A Stolen Kiss From THE CEO!

Chapter 196 - 196 Jealousy

196 Jealousy

Marissa focused all her attention on her dying husband and children. She was very careful to avoid Ella at every cost. She knew that if her path crossed with that of Ella, all hell will be let loose.

Even when Marissa found out about Rex’s request for Ella to be serving his special tea every morning and evening, she didn’t make a fuss about it in the open due to Rex’s depreciating health.

She feared that Rex would die almost immediately if she involved herself in a catfight with Ella over him. Hence, whenever she was with Rex, she bottled up all her suffocating emotions deep within her heart.

However, in the privacy of her bedroom, Marissa gnashed her teeth in ire and rained invisible fire and brimstone on Ella. She sometimes cried herself to sleep whenever Ella and Marissa spent a longer time in Rex’s room.

On a particular day, when Marissa’s aching heart couldn’t take the torture anymore, she challenged Nana Esther and insisted that she wanted to serve her husband his special tea.

“Why do I feel that my husband is beginning to love his son’s wife more than he loves his actual wife?” Marissa questioned Nana Esther indignantly.

“What is wrong with you, Marissa? Are you insinuating that your sick and dying husband is making a move on his son’s wife?”

Infuriated by Marissa’s accusations, Nana Esther simply gave her Rex’s tea and told her to serve him alone.

“Nana, please I want you to come with me just like you always accompany Ella,” Marissa said pleadingly.


“I know I might sound jealous but Rex is still my husband and I’m supposed to be the one attending to his needs.”

“Hmm...” Nana Esther shook her head as she was at loss for words.

“Please!” Marissa pushed on.

“Fine! As you wish! Just wait here and give me a few minutes to inform Ella not to bother with the duty your husband gave her.”

“But, Nana...”

“No, but!” Nana Esther said icily. She was about to leave the kitchen when Marissa stopped her and apologized.

“Ella can continue with her duty,” Marissa said dryly.

“Please Marissa, you are better than this. You don’t have to be jealous of Ella.” Nana Esther stroked Marissa’s cheeks tenderly. “The day you learn to accept her as your son’s wife, and consequently your daughter, things would turn around for the best in your home.”

After Marissa’s episode with Nana Esther that almost turned ugly, she decided that it was best to avoid talking about Ella completely in Nana Esther’s presence. She didn’t want to piss off Nana Esther again or her dying husband.

Seeing Ella always smiling and laughing with all her children, including the pretentious Yvonne, dampened Marissa’s mood. And the worst part of her frustration was the fact that Yvonne was yet to get anything incriminating on Ella.

Yvonne kept complaining bitterly to her mum that Ella was uptight and usually avoided her. The only information she was successful enough to secure was that Ella has a spare key to Nana Esther’s bedroom.

Yvonne was able to acquire this information when she was eavesdropping on Ivory and Ella’s discussion.

When Yvonne gave this piece of information to her mum, Marissa almost lost it. Because for as long as she could remember, Nana Esther’s bedroom was off-limit to everyone except her favorite grandson, Leon.

“What spell did that witch cast on your Nana?”

Marissa asked Yvonne every time they were together. She would curse and sometimes cry in her quiet moments. But whenever she was in the company of her children, she would pretend that all is well.

Hence, due to Marissa’s calmness, Nana Esther praised her every time she had the chance.

Leon on the other hand did his best to attend to his mother, sisters, and wife’s needs.

He made sure that Ella wasn’t bullied by any member of his family and he also ensured that his mother got the attention she craved.

Whenever Leon left the house with his uncle, he would implore Ivory and Nana Esther to protect his wife from his mum’s rage. He knew that his mum was a ticking time bomb and might explode at any second.

Most times, Leon went out with Maxwell, making final preparation for his father’s departure.

In addition to preparing for Rex’s final exit and cremation, Leon and his uncle were also instructed by Nana Esther to also make preparation for the exit of a dear female friend.

Nana Esther told them that since she would be attending to Rex, she wouldn’t have enough time to go through the cremation ceremony for her dear friend.


All through the next five days, peace and normalcy returned to Nana Esther’s home.

As promised, everyone went about their business without quarreling or fighting.

However, Rex’s health worsened by the minute and no one could tell when he would shut his eyes forever.

As the days went by, he found peace in his family unity, her wife’s love, his Nana’s tenderness, and above all, in Ella’s unconditional kindness and love.

Ella kept tending to him as though he were her biological father and this warmed his heart and soul.

Every night, after Rex had drank his special tea from Ella’s hands, he would bless her and kiss her on her forehead.

Before the end of the fifth day, the bond between Rex and Ella was unbreakable. It was as though their souls were joined together as one.

Nana Esther kept watching the miracle happening between her son and granddaughter-in-law from a distance.

She couldn’t stop herself from beaming every time Rex kissed Ella on the forehead, as a way of thanking her for taking care of him.

She could see that he was imprinting himself into Ella and this brought joy to her soul, knowing that Ella would be the greatest mum alive.

Before Ella’s left Rex’s room that night, Rex told her; “goodbye, and see you soon!”

In a casual response, Ella replied to him, “I will see you tomorrow morning, Dad, with your special tea. Sweet dreams!”

Before Ella left Rex’s bedroom, Nana Esther instructed her that she left her a pink letter in her bedroom. She also told Ella not to read the content of the letter until the following morning. Then she hugged Ella tightly and kissed her forehead before releasing her.

“Okay, Miatisa! I love you!” Ella said happily and left.

When Ella had left the room and shut the door, Nana Esther walked over to her son’s bed and sat by his side. She fondly stroked his hair and kissed him on his cheeks. Her teary eyes glistened like the night sparkling stars as she gazed upon her son.

“You’re almost home, son, and this time, I will guide you all the way.”

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