A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 676 Do You Have It

Chapter 676 Do You Have It

Teuila watched as Archer finished his impassioned speech, rallying the soldiers with his words. The soldiers grew increasingly fervent, spurred on by the relentless barrage of mana cannon fire overhead.

The thunderous explosions supported Archer's silent declaration, fueling the troops' adrenaline as they prepared to charge into battle. Teuila stood nearby, her heart beating as she looked at her husband, whom she'd grown to love.

Cannons thundered in the distance, sending bursts of energy crashing into the already weakened defenses. Chunks of stone and debris rained with each explosion, weakening the fortifications.

As the walls began to crumble under the onslaught, adrenaline coursed through her veins. She knew what would come next—the Draconian army, fueled by a thirst for revenge, would charge forward, seizing the opportunity to breach the enemy's stronghold.

With a fierce battle cry, they surged forward, their ranks unyielding as they poured through the breaches in the walls. Teuila's heart pounded as she watched the chaos unfold. The clash of steel echoed through the air as the Draconian forces clashed with the defenders.

Swords clashed, arrows flew, and magic crackled in the air as the two armies fought for supremacy. Teuila's gaze swept over the battlefield. She knew victory was within Archer's grasp, but that's when she woke up and appeared back in the water.

Teuila shook her head and looked at the sea goddess before asking, ''Why did you show me that Oceana?''

"You, my dear, hold the pivotal role in guiding your husband away from the path of darkness. Trust your instincts, and you will know when the time is right to intervene. Now, go and enjoy yourself," Oceana remarked before fading away with the tide.

After the goddess had departed, Teuila shook her head once more before darting through the water with renewed determination. As she propelled herself forward, she leaped out of the water, only to collide with the wall with a resounding thud, causing it to tremble slightly.


[Back to Archer]

Archer rose to his feet, his gaze settling on Sarina Kaba, Mohamet's daughter, with a curious glint in his eyes. As he watched her, he couldn't help but notice her long, white hair emitting a soft glow as it cascaded down in a ponytail.

Her smooth brown skin, reminiscent of chocolate, complemented her hair. Yellow eyes met his gaze, holding a mixture of attraction and something indescribable. Shaking his head slightly, he redirected his focus to her attire.

She wore a combination of black metal and leather armor, emphasizing her desirable curves. He commented with a grin as he took in the beautiful soldier, ''Hello, Sarina. What brings you out here?''

The white-haired dragonkin woman giggled as she replied, ''I lead a Brigade of the Homeguard, handsome. Father dispatched me to the southern wall, which I must admit is beautiful.''

After she spoke, Archer remembered something before turning to the wall but was stopped when something thumped against the wall, causing him to Blink to the top and look over only to see Teuila rubbing her head.

Her blue eyes looked at him, frustrated, before she pouted and sat there, making him feel guilty. He chuckled before Blinking next to her and embracing the Aquarian, who was soaking wet.

Archer cast Cosmic Shield and Mana Manipulation to generate warmth within the vicinity so Teuila could dry off. As the comforting heat enveloped her, she sighed in relief before addressing him, "I love the wall you've constructed, even though it's given me a headache."

He chuckled before casting Aurora Healing on her as he spoke, ''Be careful next time, my love. I don't want you to hurt yourself.''

Teuila giggled but nodded, ''Deal. Let's go. You still have one more wall to build and a jealous-looking dragonkin woman staring down at you to deal with.''

''Oh, that beautiful woman is Sarina. I met her years ago, and now she leads a Homeguard Battalion,'' Archer explained as he cast Blink to reappear on the wall.

When Teuila heard him, she narrowed her eyes, but her expression softened into a giggle upon seeing his confused look. She reassured him, "I'm not a jealous girl, Arch. I know you'll have many wives, but you'll always make time for me and the others."

Archer nodded in agreement. "Definitely, Teu."

Teuila was about to flirt back, but a cough interrupted them. The couple turned to see Sarina standing there, wearing a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. Archer smiled warmly before introducing the two.

"Sarina, this is my fiancée, Teuila Aquaria," he said with a smile, turning to Teuila.

"Teu, this is Sarina Kaba, the most beautiful soldier in my army and my future lover," Archer said with a charming smile, catching the dragonkin woman off guard.

Archer noticed Sarina's face got a shader brown, causing him to smirk, but she quickly rebuked him, ''Why would I want to be the lover of a playboy dragon with so many women he couldn't please all of them.''

"Oh, you're wrong, soldier. Archer can easily please us twelve and still have stamina. I'm still aching after our last session," Teuila interjected with a grin, making the woman's face even darker.

After that, Teuila approached the dragonkin woman and offered her hand as she spoke, ''It's good to meet one of Archer's future lovers. Do you mind telling me how the two met?''

''Ye-yes. Let's check out one of the towers,'' Sarina offered while looking anyway at Archer, causing him to laugh.

Teuila told him to wait here as they walked off. Archer turned his attention to the arriving soldiers being pushed back by the White Dragon Knights, who wouldn't let them approach.

Archer ignored them and took off to examine the wall. He soared through the air on his powerful wings and saw a sight that skipped his heart. Before him rose an imposing black stone wall, towering fifty meters high and stretching as far as the eye could see.

Its sheer size and menacing appearance sent shivers down his spine, yet he couldn't help but admire the craftsmanship that went into its construction. Despite the intimidating wall, Archer noticed the towers lining its length were equally formidable.

They stood tall and proud, providing strategic vantage points for the soldiers. The forts scattered along the wall added to its defenses, their sturdy structures ready to withstand assault.

Hovering closer, his gaze fixed upon the metal gate that was the primary entrance into Draconia. It loomed before him, black and foreboding, its massive form a stark contrast against the surrounding stone.

When he finished surveying the Southern Draconia Wall, Archer noticed a column of soldiers marching toward him, accompanied by wagons and other individuals. Spotting them, he swiftly flew towards the tower where Teuila and Sarina were stationed.

As he neared the tower, Archer dismissed his wings, allowing himself to fall freely towards the wall with a confident smile. The soldiers below watched in awe as he descended, their eyes widening with amazement.

But as he seemed to be on a collision course with the ground, Archer cast Blink and reappeared unscathed outside the tower's door. The soldiers erupted into cheers, exhilarated by the display of magic and skill.

Archer stepped into the tower, greeted by a spacious barracks-

like room. Large windows lined the walls, allowing morning light to stream in and providing a view of the surrounding landscape. Rows of neatly arranged beds filled the space, each with its footlocker at the end.

He noticed smaller rooms designated for artillery storage and maintenance along one side of the room. Weapons racks held swords, spears, and bows, while shelves were stocked with ammunition and other supplies.

The air was filled with the faint scent of oil and metal, hinting at well-maintained weaponry. Soldiers moved about the room. Some engaged in conversation while others tended to their gear or choose on their bunks.

When he entered the room, everyone present except Teuila dropped to their knees in reverence. But she greeted him with a loving smile and stepped forward, her gaze fixed on him as she inquired, "What will the soldiers' wages be, darling?"

Archer paused, momentarily caught off guard by the question. He hadn't given it much consideration before. After a moment of thought, he decided to imitate the Roman pay model.

"Two hundred and fifty gold coins per year, with additional bonuses and incentives," he replied. "But that's the current standard. I may need to conduct some raids on the Novgorodian Banks to procure more gold, but it's certainly doable."

When he finished, everyone looked at him with wide eyes, causing Sarina to comment sarcastically, ''You're going to steal from one of the richest empires on Thrylos?''

As she spoke, a large dragonkin soldier commented out of nowhere, making Teuila and Sarina jump, ''I don't mean to be rude, commander, but Thrylos is bigger than anyone thinks. There may be a bigger and stronger empire out there.''

Archer looked at the man with narrowed eyes, causing the soldier to shrink back, but stopped when he asked, ''Why do you say such things? And if you scare my women again, I'll rip your head off.''

The big man gulped before answering, ''I apologize, Your Majesty. But to answer your question, it was a book I read.''

''Do you have it?'' Archer asked.

When the soldier heard his question, he smiled before speaking, ''Yes. Let me get it.''

The man returned seconds later and handed Archer a book about Thrylos and the sea monsters that inhabited them, which intrigued him. Archer handed the man a gold coin, which shocked him, but he insisted on taking it for the book.

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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