Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 286 Defeated

[I want to thank y'all for the support y'all have given me till this day. Alchemist will soon reach 300 chapters which is a number I never thought I'd reach but thanks to you guys, it's happening. For this month, I'm going to try and show this book some much love than I did in the past month and how am I going to do that? Do worry and just read lol]

[Third Person POV],


"What a cockroach-like dragon," Andrew Dawn weakly hissed irritably as he observed the dragon phantom appear to be nothing more than lines of air connected together.

Ace nodded in accord with Andrew Dawn's assertion as soon as he heard it.

Andrew Dawn still spoke weakly to demonstrate his condition, but unlike before, when he had to force himself to utter a few words, he could speak freely now.

Ace was very startled by the pace of healing and began to wonder if Andrew Dawn actually did possess a method of accelerating the healing process in his body.

He never considered Andrew Dawn taking the pills all at once rather than one at a time within a few short breaths in between.

Because sometimes having too much of one thing in one's system can have the opposite impact if one's body is not strong enough, so Ace did not believe most people could and would even take numerous pills at once.

However, since Ace was unaware of Andrew Dawn's action, he paid little attention to Andrew Dawn's quick recovery process and instead focused on the now-barely-existent dragon phantom.

Even though Ace was unsure of the dragon phantom's present combat prowess, he was confident that if he did not die too quickly if the phantom lands an attack on him, even he could kill the dragon phantom with the last few explosives in his storage ring.

It appears that the explode runic explosives were simply more powerful than he expected.

In any case, the fact that everything appeared to be coming to an end was good news, but since nobody knew if another event might appear out of nowhere or even if the fight with the dragon phantom would end if its figure vanished, it was best to wrap up the situation quickly.

Ace shifted to face Andrew Dawn as he pondered this.

Apart from the fact that he was still covered in blood, Andrew Dawn's aura was much weaker than it had been when the fight first started.

Aside from this, Andrew Dawn's red mist was almost nonexistent, making it impossible for someone to mistakenly believe that the mist was still around him if they only gave him a quick look.

Ace had no way of knowing whether Andrew Dawn's men were in the same predicament as Andrew Dawn or if the red mist had entirely vanished from their side because he was not near them.

Ace was more inclined to believe the former because he could still make out that they were still standing and did not appear to be exerting all of their strength to do so. If it had been the berserk pill they had taken, on the other hand, they would have been essentially paralysed and unable to move their bodies.

In any event, Ace opened his mouth to address Andrew Dawn, as his attention was drawn elsewhere.

"Do you think you can still go for a last round Emperor Andrew?" Ace asked as Andrew Dawn turned to him before nodding and just before Ace could ask about what he could do to help, Andrew Dawn vanished from his side as Ace felt a cold soft breeze pass him by as Ace saw a flash of light rapidly approach the phantom location in a second.

Because Andrew Dawn's strength and speed both decreased over time, Ace could still make out the outline of his body as he ran, but even then all he could make out was a flash of light, demonstrating how fast Andrew Dawn was still moving despite his slower pace.

Ace, however, did not consider this and was not at all concerned about it; instead, he focused on the battle between Andrew Dawn and the dragon phantom, which was probably going to be their last confrontation.

The sound that came from their exchange could not be compared to how it first was when everything first began, unlike before where every strike from Andrew Dawn and the dragon phantom could cause mini explosions, but even then, the sound created from their exchange was still loud enough.

What Ace didn't anticipate was for the fight, which he assumed would last a long time, to end quickly as he watched the dragon phantom let out its last roar.


"Did the phantom just get vanquished just like that?" When Ace noticed that the dragon phantom's figure was gone, he murmured.

All that was left of the phantom was its enormous dragon heart, which was gradually shrinking and emitting a weak glow.

"Was it not intended to be risky?" Ace thought, shaking his head quickly as the notion crossed his mind.

Ace corrected himself and shook his head again, "No, this fight was never for once easy.

The battles that had taken place in this pit were not easy because they were largely carried by a single man who took the real battle to himself. He had forgotten that he had only appeared in the final seconds of the fight from when it first began before remembering that he had never been in the fight before and could only contribute at the end. However great his contribution to the later stages of the fight could be, it did not change the fact that this man was the one who carried the real battle.

This man was no other than Andrew Dawn.

Ace sighed and turned to look at Andrew Dawn, remembering the strength he had seen in the man, when the man he was just thinking of abruptly became unsteady on his feet and held the dragon heart, a slightly dim object, in his hand.

"What has changed for him so suddenly?" As Andrew Dawn's step became more erratic with each passing second—apparently even fighting to stand on his own—Ace muttered, a little perplexed.

"Seems like the berserk pill's effect is....." Ace had barely finished his thought before moving when he saw Andrew Dawn collapse.

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