A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 675 Long Time No See My King

Chapter 675 Long Time No See My King

Archer swiftly reached Draconia's southern shore and descended. After landing, he set Teuila down and began stretching as she spoke, "Arch, do you mind if I go for a swim?"

He watched Teuila sprint toward the rough waters and dived in, shaking his head while speaking to himself, ''Crazy girl. But Aquarians do love their water.''

After that, he returned to work and flapped his wings to hover in the air while surveying the shoreline. Once he did that for twenty minutes, he knew the type of wall he would create. It would stretch from the western mountains to the eastern ones and have access to the river with a large metal gate.

Knowing this would use much of his mana, he sent Mohamet a message to organize some of the White Dragon Knights to come and keep an eye on him while he did this. The old man did this without complaint after Archer opened a portal to the Bastion.

He had expected a few reinforcements, perhaps a dozen, but what emerged from the shimmering gateway left him stunned. Five hundred heavily armored knights marched out in perfect formation, their white armor gleaming in the sunlight.

The helmets they wore obscured their faces, leaving only narrow slits for their eyes, adding an air of mystery to their imposing presence. Each knight held a massive sword, the blades reflecting the light with a deadly glint as they moved in unison.

Archer's astonishment deepened as the knights halted their march and arranged themselves into precise rows. He had not anticipated such a formidable force appearing before him.

Suddenly, a large man stepped forward from the ranks of knights, his stature commanding attention. He knelt before Archer with an air of deference, his voice resonating with respect as he spoke.

"I am Marius Silverfang, Second in Command of the White Dragon Knights," the man declared. "What can we do for you, my gracious king?"

Archer struggled to find his voice, still reeling from Marius and his knights' unexpected arrival. But he shook his head and spoke in a commanding voice: ''Have the soldiers guard the area while I create this wall.''

That's when he turned to the commander and said, ''Teuila is in the sea. If she returns, tell her the plan, Marius.''

''Yes, Your Majesty," The man responded before shouting his orders to the knights.

Archer watched as they formed a perimeter around him. He started to hover in the air and closed his eyes while casting Mana Manipulation, which caused the mana around him to go crazy.

To the knights below, it looked like a storm was beginning, but suddenly, the man shot down into the ground. He felt the mana in the air gathering around him before shooting into the ground.

After a few minutes, the earth started to shake, causing walls to rise. Tough-looking black stone shot up into the air and stood fifty meters over the sea, allowing for perfect sight. Archer created staircases that led to the stone street below.

He erected towers, each doubling as guard quarters, positioned at intervals of every mile along the wall, ensuring surveillance even when the soldiers were off duty. Additionally, he constructed large forts scattered along the wall's length.

Yet, the pinnacle of his creation was the imposing metal gate designed to thwart ships' attempts to traverse the Dragonfire River into Draconia. As Archer completed his task and felt the dizziness overwhelm him, he began to plummet from the sky.

Panic surged through him until a booming voice shattered the air, commanding, "Catch the king!"

In a split second, strong arms enveloped him, breaking his fall. Startled, Archer saw a figure with snow-white hair and glowing yellow eyes. Recognition flooded his mind as he remembered a woman he had encountered some time ago.

"Long time no see, My King," the woman greeted him, her voice filled with warmth and familiarity.


[Teuila's POV]

Teuila surged through the water like a rocket, her Aquarian heritage guiding her with remarkable speed. As she darted among the ocean depths, thousands of sea beasts swirled around her, their forms a mesmerizing display of aquatic life.

But then, without warning, the chaos of the sea quieted, and an eerie stillness enveloped her. Teuila's heart pounded as she scanned her surroundings, searching for any sign of danger.

Then, a voice cut through the silence, rich with warmth and familiarity. "My Sea Princess has returned," it echoed, resonating with power. "I have been following your journey, girl, and it has been exciting."

Teuila's eyes widened in astonishment as she recognized the voice. It spoke to her with a tenderness she had never known. A surge of emotions flooded her—awe, wonder, and a profound sense of connection to the vast depths of the sea.

"Goddess Oceana, it's been a long time, and yes, life has been fun," Teuila replied with a smile.

A melodious laugh echoed through the water as a bubble formed, giving birth to the ethereal figure of a woman. Her long, dark blue hair flowed like silk, catching the light in a mesmerizing dance, while her golden eyes sparkled with an otherworldly radiance.

Her skin, as smooth as porcelain, bore no imperfections. Teuila's heart skipped a beat as she recognized the beautiful figure before her—the Sea Goddess. It had been years since she last encountered her, back when she was just a child of seven.

But the memory of the deity's beauty remained etched in her mind. The goddess materialized fully, her presence exuding an aura of calm and wisdom.

With a gentle smile, she spoke, her voice carrying the tranquility of the ocean depths. "I've witnessed your husband's escapades and the way he unwittingly thwarts the plans of the dark gods. It's quite amusing, wouldn't you agree?"

Teuila's smile widened as she recalled some of Archer's antics, causing her to agree, "Indeed, he possesses a gift for provoking powerful people and groups."

Another laugh resonated before Oceana said with a smile, "Allow me to offer you a glimpse of his future. I've been instructed otherwise, but as the goddess of the sea, even a dragon deity cannot dissuade me from indulging my children."

The woman touched Teuila's forehead and witnessed an amazing scene. She stood on a hill, her heart pounding as she witnessed the chaos below. On one side of the battlefield, soldiers clad in menacing black armor.

She noticed they held white banners embellished with the symbol of the white dragon and clashed mercilessly with Novgorodian warriors. The clash of swords and the cries of battle filled the air as Archer's soldiers cut swaths through the Novgorodian ranks.

Their advance was relentless and unstoppable. Teuila's breath caught in her throat as she watched them fight bravely against the overwhelming amount of Novgorodian soldiers who were waiting to take their lives.

But amidst the chaos, a hush fell over the battlefield as a massive shadow blocked the sun. Teuila's eyes widened as she saw Archer in his dragon form but much bigger, locked in a fierce duel with a menacing black dragon.

The two beasts clashed with thunderous roars, their massive forms twisting and turning through the sky as they exchanged devastating blows. Her heart raced as she watched the struggle.

Despite the ferocity of the Archer's attacks, the black dragon seemed to hold the upper hand. Its dark scales gleamed in the sunlight as it unleashed a barrage of fire and fury upon him.

But then, with a mighty roar, she watched Archer launch a devastating counterattack, his powerful jaws clamping down on the black dragon's throat with force. Her eyes widened in awe as she watched the black dragon thrash and struggle in a futile attempt to break free.

After some struggle, Teuila watched as Archer tore the dragon's neck apart, causing blood to rain down; with a deafening crash, she watched as the black dragon fell to the ground, defeated and lifeless.

Teuila stood transfixed as Archer's soldiers surged forward, cutting down the remaining enemy soldiers with swift and decisive strikes. The clash of steel echoed across the battlefield as the black-armored soldiers pressed on.

With each step, they pushed deeper into the enemy ranks, driving back the Novgorodian forces with unwavering resolve. She watched in awe as the tide of battle turned in her love's favor, his soldiers fighting with unmatched skill and ferocity.

But even as victory seemed within reach, the scene shifted abruptly, and Teuila found herself gazing upon a massive castle under siege. Archer's army had surrounded the stronghold, their ranks bristling with weapons and excitement as they launched a relentless assault on the city walls.

Mana cannons thundered in the distance, sending blasts of magical energy hurtling toward the defenses. The impact was devastating, sending debris flying as sections of the once-

imposing walls crumbled under the onslaught.

She caught sight of Archer striding toward the forefront of the horde of black-armored soldiers, his words ringing out with fervor that ignited a fire in the hearts of those around her. "They've assaulted our home! They've laid waste to the Third Legion and massacred the people of Vassia City! The Novgorodians will answer for their brutality!"

Teuila observed as he turned, gesturing toward the city. "We've come a long way, my comrades, but this war is far from its end! Not until we seize their homeland and raise the white banner high above their capital!"

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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