A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 662 Tribute

Chapter 662 Tribute

Archer looked at the older woman and smiled, ''Of course, there's no rush, Fianna. You're married, after all, and it's a big leap.''

He saw her visibly relax when he spoke, so he changed the subject, ''Let's go see Aisha. We need to get the economy going and the gold flowing.''

Fianna smiled before grabbing his hand as the two continued walking down the road, heading for the town of Drakewood. As they walked down the snowy road, the cold air biting at their cheeks, they noticed caravans passing by.

The travelers inside looked at Archer with wide eyes as they passed, some whispering to each other and pointing in his direction. But he nodded politely to the passersby, acknowledging their curiosity with a friendly smile.

Fianna walked beside him, her presence adding a sense of warmth to the wintry scene. As the duo approached, a wooden town nestled amidst the snowy landscape. The buildings were organized neatly in rows, and they couldn't help but admire the town's charm.

Smoke rose lazily from chimneys, blending with the misty air, while laughter and chatter drifted through the streets. As Archer and Fianna walked further into Drakewood, a soldier clad in gleaming armor suddenly emerged from the crowd.

Before the man could get closer, Archer decided to scan him to see how strong he was.

[Tharn Stormscale]

[Level: 93]

[Rank: Master]

'Oh, they're not weak at all. Mohamet must be training them good.' He thought to himself.

That's when the soldier arrived in front of them, his footsteps echoing against the snowy ground, and bowed deeply before speaking.

"Your Majesty, my Lady," the soldier addressed them respectfully, "Queen Aisha has sent me to escort you to the mansion."

Archer glanced at Fianna, a hint of surprise flickering in their eyes before he nodded in acknowledgment and replied, "Lead the way, then."

The soldier straightened up, his posture rigid with duty, and gestured for them to follow. With Fianna's hand still in his, Archer trailed behind the soldier as they navigated through the labyrinthine streets of Drakewood.

Caravans and villagers alike parted ways to make room for their procession, their whispers and curious glances trailing in their wake. As they neared the heart of the town, the buildings seemed to grow more imposing, adorned with banners bearing the kingdom's emblem.

The soldier led them through a grand archway guarded by stoic sentinels into the courtyard of a magnificent castle. That's when he saw Aisha standing there with a warm smile.

When Archer and Fianna got closer, she bowed while greeting them, ''Hello, my king. It's good to see you here.''

He looked at the woman and forgot how beautiful she was. Her blood-red hair was tied into a ponytail, and her crystal blue eyes shone with untold wisdom. She possessed a face that could launch a thousand ships.

Beautiful brown skin glows with a warmth that radiates from within, a rich canvas kissed by the sun's caress. It exudes an exquisite depth, like the earth itself, with hues ranging from the softest caramel to the deepest mahogany.

Archer noticed her smile could brighten even on the darkest days, like a ray of sunshine breaking through clouds. Every contour of her face seemed delicately sculpted by the gentlest hands, with cheekbones that rose like ethereal peaks and lips that promised untold sweetness.

''Enjoying what you see, Your Majesty?'' Aisha commented with a grin.

Her voice was like music when she spoke, weaving a spell that left all who heard it enchanted in its wake. Archer shook his head when he felt Fianna's jealous poke, which he found adorable.

With a grin, he answered the dragon-kin woman, ''Of course, Aisha. You're a beautiful woman. How's the kingdom?''

Fianna huffed as she remarked, ''What a playboy. Do you flirt with every female you encounter?''

Archer smiled at the woman before pulling her closer, and his hand squeezed her juicy backside, causing her to let out a yelp as he answered, ''No, my Duchess.''

Aisha smirked as she interrupted the two love birds, ''My king. What are you doing with Duchess Everrose?''

"Because she's my woman. Well, not yet, but she will be," he answered without hesitating, causing Fianna and Aisha's eyes to widen.

She giggled before speaking, ''You play with married women, Your Majesty?''

''Yeah, why not? The Duke is neglecting her and probably using her as a baby-making machine. So here I am showing her how she's meant to be treated.''

Aisha smiled as she asked teasingly, "So you don't view your women merely as vessels for producing heirs?"

"No," he replied earnestly, meeting her gaze. They are my partners, and I cherish them. If they choose not to have children, then so be it. Their well-being matters more to me than pursuing an heir, especially when I intend to live forever, my queen."

The older dragon kin woman's smile grew even brighter before speaking, ''Follow me. We have a lot to discuss.'' Aisha turned to Fianna with a knowing look, ''Will you be joining us, Duchess?''

''Yes, please,'' Fianna answered as the three entered the fancy wooden mansion.

When they entered, Archer saw it was decorated more than he'd liked, but it was Aisha's place, so he wouldn't get involved. After walking for ten minutes, they arrived at her study and entered before taking a seat.

''Are there any problems? I wanted you to know that I will build the East and South walls before creating laws for the kingdom,'' he informed the dragon-kin woman.

"My King, there's trouble brewing along the southern coast," she began. "Groups of pirates and bandits have been raiding relentlessly, attacking villages and trade routes. They've struck multiple times, causing chaos and destruction."

''Where are they exactly?'' Archer questioned.

Aisha took a map and motioned for him to sit at the nearby table. When they all took their seats, she pointed to the southern coast: ''The bandits have camps around here, while the pirates are on four islands that circle Draconia.''

Archer studied the map before asking, ''What did the empire do before we arrived?''

''Tribute, my king. They used to pay the pirates while the bandits were being thieves. There's nothing new with them,'' Aisha explained.

He nodded in understanding while turning to Fianna, ''Fi. Stay here with Aisha while I tend to the kingdom's problems. It shouldn't take me long to finish.''

The blonde woman agreed with a smile before Archer stood up and made his way to the entrance. When he stepped outside, he summoned his Shadow General Nyctros, only to cause the atmosphere to grow cold.

As the shadow being appeared, it bowed, ''My prince. How can I serve you?''

Archer looked at Nyctros and scanned him.


[Shadow Being]

[Level: 550]

[Rank: Supreme Mage]

''Slaughter all the bandits that infest my lands and bring their wealth to me.''

''Yes, My Prince. It will be done.'' Nyctros respectfully answered.

After that, Archer summoned his and took off before flying south to hunt the pirates and either bring them to heel or kill them all. Archer soared high above the towering peaks of the mountains that guarded his kingdom.

The icy wind whipped against his face as he gazed into the distance. In the vast expanse of the sea, he spotted the silhouette of the first island, a distant speck on the horizon. He urged his wings to beat faster, propelling him forward with increasing speed toward the looming island.

As he drew nearer, the outline of pirate ships became clearer, their dark sails billowing against the blue sky. As he approached the pirates, adrenaline surged as excitement took over.

Suddenly, the stillness of the air was shattered by the deafening roar of mana cannons. Bright flashes streaked across the sky as the ships opened fire.

Their projectiles hurtled toward him with deadly accuracy. With lightning reflexes, Archer twisted and turned in the air, his wings slicing through the turbulent currents as he dodged the incoming onslaught.

He could smell the mana zooming past, which made him smile as he dove under the relentless barrage, weaving between the volleys of violent mana that intended to take him out.

Archer's wings beat with powerful strokes, propelling him through the air as he soared toward the pirate ships. His eyes blazed with excitement as his muscles tensed while closing in on the first pirate ship, his breath quickening with adrenaline.

With a fierce roar, he unleashed his Dragon's Breath, a torrent of violet blazing flames erupting from his mouth like a fiery storm. It engulfed the ship in a searing inferno, licking at its wooden hull and devouring everything in its path.

The pirates onboard cried out in terror as the flames consumed the vessel, their panicked shouts drowned out by the crackling roar of the fire. With a satisfied nod, Archer turned his attention to the next ship, his eyes narrowing.

He swooped toward the pirate vessel, his wings slicing through the air like twin blades as he unleashed another torrent of flames. The second ship erupted into flames, its sails catching fire and its hull splintering under the intense heat.

Pirates scrambled to escape the inferno, leaping overboard into the icy waters below as Archer's breath reduced their ship to smoldering wreckage. He targeted each vessel one by one while unleashing his Dragon's Breath.

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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