A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 677 A Dragonkin, Fox And Two Tigers

Chapter 677 A Dragonkin, Fox And Two Tigers

Teuila stepped closer to Archer, encircling one arm around his waist and resting her head on his shoulder. "Two hundred and fifty gold a year is indeed generous wages," she remarked softly. "It will not only support their families but also contribute to the prosperity of the kingdom."

''That's the plan, but I need to get hold of those ingredients. Hold on, Teu,'' Archer said as he walked out of the tower, followed by Teuila and Sarina.

When outside, he summoned the Tressyms, who were happy to see him. Instantly, the air was filled with the fluttering of wings as the adorable creatures descended upon him with excitement.

At first, Archer chuckled as the Tressyms swarmed around him, nuzzling and purring affectionately. But soon, their happiness reached funny levels as they started to tackle him with playful pounces, causing him to stagger and almost lose his balance.

Teuila and Sarina burst into laughter at the sight, their eyes sparkling with amusement. The blue-haired girl spoke with amusement, "Looks like you've got some eager fans, Archer!"

''Yeah, they are lovely beasts who have served me well,'' he replied as he ran his hand through the flying cat's silky fur.

After that, he ordered them to loot the Novgorod Empire and Church Of Lights gardens for Astraloria, Valethorn, Chronosia, Arkania, Moonshade, Celestial Moonflower, Elysian Glowfruit and Frostfire Spice.

He remembered a few rare plants and ingredients the central continent had that he could grow and sell in bulk to earn many gold coins through trade. After the cats were gone, he turned to Sarina and handed her a bracelet, which confused the woman.

Archer smiled before explaining, ''Send mana into it to contact me. We need to go on a date soon, Sarina Kaba.''

The white-haired dragonkin woman replied, ''I would like that. '' She looked at Teuila before continuing, '' Only if it's okay with your women.''

He was just about to reply, but the Aquarian Princess answered for him, ''You're welcome to date him, Sarina. You seem like a lovely woman.''

''Thank you. It was nice to meet you, Teuila,'' Sarina replied as Archer picked her up and started flying toward the western part of Draconia.

While flying, he instructed Mohamet to dispatch a company of Homeguards to the new wall he was about to build. As they soared through the skies, heading northwest toward their destination, the wind rushed past them, carrying the scent of adventure and freedom.

The landscape unfolded beneath them, a patchwork of forests, rivers, and rolling hills. As they flew over a river, Teuila leaned in unexpectedly, pressing her lips against his. Her sudden action caught him off guard, causing him to lose focus momentarily.

Archer briefly veered off course but quickly regained control and steadied their flight. Once he had stabilized their course, he looked at Teuila, his expression a mix of surprise and amusement.

Her laughter rang out, a melodic sound that danced on the wind. "You certainly know how to keep me on my toes," he remarked with a chuckle, his eyes twinkling affectionately.

Teuila grinned mischievously, her eyes sparkling with delight. "Just making sure you're paying attention, my love," she teased, her voice carrying on the breeze.

Archer shook his head and continued until they reached the western part of Draconia. When they arrived, all the couple saw was a wilderness, but it didn't bother him as he descended to open a portal for the White Dragon Knights, who stormed through.

He laughed at their reaction, but Teuila commented in a thoughtful voice, ''They are well-trained and extremely loyal, Arch. You better treasure that in a world like this.''

''I do, Teu,'' Archer replied as Commander Marius approached him and saluted.

"Your Majesty, thank you for opening the portal. We didn't know where you were going after you built the southern wall," Marius said respectfully.

Archer nodded, ''Next time, I'll inform you before we move. I will build the wall before returning to Bastion to meet with Aisha and Mohamet. Keep an eye on the area, Marius.''

''Yes Your Majesty,'' the man replied.

He walked over to Teuila and leaned into her ear to whisper, ''I love you, Teuila Aquaria.''

After that, he took off and did the same thing as in the south: create a wall with the same metal gate. Everything was the same as the four walls that protected Draconia. The North had a little bit to fill in, which he did.

It only took him not ten minutes, but by the time he returned to Teuila and the knights, he was tired and looked sweaty. They rested briefly before Archer informed Mohamet of the walls' completion.

Once Archer felt better, he opened a Gate to the Bastion and stepped through with Teuila, followed by the White Dragon Knights, who dispersed once into the fortress. A maid approached them and offered to guide them to Aisha.

He agreed and trailed behind the woman as Teuila reached out, clasping his hand. They formed a trio as they navigated the bustling corridors. Along the way, amidst the groups of soldiers and staff, Archer was met with bows of respect, which he casually acknowledged.

After a short while, they reached a sturdy wooden door, which the maid promptly opened. Archer and Teuila entered, finding themselves in the presence of Aisha, Mohamet, and several other men and women.

As everyone noticed his presence, they jumped up and knelt, but Aisha offered him a small bow, revealing some of her alluring cleavage. Archer shook his head and inquired, "Who are these people?"

The tiger woman's face was breathtakingly beautiful. Her striking orange eyes seemed to glow with an otherworldly allure. Framed by long lashes, her eyes held a mesmerizing depth that could captivate anyone who dared look into them.

Her plump and enticing lips curved with a subtle suggestion of mischief, beckoning attention with their irresistible allure. Yet her hourglass silhouette, accentuated by the snug uniform that strained against her massive boobs, truly seized his gaze.

He noticed how her flawless, porcelain-white skin exuded an air of purity and smoothness. Aisha spoke, bringing him back to reality, ''This is Meera Sharma. She would be Draconia's Prime Minister, Your Majesty.''

She bowed toward Archer, allowing him to see her deep cleavage, but quickly stood straight with a smirk and spoke, ''It's good to meet the White Dragon King finally. We've been working to stabilize your kingdom.''

Archer smiled charmingly at the woman, ''And I thank you, Meera. I will make it up to you once everything settles down.''

"I eagerly anticipate it, Your Majesty," the tiger woman replied seductively as she settled back into her seat.

Aisha then shifted her attention to the next woman, who oozed a beauty on par with Meera's. She, too, was a tiger woman with an aura of strictness and a serious expression engraved upon her face.

Archer stood mesmerized, his gaze fixed upon the tiger woman before him. Straight black hair flowed down her back like a silken waterfall, framing a face of unparalleled beauty. Her emerald green eyes sparkled with intelligence and warmth.

They captured his attention and revealed an emotion that stirred something within him. But it was her body that truly captivated him. With a subtle sway of her hips, she moved with effortless grace, her figure resembling a pear.

Her slender waist gently widened into rounded hips, highlighting her feminine charm with every movement. Despite her undeniable beauty, her demeanor was simple and spoke of humility and inner strength.

Archer found himself drawn to her, his heart quickening at the sight of such captivating beauty embodied in the tiger woman before him. Aisha giggled at his reaction, and the black-haired tiger woman acted unaffected.

The redhead dragonkin woman introduced her, '' ''Your Majesty. This is Jaya Darkwater. She is very knowledgeable on war, defense, and other matters relating to Draconia's security.''

He smiled at hearing this and spoke to Jaya, who was now staring at him, ''I need to run some ideas by you before I leave for the tournament.''

Jaya nodded before sitting back down without saying anything, which confused him. He went to speak as a fox woman stepped forward as her long ears twitched in excitement. When Aisha saw this, she sighed as the woman spoke, ''Oh wow. Rumors don't do it justice. You're very handsome, My King.''

Archer was taken aback by her forwardness but smiled as he looked at her.She possessed a captivating appeal, with sun-

kissed blonde hair cascading down her shoulders in gentle waves, framing a face of radiant beauty.

He had to admit she was beautiful. Her flawless brown skin radiated a soft glow. Full and inviting lips curved into a seductive smile, adding an irresistible charm. Her skin glowed warmth, highlighting the striking contrast of her piercing blue eyes, which sparkled like sapphires.

Despite her slender frame, her curves were there, with large boobs drawing his attention, emphasized by the way her clothing hugged her figure.

Aisha quickly introduced the fox women, who looked at each other with expressions full of lust that everyone could sense. Teuila nudged Archer, who returned to reality as the dragonkin woman spoke, ''This is Bailey Moonclaw. She is Draconia's agriculture expert. She helps the kingdom grow food more efficiently.''

He smiled before speaking to the fox woman, ''Nice to meet you. I hope we get on and help the kingdom prosper.''

Baily giggled playfully, her voice dripping with flirtation as she purred, "Oh, I'm absolutely certain we'll get along famously, Your Majesty."

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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