A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 122: Farewell

Chapter 122: Farewell

Explain what youre going to do beforehand!

Sierra was leading me down the royal corridor, Id asked for an audience with the king and it seemed that he had granted me permission quite easily. As expected of Patricks father.

So, can you explain what this is about?

Nothing that important, I just had a little chat with the leader of the empire.


When I said that both Toa and Sierra opened their eyes wide in surprise. They looked stunned.

Talked.with the emperor?

Yeah, he was kind of annoying.

I could destroy the empire one sidedly but the Beast nation is still being controlled and it seemed like those who had been taken away were placed into an army of their own. But that doesnt explain how they are controlling the beast nation. I feel like there are big pieces still missing which is why I cant just go ahead and destroy the empire.

Most of the information I had was given to me by Francesca in exchange for information about the summoned heros. They also promised to keep their source confidential.

Whats going on?

Its just like I said, I talked to the emperor.

Well, you dont seem to be lying at the very least.

Sierra looked skeptical but she still seemed to believe me.

I see, so thats what it was.

Toa seemed convinced. Is it not weird to talk to someone from this distance? Its not like phones exist here.

In fact I had to use the black ring that Id shoved inside the witch in order to possess her. The gold rings that I gave to my companions are special. But the black rings are made to work telepathically with my mask. In other words I knew when she arrived at the empire and was able to trace her through the connection to possess her.

Ill talk about it more in depth during the meeting if I get a chance.

We had finally arrived at the throne hall.

Arnold greeted me with a smile although his expression looked a little sick. Is it the effects of the war?

Its been a long time Nito.

It has.

Hows school? Is it fun?

Yeah, Ive been hanging out with Patrick a bit.

Arnold laughed happily when I said that.

Hahahaha, I see I see. So youve been acquainted with my son then! Good.

Wouldnt it have been better to tell your son about me beforehand though?

Haha! Wheres the fun in that? If Id told him he wouldnt have been able to leave the hero of his country alone. Besides I wanted to see how my son, the future king, would act in front of the hero.

When Id first met Patrick he was exactly like I used to be. He was unconfident and negative, but there was one difference between us. Patrick had never stopped looking for power, it wasnt until I came to this world that Id wanted power.

By the way, what did you come here for today?

Its about Sierra. She wants to stop traveling with us and stay here, as king what is your opinion on this matter?

Arnold looked annoyed and didnt reply, it seemed like he hadnt yet come up with an answer to this.

Sierra what do you intend to do? It was Hildas wish that you accompany Nito. Since the first attack her feelings grew stronger and she pleaded with me to allow you to go. She was prepared from the beginning.

Prepared for death you mean?

Sierra was sad and angry.

Not death, of course the second attack came much quicker than any of us had thought. But thats not what you should be thinking about. The only thing for you to consider is Hildas wishes for you. She wished for you to be happy, thats the only thing you should be thinking about. But I wont say anything more, the rest is up to you.

Sierra bowed.

The king said nothing else.

I understand, next. Arnold, do you plan to fight a war with the empire?

Im against a war but the knights, including Reinhardt and Sierra want a war.

I see, and what is the Empires goal?

Ill just ask what I want to know for now and then return home.

I dont know. Thats why I think we shouldnt go to war, you shouldnt go and fight without knowing anything about your enemy.

I see, in other words everyone besides the king wanted a war, and from the emperor all I got was that he was looking for Dragons heart. With that in mind it seems like the empires goal is slightly different. I wonder what the real purpose behind this war is?

Nito, you mentioned earlier that you spoke with the emperor. What did he say?

What! The emperor!? Seriously!?

Arnold could not believe what Sierra had just said.

Yeah we just had a quick chat. I tried to investigate a few things but in the end I didnt know what I was looking for.

I..seethat is unfortunate.

I first need to go to the beast country and investigate things myself. I can kill two birds with one stone, I can question the black dragon and then ask the beast country about Oliver Joe as well.

Should I also talk to Arnold about Oliver Joe? But how would I explain that? His body is dead but hes still alive? That wouldnt make any sense to him, its better to wait.

Thats all for now, Im going to be continuing with my journey.

I gave a small bow.

Ok, take care of Patrick for me.

No, he will be fine with out me. He was a little unreliable at first but now.

Patrick has gained his own strength and his own confidence. He no longer needs me. At that Arnold just smiled and said I see before allowing us to leave the throne room.

Sierra, we probably wont see you for a while after this. Were students now but once thats over with well be continuing on with our journey.

I told Sierra this at the front gate.

Sierra? Youre not coming with Nem?

Nem looked sad.

Nem, I have things that I have to do. Take care of Masamune for me..er.Nito.


Nems tail was drooping.

Princess Sufilia, youll watch over Nito right?

You can relax. I will protect Lord Nito til the end, even if it costs me my life.

I had no idea what she was talking about but Sufilia replied with her usual smirk.

Its ok, Nito?


Sierra called out to me while I was thinking.

I know who she is because we visited Artemias but, it doesnt seem like Sufilia has appeared in the public very often. I dont think its necessary to be worried about her identity being revealed just from her face.

I see

Toa, Nito please.

What is Sierra asking for? She looked directly at me.

I didnt say it but my thoughts havent changed.


You have power, so you have to be more conscious of other people.

She was staring straight into my eyes and I gave the same reply I gave the first time.

Sierra? I have no regrets. That is important to me, I know that now more than ever. If you have something you regret, its better to kill it.

I have no regrets.

Sierra didnt seem to understand what I was saying either.

Are you going to explain whats going on with your left eye?

Its not a big deal. You can just think of it as a sign that Im honest. When it appears it means Im not lying.

I see.

See you, Sierra.

I turned my back on Sierra. Without saying anything else I walked away followed by Nem, Sufilia and Toa. Im sorry Hilda, should I take her by force?

The battlefield is nothing but a graveyard. Is she prepared for death?

Sierra, just in case would you like a ring? Its telepathic.

I looked back and asked but her answer was immediate.

No, dont worry about me Nito. This is the path I have chosen.

It was Sierra who Id met first after exiting the dungeon, ignoring Seig of course. Shed taken me to the guild and even let me stay in her home.

I see

I wore a mask so she couldnt see my expression but, I wanted to enjoy life as a student along side Sierra. We all did. What is the point of power if Im so helpless in this moment?


Nem grabbed the hem of my shirt and looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

Its ok, dont worry.

But, it wont matter what I say to Sierra, it wont change anything.

Sierra, Im on your side.

I said that and then kept walking away. This is all because of the empire. If the empire didnt exist nothing like this would have happened. Everything would have been fine.

I already know how to kill people, but what I dont know, is how to get revenge.

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