A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 665 Darkness And Foreboding

Chapter 665 Darkness And Foreboding

Archer watched the soldier's fearful expressions, but Sia didn't seem bothered by them, which caused him to grow curious. He was about to ask, but she quickly said, ''I can sense your mana all over them. They seem to love it, husband.''

Sia turned to him with a smile before pressing her plush lips against his in a passionate kiss. Archer quickly reciprocated it, and shortly after, she leaned back to thank him, ''Thank you for giving me the orb. It saved many lives, Arch.''

''Anytime, my love. It's the reason I gave you all one,'' Archer explained.

After that, the two separated and walked over to the scared soldiers before motioning for the shadow creatures to bring them closer. Sia watched them panic but soon realized they weren't trying to hurt them.

When they were herded in front of Archer, he spoke, ''You lot will take a mana oath never to reveal anything you see me doing, or I'll have no choice but to kill you all, as these fine creatures are my secret weapon in the upcoming wars.''

As they heard this, the women instantly agreed as they couldn't take their gaze away from his upper body, which was toned and well-built. But soon, every soldier took the oath that pleased him before returning to Nyctros, who opened a large shadow below him and threw out all the bodies, hearts, and treasures they collected from the bandits on Draconia.

Archer quickly stored everything in his Item Box except the bodies. He threw them into the Monster Army's part of the domain to feed any beasts who found them. Afterward, he turned to Sia, who was staring at him with lust-filled eyes. He smiled before speaking to Nyctros, ''Hunt down every bandit or outlaw you find in this land. Bring me everything when you've completed your task.''

''Yes, My Prince. It will be done,'' the shadow general responded as he sunk back into the darkness along with the others.

Once they were gone, Archer turned to the wary soldiers and, after putting on a shirt, commented with a charming smile, ''Let's get you back to your fortress. I was in the middle of something before I was summoned.''

They all quickly responded with silent nods before Archer started walking back to the nearest road, followed by Sia, who linked arms with him and grinned, ''I can smell Sera all over you. I assume you were about to make love to her?''

Archer nodded, ''Yes, but it was worth coming to rescue you, Sia. I would be heartbroken if anything had happened to you.''

Sia smiled shyly and responded sweetly, ''That's why I summoned you this time; I knew you could help us. Plus, I also wanted to see you, which is a bonus. Would you like some tea? I bought some new stuff the other day, and it's delicious.''

''Of course. I'll message the girls and let them know where I am,'' Archer answered as he used the bracelet to talk to them.

Ella, Teuila, and Sera told him to take his time as they would wait for him. Archer thanked the three for being understanding before returning his attention to the road before them.

After walking more, the large group returned to their fortress, which appeared not far away. Archer turned to the dragonkin woman, mesmerized by her enchanting smile and beautiful blue eyes.

He shook his head as they approached the towering gates of the southern fortress. He remembered seeing this when the alliance invaded the empire. The formidable stone and iron structure fortress stood as a beacon of safety against the encroaching darkness during those times, or so he heard from the girls.

When they got closer, the guards stationed atop the walls caught sight of them and sounded the horn, signaling their imminent return. The heavy gates creaked open slowly, revealing the bustling courtyard beyond. Torches flickered, casting dancing shadows on the cobblestone ground as people hurried to and fro, preparing for the night ahead.

Archer led the way, his stride confident. Sia walked by his side, connected to his arm, with a happy smile. The soldiers followed close behind, their expressions a mixture of relief and anticipation as they finally approached the safety of the fortress.

When they all stepped through the gate, an older human man appeared and greeted Sia with a relieved expression on his weathered face, ''Commander. I'm glad you returned safely. I sent out scouts to look for you, but they found nothing, and alarmingly, we've been getting even more reports of bandits running rampant in Summerfield Duchy.''

Sia nodded with a sad smile, ''It was unpleasant commander, we were ambushed just outside Ghostwood Grove and was pushed inside the forest but luckily I could summon my husband who helped dealing with them, otherwise we would of been captured.''

He noticed the look of anger as she continued, ''They appeared out of nowhere and surrounded us within seconds,'' she looked at her surviving soldiers and concluded. ''It was like they were watching us since we left the fortress.''

Archer observed the man before him, matching his towering height of six foot eight. Grey hair crowned his head, and his eyes, also grey, bore the weight of years of experience. A warm smile graced his face as he extended his hand towards him.

He reciprocated the gesture while introducing himself, "Archer Wyldheart."

Upon hearing his name, the man's expression shifted slightly. "Wyldheart, as in the White Prince? Fiance of Princess Leira?"

''That's the one. But Sia is also one of my fiance's,'' Archer replied.

''Commander General Jehovah Greenfist, my lord. I'm glad you could help Sia and the soldiers. The bandit attacks have been getting worse over the last couple weeks due to the wars happening further south.''

Archer smiled but was curious, ''It's my job to rescue my wife if needed, but what wars are you talking about?''

''Petty kingdoms fighting over land as usual. It will die down soon but not without worsening,'' Jahovah commented.

He nodded, ''The bandit issue should be dealt with shortly. Also, can I bring some of my soldiers to protect Sia?''

The general nodded with an eager smile, ''Of course. I love witnessing other nation's troops. It's fascinating to see their armor, weapons, and training.''

Archer grinned, but Sia quickly said, ''I don't need your soldier's husband! The Dawnbreakers will do.''

''Clearly. My dragonkin warriors are the best around. I've armed them with the finest dwarven-made armor and weapons. They are trained by a veteran general and extremely loyal, and they would die protecting one of their queens without hesitating.''

Following his speech, he summoned a portal and declared, "Eldric! Gather your troops—two hundred strong and bring them to me!"

Everyone in the fortress went quiet and watched the scene but soon went pale as the aura of a dangerous predator appeared, sending shivers down everyone's back. Then, with a thunderous roar, the portal erupted, and from its depths emerged a sight that sent shivers down the spines of all who saw it.

Two hundred heavy infantry, clad in jet-black armor that seemed to drink in the light, marched forth with precision and purpose. Each soldier bore a sword and shield, while others wielded massive war hammers and axes, their weapons gleaming in the moonlight.

The ground trembled beneath the weight of their synchronized footsteps as they advanced in perfect unison, their formation unbreakable, their resolve unyielding. At their head strode a towering figure clad in the most menacing armor of all, his presence commanding respect and fear in equal measure.

Archer loved the menacing black armor worn by the soldiers who emerged from the portal and exuded an aura of darkness and foreboding. Crafted from the finest materials, it boasted a sleek yet rugged design, balancing durability and agility.

Each piece was meticulously forged to provide maximum protection while allowing for ease of movement, ensuring its wearer could maneuver effortlessly in battle. The armor's surface was adorned with complex etchings and dragon motifs reminiscent of ancient runes and symbols of power.

Jagged spikes adorned the pauldrons, adding to its intimidating presence, while the polished black metal seemed to absorb the surrounding light, casting a shadowy veil over its wearer. Despite its imposing appearance, the armor exuded a hostility that seemed to seep from every joint and seam.

It was as if the very essence of darkness had been infused into its design, lending it an otherworldly aura that sent shivers down the spine of any who beheld it. To Archer, a white dragon, the sight of this menacing black armor was welcome.

The armor's evil visage mirrored the darkness within his heart, and he was drawn to its sinister allure. With a wicked grin, he admired its craftsmanship, knowing that it would serve him well in future battles.

As Eldric and the soldiers approached Archer, they all dropped to one knee with a resounding clang. The black dragon look of devotion and loyalty shocked everyone around him as he, "My King. What are your orders?"

Archer surveyed the Dragon Knights, a formidable force honed under Eldric's tutoring. Having entrusted the black dragon with the training of five thousand soldiers some time ago, Archer anticipated leveraging their skills to gain invaluable battle experience.

He would dispatch them alongside Sia, intending for their return to serve as an opportunity to share the knowledge they acquired during their mission among their comrades.

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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