A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation

Chapter 360: Is It Not A Joy To Have Friends Come From Afar? (4)

Chapter 360: Is It Not A Joy To Have Friends Come From Afar? (4)

Translator: TranslatingNovice

Editors: Z0Rel, BlueMangoAde

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Based on the original structure, a mass-produced version derived from the Nether Crossing Ship.

Commonly referred to as the 'Buk Hyang Fleet,' it is divided into four grade systems.

First grade is the command ship, First Hyang Ship, where the captain resides.

Up to now, three First Hyang Ships have been produced, each 400 zhang (~1300m) long and 70 zhang (~230m) wide. They are directly connected to the power source of the Buk Hyang Fleet, supplying power to the subordinate Second Hyang Ships.

The combat power of the First Hyang Ship ranges from a maximum of Grand Perfection Heavenly Being to a minimum of the early Heavenly Being stage.

Second grade is the Second Hyang Ship, used in full-scale fleet battles.

Up to now, 31 Second Hyang Ships have been produced, each 100 zhang (~330m) long and 10 zhang (~33m) wide.

These ships receive power from the First Hyang Ships and supply it to the subordinate Third Hyang Ships. The combat power of the Second Hyang Ship ranges from a maximum of the early Heavenly Being stage to the minimum of mid Nascent Soul stage.

Third grade is the Third Hyang Ship, created to support the Second Hyang Ship in fleet battles and to command the Fourth Hyang Ship.

Up to now, 322 Third Hyang Ships have been produced, each 60 zhang (200m) long and 7 zhang (~23m) wide. They process power received from the First Hyang Ship and Second Hyang Ship and deliver it to the Fourth Hyang Ship. The combat power of the Third Hyang Ship ranges from a maximum of Grand Perfection Nascent Soul to a minimum of the early Nascent Soul stage.

Lastly, the flower of the Buk Hyang fleet that earned them the nickname 'Invincible Fleet' in the Ancient Force Realm, the Fourth Hyang Ship.

Up to now, 6,027 Fourth Hyang Ships have been produced, each 10 zhang (~33m) long and 15 chi (~5m) wide.

The Fourth Hyang Ships have no set combat power as they are not designed for battle.

However, despite this, the Buk Hyang Fleet is considered the strongest fleet because of the Fourth Hyang Ships.

Excluding the First Hyang Ship, the Second Hyang Ship and Third Hyang Ship exist solely to protect and control the Fourth Hyang Ship.

The Buk Hyang Fleet is not focused on combat power, and even with all 6,383 ships combined, their power only equates to the late Four-Axis stage.

Currently, with only about a third of their fleet, their combat power is roughly at the early to mid Four-Axis stage.

But on the command ship of the Buk Hyang Fleet,

The fleet commander standing at the bow of the First Hyang Ship, a woman in white, looks relaxed.

"First Fleet will be divided into five squadrons of 200 ships each. Seize control of the east, west, south, north, and the airspace of the target area and prepare to create the Sea Circle. The Second Fleet will escort the First Hyang Ship and move slowly towards the target area. One meal's worth of time (~30 minutes) before reaching the target, the Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Squadrons of the Second Fleet will separate and prepare for Sea Turmoil. Only the Sixth and Tenth Squadrons will remain for direct combat preparation."

She quickly enters commands on the semi-transparent scroll floating in front of her, maneuvering the Buk Hyang Fleet.

Following her orders, the 2,000 ships move in perfect unison.

After inputting several commands and issuing orders to the few crew members of the Buk Hyang Fleet, she suddenly glances at the target area.

Towards the location where the monsters of another world have appeared.

'Why is this happening?'

She frowns.

She, who has barely reached the Nascent Soul stage through consuming numerous spiritual elixirs in the Ancient Force Realm, can no longer sense the celestial energy inherent to the Heaven Tribe, losing her foresight and intuition.

However, her gut feeling tells her that something significant will happen if they encounter those monsters.

Thump, thump...

Is it tension or fear?

She feels an unprecedented emotion as she gazes at the sea domain that is beginning to fill with ghostly energy.

I contemplate how to deal with Yuk Yo.

'This has become quite troublesome.'

Had I known this would happen, I would have interrogated Yuk Yo first.

If I had known about Yuk Yo's identity and background, I would have simply thrown her to the Governing Dragon Palace's demon beasts for punishment.

But who could have predicted this turn of events?

When I glare at Yuk Yo with displeasure, she, despite being a koi, breaks out in a cold sweat and tries to change the atmosphere.

"Haha. By the way, Senior. It's embarrassing to ask, but if I offer you the Dragon Form Disguise Method, could you let me go?"


"If I get caught by my father this time, given my father's personality, he will definitely marry me off to that savage pirate captain! I can't let that happen! That man will surely make carp stew out of me!"


She gives a long speech about the cruelty and savagery of Jin Ma-yeol, the pirate captain of the Fighting Ghost Race, but I just click my tongue.

'Her exaggerations are obvious.'

She exaggerates so much that it's clear she's lying.

Cautiously, she asks me.

"I mean, Senior. Aren't you really curious about the Dragon Form Disguise Method? Despite appearances, it's a famous and extraordinary technique derived from Immortal Arts..."

"Immortal Art, huh..."

I am somewhat intrigued by her words.

"Show me the formula."

At my words, Yuk Yo quickly takes out a jade slip and appears to copy the formula before handing it over to me.

As I read the jade slip, I frown.

"What is this? It's only the later half of the formula."

"Hehe, If Senior helps me escape, I'll give you the first half as well. Getting caught by my father again is a bit..."

'So she just doesn't want to marry the pirate captain.'

While observing Yuk Yo, I discover something.

She is afraid of something regarding her father, Yuk Rin.

'Is there something she hasn't told me?'

However, I'm too annoyed to ask what else this troublesome koi had done, so I don't ask further.

"The first half of the Dragon Form Disguise Method involves obtaining the energy of a dragon and then nurturing it to mimic the dragon's form. The latter half covers how to maintain the mimicked form and describes the drawbacks of the Dragon Form Disguise Method."


I carefully read through the second half.

The drawbacks of the Dragon Form Disguise Method are as follows:

Once you transform into a dragon, your original combat power, speed, stamina, and durability decrease, and it takes some time to release the spell and revert back to the original form.

Moreover, if you remain transformed for too long, the personality of the form might erode your mind, leading to the mind becoming unstable.

As I read through the second half of the formula, I feel something strange.

"...Did you use this technique fully knowing what kind of technique it is?'

"Pardon? Isn't it a divine power that allows one to change species?"

"That's correct, but do you understand how the process works?"

"Ah...I didn't fully grasp the process yet as my comprehension is a little low..."

I stroke one of my 19 jaws, my eyes gleaming.

"This is a type of curse."


"A curse that overlays another's form onto your own. Similar to my Yin Soul Ghost Incantation, it seems that one must frequently experience transforming into another being to reach Great Completion in it."

"Uh...are you saying it's not a technique to become a dragon?"

"No, you do become a dragon. There are curses that have permanent effects. Specifically, this Dragon Form Disguise Method seems to refine oneself into a dragon through a curse."


She seems to be enlightened, realizing something significant.

"Th-thank you, Senior!"

Having received a clue from me, she immediately sits in a lotus position, concentrating her consciousness.

Her body starts to radiate a soft light, and her cultivation seems to rise slightly.

I give Yuk Yo a glance before turning my eyes back to the second half of the Dragon Form Disguise Method.

'If this is a curse, can it be reversed like the Yin Soul Ghost Incantation or the Black Blood Tears Flower?'

For some reason, I have a hunch about what may happen if this curse is reversed.


A technique that overlays another's form on your own, weakening you in the process.

If reversed, it would become a technique that 'enhances one's strength while maintaining one's true form'!

I involuntarily become excited and reverse the latter half of the formula of the Dragon Form Disguise Method.

Since the first half, which involves refining and nurturing the dragon's energy, is akin to setting the target, there's no problem reversing it as the target is now 'myself'!


A pale energy emanates from the Dragon Form Disguise Method, sweeping over my body.

I examine myself.

Nothing has changed.

The true form I obtained when reaching the Four-Axis stage.

Currently, my form is that of a Ghost King with 19 heads, obtained from Great Desert to Dead Sea.

'When I reach the Integration stage, this reversed method of the Dragon Form Disguise Method might be quite useful.'

Creating a domain at the Integration stage requires a clear sense of self.

'The enhancement effect of the Dragon Form Disguise Method...doesn't hold much value for me.'

It might help ordinary Heavenly Being or Four-Axis cultivators, but for someone like me who has obtained the Three Great Ultimates, it doesn't bring much enhancement.

At that moment.



A massive light projectile strikes the barrier of the Twilight Domain.

It's an attack equivalent to the Grand Perfection Heavenly Being stage.

"What kind of guests do we have now?"

I chuckle as I stand up from my seat.

Yuk Yo, startled, quickly jumps up and hides inside the Wuji Religious Hall.

I rise up into the air above the Twilight Domain, crossing my arms as I survey my surroundings.

Numerous Four-Axis and Heavenly Being cultivators densely cover the area.

I glance over at Sacred Orchid Island beside the Twilight Domain.

I don't know how, but a formidable expert has sneaked in without anyone noticing.

'An early Integration stage? How troublesome.'

It's someone with exceptional stealth skills.

Although it falls short compared to the Record of Transcending Cultivation and Exhausting Martial Arts that I refined, it's still difficult to detect without focusing intently.

'Yet, judging by its nature, it's not something that can be used organically like the Record of Transcending Cultivation and Exhausting Martial Arts but rather a restricted stealth technique that requires a considerable wait before reuse.'

I quickly send a voice transmission throughout the entire Wuji Religious Order before shouting loudly.

[Who dares to intrude?]

Most of the Four-Axis demon beasts around me flinch just from my appearance.

I move my 19 heads, making cracking sounds as I ignite ghost fire in my 38 eyes.

It's an appearance I genuinely don't like, but it's perfect for intimidating the enemy.

In response to my threat, one of the Four-Axis stage demon beasts step forward and shouts.

[Hand over Princess Yuk Yo, you monster from another world! The Governing Dragon Palace Lord has declared that whoever rescues the princess will marry her and be named heir to Governing Dragon Palace!]



I chuckle at those words, revealing my ghostly energy.

As yin energy surges from my 19 heads, the surrounding sea domain quickly fills with ghostly energy.




Countless cursed dolls emerge from every corner of the Twilight Domain, making rattling noises and shrieking ghostly wails.


The Heaven and Earth spiritual energy twists violently due to my attraction force, causing the entire nearby space to shake as if it will tear apart.

The attraction forces of the Four-Axis stage cultivators are nullified by my power, causing some of them who are flying using attraction force to nearly fall from the sky.

Their faces darken.

They seem to roughly grasp my level of power.

With ghost fire blazing in my 38 eyes, I speak.

[If you wish to die, come at me.]

Upon hearing my words, about 48 Four-Axis stage cultivators hesitate and retreat slowly, while the hundreds of Heavenly Being stage cultivators show signs of panic, contemplating escape.

'Good, I can resolve this peacefully.'

I smile inwardly.

By giving them such a ferocious impression, they are likely to show reluctance and leave.

Of course, I don't know about the hidden early Integration stage cultivator, but dealing with just one of them will not be a problem.

That's what I thought.



A gust of wind blows from afar, and a golden figure appears above the Wuji Religious Hall, standing with hands behind his back.

A black bamboo hat and black martial robes.

And an old saber hanging at his waist.

Finally...an all-too-familiar heart essence.

I stare at the man with blank eyes.


Come to think of it, I had momentarily forgotten.

That he is in this world.

Ignoring the rabble eyeing the Twilight Domain, I leap toward Kim Young-hoon, who landed on the roof of the Wuji Religious Hall.


In my excitement, I fail to control my strength, slightly damaging the roof and raising a cloud of dust.

Smiling broadly, I speak to him.

[It's been a long time, Hyung-nim!]

And then.


He looks at me with a hesitant expression.

"...Do I know you?"


Now that I think about it, it becomes harder to read the heart essence of those who reach First Step Before the Throne due to the compression of heart essence.

Laughing heartily, I say.

[Haha, Hyung-nim. It's me, Seo Eun-hyun.]


Kim Young-hoon glares at me upon hearing that.

"...You're saying you're Seo Eun-hyun? Well, sorry, but since coming to the Ancient Force Realm, I've met quite a few imitators who read others' memories and mimicked them like scum.

[Haha, Hyung-nim. It's really me. I remember everything from when you first guided me when I first joined the department, to the outings, hiking, and the first day we fell into the Head Realm. Even the sparring with your avatar.]


Despite my words, Kim Young-hoon does not erase his suspicious look and asks.

"The Seo Eun-hyun I met last time with my avatar wasn't a lunatic who plucked others' heads and planted their skulls on his shoulders, you know?"

[Oh, Hyung-nim. It's a misunderstanding.]

I laugh heartily and dispel my Ghost King Transformation.

No, I try to.



The Ghost King Transformation does not dissolve.

I am momentarily flustered but soon find the reason.

'Dragon Form Disguise Method!!!'

The curse of the Dragon Form Disguise Method that I reversed to test the technique is covering my body, fixing 'my current appearance.'

It will take some time to dispel the spell.

With a slightly suspicious face, Kim Young-hoon asks.

"To me, it looks like you, a monster of at least the Integration stage, devoured my younger brother and subordinate and is now mimicking him?"

[...Haha. If that's the case, why do you not attack me?]

Kim Young-hoon grins widely.

"To confirm whether you're really Seo Eun-hyun or a monster mimicking him..."


Golden light arises from his saber.

"...There's only one way to find out, after all."

His eyes gleam.

"Come at me. If you're Seo Eun-hyun, we'd spar anyway. If you're a monster that devoured him, I'd have to cut you down regardless."

[...Hah. Fine.]

Yes, meeting him like this is indeed the best.

I draw out the Colorless Glass Sword from my mouth.

'The fight with Hong Su-ryeong. It's been about 700 years.'

During the fight with her, each Colorless Glass Sword was at the level of a mid-grade magic artifact.

In the centuries that followed, the Colorless Glass Sword was slowly refined in my Dan Fire.

In 100 years, it evolved from a mid-grade magic artifact to a high-grade magic artifact.

In another 100 years, it progressed from a high-grade magic artifact to a top-grade magic artifact.

After another 100 years, it finally became a dharma treasure at the Core Formation level!

In the 200 years following that, it advanced from a Core Formation level dharma treasure to a dharma treasure of Grand Perfection Core Formation level.

That was the state of every Colorless Glass Sword at the end of the last cycle, and after 230 years of refinement in this cycle,

Finally, each and every one of my Colorless Glass Swords have become dharma treasures at the Nascent Soul level.


The Colorless Glass Swords vibrate.


Three thousand Colorless Glass Swords merge into groups of ten in the air.

Three thousand becomes three hundred.

The dharma treasures at the Nascent Soul level then becomes dharma treasures at the Grand Perfection Nascent Soul level.

Three hundred becomes thirty.

The dharma treasures at the Grand Perfection Nascent Soul level then becomes dharma treasures at the Heavenly Being level.

Thirty became three.

The dharma treasures at the Heavenly Being level then becomes dharma treasures at the Grand Perfection Heavenly Being level.

Finally, three merge into one, revealing the final form of the Colorless Glass Sword.

The form of All-Heavens is displayed.


The dharma treasures at the Grand Perfection Heavenly Being level have risen to the level of an out-of-standard dharma treasure used by Four-Axis stage cultivators.

My glass sword, refined for thousands of years in Dan Fire, is now at the level of an out-of-standard dharma treasure in terms of pure strength and inherent sharpness, even without activating its dharma treasure functions.

[Compared to my weapon, isn't that saber of yours too poor?]

Regardless of how equal the martial arts skills are, it's common for differences to arise due to the quality of the weapons.

No matter what, I think that a single old iron saber is just too weak compared to an out-of-standard dharma treasure.

Yet, Kim Young-hoon, without showing any tension, places his hand on his old saber while looking at my sword.


Seeing him, my eyes light up.

[It isn't just a simple saber.]

"In the Ancient Force Realm, there are so many treasures lying around in the sea that I picked up a hobby."

Spatial waves emanate from his old saber, and the saber begins to emit light.

Simultaneously, around him and me.

Above the roof of the Wuji Religious Hall, dozens to hundreds of sabers and swords are embedded.

What he holds is a storage artifact in the form of a saber.

"These are the infamous devil swords (魔劍) and demon sabers (妖刀) of the Ancient Force Realm. They are some of my cherished collections. Let me ask you in return."


Golden radiance flashes in his eyes.

I let out a hollow laugh as I sense the demonic energy, devilish energy, and ghostly energy from the surroundings.

The blade intent of these wicked swords and sabers are all connected to Kim Young-hoon.

He has successfully dominated all these sinister demonic blades.

"Against these infamous swords and sabers of the Ancient Force Realm, are you confident with just that single ordinary-looking sword?"

I just grin.

[Well then.]


I step forward.

Now, no more words are unnecessary.

Kim Young-hoon and I clash, and in that instant, the Four-Axis stage cultivators who have been hesitating all charge towards the Twilight Domain.

Heuk Gin, a demon cultivator of the Wi Jeong Sea Domain, bares his pointed teeth and charges towards the Twilight Domain.

The cursed dolls try to block him, but it's useless.

"Hahaha! You wicked beings! Hand over your treasures and glory to this elder!"

And as he breaks through the barrier of the Twilight Domain and enters inside.


He is flung away by a massive figure.

"Kugh, who dares?!"

Then, he sees a single being.

A giant god with starlight emanating from its entire body.

The giant god raises a purple aura from its body and roars.

[No one shall set foot inside here!]

Oh Hyun-seok, the Soul Extinguishing Ghost King of the Wuji Religious Order, leads the 13 Guardian Ghost Kings to defend the Twilight Domain.

The Right Law Protector and the Guardian Ghost Kings clash with the Heavenly Being and Four-Axis stage cultivators targeting the Twilight Domain.

The early Integration stage Grand Cultivator hiding in Sacred Orchid Island.

Jin Ma-yeol emerges from his hiding and enters the Twilight Domain.

He searches for Yuk Yo with a fishy smile on his face.

'While those maggot fools stall for time, I'll find Yuk Yo and the hostages and take them away.'

He flies towards the place where he felt Yuk Yo's presence.

"Is it here?"


He finds a building and immediately distorts and tears apart the space surrounding it.

Inside the building, a trembling Yuk Yo and a somewhat haggard-looking man who is gently caressing a fried hand are present.

"Here you are, princess. Let's go together."

Ignoring the haggard-looking man, he approaches Yuk Yo.

But in the next moment.


Jin Ma-yeol steps back in shock.

'Wh-what was that just now?'

He suddenly saw a vision of his entire body being fried.

Jin Ma-yeol locks eyes with the haggard-looking man, whom he suspects had sent the vision.

"So, you're the one protecting the hostages?"

Then, the man who is tenderly caressing the hand suddenly contorts his face into a malevolent evil spirit.

"Are you...the one who interrupted my time with [So-hae]?"


"You bastard...I'll fry you to death, leaving only your hands...!"

Thus, Jin Ma-yeol collides with the Chief Law Protector of the Wuji Religious Order.

Six Extremes Ghost King Jeon Myeong-hoon clashes with him.

Guardian Law Protector Hong Fan and Left Law Protector Kim Yeon are monitoring the barrier and observing the situation throughout the entire Twilight Domain from the basement of the Wuji Religious Hall.

At that moment, Hong Fan looks up at the sky.

"What!? What is this!?"

"Please stay here for a moment, Hong Fan."

With a serious expression, Kim Yeon exits the underground of the Wuji Religious Hall.


The sky is changing.

'What...is that...!?'

Kim Yeon's expression darkens.

It's exactly as it seems.

The four directions and the sky above the Twilight Domain.

Hundreds of ships are forming a barrier, pulling in the [sea] and enveloping the surroundings.

'Isn't this seawater said to be a kind of dimension?'

Recalling information regarding the Ancient Force Realm, Kim Yeon bites her lip.

Because of those ships, the Twilight Domain is trapped like a soap bubble due the sea, which is akin to a dimensional canopy.

Kim Yeon sends a voice transmission to Hong Fan.

[Hong Fan, please take care of managing and protecting the Twilight Domain. I will go and destroy that barrier.]

She knows instinctively.

If that barrier is completed, something big will happen.

With that, Kim Yeon leaps into the sky, reaching out towards the dimensional barrier.

And at that moment,


She squints against the beam of light that came from somewhere.

"Who is it!"


She sees a massive warship entering the interior of this dimensional soap bubble.

The cannons of the warship are aimed at Kim Yeon.

She immediately realizes.

'The owner of that warship!'

The owner of that warship is the one who created this barrier.


With a burst of pink light, Kim Yeon flies towards the hundreds of ships.

'I must subdue that person!'


Her figure stands before the fleet, blocking their advance.

On the command ship of the fleet,

In the command room of the First Hyang Ship, the fleet commander, Buk Hyang-hwa,

And the Left Law Protector of the Wuji Religious Order, Kim Yeon,

Their gazes collide in midair.


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