A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 703 I Butchered Them

Chapter 703 I Butchered Them

Archer nodded before responding, ''Interesting. I've already sent spies there to steal whatever they can and gather information. So hopefully, they will come back with something of value.''

When Cian heard this, he appeared confused, which caused everyone to laugh at his reaction. He shook his head before questioning, ''What exactly are you having your spies steal from the Novgorodians?''

''Oh, anything of value that can help my kingdom prosper. We've procured dozens of rare and expensive plants to cultivate on Draconia,'' Archer answered Cian with a smirk as they continued walking.

Alaric was about to interject, but his words were cut off by the arrival of Leonora, Nalika, Cassie, and another wood elf girl who appeared from the arena entrance. When Archer's fiances saw the four girls, they smiled and greeted them before they started gossiping.

Archer quickly noticed the newcomer approaching, giving him a clear view of her. She stood taller than most elves he'd met but was a few inches shorter than Alaric. Her blonde hair cascaded around her shoulders, and her silver-colored eyes met him with a respectful gaze.

He watched as the elven girl stopped beside Alaric and kissed him on the cheek with a smile full of love. Then she suddenly turned to Archer and respectfully greeted him, ''It's good to meet you, White Dragon. I'm Tariel Woodwalker.''

Archer was about to respond, but Llyniel suddenly appeared beside him with a big smile as she excitedly said, ''Tariel! You finally arrived. Mother told me you were on a mission in the Dreadwood. I guess it went well?''

Tariel bowed her head respectfully, "Greetings, Princess Llyniel. The mission was tough, but I'd happily tell you about it once we've settled."

Llyniel nodded and started talking with Tariel as the large group kept moving and entered the arena to find their seats. That's when Lioran casually draped his arm around Archer's shoulder.

With a smirk, he quipped, "So, you're a king now, Arch? When did this happen?"

Archer chuckled at Lioran's straightforwardness, a wry smile dancing on his lips, "Well, it's a bit of a tale," he replied, his voice low but tinged with amusement. "You see, there was this little matter with the Valethrone Imperial family."

Lioran's eyebrows shot up in surprise, "The Valethrones? Father said the empire was a problem and has invaded smaller kingdoms over the last ten years."

"Exactly," he nodded, his gaze flickering with steel, "They invaded Hemera's homeland, causing chaos and suffering. So, I decided to do something about it."

Lioran leaned in closer, his curiosity piqued as his lion ears turned to him, "And what did you do?"

A shadow crossed, but his expression soon changed to a smile as he replied, "I butchered the whole Valethrones—every last one of them."

Lioran's jaw dropped in shock, his eyes widening in disbelief, "You... you killed an entire imperial family just like that?"

''Yes. It was revenge for invading Hemi's home, so I visited and annihilated them all. But at least the Draconia Kingdom was born and will grow to be the top power on Thrylos,'' Archer casually commented.

Lioran was further startled by the revelation, prompting him to halt and meet his gaze. Archer turned to him with narrowed eyes and asked, ''What's wrong? If anyone threatened the Lionheart Kingdom, I'd react the same way—not only because Nala is my fiancée but also because you're my friend.''

When Lioran heard his reply, he smiled before commenting, ''Sorry for doubting you, Arch. I have to get used to the fact that you are an actual dragon, and you guys are greedy and ruthless.

He directed his gaze toward Lioran, who, in turn, observed his sister Nala. She smiled while conversing with Leira, Ella, and Nefertiti. The blonde boy shook his head and said, ''You may be a butcher, but I can see how happy you make my little sister and realize you still have a heart.''

Archer smiled when he heard this, as he teased his brother-in-law, ''I should butcher you for insulting me. I may be a ruthless dragon, but it's only to show people not to mess with me.''

Lioran laughed in reply as they found their seats and settled down. Archer's girls surrounded him, gently pushing the lion boy back to his two fiances while giggling. Once everyone was settled, he started watching people flood into the arena.

After ten minutes, the crowd went quiet as the referee appeared and addressed the excited crowd, ''Can Archer Wyldheart and Vylan Avalon come to the stage, please?''

The announcement sparked excitement throughout the audience, who knew that the First Prince of the Avalon Empire would be facing off against the infamous White Prince would be a great fight.

Leira turned to Archer, her voice filled with concern. ''Try not to hurt him, Arch, but don't hold back. He's skilled in combat.''

''Don't worry, I won't hurt him too much,'' Archer commented as he stood up.

Archer walked over to the stage as a younger version of Emperor Osoric, but he had cat ears and a swaying tail while standing there with a smile. He decided to scan the boy to see how strong the imperial prince was.

[Vylan Avalon]

[Level: 99]

[Rank: Master]

When Archer stepped onto the stage, the boy said, ''It's finally good to meet you, brother-in-law. I do hope you're taking care of my little sister Leira.''

''Of course, I am. She's very loved and appreciated, so there's no need to worry, Vylan,'' he replied with an honest smile.

Vylan smiled, ''You have my gratitude, White Prince, but don't expect an easy fight.''

He was just about to reply when the referee announced the beginning of the battle. Vylan rushed forward, taking out a deadly-looking spear and slashing Archer, who instantly blocked it with his forearm.

The blade bounced off him without damage, thanks to his scales, but Archer got pushed back. With a smirk, he rushed forward, sending several punches toward the cat prince. The prince dodged most of them, but two connected.

One hit his ribs, and the other hit him on the chin. When Vylan felt the punch, his world was rocked, and he flew back but used his spear to right himself. Archer smiled when he saw this, which caused him to speak, ''You're tough for a prince. Most people would have gone down with that attack.''

Vylan smiled before revealing. ''I've been training for years.''

The tension crackled in the air like lightning as the two clashed in close combat. Vylan wielded his deadly spear precisely, and each strike found its mark, causing the prince to grunt with each punch that hit him.

Meanwhile, Archer, with his strength and agility, danced around the battlefield, deflecting blows and launching counterattacks. During their intense duel, he was caught off guard by a particularly swift maneuver from Vylan.

As he narrowly avoided a thrust aimed at his midsection, a smile spread across his face, bubbling into laughter. "Ha! You're quick, I'll give you that," Archer chuckled, his voice ringing out amidst the clash of steel.

The two clashed again, but this time, Archer grabbed the spear and pulled Vylan toward him, sending a powerful punch toward his jaw. The prince tried to block, but the force of the impact sent him sprawling across the stage.

As Vylan struggled to rise, Archer swiftly closed the distance between them. With a powerful kick aimed at the prince's ribs, he sent Vylan hurtling off the stage, his body colliding with the unforgiving wall with a resounding crash.

The referee nodded as he saw Vylan wasn't getting back up and quickly announced the winner. "The winner is... Archer Wyldheart!"

Cheers erupted from the spectators as Archer raised his arms in triumph. However, instead of reveling in his victory, he approached Vylan with respect in his eyes and extended his hand towards the fallen prince, a gesture of friendship amidst their fierce competition.

Vylan smiled at Archer's gaze, accepting the gesture. "You fight well, White Dragon. At least I know my baby sister is in safe hands," he acknowledged, his voice filled with admiration despite his defeat.

"Of course she is," Archer replied with a smile. "You fought well, Vylan."

After speaking, Archer cast Aurora Healing on him. Once Vylan felt refreshed, he returned to his seat after bidding farewell. Archer rejoined the girls, who greeted him with kisses and hugs.

When it came to Leira, she smiled at him with affection. Her green eyes shone as she spoke in a love-filled voice, "Thank you for not beating him too badly and for making friends with my older brother."

Archer smiled as he sat down, ''I hold no grudge against your brother. He seems like a good guy, so I had no reason to hurt him.''

Laira nodded before sitting next to him, and Nefertiti went to the space on his left. The succubus took his arm in hers and leaned against him while the referee announced, ''Can Nala Lionheart and Rio Everrose come to the stage, please?''

The lion girl jumped up and kissed Archer before heading for the stage. When Archer saw this, he realized that most girls had made it through to the Knockout Stages due to winning the two fights they needed, and only a few were required to fight.

If he remembered correctly, it was Nala, Sera, Teuila, and Kassandra who needed to win, and he did not doubt that they would. After thinking for a minute, he returned to the stage as his lioness was ready to fight the Everrose boy.

Archer scanned the area and spotted Fianna sitting nearby, offering him a smile. In response, he blew her a kiss. As he did so, he caught the Duke's furious glare but shrugged it off with a grin that annoyed the man even more.

That's when he turned his attention back to Nala, who was charging at Rio and wielding a sword and shield. The boy went to swing, but the lion girl sidestepped the attack before lunging forward and hitting out with a powerful right hook.

When the punch connected, Rio was instantly knocked out, causing the crowd to erupt into a wild frenzy.

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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