A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 685 Qualification Round

Chapter 685 Qualification Round

Archer and the girls stepped out to see hundreds of students and Professors rushing around, but the ones closest to them all stopped and looked at them with wide eyes. A shiver coursed through him the moment his foot touched the ice-covered ground.

He shivered but quickly cast Cosmic Shield over himself to keep the freezing wind and snow from affecting him. When witnessing his reaction, Teuila laughed before playfully swatting his back and remarking, "Perhaps longer pants would have been a wise choice, my dear husband."

''It doesn't matter, as Frostwinter is ending in a week. I can't wait for the festival to see how much gold the emperor will give, darling. After all, he has aided the empire enough times already,'' Sera commented.

Archer was just about to talk but was interrupted when he heard a meow from his bracelet. He recalled the Tressyms he sent to the Vardentia to steal any ingredients or plants from the Novgorod Empire so he could sell them in bulk to fund his kingdom.

He opened a portal to the domain and called for the Tressyms, forgetting he had put little bracelets on them so they could return. That's when their leader flew out and rushed toward him, letting out an adorable meow.

The fluffball slammed into Archer, causing the girls to giggle when they spotted him. The cat started purring and licking his face, making happy noises before opening a tiny portal, and sacks and sacks of ingredients fell to the ground.

He quickly stored them all in his Item Box and scanned it, only to be completely shocked and baffled by the thousands of plants they brought back to him. Once he saw the amount, he showered the Tressym leader with affection, which pleased the fat cat, who soon returned to the domain.

Once it was gone, Archer turned to Llyniel, who was staring at the spot where the cat had dropped the bags. He noticed her fidgeting and met her gaze, captivated by her big brown eyes, which he found beautiful.

But that's when he heard her speak in a barely restrained voice, "Can I help you grow those husbands?"

"That's precisely the idea, my dear wood elf," he responded. "I'm establishing farms in Draconia to produce valuable plants for the kingdom's prosperity. I require someone with your expertise to oversee this effort just like you, my love. Would you be willing to take on the task?"

He watched in amusement as her excitement bubbled up like a fizzy potion until it burst out like an over-enthusiastic volcano. The wood elf began bouncing on the spot like a demented kangaroo, declaring proudly that she'd be the first in her family to produce such rare plants.

The other girls started giggling as Llyniel lunged at Archer like a rocket and wrapped her limbs around him. She excitedly peppered his face with kisses, causing him to smile as he held her.

After a couple of minutes, he put her down only to be asked by the brown-haired elf, ''Can I see some of the plants, please, Arch?''

"I'll show you when we're settled, Llyn," he replied with a smile.

The wood elf nodded with a smile and was still as excited. When Archer saw her reaction, He laughed before speaking, ''There are some extremely rare plants here. I can't wait to see your reaction.'

Llyniel got excited and nodded with a smile. As they neared the arena entrance, they bumped into Lioran, Cian, Alaric, and a pair of twins, piquing Archer's interest. When the lion boy saw him, he said, "Arch, my brother! It's finally time to showcase our skills to everyone."

He chuckled before responding, "Yeah, I'm eager to wrap this up so we can journey to the Sabbat Kingdom in the north. I've never been there."

Lioran nodded as he turned to the twins, introducing them, "Arch, meet Chiron and Chione Windwalker. They hail from the Far North and joined the college a few months back. They are in some of our classes."

Archer glanced at the boy, noting his pale white complexion and matching hair. However, the similarity ended there, for Chiron's eyes bore a striking grey shade. Scrutinizing him further, he noticed the boy's shorter height and slender frame compared to his own.

Yet he detected an unfamiliar aura enveloping Chiron—a subtle but unmistakable unknown magic that fascinated him. It puzzled Archer, for he had never encountered anything like it. He shook his head, but the unusual magic only increased in power when he looked at Chione.

It radiated off her like an inferno, which surprised him as the magic felt eery and gave him goosebumps. Tearing his gaze away from her magic, he studied her. She possessed a supernatural charm, her porcelain skin as pale as winter's first snowfall, untouched by the sun's warm caress.

Short locks of pure white cascaded around her face like a soft halo, framing features of breathtaking symmetry. Her eyes were a piercing shade of grey, just like her brothers, but they held a steely determination.

Despite her undeniable beauty, there was an air of seriousness about her, as if every line etched into her flawless face spoke of a lifetime's worth of resolve. Her sharp and defined features oozed a no-nonsense demeanor that commanded attention without uttering a single word.

With each glance, she exuded an aura of quiet strength, leaving no doubt that she was the stronger sibling, which excited him. Archer stepped forward and introduced himself to the siblings, ''I'm Archer Wyldheart. The most handsome Dragon on Thrylos.''

Chiron nodded, "It's good to meet you, Dragon. But why do you refer to yourself as handsome? Isn't that a bit shameless?"

Archer shrugged before turning to his girls and asked in a confused tone, "Am I not handsome?"

All ten nodded with conviction, but Chiron responded skeptically, "Of course, they're going to say that. They're in your harem."

"Good point. Well, let's ask someone who isn't," Archer said.

Archer spotted Leonora, Nalika, and Cassie standing nearby, conversing with some of his girls. He drew their attention, "What do you ladies think? Am I ugly?"

The three looked at their finances, causing Cian to comment, ''We won't be angry at you if you think Arch is good-looking. We all understand he is, he's the damn White Dragon, and dragons are naturally good-looking creatures in their human forms, but I know he won't target his friend's lovers as he's shown no interest in women who are in relationships.''

Once Archer heard Cian's words, Fianna's face popped into his head as she was married. The orange boy was going to continue. They all heard a few coughs, causing him to look at Leria, who grinned as she spoke, ''You don't think we know, husband?''

They all nodded, causing him to become baffled, ''What do you know?''

The cat girl shook her head and said, ''We shall discuss this later. Remember, I'm a cat demi-human Arch with a strong sense of smell.''

'Oh shit. I forgot to tell them aboutmeeting Fianna,' Archer thought as he started to feel guilty.

He sighed heavily before admitting, "I get what you're saying, but she's stuck in a miserable marriage. You can practically read it in her eyes.

"Who are you guys talking about? It sounds like some juicy gossip," Nalika asked, followed by Cassie, Leonora, Cians, Lioran, and Alaric, who nodded.

Archer sighed and looked at Leira before promising her many punishments and revealing, ''I spent some time with Duchess Everrose, and she seems to be smitten with me.''

Lioran's eyes opened wide. He asked, ''You're courting Lucius's mother? And here I thought you weren't interested in older women except your Aunt Sia.''

He looked at his friend, who made him sound like a degenerate, highlighting Sia as his aunt. Archer was about to speak but was stopped as Chione spoke up for the first time in a cold voice:'' So you're a playboy as well as a degenerate? Some of the rumors are true, then.''

''Most probably are in some way or another,'' Archer spoke in a fed-up voice while rubbing his temple and scolding Lioran. ''Stop slandering my good name, lion. For that insult, I will become your grandfather and uncle. Tell Malaika and Zara I look forward to wooing them.''

Lioran started laughing before retorting, ''I wish you luck, my friend. Those two are the toughest women I know. They taught Nala how to fight.''

As he spoke, the girl in question bounded over to them with an excited, wagging tail and twitching ears. Archer couldn't help but find her adorable and stroked her ear, causing Nala to shiver with pleasure as she felt his fingers on her sensitive place.

But he quickly withdrew his hand, eliciting a huff from the lion girl. She soon declared something that stunned Lioran and Archer, "I will assist you in courting them, Archie. They would make valuable additions to your pride."

"Quiet, sister! Shouldn't you be on my side? Helping him would be cheating!" Lioran playfully interjected.

Nala poked her tongue out to her brother, who spoke to Chione to clear the air, ''Archer's a playboy but not a degenerate just yet.''

The paled-skinned girl shrugged and replied, ''I don't care.''

Laughter rippled through the group until Archer's smile greeted Chione, yet all he received was a dismissive huff, prompting a shake of his head before he asked, "Who out of all of us is the first to fight?''

Ella was the one who answered, ''It's Nefi, myself, and you. After that, Teuila, Lioran, Halime, Llyniel, Hemera, Leira, Seraphine, Nala, and Tali.''

Archer smiled before speaking, ''It will be an eventful day then.''

After that, they walked into the arena, eager for thrilling fights. Among the fray, they witnessed Leira's sister, Luna, the first princess of the Avalon Empire, effortlessly dismantle a poor soul from Starlight Academy, leaving the crowd in awe of her power.

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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