawn's body was currently transforming.

Ace did not tell any one of Andrew Dawn men who were outside the den when they were in it about the transformation of Andrew Dawn as the others could only stare stupidly at Andrew Dawn body that was slowly getting covered in scales of different sizes.

Due to his former experience with Andrew Dawn transformation, Ace did not bother to inform the others about the potential danger of staying close to Andrew Dawn when he transformed and just jumped far away from the group.

While the two who were staring at Andrew Dawn growing scales on his body, the one who was carrying Andrew Dawn at his back couldn't see anything as he felt that Andrew Dawn's body suddenly got way too heavy.

When the saw Ace suddenly jump to another location away from them, they were initially confused but it didn't even take them a second for them to realise the reason behind Ace sudden action as a mana explosion suddenly happened inside Andrew Dawn body that blew everyone who was close to him to another location with a gush of wind.

Fortunately for Andrew Dawn men who were close to him, all that happened from being blown away to different locations were a few small body cuts caused from the impact they got from landing roughly to the ground.

Although their injuries were something to still be bothered about, no one was currently even focused on this as everyone including Ace all stared at the hovering body in front of them that was rapidly turning into something that look a little different from the figure that they were all familiar with.

Ace saw the dragon phantom semblance in Andrew Dawn transformation except this form seems to be much different than before, Andrew Dawn's current appearance to his men was not different to how they thought demons would look.

When Ace and the others were starting to think that all that was currently happening was what was only happening another sudden change happened in Andrew Dawn's body as the two large wings that were metres long suddenly emerged from Andrew Dawn back as they too were also coated with red hard looking scales.

This wasn't the only thing as the horns that Ace had been expecting for a while to appear on Andrew Dawn appeared as well together with a serpent like tail.

"There's not much change at least", Ace muttered as he stared at the large wings that didn't appear on Andrew Dawn's first appearance.

"But what's with this pressure?" Ace muttered as he laid his right hand in his chest in a futile attempt to calm his heart that seemed tombe tightening by the second as the pressure that was emitting from Andrew Dawn got more terrifying by the second.

If Andrew Dawn men were to describe the feeling they got and are still feeling from the aura that Andrew Dawn's body was emitting, they would all summarise their words: I'm one word; dread.

Ace was the only one who was still able to calmly observe Andrew Dawn's body which was still hovering in mid air despite the pain he felt in his chest even though he was not close to Andrew Dawn.

Beside Ace feet was blue who was currently down on all its limbs trembling.

Ace did not know why it was behaving like this but he could not divide his attention as he decided to focus on what was more important which was Andrew Dawn.

However it didn't take long for everyone including Ace to question why they hadn't left Andrew Dawn side to a very far distance when they had the chance because at some point when the pressure that Andrew Dawn was emitting reached a certain point that nobody could control their body to move, they could only watch as their body was slowly pressed to the ground as they sank deeper into the earth from the pressure that continued to descend on them.

Ace could feel his bones cracking a d he was sure he wasn't the only one experiencing this as the weakest specie among the group which was blue already had blood oozing out of its body as Ace felt two times the pain he was experiencing due to the connection he shared with the little gryphon and what he was sure about from all this was that the gryphon was experiencing much more than what anyone who continued to sink deeper into the earth was experiencing.

It didn't seem like blue would last any longer which subconsciously gave birth to an emotion in Ace.


He started to subconsciously worry about blue and although his face did not show it, the fact he was not concentrating on Andrew Dawn again but on his tamed beast showed a lot.

Fortunately for everyone, the pressure that poured down on them suddenly disappeared as a large amount of blood suddenly came out of Andrew Dawn's body and coated him entirely.

Ace took a glance at this but he removed his attention immediately and quickly moved towards Blue body and laid his hand on the gryphon chest carefully.

Seeing as the little beast's heartbeat was terrifyingly faint, Ace withdrew several bottles filled with high purity basic health pills and carefully repositioned the gryphon body before turning to slowly feed it the basic health pills as too much would be too dangerous since its body might not be able to handle everything.

This action of Ace even cause Andrew Dawn men who were initially focused on the huge hovering 'blood scaled egg' in the distance to turn their head and look at Ace with different expressions on their face which was understandable given that one of the impressions that Ace first gave to them was that he was cold and seemed to lack many emotions.

Ace didn't even realise that his current actions were quite contradictory to his usual self and just continued what he was doing as he watched as blue state got better.

He only stopped when he saw that his tamed beast had fallen unconscious and was no longer bleeding.

Seeing this, he carried blue in his arms and stood up. After doing this, he turned and finally saw the full appearance of the blood egg in the distance that should have Andrew Dawn in it.

The reason why Ace, including Andrew Dawn's men all found Andrew Dawn's situation resembling an egg is because it looked exactly just like that except that this egg was very big and had scales covering the entire egg together with its colour being blood red.

The entire appearance was too weird and it did not help that the blood egg was also emitting a sound that Ace did not very much want to hear.

It wasn't only him because if the earth mage and the wind mage had been awake, they would recognize that although the current sound was much different that how it sounded in the den, it did not change the fact it still sounded like a heartbeat.

Thankfully the sound did not linger for long as it stopped just when the blood egg started to crack.

Crack. Crack. Crack.

The more the egg continued to emit cracking sounds, the more Ace and the others continued to distance themselves from it.

They did not go too far but they were so spread out from the egg that they were dozens of metres away from it.

When the crack of the egg widened to a particular point, a hand suddenly emerged from it.

Due to their excellent eyesight improved and strengthened from levelling their physique, Ace and the others were able to see this scene clearly as they immediately had their guards up but no one ran away.

None of Andrew Dawn's men ran away because the status of their king needed to be confirmed above anything else and the reason Ace still stayed was because he was purely curious.

Either way, while each side had different reasons for staying, they all subconsciously regarded the owner of the hand as a threat.

Although they already had an idea of who the owner of the hand might be, it still needed to be confirmed and there was no harm in being cautious.

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