A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 852 Black Widow Spider

Chapter 852 Black Widow Spider

Archer and Nala left the area of the first bank before targeting the remaining three. As the city was in chaos, the couple stood outside their second target, eyeing it with greedy eyes as the city around them was lit like a Christmas tree, thanks to the mana alarms blaring in the distance.

He noticed hundreds of soldiers rushing around, looking for the thieves who were about to rob another. Once done with their preparations, the couple ran into and dealt with the guards as Archer sucked up every vault full of treasure using his strength and magic.

The two cleared that; they moved on to the remaining ones and robbed the church blind before returning to the tent. On their way back, the couple made love a few times, causing Nala to become tired and forcing Archer to carry her back.

When they approached the campsite, Archer noticed it was empty except for their tent. Confused, he entered their tent to find Lucrezia relaxing on a sofa while eating meat. As the mosasaur girl spotted them, she smiled and jumped up, greeting them, ''Hello, you two. How was the shopping?''

He chuckled, ''It was fruitful. My Item Box contains uncountable treasures, and the Church of Light is in chaos.''

Nala agreed with a nod before Lucrezia explained, ''Natalia came to the tent and said that the caravan was headed for the city and suggested we meet them there.''

Archer shrugged, ''What did you say about us two?''

''That you were having sex,'' the mosasaur girl responded. ''Her face went bright red, but she wished us well before leaving.''

He laughed while pulling out some cooked meat and gave it to the two girls before relaxing. Archer used Mana Manipulation to set alarms around their camp to alert them to intruders sneaking up on them.

The three started to relax as Archer fell asleep, but he woke up in the middle of the night. He opened his eyes only to spot Nala moving her hips in a circular motion, causing a wave of pleasure to wash over him.

He soon joined in, and the two made love into the early hours until falling asleep on the comfortable sofa. Archer was woken up by the mana alarms, which caused him to use Aura Detector to scan the people.

Archer soon discovered that one hundred soldiers were causing him to warn the girls who activated their disguises. Thanks to intelligent thinking, the rings looked like wedding bands. After that, he walked out in only a pair of pants, which would throw them off.

A warm breeze washed over him when the morning sun hit his skin. Archer noticed a man in fancy-looking knight armor. He saw the man was confused but spoke, ''Hello traveler, I'm Rico, commander of the Lumina Sancta Guard; we are searching for two dangerous criminals who were spotted fleeing through this area.''

When Archer heard the man, he nodded while feigning, ''We haven't seen anyone since Lady Natalia Volkovitch left for the city after the chaos erupted.''

He watched Rico's eyes widen, ''Was the Lady here? What were you doing with her?''

''She hired us to escort her to Celestia City due to her guards being attacked by the Swarm,'' Archer explained.

The commander nodded, ''Do you mind if we stick around until we get confirmation?''

''How will you do that? She's already gone,'' Archer replied.

Rico turned to another man and ordered, ''Send a rider to find the lady so we can confirm this young man's story.''

''Yes Sir,'' the soldier replied.

After that, Nala and Lucrezia walked in their disguises, shocking the commander even more. The commander looked disappointed but asked, ''Ladies, I have to ask this, but was your husband with you all night?''

Both girls nodded as Nala answered, ''Yes, we were preoccupied last night; Mother gave me some elven medicine that helps with pregnancy.''

The lioness looked at Lucrezia with fake hate as she continued, ''This cat managed to get pregnant already and is expecting her kittens soon.''

Lucrezia looked at her with narrowed eyes but soon smirked, ''Bubbles! You will be able to have a baby soon, and it's not my fault that cats are more fertile.''

Archer started laughing as Rico looked uncomfortable before speaking, ''We will wait for the rider, young master,'' he bowed. ''Sorry for disturbing you.''

He dismissed them with a wave before retreating to the tent. Moments later, the two girls entered, their laughter filling the space. After a ten-minute wait, they set off towards the next city.

As they arrived, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows on the ground. Nala, weary from the journey, asked, "Why are we walking so much? Can't we fly?"

Gazing at the city before them, Archer replied with a smile, "I like seeing the world, my lioness.''

The trio approached the city in disguise and entered without a problem until they reached the bank. An unknown magic revealed their true selves; when the guards saw Archer, they sounded the alarm, causing him to rush forward.

He took out many guards, followed by Lucrezia and Nala who took out many of the guards but Archer realized there were too many; with that in mind, he turned to the Mosasaur girl and spoke, ''Get Nala out of here, meet me back in Aquaria. I will rob them myself, and I'm not risking you two for any amount of wealth.''

Lucrezia nodded before scooping the lioness up and soaring into the sky. They vanished, leaving Archer alone. A Church Paladin appeared and sneered, ''Fail creature. Return what you've stolen from the god of light.''

Archer started laughing before taking a deep breath and letting out a stream of violet dragon fire that splashed on the commander, burning him to ashes. While that happened, he rushed into the back and bulldozed through the vaults using brute strength.

He did the same thing with every bank in the new city before feeling the presence of someone stronger. Archer didn't want any of the church Demi-God's wealth, so after storing it, he fled back to Aquaria.

The Novgorod and Church of Lights Demi-Gods arrived shortly after he fled, but they chased after him. Archer quickly reached southern Pluoria, where Brooke and Agrippina intercepted the enemy.

When Archer saw the two women, a big smile appeared, and he kissed both of them before heading for the legion base. The two Pseudo-gods quickly annihilated the enemy as the Demi-

Gods didn't stand a chance.


[The Pope's POV]

Pope Jeremiah was sitting in his office when the first reports started trickling in about their banks being stripped clean of all wealth, which angered him. But when he learned that the culprit was none other than the White Dragon Archer, he lost his temper.

The aids fled the room when Jeremiah flipped the desk while mumbling, ''Damn dragon doesn't give up! He's been stealing off us for months with those fat cats! And now he's targeting our treasure.''

Jeremiah knew what this meant and that the Draconian invasion would have to wait, as the boy had taken enough to dent the empire's coffers. While thinking about that, Emperor Anatoly Volkovitch slammed open the door.

The Novgorodian barked, ''Why have you let him steal from you again, Jeremiah! You know we needed those funds to pay for our war.''

He sighed, ''I know, but I have a way to fix it; we have to invade Avidia and take their wealth before Draconia can be dealt with,'' Jeremiah explained.

''No, we must deal with that lizard before his realm strengthens. They took out dozens of my ships and wiped out an expedition army when they tried to take an island to Draconia's north, but the boy intercepted them,'' Anatoly replied, sitting down.

Jeremiah nodded, ''That bandit isn't a king; he's a hooligan; he emptied eight banks of everything. We need a new way of storing our wealth before the dragon steals it all again.''

Anatoly agreed but changed the subject, ''Have you spoken to that woman anymore?''

''No, she hasn't shown herself since giving us the poison to deal with the boy,'' Jeremiah revealed. ''But any chance we've had to use it, he flees just in time.''

''How about we get a beautiful woman to attack him?'' I heard he is a lecherous playboy.'' Anatoly suggested.

Jeremiah nodded, ''I could use my granddaughter Sofia, she's a skilled assassin, or your daughter Yevdokiya.''

''No, we won't use the girls,'' the emperor rejected the idea. ''He will charm the two of them even if Yevdokiya hates him.''

''Unfortunately, you're correct,'' Jeremiah spoke as his advisor rushed into the room with a pale face.

When seeing his advisor, Jeremiah snapped, ''What is wrong, Steven?''

''The three Demi-Gods that were chasing the boy have been killed,'' the nervous man revealed. ''Their Lifestones went dark.''

''What?'' Anatoly said in shock.

Jeremiah didn't know how to react but mumbled, ''Does he have protection? This could be bad.''

While that happened, his wife Natalia walked into the room with a smile on her pretty face as she greeted the emperor: ''Hello Anatoly, how is Anastassia? Is she still studying her books?''

''Yes Nat, I can't get her out the lab, but that's not helped when mother always shoos me away like a lost puppy,'' Anatoly replied with a fed-up expression.

Natalia giggled, ''Cathrine is very intense; I feel sorry for any man she sets her sight on.''

''What?'' Anatoly looked confused. ''That woman used my father to have children and got an heir before she killed him; I could swear she was a Black Widow Spider at times.''

Jeremiah looked horrified but Natalia smiled, ''Who knows little Anatoly?''

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