A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 725 Mathias Ashguard

Chapter 725 Mathias Ashguard

''No,'' Archer replied with a smirk. ''I'd make every effort to see you, Miss Innkeeper.''

Mary giggled before posing a question, ''What if I'm not who I appear to be?''

He stared into her blue eyes and sensed no threat coming from the mysterious woman. So he questioned, ''I'm guessing you work for a goddess of some sort who has a hand in the schemes of the world?''

The mature woman chuckled softly as she rose from her seat, leisurely strolling around the desk before leaning beside him and speaking. ''You're half right, handsome.'' Mary leaned forward and lifted his chin with a finger. ''Let me give you a glimpse of a future that both of us will love.''

She beamed. ''You only have to pick the right path.''

As Mary finished speaking, a wave of strange mana shot into him, and his vision changed until he stood in a clearing with a mansion nearby. Archer looked around, confused, and remembered Mary's words.

After that, he shook his head before hearing two girls' voices, which caused him to spin around. One had strikingly short white hair and captivating, luminous blue eyes, while the other girl's eyes were violet, just like his.

Yet, he felt a familiar aura of the supernatural enveloping them both as they radiated arcane magic that puzzled him because it wasn't his. Still, it felt like Mary's aura, which he already sensed when she sent her mana into him.

'What is this magic? I've never felt anything like it.' Archer thought to himself as he watched the two children play.

As he was lost in his thoughts, Mary suddenly appeared beside him. Archer was startled but quickly noticed her outfit: a stunning white chiton and gladiator sandals that allowed her dainty toes to peek out.

Archer was momentarily mesmerized as his gaze traveled up her elegantly long legs. However, he was soon interrupted by Mary, who spoke in an amused tone, ''Eyes up here, handsome.''

His eyes met her emerald green gaze, which caught him in a trance as they glowed with the same arcane magic the two girls had. ''Who are those children, Arch?'' Mary said with a grin. ''Can you tell me?''

Archer glanced between the two little girls and looked at the older woman, noting the blend of their features, which he admitted was really good. He chuckled before remarking, "Our children. It must be some illusion or a vision of the future, and I get them a lot, so it's not new to me."

Mary's smile brightened at his words, but Archer's curiosity lingered. "Who are you, truly? And how are we connected?"

"When you arrived in Thrylos, Archer Bennett," Mary explained, her eyes gleaming with a hint of mystery. "I was watching. I've glimpsed many futures, some with those beautiful children, but it all depends on the choices you make."

"Choices?" Archer inquired. "What path must I take to have you?"

Mary chuckled softly, a playful twinkle in her eyes. "Oh, you'll make the right choice, Archer. It's your only preference, as you're a greedy dragon," she replied with a knowing smile. "Only you would make such a decision."

Archer laughed before shrugging, ''Well when that time comes, I won't disappoint you, but why are you showing me this?''

Her smile grew as she revealed, ''My goddess has chosen you and has ordered us to stand at your side, but we can only give clues and help you in times of need like right now.''

Mary quickly removed them from the vision as the wall to her office exploded. Archer jumped up and cast Eldritch Blast and Plasma Missiles at the Mutant Demi-Gods that appeared. The creatures blocked the spells before cackling.

Archer spotted six of them and scanned each one. Four were Demi-Gods, while the other two were Sovereign Mages. Once he had inspected them, he heard a loud screech as Aeris appeared in her Wraith form and crashed into one of the weaker ones.

With furious intensity, she dug her claws into the mutant, her glowing red eyes illuminating the surroundings as she brought the creature to the ground. Archer watched as she began casting Shadow Blasts into its chest.

Lucrezia appeared hovering above them while casting her death magic that enveloped her body. She vanished before appearing in front of one of the Demi-Gods before attacking it, leaving three left.

Mary stepped forward, ''Take the last one, Chosen,'' she said. ''I will deal with the three pests.''

As she finished speaking, a powerful aura exploded from her. Before she started chanting a spell in an unknown language, two chaotic beams shot out of her hands, sending two Demi-Gods flying into the distance.

After her initial attack, Mary shocked Archer even more as she vanished from where she was standing, reappeared before the last Demi-God, and struck out with a resounding punch, causing the creature's body to crash to the ground below.

While that was happening, Archer attacked the last one and Blinked behind it before grabbing the Sovereign Mage mutant and breathing a stream of dragon's fire into its face. The creature screamed in pain.

Archer chuckled as he cast Azur Cannon into the thing's chest, causing a loud explosion to erupt, which didn't affect him. The mutant crumbled to the ground, but he grabbed a hold of it and cast Soul Sunder on it.

He ate the creature's soul but found nothing useful, so he threw the corpse at one Aeris struggled with. Suddenly, another powerful aura blanketed the area, which radiated from something that appeared overhead.

That's when something took out the remaining Sovereign Mage that the black-haired girl was fighting. Archer looked around until a man appeared, quickly tore the creature apart, and then engaged with the Demi-Gods Mary was fighting.

Archer turned toward Mary, who quickly threw one of the creatures over the town walls before casting homing mana beams that chased after it. Once she dealt with that first creature, he witnessed her cast the same unknown magic into the second.

The second Demi-God's arm burned away, but Mary didn't stop. She rushed forward and struck the creature a dozen times with her fists, wrapping mana around them. At every impact, its body burned up.

When her attacks landed, the creature screamed in pain, which allowed Archer to see the golden glow radiating from her fists. That's when the newcomer appeared before them and spoke, ''Mary! What happened here? I was sleeping, and trouble broke out.''

The grey-haired woman laughed before explaining, ''Mathias. These creatures attacked the White Prince, and I was only defending him,'' she motioned toward Archer. ''See, he's okay.''

He couldn't help but chuckle upon hearing Mary's voice. His amusement caused Mathias to turn towards him, allowing Archer to scrutinize the man who helped them. Their helper, who stood over seven feet tall, was bald with a sizable white beard and noticeable bear ears that twitched on the top of his head.

Archer glimpsed that he carried himself like an experienced warrior who had fought hundreds of battles. Still, something caught his attention—the striking familiarity of the man's green eyes, which reminded him of someone he had encountered before.

'They are exactly like my Father's and Jade's.' He thought to himself.

The man stepped forward and held his hand as he introduced himself, ''I am Mathias Ashguard.''

Archer took the offered handshake and replied, ''Archer Wyldheart.''

After saying that, the man got a sad smile, ''It's not exactly how I planned to meet one of my grandsons,'' he said. ''But I hope you don't hate me because of what your Father did to you, boy, and my divorce from your Grandmother Brooke.''

He looked at the man and vaguely remembered him as a kind old man who wasn't around much as he was a General for the Avalon Imperial army. With those thoughts in mind, Archer responded, ''I hold no grudge. You did me no wrong.''

When Mathias heard that, his eyes widened, but before he could speak, Mary approached them with Lucrezia and Aeris, both looked tired after their fights, ''I will be taking care of him tonight, old man,'' she said. ''He will be in good hands.''

Archer started laughing, followed by Lucrezia, but Aeris went bright red. Mathias started laughing, ''This is the one?'' He asked. ''You were waiting for my grandson all this time?''

Mary giggled but nodded, ''Yes, my old friend,'' she said. ''I hope that doesn't ruin our friendship.''

''No,'' Mathias replied. ''Archer is old enough to make his own decisions.''

The older man looked at him with a broad smile, ''I will come to see you in the morning, boy.''

Archer agreed with a nod, ''Okay.''

After that, the man grabbed the mutant's body before vanishing as Aeris commented, ''He seems lonely.''

"Indeed," Mary responded. "The tale is a somber one, and I'm certain he'll share it with you tomorrow, Arch."

"Likely so," Archer agreed, gently guiding the weary Aeris. "Let's rest for the night."

The group made their way to their room without any complaints. When they reached their chamber, Mary looked at Aeris and Lucrezia and, after receiving their nods of approval, seized Archer's arm while walking toward her room.

He allowed himself to be led until they reached Mary's quarters and stepped inside. She whirled to face him with a big smile. "The vision I showed you. Is that what you desire?"

"Yes," he professed. "But there's a catch? What is it?"

The older woman smiled. "When the time arises, you must help me. In return, our goddess will bestow upon you a gift."

After Archer nodded, Mary swiftly leaned in, pressing her lips against his while wrapping her arms around his shoulders. He felt the softness of her plush lips as they kissed intensely, her eyes closed in relaxation as she melted into him.

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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