A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 736 Primordial Titans

Chapter 736 Primordial Titans

Archer scrutinized the large bartender standing before him with a look of confusion across his old face, but it soon changed when his eyes widened in shock. He quickly shushed the man, ''I'm here for a quiet drink,'' he said. ''What do you recommend?''

The bartender chuckled knowingly before nodding, his eyes reflecting a shared understanding of the situation, ''I suggest the White Dragon Rum. Queen Aisha's uncle produces it.''

''Good,'' he replied. ''Bring me some, please.''

He watched the man smile before quickly rushing off to prepare the drink, allowing Archer to people-watch as the patrons filled every nook and cranny. The air was thick with the smell of all kinds of ale and hearty foods.

The inn's wooden beams echoed with laughter and music. All the tables were packed with dragonkin, humans, elves, and demi-humans. Archer was pleased to see this, as people had money to spend, which meant the kingdom was doing well.

Archer noticed a group of miners in the inn's corner composed of humans, dwarves, and orcs pounding their tankards on the table while celebrating the birth of one of their children and the latest haul they got from Dragon's Vein Mine.

Their booming laughter mingled with the cheerful melodies played by a trio of traveling bards near the hearth. As Archer observed the lively group, the bartender approached again, setting a bottle and glass before him. "Here you go. Enjoy your drink, Your Majesty. It's on the house." he whispered with a smile.

''Thank you,'' Archer replied. ''Is it usually this busy?''

When the man heard his question, he chuckled before replying, ''Well, three new mines have recently opened, and rumors of all kinds are floating around speaking of rare metals being found, but the Homeguard locked down the places.''

Archer chuckled softly before uncorking the White Dragon Rum and pouring himself a measure. Raising the glass to his lips, he inhaled deeply, captivated by the strong and alluring aroma that called to him as he tried some.

The warmth of the drink rushed down his throat, leaving a delightful burn. He closed his eyes momentarily, savoring the intense flavor as it danced on his palate. Despite the initial shock, a smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

He continued to enjoy the drink while watching the people relishing their night off from work. While sitting there, his dragon senses started warning him of an incoming attack, forcing him to rush outside to keep the other patrons safe.

When outside, Archer looked around only to feel a fist connect with his jaw, which caused him to get sent flying through Drakonia. He crashed through a few shops as his mind was spinning, and his mysterious attacker reappeared and started punching him again.

But this time, he felt something sinking into his body and realized it was the Dragon Kiss Poison that the Swarm recently had used against him. This angered Archer, causing him to activate the Anti-Swarm Venom skill, which instantly went to work, but he felt it was too slow.

Archer was sent crashing through Drakonia's wall, hurtling into the nearby forest before finally coming to a stop. As he lay in the crater created by his body, he throbbed as the pain shot through him, as blood cascaded down his face as the poison began eating his body.

The agony caused by the Dragon Kiss Poison tore through his body. Archer let out pain-filled screams from his lips as the venom seeped deeper, threatening to overwhelm his organs, but his Regeneration and Anti-Venom staved off collapse.

As the searing headache subsided, crashing sounds nearby caught his attention. Struggling to focus, he spotted two figures standing amidst the wreckage, their green-skinned forms casting an eerie glow in the dim forest.

Archer saw the predatory smiles playing across their lips, sending a shiver down his spine as he felt the power radiating off them. He knew they were stronger than him but had Anti-Magic and other spells to combat them.

The man stood seven feet tall and had short ocean-blue hair. Archer noticed the strange being's eyes were dark green and gleamed with excitement, cruelty, and malice, which sent a shiver down his spine.

When Archer saw the beings, he was confused, as they were dressed in Greek-style clothing. They were also wearing sandals that he had seen in the history books, which further puzzled him, and he wondered where they came from.

He noticed that the two seemed to be waiting for him to recover while speaking in an unknown language he couldn't understand. Shaking his head, Archer stood up and scanned the two beings.


[Primordial Titan]

[Level: 1230]

[Rank: Demi-God]

When Archer saw the man's level and rank, He was shocked because he'd never seen someone so powerful and knew he was about to be defeated. After getting over the shock, he turned toward the woman who had a grin on her face.

She had beautiful hair as dark as the midnight sky, cascading down her back in glossy waves. Archer noticed her skin was a vibrant shade of green that reminded him of fresh leaves in Elderbloom.

Archer had to admit the strange woman's features were strikingly gorgeous. High cheekbones and plump lips framed her face, which curved into an evil grin. The woman's eerie dark green eyes gleamed with an unsettling brightness,looking at him like he was already dead.

Despite her beauty, Archer couldn't figure out what was unnerving about her. Shaking his head, he stood up once he decided to make the first move and started to summon help. He opened a portal to the domain, but the black-haired woman clicked her dainty fingers, causing the magic to cut out.

''You're not fleeing dragon,'' she said sinisterly. ''You will die here.''

After the woman spoke, he scanned her to assess her strength.


[Primordial Titan]

[Level: 1430]

[Rank: Demi-God]

Archer was shocked and resigned himself to fighting the mysterious duo. With that thought, he cast Blink and reappeared in front of the man, who was taken aback but grinned as he attempted to punch him while the woman backed off.

But he quickly cast Eldritch Blast and Azur Cannon into the Primordial man's chest, causing him to stumble back. This allowed Archer to shoot forward and throw a few punches that slammed into his opponent's face.

As his fist connected with the mysterious man's cheek, it felt like punching something solid, causing his hand to break. Archer screamed before using Blink to back off and create some distance.

The two Primordials remained unfazed by his attacks, their smiles unyielding as Archer's panic rose. That's when they finally launched their attack. The woman started chanting, and a ball of volatile mana appeared.

When Archer sensed its pulse, he gulped but knew Anti-Magic would stop, so he started launching Void Blaze, Eldritch Blast, Azur Cannon, and most of his offensive spells that slammed into the duo.

But as the dust settled, he knew it was too late as he saw the woman's attack fly toward him faster than anything he'd ever seen. The chaotic mana slammed against his body, causing pain to wash over his body as the spell was mixed with the same poison, but thanks to his Anti-Magic, most of the damage was negated.

The force sent Archer flying through the air until he smashed into the rugged shores of the Dragonfire River. He was in pain, as some of his scales were cracked and missing due to the nature of the wild mana.

Yet his regeneration surged, knitting his wounds and giving him the strength to rise again, but that's when he spotted the Primordial man approaching him with a menacing grin etched on his face as he wasted no time launching an attack.

Archer tried to defend himself, but the barrage of strikes was so powerful that his scales started cracking under pressure. Soon, his arms broke under the constant onslaught, allowing the Primordial's fist to slam into his cheeks, sending him sprawling backward.

His Anti-Magic ability started to flicker and falter under the Primordial's attack, leaving him vulnerable to the ferocious onslaught. With a mighty blow, the man sent Archer hurtling through the air again, his body spinning uncontrollably as he crashed into the shallow water of Dragon's Cove just north of Stormwatch Port.

Archer felt his body shutting down due to the amount of Dragon Kiss Poison in his system caused by the man's attack. He kept casting Anti-Venom, which helped, but not much because it was low-level.

As Archer attempted to rise, casting the spell repeatedly to stave off the effects of the poison, he glanced up to find the two Primordials looming over him; their faces twisted in amusement.

Their momentary amusement, however, was cut short by the sudden blast of a horn echoing from the west. It dawned on him that a nearby fort lay in that direction, its presence a beacon of potential salvation amidst the chaos.

He looked in the horn's direction and saw a horde of his soldiers rushing toward him. The Outriders rode ahead in a motion blur, charging forward with unstoppable momentum. Their steeds pounded the earth with each stride.

As they got closer, Archer watched them unleash a torrent of magic. A wave of shimmering energy surged from their ranks, crackling with raw power as it hurtled toward the Primordials, which did nothing but distract them.

They persistently launched a barrage of minor spells at the two Primordials while Archer detected a group of Dragon Legionnaires swiftly approaching him. They encircled him with their massive shields while others charged towards the enemy.

Archer watched as successive waves of soldiers collided with the Demi-Gods, who dispatched them effortlessly. Amidst this mess, the cohort commander hurried over to him, administering a health potion before advising, "Your Majesty, you must escape. We'll hold the line and ensure your safe retreat. We have a Demi-God that has made her home here and should be here."

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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