A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 661 The Draconic Legions Are Born

Chapter 661 The Draconic Legions Are Born

Archer shifted his focus to Aranelle, a slender woman with light blue hair and bright green eyes, radiating beauty which caught his attention before Fianna poked him and whispered into his ear, ''You're cheeky to be looking at another woman while with me.''

He chuckled softly before gently squeezing her thigh. Leaning close, Archer whispered into her delicate ear, "I'm a greedy dragon, my Duchess. So, if you persist in getting jealous, don't blame me. I may have to punish you once our business here is concluded."

Fianna shivered but grew quiet as he looked at Finrod and realized he was the male version of Aranelle. Archer shook his head and inquired, ''Which of you is stronger at offensive magic?''

Finrod raised his head, ''I am Your Majesty.''

His smile grew before speaking, ''Good. You will train Spellfire Battalion, the Draconia's offensive spellcasters. Get Aisha to announce the need for volunteers for the new units from the populace or army.''

Archer turned to Aranelle with a friendly gaze and questioned, ''I assume you're good at defense magic?''

She nodded with a respectful smile, ''Yes, your Majesty. I was trained to use shields and such.''

''That's brilliant. You will lead the Guardians. They will be the defensive mages of our army.'' He responded with a big smile as he cuddled up to Fianna.

The elf bowed before Mohamet stepped up and inquired, ''What's your plan, Your Majesty?''

Archer thought for a minute and started speaking, ''I'm creating an army that cannot be matched on the battlefield. They will be called legions and consist of 200,000 men. 120,000 will be a mix of infantry, 40,000 cavalry, 15,000 range units, 15,000 support Staff, and 10,000 supply guards.''

When the crowd heard this, they started murmuring to themselves. But Archer continued in an authoritative voice, ''Two Dragon Marshals and four Dragon Generals will lead a legion as it's good to have more than one mind during a battle. Your generals can arrange the lower chain of command, but ultimately, you answer to me. Any questions?''

One human man stepped forward and spoke, ''How will you fund these armies, Your Majesty? That would be very expensive.''

Several people nodded, but Archer stared at the man before answering, ''Our economy will be able to pay for it, but I haven't set up the Draconia Government yet, but I will do that soon.''

Everyone looked confused; even Fianna gave him a funny look, causing Archer to laugh. He soon calmed down and explained, ''They will run the kingdom's day-by-day activities like trade, security, investments, agriculture, recruitment for the army, and so on. But I will have all the power as the Draconia King.''

The crowd nodded, including Fianna, before Archer started talking again, ''I'll discuss the small details with Aisha, but just know in ten years, the Draconia Kingdom will be a powerhouse and will overtake the Novgorod and Nightshade Empires.''

They bowed to him before Archer dismissed them but told Mohamet to stay behind, which the old human did. When everyone was gone, he asked. ''Mohamet, wait there. I'll write down everything I want you to do regarding the army.''

The elderly man nodded in approval as Archer retrieved some paper and a pen. He then turned to Fianna, who observed him with amazement and asked with a charming smile, "May I use your back, my dear?"

His unexpected request caught her off guard, but she nodded and turned around. Archer noticed Fianna's smooth back as she positioned herself, her hips resting on his lap, causing her ample thighs to be displayed.

Archer shook his head, used her back as a writing board, and wrote down his instructions about setting up the legions, their training, and a reminder to train the soldiers in different weapons.

It took him an hour to finish, but he had over a thousand pages and wrote down everything he remembered from the documentaries and the Total War games he played back on Earth. He wanted a massive army and would rob the Church Of Light to fund it for now.

His instructions would enable him to raise large armies to fight the Swarm that was due. Once finished, he handed the papers to a confused Mohamet, who started reading them instantly.

Fianna jumped off his lap and started stretching while complaining, ''You could have used a table, Arch! My back is aching now, it doesn't help with these boobs of mine!''

Archer smiled before responding with another charming smile, ''Then I couldn't be close to you, Duchess. Your husband is a foolish human for neglecting such a comforting woman, and there's nothing wrong with your boobs, come here.''

The blonde woman approached him with narrowed eyes, but Archer told her to turn around and placed his hands on the small of the back before casting Aurora Healing, causing a white light to wash over her.

Fianna felt her body relax, and all the pain faded away, forcing her to let out a moan of relief. Archer backed away and inquired with a smile, ''Feel better, Duchess?''

''God, yes. I've had some pains plaguing me since my younger days in the army. But thanks to you, I feel so much better.''

He smiled as he replied, ''You're welcome. Now let's see Aisha and talk about this government and setting up the kingdom.''

Fianne nodded, ''Yes. But ain't it getting late?''

''We'll stay for an hour, then head back to Greenwood City. It shouldn't take too long.'' Archer answered with a smile.

She nodded in agreement and linked arms with him as they began to walk away. However, before they could depart, Mohamet interjected urgently, "Your Majesty! While your strategy for versatile units is commendable, acquiring the necessary resources, particularly gold, will be paramount to its success."

When Archer heard this, he smiled before dumping a pile of gold coins as tall as himself in front of them and said, ''Is this enough? Ensure the guards take care of it; if not, I'll burn them and you, Mohamet.''

The old man nodded before storing the gold in his storage ring and rushing off, causing Archer to laugh. Afterward, the duo left the Bastion and headed for Drakewood, where Aisha was.

They didn't fly but walked along the dirt road, and as they did, Archer commented, ''I'll need to build proper roads and waystations. But that can wait for now.''

Fianna listened before asking with curiosity, ''I heard you didn't want to be a ruler. What's happened?''

Archer chuckled as he pulled the woman closer and stopped by some hills. He grabbed her hand, led her up one of them, and looked out over Draconia only to be shocked by its beauty.

The rolling hills of Draconia are dotted with shimmering lakes and meandering rivers. The distant mountains, their snow-

capped peaks gleaming in the light. Fianna's eyes widened in wonder as she took in the majestic landscape.

As they paused to catch their breath, Fianna turned to look at Archer, her red eyes alight with a mixture of admiration and more. Sensing her gaze, he turned to meet her eyes, a faint smile on his lips.

But before he could say anything, she stepped closer to him. Without a word, she reached up and gently cupped his face in her hands, her touch sending shivers down his spine. Then, in a moment that took him entirely by surprise.

Fianna leaned in and pressed her soft lips to his in a passionate kiss. The world seemed to fall away around them as they lost themselves in the heat of the moment, their bodies pressed close together.

For a heartbeat, Archer's mind reeled with confusion and disbelief. Fianna was a married woman, yet she kissed him with a fervor that left him breathless. But as he felt her warmth against him, all thoughts of propriety and consequence melted away.

The two continued to kiss until Fianna separated. She looked at him dazedly before shaking her head and commenting, ''That was nice. I thought you'd push me away for being much older than you.''

Archer smiled and responded, ''No, I don't care about age, Fi. It's not like you're a lot older than me.''

''I'm thirty-five Arch. Would you ever marry someone my age? I'm an old woman compared to you. My son and daughter are older than you,'' Fianna said quietly as she looked away.

He looked at this beautiful woman whose self-esteem was so low that she thought she was unlovable. Archer lifted her chin and spoke sweetly, ''Yes, you may be a lot older than me, but that doesn't change the fact I find you beautiful and nice so far. I would love to get to know you even more before seeing where this goes?''

When Fianna heard his sweet words, she went red but smiled with a nod, ''I would like that. But does it bother you I'm married? It's dead at that, but it's still one.''

Archer shook his head, ''No, as long as you don't touch him, then we won't have an issue. Now, are you willing to forsake all that to get to know me and see where we go?''

The older woman studied his face briefly before sighing, saying, ''Can I have some time to think, please?''

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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