A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 678 Are You A Tyrant Husband

Chapter 678 Are You A Tyrant Husband

As the fox woman spoke, her eyes roamed down Archer's body, causing Teuila to laugh at the feisty lady. But she soon got bonked on the head by Aisha, who scolded her, ''Don't be using your scent to attract the king, Bailey!''

Archer chuckled before waving Aisha away and asking the beautiful fox woman a question, "Bailey, I sent some helpers to bring back rare ingredients the kingdom could use to raise funds. Can you take three Cohorts of White Dragon Knights and set up several farms so we can grow them?"

Before Bailey could answer, Mohamet asked in a dubious tone, ''Why do you need three thousand soldiers, Your Majesty?''

Archer sighed as he explained, ''Old man. Growing all this stuff will be one of our income sources; of course, we would need to protect such assets, so why not use the best soldiers we have? It's not like they will follow me to the tournament.''

Mohamet nodded understandingly, waiting for Bailey to answer. "We can set them up within a few days if the soldiers help Your Majesty. I heard your fiancée is good with plants. Do you mind if she helps out?"

"I'll ask her when I return," Archer replied with a smile.

Bailey settled into her seat before responding, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Aisha smiled before introducing the last woman in the room. Archer turned his gaze to her and noticed she was dragonkin. She possessed an enchanting allure, her pointed ears adding an exotic charm to her appearance.

Luscious brown hair cascaded in soft waves around her face. He couldn't help but notice her captivating facial features, which exuded an undeniable allure. Archer noticed long, thick lashes framed her eyes, which sparkled with mischief and intelligence.

Her delicately shaped nose added to the symmetry of her face, while her full and inviting lips curved into an irresistible smile. Every glance from her was a magnetic invitation, leaving him spellbound by her undeniable beauty.

She looked like a serious yet playful woman with a slender yet curvy body, pleased with his roaming. Aisha coughed before speaking, ''This is Lyra Emberheart. She looks after the finances, Your Majesty.''

''It's nice to meet you, Lyra,'' he responded before turning to the three men who looked at him nervously.

He asked Aisha with a charming smile, ''Who are these three, my queen?''

She quickly introduced them while pointing at one of the men: "Your Majesty. This is Leofric Shadowcaster. He is very knowledgeable in the ways of justice, having served as a judge in the Novgorodian Empire."

Archer nodded at the man before examining him. Leofric Shadowcaster was a human who stood taller than others he'd met, his features sharp and defined. His jet-black hair falls in sleek waves, framing a face marked by piercing grey eyes that seem to hold secrets untold.

His complexion is fair, with a hint of sun-kissed warmth, and his angular jawline speaks of determination and resolve. Leofric carries himself with a sense of mystery, his movements graceful yet purposeful.

Aisha continued, ''This is Lucius Ravenshade. He's Draconia's Adventurers Minister. He has been helping me organize and discover the kingdom's dungeons and corresponding with the adventurers guild.''

Archer greeted the man with a nod before examining him as he had with Leofric. The dragonkin man possessed a commanding presence. His scales shimmered with a deep, midnight blue shade, reflecting the light in interesting patterns.

His emerald green eyes gleam with intelligence and wisdom, framed by thick, arching brows that convey a sense of authority. Lucius's physique is powerful and imposing, with muscles rippling beneath his scaled skin.

Despite his formidable appearance, his warm gaze hints at a depth of character beyond his fierce exterior. The man bowed to Archer respectfully before Aisha moved on to the last man, ''This is Valerian Darkmoon. He wants to educate the kingdom's youth so we have a smart population.''

"That's a good idea. Who came up with such it?" Archer asked in a curious voice.

Aisha quickly answered, ''It was me, Your Majesty,'' she looked down in embarrassment, ''I tried doing the same thing on the Avidia, but the nobles hated it.''

"It's a shame they are idiots. But it's a brilliant idea; I came up with a name for Valerian's position: the Minister Of Education. " Archer spoke with a charming smile, which caused Aisha's cheeks to grow darker.

After that, he turned to the dragonkin man looking at him. Valerian had an aura of elegance and grace. Archer noticed his scales were black, and his eyes, a deep shade of amethyst, reflected his keen intellect and sharp wit.

Valerian's high cheekbones and strong jawline lent him an air of sophistication. He was draped in midnight blue robes adorned with complex patterns. The man respectfully bowed, but Archer waved him off before bringing up the law he had created.

Archer wanted their opinion on the laws he created, so he pulled the paper out of his Item Box and started speaking.

"These are the laws I created for our kingdom," he announced. "They are the principles upon which our society will be built, guiding us towards a prosperous kingdom."

The group listened intently as he spoke, focusing on every word. Archer's gaze swept across the room, his eyes locking with each person present as he read the laws he created.

"No killing unless in self-defense," he continued. "We must protect the lives of our citizens and ensure that violence is only used as a last resort or during war."

Next came the prohibition against rape or sexual assaults, followed by laws against theft, tax dodging, and interfering with the king's mines. Each law was met with nods of agreement and murmurs of approval from the group.

Archer continued to read, his voice unwavering as he outlined the remaining laws, covering topics such as domestic abuse, military service dodging, trespassing on the king's private land, slavery, treason, and badmouthing the royal family.

Valerian raised his hand as he questioned, ''Badmouthing you? People will do that in a kingdom, Your Majesty.''

''That breeds descent, and that's not good for any realm, Valerian. We want a population who loves the royal family,'' Archer answered.

Finally, he concluded with a law against fraud or deception, ensuring honesty and integrity in all dealings. As he finished reading, there was a moment of silence in the room, the weight of the laws hanging heavy in the air.

Aisha questioned with a dubious voice, ''The Kings Mines? I'm assuming you mean the mines the people have found?''

''Yes, those,'' he answered smugly before looking at Mohamet. ''Order the Homeguard to move in and secure all mines in Draconia. Build a fort next to it and allow the people to build a mining village so the resources go toward the kingdom.''

After speaking, Archer looked around the room and waited for their opinions, causing Teuila to remark, ''They are basic but clear and would create a safe kingdom to live in.''

He nodded, ''That's the plan, my love.''

Once he spoke, Archer handed the paper to Aisha and informed her, ''Post these laws in every town and ensure everyone sees them. If any are broken, I will execute the person.''

Everyone's eyes widened, and Aisha complained, ''Don't you think that excessive, Your Majesty?''

''No. People tend not to follow laws for the most part, but if they realize they will be executed for breaking even a basic one, they will stay in line and be good citizens. There's no point holding them in prison as it costs gold. Build some holding cells in each town or city, and I'll clean them out,'' Archer casually answered, catching everyone off guard.

Teuila shook her head and inquired with a teasing smile, ''Are you a tyrant husband?''

Archer chucked before answering, ''Yes. I want my people to live in peace and have happy lives; they can't do that if some of them are committing crimes, and trust me if you lower your guard against the criminals, it will surge and become a plague to the kingdom.''

He looked toward the nearest window and continued, ''If that means becoming a tyrant, then so be it, Teuila. I want to build a land my people can love and live happily with their families.''

After speaking, everyone nodded, but as Aisha was about to speak, a knock interrupted her. The door opened to see a group of four dwarves following behind Arianne, who had a big smile as she looked at Archer.

The Homeguard Battalion general blushed when seeing the look Archer was giving her but shook her head and started speaking, ''Your Majesty. This is the Oakenshield who came to Draconia to seek a better and more fulfilling life.''

She turned to one of the dwarves, who stood five feet tall and had a bald head with a long gray beard. Archer introduced him, ''This is Drogan Oakenshield. The patriarch of the Oakenshield Family.''

The dwarf's yellow eyes studied him before he laughed as he looked at Aisha and spoke in a deep voice, ''Lassie! I didn't know the infamous White Dragon was this young. I thought he would have at least been my Dagny's age.''

Archer laughed before responding to the old dwarf, ''Well, I'm sorry to bust your bubble, but I'm seventeen, and if that's an issue, you don't have to be here, dwarf.''

Drogan waved him away, "Now, laddie, don't get touchy. I mean no offense, but it was hard to believe to see what you've built at your age."

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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