A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 663 Haven't You Learned Yet

Chapter 663 Haven't You Learned Yet

Archer watched as the sea churned with fire and smoke, the remnants of the pirate fleet reduced to ashes. Once the chaos subsided, he left the charred remains behind and soared through the smoke-filled skies, setting his course for the island.

With a satisfied smile, he turned and set off on his journey to the pirate capital. It didn't take him long to reach the island, and as he approached, miles of grassland with towns dotting the landscape came into view.

Most were positioned along the coastline, facilitating easy access for pirate ships to moor. As Archer soared over the towns, the inhabitants looked up in astonishment, their gazes following him as he ventured deeper into the island's interior.

However, what truly captured his attention was the lush expanse of the swamp, dense jungle, and arid desert in the island's southern region. His focus shifted to an island in the center of a vast lake connected to the mainland by a slender strip of land.

Archer's keen eyes spotted a city nestled on the landscape. Its towering spires and grand structures stood out amidst the surrounding greenery, beckoning him closer with promises of adventure and intrigue.

With a determined glint in his eyes, Archer adjusted his course and set his sights on the city. As he drew nearer, the details of the bustling pirate city became clearer. He could see the streets teeming with life, the sounds of activity reaching his ears even from high above.

His gaze scanned the city, searching for the largest mansions that hinted at wealth and power. Spotting a cluster of opulent estates near the city's center, Archer angled his wings and accelerated towards them, his heart pounding with anticipation.

However, as he approached the grandest mansion, a sudden barrage of cannon fire erupted from its defenses, catching him off guard. Reacting with lightning reflexes, he twisted and turned in the air, narrowly dodging the projectiles as they passed him with force.

The air crackled with energy as the cannons continued their relentless assault, forcing him to evade them all. With each maneuver, he pushed himself to the limit, relying on his instincts to outmaneuver the barrage aimed at him.

Despite the danger, he remained undeterred, his determination fueling his resolve to reach his destination. With a final burst of speed, he veered past the last volley of cannon fire and soared towards the mansion.

As Archer approached, he noticed pirates running around in panic. But it was too late—they could do nothing as he crashed through the mansion wall. When the dust settled, he saw a group of men sitting around a table.

One of them stood up and was massive. He was much taller and bigger than Archer, but that didn't bother him as he rushed forward, grabbed the man by the face, and slammed him into the ground, causing the mansion to shake.

Two of the onlookers tried to get involved, but Archer's tail swiped one of their legs while he slashed the other. Blood sprayed everywhere, shocking the others, but what happened next horrified them.

Archer picked the pirate up by his ruined face and cast Soul Sunder, causing the room to light up as he gobbled the man's soul. He destroyed all the useless memories but kept everything else.

When he was finished, he dropped the pirate leader's lifeless body to the floor with a thud. After that, he turned to the others and warned, ''Whoever speaks next will die. I'm here to give you two choices-''

As he spoke, a woman interrupted him in a voice full of hate, ''Fuck off, will ya brat. We don't take orders from a child.''

His gaze shifted to the blonde woman who had just spoken, her words dripping with venom. Without hesitation, he swiftly Blinked behind her, driving one of his claws through her back and pulling out her heart, much to the shock and horror of the other pirates.

As the woman collapsed onto the table, Archer calmly began devouring her heart, his actions a grim display of power. Addressing the remaining pirates, he continued speaking, unfazed by what he'd done, "Now, where were we? Ah yes, two choices: serve me and my kingdom, or meet the same fate as these two."

Completing his message, Archer moved to the leader's chair and seated himself, watching the reactions of those before him. Within moments, they all rose and knelt, their allegiance pledged in response to his chilling display, a satisfied smile gracing Archer's lips.

''Good, good. Now, my little pirates, I know I will visit the others after I'm done with you a lot, but once my kingdom is up and running, you will turn into my navy, which is exciting as you'll belong to something greater.'' Archer voiced as he finished the woman's heart with a burp.

That's when one of the men asked nervously, ''Greater than ourselves? What's that, my lord?''

Archer glanced at the man who looked like your typical pirate but was fat and tall. He chuckled to himself before answering, ''You lot were a bunch of scum targeting merchant vessels for small gains. But now we will be targeting a bigger prey.''

One of the few remaining women raised her hand like a student in class, causing Archer to motion for her to speak, ''Who will we be attacking?''

''What's your name, woman?''

''Grace, my lord.'' She answered without missing a beat.

Archer grinned, ''We'll eventually target the Church Of Light vessels and maybe the Novgorodians.''

All the pirate's eyes widened in fear and shock before a skinny man who resembled a human rat rebuked him, ''What can you do against them? You're just one boy, and we're a group of rag-tagged pirates.''

''Are you doubting me?'' Archer asked with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

''Yes. You're what, eighteen? The Novgorodians have a powerful navy and Demi-Gods,'' Rat man explained with a smug look.

But Archer wasn't bothered as he looked at the remaining twelve pirate leaders, who looked nervous, and some even looked horrified. That's when he vanished from the spot only to reappear behind the man who had just spoken.

He leaned in and said in a menacing tone, ''Haven't you learned already? Now die.''

Archer snapped his neck without thinking before throwing the lifeless body out the nearest window. After dealing with the rat man, he asked the remaining group, ''Anyone else doubting me or wants to say their peace?''

Everyone else shook their heads, but a middle-aged man asked respectfully, ''Who are you exactly? I can see you're a dragon by your eyes. I know some roam Pluoria but have never seen one like you.''

''Have you heard the rumors about a new dragon?'' Archer asked with a confused expression.

Some of them nodded as another woman spoke, ''Yes, the white dragon appeared in the Avalon Empire. I heard he's a playboy and has many women.''

He laughed, causing everyone to look at him before introducing himself, ''I'm Archer Wyldheard. The most handsome dragon on Pluoria and the ruler of the newly founded Draconia Kingdom king.''

As he finished speaking, he opened a Gate to the mansion and called for the two waiting women when Fianna and Aisha stepped through the shimmering portal, which shocked everyone gathered.

Archer laughed at the stunned faces of the pirate leaders as his attention turned to the two women who had just stepped through the shimmering portal. Their beauty was undeniable, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride as he introduced them to the room.

"Let me inform you now that the redhead is in charge, and you will listen to her," he declared, his voice ringing with authority, "she is my queen, Aisha Ashcroft, and the blonde is my Duchess, Fianna Everrose. You will treat these two as you treat me with complete respect.''

He glanced at each pirate and finished with a warning, ''If I hear any different, I will happily wipe out every pirate on this island.''

The pirates exchanged bewildered glances, their shock palpable in the silence that followed. Grace's voice, barely above a whisper, mumbled, "They're beautiful, My Lord."

When Archer heard that, his eyes narrowed, and he warned the men, ''If I see you looking at any of my women in a vulgar way, I will kill you and your family. Understand?''

All the men nodded like scared chickens while the women smiled as they sensed his jealousy, but Archer changed the subject and instructed them, ''Recruit more pirates, and when the kingdom is ready, I will summon you to the capital so we can create a navy.''

Everyone agreed before Archer threw a bracelet at Grace and the other woman who introduced herself, ''I'm Marina, my lord.''

He nodded and explained to the two women, ''You two are in charge. Contact me if there is any trouble, and I'll appear.''

The two pirate women bowed before Archer, Fianna, and Aisha returned to Drakewood as it was late. When the trio appeared back in the mansion, he told the dragon-kin woman, ''I have to return to the contest, but I will return once my fights in the tournament. But in the meantime, I will create some laws and ways for the kingdom to thrive.''

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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