A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 694 They Are Attacking Kass

Chapter 694 They Are Attacking Kass

Archer looked at the Homeguards pushing the angry people back, which didn't stop him as he walked down the line of nobles, butchering them like pigs and taking their hearts before using Mana Manipulation to create crosses outside the town.

He turned toward Elara and spoke, ''Commander! Get some soldiers to crucify the bodies so people learn what will happen if they go against me and leave them there until they are just bones.''

When Elara heard his order, she gulped but agreed, ''Yes, Your Majesty.''

Afterward, he returned to the two girls watching him with smiles but soon noticed General Mohamet running up to them with a panicked expression. The older man stopped and caught his breath before talking, ''Your Majesty. We have a pirate fleet sailing toward the island from the north.''

Archer's eyebrow raised before questioning, ''How many ships, and how do you know this Mohamet?''

''A soldier from the wall raced to the Bastion and informed us, so here I am telling,'' he answered.

Upon hearing this, a smile stretched across his face as he glanced at Kassandra, recalling a plan he had conceived years prior. With deliberate steps, he approached the black-haired girl, who watched him with a curious expression.

''My beautiful Kraken fiance,'' he said excitedly, looking into Kassandra's beautiful black eyes. ''Do you want to have some fun?''

Before she could reply, a woman screamed from the Valethornian group, ''Why would you be so evil! You could have arrested them and not butcher them like they are farm animals,'' she spoke in a tone full of hate and disgust. ''You're a vile beast who needs to be put down.''

Archer spun on the woman with rage in his eyes as he spoke in a voice full of anger, ''In the cold embrace of death, they learned the final lesson of obedience. Those who defy me have no escape from the ultimate consequence. I will butcher you all if you continue to question the way I rule my kingdom.''

After that, he held up his hand to cast Mana Manipulation and dragged the woman toward him with a tug, causing her to scream out; he then used a spell to create a crucifix and threw the flailing woman at it before he trapped her there.

He stared at the scared Valethornians and warned, "Anyone who questions me will end up like her. From now on, you're Draconians. Follow me, and you and your family will be safe and happy. Disobey, and you will be crucified."

Once he had scarred the people enough, he ordered the soldiers to hurry up and end this and return to building the kingdom, which was more important to him. After giving out his orders, he returned them to the two girls.

He calmed down and smiled, ''Kass, can I drop you on top of the pirate ships to scare them?''

When Kassandra heard this, her eyes narrowed, and an excited smile appeared as she demanded, ''Come on, let's go!''

''Hold on. I have to contact my pirate underlings,'' Archer sent mana into the bracelet and contacted the pirate woman. ''Grace! Who's moving against me?''

Shortly after, an explosion was heard on the other side just before the pirate woman spoke, ''Your Majesty. The other pirate islands have joined hands and want to take you out. We need assistance as a fleet is blockading Siren's Lagoon.''

''Okay. I'll destroy the fleet, then help you,'' he replied to the panicked pirate, who calmed down when hearing his words.

Archer smiled and entered the grasslands to transform into his dragon form. After walking for five minutes, he whispered, ''Draco.''

A stunning light erupted from where he was, causing everyone to cover their eyes due to the intensity. Archer's colossal dragon form emerged as it died down, shocking Kassandra and making Hemera smile.

Archer's presence eclipsed everything. He stood staggering twenty meters and was thirty meters long. His limbs were massive, like ancient Elder Trees, and they ended in sharp claws that carved deep furrows into the earth below.

His head's sheer enormity cast a shroud of darkness over the realm of Drakonia, engulfing all beneath its imposing gaze. With each mighty movement, the ground trembled beneath him, and the air stirred with the force of his immense power.

In the face of his colossal presence, Kassandra found herself powerless against the mighty gusts of wind unleashed by the sweep of his massive tail, sending her tumbling into the chaos of the land below.

Archer slowed his body, allowing Kassandra to jump up on him while Hemera said, ''I'll fly myself, darling.''

He nodded his large head before flapping his wings and taking off, causing a dust cloud below him. Hemera couldn't contain her excitement. She giggled with anticipation, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

With a flourish of her hands, she channeled her sun magic, summoning flames to lift her off the ground. With a burst of fiery energy, she soared into the air, flames trailing behind her like a comet.

The wind whipped past him, his scales gleaming in the sunlight. Hemera's laughter echoed around them as she flew alongside him, her flames dancing gracefully. As the trio soared higher, their journey took them northward, where they soon spotted a massive fleet stretching as far as the eye could see.

Hundreds of ships, their sails billowing in the wind, formed an imposing armada on the horizon. As Archer closed in, he dived down low, took a deep breath, and let out a stream of violet fire that slammed into the first ship before he ascended.

That's when he heard Kassandra say excitedly, ''Watch this husband!''

After speaking, she jumped off his back, and a similar light appeared, but that's when a mighty roar echoed across the ocean; she transformed into a colossal Kraken, her massive form rising from the depths with thunderous force.

Her enormous tentacles surged forward, crashing down upon the pirate fleet's unsuspecting ships. With each strike, wood splintered, and sails tore asunder as if they were mere playthings in the grip of her wrath.

The pirates, taken aback by the sudden onslaught, scrambled to defend themselves against the monstrous force that now confronted them. Archer and Hemera remained suspended mid-air, their disbelief noticeable as they saw the cataclysmic scene beneath them.

Kassandra's sheer might left them in awe. Her colossal tentacles effortlessly tore apart the pirate ships as if they were mere scraps of parchment. Hemera's voice, filled with wonder, landed lightly on his head as she spoke,"She's so powerful! It's amazing seeing a Kraken fighting alongside us."

Archer nodded in agreement, his gaze never leaving the scene below. Despite the destruction wrought by Kassandra's fury, there was a sense of awe and admiration in his voice as he watched her unleash her immense strength upon their enemies.

After ten minutes of smashing her tentacles and dragging the ships below the waves, the fleet was wiped out, but suddenly, explosions erupted all over her large body, causing Kassandra to roar in pain.

He looked into the distance and saw three metal ships heading their way, causing Hemera to gasp. ''Those are Novgorod ships, Arch! They are attacking Kass!''

When he heard that, Archer let out a roar of anger before flying toward the ships while Hemera flew to Kassandra, as he got closer to the Novgorod ships, they fired at his girl again, causing him to dive down and take the hit.

His scales cracked, and he growled in pain as the volatile mana burned his body. For the first time in a while, he felt genuine pain. However, it didn't stop him from crashing into the largest warship.

Archer used his massive body to tear it apart before looking at the one who stopped next to him. Without a chance, he used his Dragon's Breath to bathe the warship in flames so hot that they started melting the metal.

Suddenly, a searing pain ripped through his body, jolting him into action. Wheeling around, he spotted the third ship charging its cannon and unleashing a barrage of beams towards him.

He staggered with a sharp cry of pain, but anger fueled his next move. Despite the agony, he lunged towards the smaller ship and collided with it in a thunderous impact, taking out their weapons.

Once the three ships were reduced to wreckage, he beat his wings and soared towards the pirate island looming in the distance. Hemera and Kassandra trailed behind him, swiftly noticing that he struggled to navigate through the air with his usual agility, hampered by the severity of his injuries.

His wings trembled as he struggled to maintain altitude, but the injury had taken its toll, sapping his strength and resolve. With a desperate roar, he attempted to use his magic to heal himself, but his Regeneration was.

Archer's heart raced as he felt himself plummeting from the sky, the ground rushing to meet him with terrifying speed. Panic surged through him as he tried to regain control, but his weakened state left him helpless against gravity's force.

With a deafening crash, he slammed into the pirate island below, the impact sending shockwaves rippling through the earth. As Archer lay amidst the wreckage, battered and bruised, he struggled to catch his breath.

The pain was excruciating, every movement sending waves of agony coursing through his body. He gritted his teeth against the pain, his mind racing as he assessed the situation. He felt his Regeneration slowly healing him, but not as quickly as usual.

Lying prone on the ground, Archer's instincts kicked in, causing him to cast Cosmic Shield just in time to intercept the barrage of mana blasts hurtling toward him but deflected the deadly projectiles.

Archer knew he had to rest, so he opened a Gate to Drakonia. Deep and menacing, his voice reverberated with authority as he commanded, "First Legion! Come to me and lay waste to the fort that dares to fire upon me, while I regain my strength!"

As the shield kept getting hit by the pirate's cannons, soldiers appeared from the portal and knelt after being shocked at the incoming attacks. Still, he saw Elara wearing her helmet as she addressed the Dragon Legionnaires.

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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