A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 121: Uranus

Chapter 121: Uranus

Hounds possession

This is what Nito got after inversing Madam Frans necromancy, it allows your spirit to invade and possess a living body, controlling it.


Uranus glared at Ivan, the palms that gripped his arm rests were extremely sweaty. Meanwhile Nito looked around and found someone looking at him from the shadow of a pillar.

Youre Raj right? Its been a while since you ran away, I assume youre the reason that those thugs hurt my friend?

Hiii! I, Im sorry!

Raj hid completely behind the pillar.

Huh? Whats wrong? Youre completely different from beforeoh? Are you scared of me?

Nito smiled.

Shall I kill you at least before I go home? What do you think?

He said it playfully but Raj was shaking at those words and wept silently hidden behind the pillar. This was the first time those there were meeting Nito, they didnt know the horror.

At that Time Gazel appeared behind Nito.

Ill be taking this little mouses head.

Then he swung a sword that emitted purple waves at Nitos neck.

Didnt you discipline him? Emporer

The sword stopped mid-swing.


Gazel struggled to move the sword that was frozen in place but it was held fast by Nitos skill telekinesis.

I just came to talk.

Uranus looked at Gazel, and then again at Masamune who was waiting patiently for him to speak.

Put away your sword, Im going to talk with him.

Nito grinned at him.

As expected of the Emperor, you understand.

Your highness! I shall kill him?

However Jade suddenly shouted out causing Masamune to look over at him.

Oh, your magical power is different from the others. In fact its very similar to Rajs. Why?

I am Jade of Hecatoncheire the shield that protects his highness!

Although generally known as Kings shield its correct name is Hecatoncheire.

I see, so another country has fallen then?

Stand down Jade, I said I would speak with him.

Jade quietly let go of his sword at the emperors words.

What in the world are you guys thinking? Sending spies to destroy countries? What do you do with them?

Thats what you want to talk about?

Thats just the tip of the iceberg, I want to hear all about this plan youve spent so much time setting up.

Uranuss expression didnt change when he heard that.

Other countries are aware of it? That there is a war coming

Thats enough for now. All you need to understand is that there will be conflict in our world. The more ambiguous the reason, the more anxiety it causes.

Nito sighed and changed the topic.

Why are you targeting me? Is it because I stopped that attack? Arent I just an adventurer?

Uranus answered without hesitation.

No, I had no intention of destroying that country to begin with. The reason I targeted you was because even though I didnt know who you were I thought you would get in the way of my plan.

I see, then let me tell you. As of now, i have no intention of dealing with your empire.

As of now? fufufu, are you kidding me?

Im completely serious. But if you come after me or my companions again, you will meet the same fate that Greyberg did.


Uranus felt uncomfortable at those words, why was Greyberg mentioned? Nito said it without thinking even though he shouldnt have, its was a testament to his arrogance.

Youre.dragons heart?

Uranuss eyes changed after that, it was as though he was looking at prey. Nito pretended to be calm but he was angry at himself for the slip of the tongue and his anger at himself manifested into his left eye turning it red.

That eyethe fools eye?

Oh, you know it?

I see, Nito is of the abyss. No wonder Raj couldnt defeat you.

Uranus sighed and sat back in his throne.

I see, Im gradually starting to understand you.

Because he was the emperor Uranus was very analytical, he could understand someone through brief conversation.

I dont care what you think, however stop interfering with me. Otherwise I will not only destroy this country, I will erase this entire castle.

Exactly like Greyberg?

Then Uranus leaned forward.

Hows the black dragon? Is Kagetra still alive?


Nito stood still with his eyes wide open in astonishment. His mind was racing, it was too late to appear completely calm but he did his best to seem as calm as possible.

Why do you know that name?

Nito kept his eyes on the emperor pondering his own thoughts.

Hahahaha! Did that upset you Nito?

Nito was still inexperienced in these types of exchanges, however Uranus was not. He deliberately raised his voice to shake the heart of his opponent.

Hahahahaha! I see, so the identity of Nito is someone of the abyss and part of dragons heart! Hahahahaha!

This was a mistake caused by Nitos arrogance, he believed he was the strongest here but he was not in terms of mind and spirit.

I am not part of Dragons heart.

Hahahahaha! I see, then why did you react as if you were?

Uranus spoke as if ridiculing Nito.


The smile disappeared from Uranuss face as he said that.


Thats what I said, am I wrong?

Nitos expression changed drastically.

Im going to destroy this country right now! Thats okay right!?

Nito fell for the emporers plan and lost his composure.

Do what you like. But does that mean that you admit that youre just a child at mercy to my words?

Nito had come to believe that he was the strongest in everything through the power that hed gained. But losing in the battle of wits he realized that he had been wrong and was hesitant to kill them.

Why did you come here? What did you come to talk about?

Uranus asked casually and Nito did his best to surpress his anger.

Is it true that you control the beast country?

Nito managed to remain calm and continue talking.

Uranus looked at him stroking his chin.

Oh? Where did you hear that? It shouldnt be public information.

Answer me! Is it true?

Uranus smiled.

Cant you tell by looking? The empire was revived through the power of the beastmen.

What would you do if I told you to release them?

Nito was annoyed by the tone of Uranuss voice.

Its not possible is it?

Uranus stood up and instructed the leaders and doctors to leave. All that remained there was Uranus, Raj, and Jade, as well as the kings guards who stood unmoving.

It doesnt matter if you are part of dragons heart or not. But you are at least a little involved in something else.

Then Nito was once again surprised by what came out of Uranuss mouth.

The dragon killer Kagetra, Zephyr, the snake king Shawn, the crazy Adolf, and the bewitching Khalifa. Are you familiar with these names?


Nito couldnt hide his surprise and Uranus smiled as if hed seen through him. It wasnt the same smile as before but a purer one.

Who is this guy, why does he know that?

They had disappeared hundreds of years ago, Nito could barely keep up, why did the emporer know so much?

I see, so you do know them.

Uranus seemed convinced. Nito couldnt even speak anymore, he had never put so much emphasis on information before.

He wanted to ask why the emporer knew those names but that would be the same as admitting it. He didnt know what to say next, but the emporer began to talk again.

One day Dragons heart was erased from this world. I searched for them day after day but I couldnt find any trace of them. The one day a completely different dragons heart appeared in the world, but I couldnt even find thst organization either.

Uranus was resentful.

I was convinced that all but one were superhuman and that they were still alive somewhere in this world. But it was just speculation, I couldnt find the truth anywhere.

Uranus looked impatient, he was practically drooling he wanted the information so badly.

Nito, what is it that you know.

His tone was calm but he was glaring.

Answer me! Where are they!?

Why was Uranus so desperate? Nito didnt know but he had a clue. Hundreds of years ago it was Dragons heart that destroyed the empire, but now it had come back under the same name. And the fact that they wanted to find dragons heart.

Your aim.is Dragons heart?

But he still didnt know the reason, why was the empire sending spies to other countries? Was it not to start a war?

Answer me! Where are they! Are they still alive? Or

I have no intention of answering your question.

Nito cut the emporer off. When he did Uranus was slowly able to regain his composure.

Dragons heart is a relic of the past. But it still exists today. Why is that? The group should be different from the past, of course. However, there is no doubt that it knows the history that has been erased. Kagetora or someone else I dont know. No matter how much I think about it, I dont know. However, at one point, I came up with a hypothesis and that overlaps with our purpose!

Uranus was grinning.

Nito, what is it that you know? What is dragons heart? Whos part of it?

Uranuss eyes didnt seem to be looking at Nito but instead trying to stare into his mind.

Nito pretended to be calm as he answered.

If you dont release the beastmen, then I will change the way I do things as well.

Nito ignored Uranuss question entirely.

Can I take that as a declaration of war?

Relax, I wont do anything for now. But stop sending thugs after me. Youre just creating more corpses.

Why are you so interested in the beastmen?

Ivans body began to glow redish black again.

Becauae, I dont want to destroy my world.

After a moment of confusion Uranus responded as though he had convinced himself again.

I see, so youre crazy too.

Nito didnt understand what he meant.

What do you have in the beast country?

If the beastmen were the core of the empire it didnt make sense to Nito that they were being controlled.

Im the one asking questions! Answer mine first!

Didnt I say I didnt feel like it? Now answer mine.

Then were done talking, leave. I dont have time to play around with children, Im busy.

Nito sighed.

I see I said it before but, Im talking.

Do what you want. Dont say what you dont want to, thats very adventurer-esk of you. But an ant like you is nothing to the empire.

Since were done talking Ill be returning home.

Hahahaha! Isnt it rude for someone to just appear and ask questions one sidedly?! Thats why youre a child!

Ill advise you one more time.

Uranuss expression doesnt change.

Dont pollute my world, human.

Once he said that Ivans body swelled and burst.

Hahahahaha! Dont pollute my world. The arrogance of an immature child! Dont worry Raj, his eye isnt something to be alarmed about.

Uranus laughed loudly.

Of course even I couldnt feel his magic power, so hes probably of the abyss. We just got a sneak peek. Hahahahaha!

Uranus let out an eary laugh.


Jade and Raj were confused.


But Uranuss hands were sweating. He had ridiculed Nito as a child but only Uranus knew the meaning behind it.

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