A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 719 Finding The Death Witch

Chapter 719 Finding The Death Witch

[Aeris's POV]

Aeris, she reached Archer; he was already on the ground groaning. She had more pressing matters after sensing the creatures closing in on them as she prepared a spell to protect the two of them.

She looked around to spot all kinds of zombies, from humans to demi-humans, which baffled her as some of the races were natives of Pluoria. Aeris continued to scan the area and was about to transform a wave of greenish mana that washed from behind the undead horde.

When it hit her, she couldn't transform, as something had messed with her mana. Aeris started panicking, but something appeared as she waited to fight, instantly causing her to fire her Dark Magic Blast.

'I couldn't sense them until the last moment! How strong are they,' she thought to herself.

The newcomer laughed before batting it away, causing the spell to slam into nearby trees. A powerful aura washed over her, and Aeris felt helpless when it hit her, but just as dread started to set in, she heard an amused voice. ''A Dark Wraith and a dragon in my forest?''

Aeris narrowed her gaze as her head spun around but saw nothing. Then suddenly, a blonde woman appeared beside them. As Aeris fixed her gaze on the newcomer, she noticed the stranger's blood-red eyes glowing and pointed ears similar to Archer's.

The woman appeared slender and athletic, her hair tied back into a ponytail, 'She's beautiful, but there's something evil about her,' Aeris thought as a shiver ran down her spine.

Despite her appearance, she had an undeniable air—a subtle essence of death and darkness—that resonated with her magic. Aeris looked at the woman and pleaded, ''Can you please deal with these creatures? Archer is dying and needs help!''

The blonde woman grinned before waving her hand at the approaching undead, who all dropped to the ground with a thud. Her death magic washed over them like a dark tidal wave, engulfing the approaching undead with eerie efficiency.

After that, the stranger turned back to Aeris with a serious look and said, ''Now who are you and why are you...''

The stranger spotted Archer and his rare features, causing her eyes to widen in shock, and when Aeris saw this, she became worried but was asked, ''Is that the white dragon I've been hearing about by chance, girl?''

She nodded before pleading, ''Yes, but he's dying from a poison called Dragon's Kiss. His goddess Tiamat told him to find you, claiming you can cure him for a price.''

When the woman heard this, she beamed, ''Yes, yes. I can heal him, but it will cost him dearly,'' she watched the woman stare at him and cast an unknown spell. ''Now, let's return to my home so I can start the process.''

Aeris agreed and quickly picked Archer up. When the woman saw this, she smiled before taking hold of him and sending a mana pulse through his body, informing her of his current condition.

As the woman shifted her red eyes toward Aeris, she said, "The poison is eating away at his organs." She watched intently as their savior cast a spell on Archer that spread out all over him. "We must remove it before it reaches his heart."

"Why?" Aeris inquired, her voice cutting through the eerie silence of the forest, which seemed to intensify the unsettling sensation creeping into her body.

The stranger chuckled softly, her voice hinting at amusement. "Little Wraith, if the poison reaches his heart, it will swiftly consume his entire being, leaving behind a very powerful undead or evaporating his whole existence," she explained.

Aeris observed as the woman gently trailed her hand along Archer's face. She continued, "You see, a White Dragon is mana in the flesh which is fascinating to me as they aren't like me or you. The poison directly targets mana, causing him to shutdown and eventually succumb to it."

After speaking, she felt a strange magic wrap around the woman, ''We must rush. He has an hour at most.''

When Aeris heard this, she nodded and let the woman drag her along as they darted through the forest, dodging even more zombies and ghouls, which confused her.

Before Aeris could utter a word, the woman began speaking, and she noticed her voice was tinged with barely contained anger. "A necromancer group has encroached upon my forest, sucking the life from it. Yet, I cannot locate them. Perhaps he can help."

Aeris nodded, recalling information she had gleaned from conversations with students and nobles. "Archer has a peculiar knack for inadvertently aiding those around him. He also serves as the guardian of the Avalon Empire and numerous kingdoms in the Southlands."

''Interesting. What is your name, girl?'' The woman asked her.

''Aeris Redcliff and you are?''

''Lucrezia Bloodthorne at your service,'' she said as the dup arrived at a large clearing. ''The infamous Death Witch of the north, as I'm referred to by the locals, which I find endearing.''

Aeris saw a well-decorated mansion in the middle of the large clearing. At the same time, a constant flow of dark magic Elemtals patrolled the outside, occasionally killing a beast that wandered too close.

When Lucrezia saw her reaction, she laughed before reassuring her, ''Tiamat and my goddess Izanami are best friends. They both asked me to heal a handsome boy who would appear in my forest accompanied by a Dark Wraith,'' she smirked, looking down at Archer as she continued. "But the dragon goddess suggested I ask for something from him for my treatment; otherwise, I would have done it for free."

Aeris looked at Lucrezia, who opened the door with a thought before motioning for her to sit down as she spoke, ''Get yourself comfortable, girl.'' She looked into her eyes. ''I will bring my tools out here so you can witness and support him, as it will hurt.''

Lucrezia turned to her with a smirk as she walked out of the room, ''I know you think I'm evil, and by most people's standards, I am. But the boy greatly interests me, so I will not harm him or you, little Wraith.''

Aeris nodded understanding before questioning, ''What will you ask from him?''

Minutes passed, and Aeris asked the same question until the blonde woman giggled, ''Adventures.'' She said, ''I have been lonely for centuries, and my goddess said the boy can provide me with exciting encounters, which I crave.''

She rolled her eyes. ''Oh, great. Another one. This boy is a magnet for women!''

''Oh shut up, little Wraith. All dragons are greedy.'' Lucrezia smiled. ''But the white and gold ones are extremely greedy and will always take care of his treasures, including his women. So there's no need to worry, little Wraith.''

Aeris sighed before replying, ''Okay, heal him now. If you remember, he is suffering.''

Lucrezia agreed with a chuckle as she walked over to Archer and started stripping him, causing Aeris to become bright red. The blonde woman teased her as she removed his pants, ''Oh wow. His manhood is very impressive, especially his age. Has he claimed you yet?''

When hearing this, she flushed red but managed to shake her head. Lucrezia began laughing before touching his chest and sending her mana into him. Archer started groaning, but she heard Lucrezia whisper to him in an unknown language, which caused him to calm down.

As she watched, her heart pounded with fear and anticipation while the blonde woman stood over Archer's prone form, her slender fingers dancing through the air in intricate patterns.

Dark energy crackled around her, twisting and pulsating with an ominous glow. At first, Aeris couldn't discern what the woman was doing. The magic she wielded seemed ancient and forbidden, swirling around Archer like a tempest of shadows.

Then, Aeris noticed a swirling mass of darkness, like a thick, tar-

like substance, oozing from his body. She gasped, her eyes widening in horror as she realized the true nature of the dark matter.

It had its own aura, just like sapient beings, but it was a cruel energy radiating malice that sent shivers down her spine. Whatever this was, it was not of this world, and it sought to consume Archer from within.

Archer's screams of agony pierced the air, echoing through the mansion as Lucrezia's magic worked. His body contorted in pain, muscles tensing and spasming uncontrollably as the dark matter fought to maintain its hold.

She felt helpless, torn between wanting to rush to his side and fearing the dark magic that enveloped him. She could only stand and watch, her breath catching in her throat with each tortured cry that escaped Archer's lips.

Lucrezia's expression was one of intense focus. Her crimson eyes glowed as she battled against the dark forces within him. Sweat beaded her brow, and her hands trembled ever so slightly with the strain of her magic.

With a final surge of power, the blonde woman unleashed a blinding light, forcing the dark matter to retreat. She shielded her eyes from the brightness, squinting through the glow to see Archer lying still on the ground, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

The echoes of Archer's screams fade. Aeris rushed to his side, her hands trembling as she checked his pulse, relieved to find it steady beneath her touch. But as she looked up at Lucrezia, she couldn't shake the unease lingering in the air.

What had she just witnessed? And what price had Archer paid to rid himself of the darkness that had threatened to consume him? As if sensing her thoughts, Lucrezia met her gaze, a knowing smile playing at the corners of her lips.

"Dark magic is a double-edged sword, little Wraith," she murmured, her voice carrying a weight of centuries-old wisdom. "But sometimes, it's the only weapon we have against the shadows that lurk within."

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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