Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 258 Another Issue Arises

[Sorry for the late uploads but please understand that the area I'm in doesn't allow me to write on time due to lack of electricity.. Thanks for reading and please support my new book as well.]

[Third Person POV],

"She's alive!"

Andrew Dawn only needed to hear good news about his daughter, whom he hasn't been able to reach since arriving in the true world, to brighten his mood. However, before he could ask his wife what was really going on, his son barged into the dining room.

"Father! Adara is in the true world!" He spoke loudly as both of his parents turned to face him and made odd facial expressions.

He initially wondered if something was on his face, but when he touched it and felt nothing, he wondered if his parents were unconcerned about his news, but before his thoughts could wander too far, Andrew Dawn's voice brought him back to reality.

"How did you both know Adara is in the true world?" Andrew Dawn inquired, turning to his wife and young son.

When John heard his father ask the question, he finally realised why his parents weren't surprised when he said that his sister was in the true world. Without giving it much thought, John responded at the same moment that his mother did.

They both simultaneously said, ""a contract request,"" which caused them to show a small expression of surprise on their faces, but Andrew Dawn's focus was elsewhere.

Since they both said contact requests, Adara must have tried to get in touch with them, but perhaps they were too busy, as he had been all day, to care about a single notification.

Well, they were indeed truly busy since he wasn't the only one that experienced the busy day.

Andrew Dawn also questioned whether his daughter had been the cause of the notification he had received earlier in the day.

Because Andrew Dawn made sure to have his men both inside and outside have his attendant contact so that his attendant contact could reach him in case of emergency, he dared to disregard his primordial chronicle notification that came from the contact section. He knew it could not have been a danger alert message from his men inside or outside.

This is something he should have thought about and done before today, but it slipped his mind.

As Andrew Dawn considered these thoughts, he called out the primordial chronicle in his head to check the ignored notification and found out it was indeed a contact request from his girl, which he immediately accepted.

He then made his primordial chronicle blue panel visible to his family as they curiously moved closer to see what it was after accepting his daughter's contact request.

Andrew Dawn's wife and son both came closer as he composed a message to send to his daughter with a little hastiness and excitement oozing out of his body.

Since they will soon be able to communicate with their "missing" family member, his family did not differ from him in any way.

Unfortunately for them, they received a particular notification that made it slightly more challenging for them to carry out their plans.

"What?!" A loud roar echoed throughout the settlement.


Meanwhile, at Adara's location, everyone had already set up a makeshift camp around the sandy area near the sea, using whatever they could find.

Although there were already some structures made with earth magic around, Adara still wanted it to be that only when there were enough buildings for everyone would they stop camping in the cold night. Adara's camp tent was also made of wood and leaves.

This was done to stay out of stressful trouble, not out of self-sacrifice or self-pity.

It was even better that they discovered a more effective method for creating the shelter structures than simply leaving it in the hands of the earth mages, and that method was to combine forest woods with earth magic.

Adara was finally able to employ the thousands of idle people who were under her because all that was required was to use earth magic to lay the foundation for the shelter buildings and wood to finish the rest.

This only sped up the process seeing as Adara could already make out the beginnings of civilization by the sea.

What she wasn't aware of was that her line of direction was shaping after her father's decision since this was very similar to the same thing that was going on in the Dawn Empire settlement.

Of course, Andrew Dawn had subjects who were capable of using earth magic, but if he had to wait for the earth mages to construct the settlement on their own, it wouldn't be exaggerating to say that it might take months. Since he couldn't wait that long, he and the majority of other true world rulers were grateful for the approach that utilised everyone's labour.

Adara was contemplating a few things as she gazed up at the night sky when a bell-like sound rang in her head.

Seeing this, she called out the primordial chronicle in her head to see what was going on, and when she discovered that it was a notification that her mother had accepted her contact request, Adara became energised and sat up to properly view the panel in front of her.

Although it wasn't necessary, she nevertheless did it out of excitement. However, before she could send a message to her mother, another notification—this one from her brother—accepted her contact request. It also didn't take long for the notification from her father—accepting her contact request notification—to enter.

This gave Adara great joy, but it was short-lived because when she tried to send a message to the contacts on her contact list the same way she did today and after she had written the message to send to her mother, the cost of sending the message caused someone even as polite and level-headed as Adara to curse aloud.

"F*CK! WHY DON'T YOU STEAL ME RATHER?" Adara yelled in a fit of rage, unconcerned by the many eyes that turned to stare at her.

Her reaction was understandable given the thousands of gold coins she saw needed to send her mother a message.




Two loud roars were heard one after the other in the Dawn Empire settlement, startling many people, but when nothing happened after a few more seconds, they quickly forgot about it and went back to what they were doing.

Every resident of the Dawn Empire settlement was gathering up their belongings as it became darker by the second.

Meanwhile, at Andrew Dawn's residence, a family of three was staring at the blue panel hovering in front of them, their eyes reddened from reading the text on the panel.

[Message cost 13864 Gold Coins. Do you wish to send the message?],

Seeing how many gold coins were needed to send a message made the three of them wonder if their daughter was one of those who ended up on the other side of the true world.

They were aware that the large number of gold coins needed to send the message wasn't the fault of the primordial chronicle because they understood that the number of coins needed to send a message depended on the message's content as well as the recipient's location in relation to the sender.

Their earlier reactions were brought on by the unexpected surprise.

"Now what?" Andrew Dawn and his son turned to face the only woman in the room who had a worried expression on her face when she posed this question, as both father and son had frowns on their faces.

They were able to confirm their daughter's existence at last, but they are now unable to learn anything about her well-being.

The three of them became emotionally unsteady as a result.

For starters, they lacked both the gold coin necessary to send a message and the numerous unneeded items to exchange in for gold coins at the store.

The ring in Andrew Dawn's hand, for instance, could be sold for a lot of gold coins, but if he actually did that, his actions would no longer be considered risky.

For one thing, he didn't know if his daughter was in danger for him to take that risk, and the fact that he didn't even know anything about her wellbeing in the true world made him more conflicted. As Andrew Dawn's face showed more signs of struggle, his son John offered a solution that gave him optimism.

"Why don't we try selling one of those things?" John Dawn said as Andrew Dawn understood what his son was referring to right away.

His wife's facial expression was the complete opposite of his though.

The item John Dawn was referring to was actually one of the things they were able to take from the dungeon where he obtained his dragon heart.

The said item is actually a dragon bone.

A bone from a true dragon.

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