A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 691 Draconian Waystations

Chapter 691 Draconian Waystations

Teuila nodded in agreement as Archer rose from his seat and unfurled the Gate to the Bastion. The trio entered the portal and emerged into the fortress's great hall. Despite its modest decorations, the hall exuded an inviting charm, a testament to its builder's and designer's meticulous craftsmanship.

Pillars lined the edges of the hall, leading the eye toward a throne positioned at its end. White banners adorned the walls, fluttering gently in the air. Archer took in the scene with a sense of satisfaction.

They were welcomed by Aisha, Jethro, and Mohamet, along with Arianna Stormborn, the leader of Draconia's Homeguard Battalion, and Elara Riversong, the Dragon Marshal of the First Legion.

When they saw him, everyone knelt respectfully, but Archer signaled for them to stand up. His anger was barely hidden while ordering Arianna, "Gather the rest of the Valethornians together and take them to Drakonia. They need to know what will happen if they rebel again."

The brown-haired woman responded before leaving the hall, ''Yes, Your Majesty. It will be done.''

Archer directed his gaze towards Elara, the beautiful redhead, and commanded with a smirk, "Lead the First Legion to Drakonia. Surround the town and ensure that no one can leave."

Elara bowed with a smile before leaving, ''Yes, Your Majesty.''

After giving out his orders, he introduced the two girls who came with him, who were looking around in fascination, ''These are my Queens, Hemera and Kassandra. Treat them as you do me.''

The three people respectfully bowed to them before Aisha grew curious and asked him a question as she approached Archer, ''How do you plan to punish these nobles?''

He instantly answered while looking into her beautiful blue eyes, ''I will kill them all in front of the rest of their people so they don't get any more ideas.''

When hearing Archer's plan, Aisha disagreed but recognized its potential impact on the populace and the peace it could bring to the kingdom. So she responded, "As you command, Your Majesty."

After that, Jethro asked him to talk privately, which he agreed to, and followed the old dragonkin. Once they were out of earshot, he spoke, ''Is it right to kill all those people, Your Majesty?''

''Yes. They rebelled against my rule while occupying one of my towns, Jethro. I cannot show kindness as it would be seen as a weakness while building my kingdom,'' Archer said.

Jethro looked troubled, and Archer didn't want to lose the old man's support, so he reassured him, ''I'll only kill the guilty, and the rest of the Valethornians can still live free as long as they don't rebel like their noble counterparts.''

The elderly dragonkin man nodded in approval, his voice filled with joy as he changed the subject, "Congratulations on founding Draconia, Your Majesty. This kingdom will surely become one of the strongest and most desirable places to live in Thrylos."

Jethro smiled after speaking before informing him that he had to go check on the construction of the capital city and his palace. This surprised Archer, who asked excitedly, ''Palace?''

The old man was about to speak when Aisha appeared beside him, her smile radiant as she delivered the news: "We've decided that you and the queens will need a place to stay while you're here. So, we've named Drakewood Palace, and it's being built to the North-East. It's just the foundations for now, but in a few weeks it will be fully completed."

Archer got excited before rushing forward and enveloping the dragonkin woman in a tight embrace, "Thank you, Aisha! This is incredible!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine joy.

Aisha blinked in surprise, taken aback by his sudden excitement. She hadn't expected such a reaction from him. At first, she was stunned, her arms hanging awkwardly at her sides.

She gradually softened into the embrace, her surprise melting away as a gentle smile formed on her lips. Returning Archer's hug, she felt his sincere joy enveloping her. It was an unusual display of vulnerability from the typically wild and unpredictable dragon boy, and she couldn't help but be moved by it.

Hemera and Kassandra giggled at his reaction, amused by his excitement. However, he soon released Aisha, and his attention shifted. He quickly noticed her beautiful dark brown skin getting darker due to embarrassment, which he found adorable.

Archer backed away from Aisha before informing her of his plan, ''We will head toward Drakonia and deal with this mess. There are fights I want to watch back on the mainland.''

She nodded in agreement as Archer and the two girls left the fortress and headed north towards the rebellious town. He chose to walk rather than fly because he wanted to see the kingdom's landscape.

As they strolled toward Drakonia, they found themselves in a vast expanse of grassland stretching as far as the eye could see. Hemera was shocked and mumbled, ''It's so beautiful.''

Archer agreed with a big smile, ''It is. That's why I wiped out the previous empire, to establish the Draconia Kingdom and give my people the best chance of surviving this chaotic world.''

Kassandra agreed, saying, ''Thrylos is getting even more dangerous between the warring empires and the evil that lurks below the surface, so having a safe place for your people is a must in these dark times.''

''Yes, and this island is the best place. It's massive and has so many resources that, if done right, we can be self-sufficient,'' Archer responded as they continued their walk, seeing a rider speed past them.

He noticed the gentle sway of the tall grasses dancing in harmony with the breeze, creating a peaceful atmosphere. In the distance, they spotted clusters of farms nestled amidst the rolling hills.

Their rustic charm added character to the landscape. Smoke lazily rose from the chimneys, blending into the clear blue sky above. Waystations, marked by wooden signs, dotted the road, offering weary travelers a place to rest and replenish their supplies.

When Kassandra saw them, she asked, ''What are those Arch?''

"Their rest stops for travelers and merchants, where they can take a break or purchase supplies for their journeys," he explained, glancing at the Waystation in the distance. "I wasn't aware the army had already built one, but it seems Aisha or Mohamet took a liking to the concept and made it a reality."

''Can we check it out, darling?'' Hemera asked with excitement.

Archer nodded, ''I guess so. The army will take a little while to reach Drakonia.''

After that, the trio walked toward the newly built Waystation they had spotted. The sturdy wooden structure stood proudly amidst the rolling hills, and people came and went, looking content and pleased with the place.

When they got closer, Archer commented, ''The Homeguard are already at work protecting Draconia.''

A small contingent of Homeguard soldiers stood watch outside the Waystation, their polished armor glinting in the sunlight. Archer nodded approvingly at the sight, impressed by his army in establishing these essential rest stops for travelers.

That's when he noticed the tall guard tower used to watch over the land for any threats that may come, which pleased him with the security the Homeguard had established.

As they observed the Waystation Archer noticed the Homeguard Captain, a sturdy figure with a weathered face and sharp eyes, approached them with a warm smile, "Your Majesty, Queens Hemera, and Kassandra," he greeted them respectfully, dipping his head in a slight bow. "Welcome to Waystation Sentinel. I am Captain Marcus, and I would be honored to offer you a tour of our facilities."

Archer returned the men's smile with a nod of gratitude, "Thank you, Captain Marcus. We would appreciate that," he replied, his tone full of respect.

The captain led them through the bustling main hall of the Waystation, where travelers dined and rested after long journeys. There appeared to be a bar area with numerous tables and chairs, allowing travelers to rest and recupriate from their journies.

But what caught his attention was the Aaroma of freshly cooked meals filling the air, mingling with laughter and conversation.

"This is our hall and dining area, where people can enjoy a hearty meal before continuing their journey," Captain Marcus explained, gesturing towards the rows of tables and benches. "We pride ourselves on providing nourishment and comfort to all who pass through our doors."

The two girls looked around with wide eyes, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling Waystation. "It's so lively here," Kassandra spoke, her voice filled with wonder.

Captain Marcus nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Your Majesty. We aim to create a welcoming environment where travelers can rest and relax before facing the road ahead."

Archer was curious about the resting quarters, so he asked, ''How many rooms are for rent at any time, captain?''

The man thought briefly before answering, ''There are eighteen rooms, but two are reserved for the guards that get rotated here.''

''How is the supplies coming along? Are you getting enough food, water, and other needed materials?'' Archer inquired.

Captain nodded, ''Yes, the supply cohorts ensure we are supplied by delivering weekly goods.''

''Good. I'm glad they are doing their jobs,'' Archer answered before continuing the tour.

The captain led them to the stables, where diligent stablehands groomed and cared for beasts used for travel, "And here is where we house our steeds," he explained, patting the flank of a sleek black horse-looking creature. "They are well-trained and ready to carry travelers safely to their destinations."

''Very good captain. I'm glad everything is working smoothly. Expect things to get busy over the next few months,'' Archer responded as he took in the sights.

But something nagged at him, causing him to ask, ''How did you know the two queens?''

Captain Marcus smiled before explaining, ''Queen Aisha sent out a message just before you arrived and filled us in, Your Majesty.''

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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