A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 825 Got A Problem Aquarian

Chapter 825 Got A Problem Aquarian

Archer hovered above the broken Northwestern wall, sighing in frustration as he used Mana Manipulation to rebuild it after the soldiers dealt with the ships there, which they were already doing.

Once he finished that, a message from Sera urged him to take action. [Sweetheart! We need your help. The Swarm is advancing faster than anyone expected and has taken all of Teuila's homeland apart from the capital that is going to fall within days]

Hearing this, his heart dropped. Archer quickly messaged Kassandra and Demetra, asking if they could guard the kingdom while he went to Aquaria. They agreed without hesitation, making him happy to have two strong women on his side.

'I have to show those two how much I appriecate their help when things calm down,' Archer mused.

He smiled and sent a message to Aisha and told her to send the 1st Fleet, which would be carrying four legions, to Aquaria as he went ahead by flying there. The dragonkin woman instantly agreed before wishing him well.

After that, Archer was about to dart off when Brooke appeared in front of him, looking a bit flustered but fine. He smiled and was going to speak, but she beat him to it, ''The Swarms Demi Gods are dead. They were tough, but nothing I couldn't handle.''

He flapped his wings to fly toward his Oma and hugged her as a thank you, which surprised the older woman. Brooke melted into his arms with a sigh as she grew to love his presence.

Archer turned his head and kissed her soft, slender neck, causing a shiver to run down her spine. ''Would you like to meet my other woman, Oma? Seeing as you're my lover now, I think they will like you,'' he said, hoping she wouldn't have an issue and become jealous.

Brooke beamed and nodded as she spoke in a love-filled voice, ''Yes, I would love to meet them, but you can't escape that we're going to train tonight. You may end up hating me for the pain you will receive, but I promise it will all be worth it.''

Archer shivered when hearing her words as the memories of her beating him flowed into his mind. But a soft pair of lips against his brought him back to reality as he replied, ''You're doing it to make me stronger, and I won't lie. Since you first beat me, I've felt the difference.''

''Sure you have,'' she said with a beaming smile. ''Now, let's get going.''

He nodded, ''We have to head to the southernmost part of Pluoria, where Teuila and Seraphina are fighting.''

Brooke smiled before taking his hand and vanishing from the spot, only to reappear above a mountain range. As Archer looked around, he felt his pants getting tugged down, causing him to look at her hands wrapping around his cock.

Archer let out a groan as Brooke spoke in a seductive voice while she gently stroked him, ''What is this Dragon Synergy Skill you possess? When you licked me, I felt some of my power seeping into your body, was that it?''

He nodded, ''Yes, Tiamat gave me it to help me power up my girls or get boosts if I make love to a powerful woman.''

As he said that, her smile widened. ''Interesting,'' Brooke leaned forward and spoke. Tonight, we can test it out, but only after you tend to the other two girls, as you've been separated from them for a little while. I can wait, handsome.''

Archer was shocked but shook his head and asked curiously, ''Why are you so comfortable with me? I get that I'm your other half and all that, but what made you discount the incest part of it?''

The older woman giggled before she explained, ''You see, it has never bothered me. During the rule of ancient empires long gone, princes and princesses used to marry their siblings because they could produce strong and powerful children due to their shared heritage and purer blood. It's not uncommon for an aunt to marry her nephew or an uncle to marry his niece if everyone agrees and there are no issues between the families.''

Archer nodded in understanding and decided to ask the last thing that caught his interest when she helped him out in Draconia, "Does this pact allow you to fight the Swarm?"

''Yes, as they threaten the world's stability, the council decided to allow us Peusdo-Gods to intervene and destroy the invaders,'' Brooke explained as she slowly stroked him.

Archer groaned but said, ''We can continue this later, Oma. I want to be dominated by you in bed, but in the meantime, we must help Teuila's homeland.''

Brooke let go of his cock before leaning forward and kissing him, ''Yes, we need to help them as I want to meet my fellow sisters and granddaughter-in-law,'' she said with a smile.

Once that was done, Archer took off and flew toward Aquaria City. However, he noticed the land was teeming with all kinds of horrifying creatures. Without a second thought, he dropped to the ground using Blink.

When Archer appeared in the center of a horde of Ratling, it shocked them, but he used the Savage Fang Skill, which turned him toward his more beastly side. His claws grew and let off a violet glow.

His tail grew vicious-looking barbs just as he hit the monsters and started tearing into them. He ripped apart Ratlings while slicing a Blightborn in half. Archer goes wild as he slaughters the creatures and travels toward the capital of Aquaria.

Archer felt the experience pour into his body but decided to wait to check his status. He wanted his health to improve even more. So, his goal was to kill as many monsters as he could while helping the girls.

While he was doing this, Brooke was peppering the Swarm Giants with fire magic, turning them charcoal black before they collapsed to the ground with a crash. Archer was moving like a breeze as he darted around the battlefield.

It took them a couple of hours of nonstop fighting to reach Aquaria, where they were being besieged by a human army, but something was weird about them. Brooke came to a stop next to him. ''They are corrupted by evil magic,'' she said. ''I heard from the others of my rank that the Dark Gods are gifting the Swarm it.''

''Yes, it happened when they block transportation magic,'' Archer replied. ''Once we get all the girls back to Draconia, we can work on the way to destroy their ritual.''

Brooke beamed, ''I will be there with you as we head to the island it's on.''

Archer looked at her with wide eyes before asking, ''How did you know?''

''It was revealed at the meeting that some of the others tried to approach it, but we were blocked from getting closer due to the Evil God's influence.''

''How will we even get close?'' Archer questioned.

She turned her emerald green eyes toward him, ''Demi-Gods can enter it, but none of the current ones can fight toe to toe with them as the Swarm has an edge over our side.''

A confused expression on his face caused Brooke to laugh as she explained, ''But then there's you, my grandson. Tiamat chose you to fight against the ever-encroaching Swarm.''

Archer nodded in understanding before turning his gaze to the sandstone walls of Aquaria. Without wasting time, he cast thousands of Plasma Missiles using a big chunk of his mana.

The surrounding landscape was lit by a violet glow as Archer sent the projectiles flying toward the enemy army. Explosions rang out as they slammed into the packed ranks of swarm-

tainted soldiers.

He thought it was beautiful. The spell took out a large portion of the enemy army, causing the rest to panic as Archer and Brooke crashed into their ranks. Her fist and his claws turned the battlefield into a butcher's shop.

Body parts flew all over the place, baffling the Aquarians on the walls until Archer used Blink to reappear on them. When they spotted him, the soldiers all knelt.

''The White Dragon Prince has come!''

''Princess and Lady Seraphina said he would.''

He heard the soldier's whispers spread across the wall as Brooke landed with a thud as she spoke, ''It looks just as beautiful as I remember.''

Archer turned to the older woman with a raised eyebrow, ''You have been here before?''

Brooke nodded with a fond smile, ''Yes, the food here is delectable, my grandson,'' she said. ''Maybe we can date once this riff-raff is sorted out?''

He chuckled and agreed, ''Yes, Oma. I will take all three of you on a date, so don't worry.''

When the closest soldier heard this, a strange look appeared on his face, which caught Archers' attention as it looked like disgust. The soldier was a big man, standing seven feet tall and built like a walking tank.

His grey hair and stubble showed he was an older gentleman; Archer guessed he was some commander, so he asked about the expression, ''Got a problem, Aquarian?''

In denial, the man shook his head, but Archer continued, ''I see that look that crossed your face. Tell me your thoughts, or I'll burn you alive.''

When the commander heard this, he gulped and spoke nervously, ''You called this woman Oma? That means grandmother in Aquaria, and you said you were taking her on a date, which means she is your lover?''

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