A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 649 The Volkovitch Dynasty

Chapter 649 The Volkovitch Dynasty

Archer barely paid attention to the other fights. They were only there to watch Hemera's and Maeve's matches, the last ones remaining on their list. While sitting there, Lioran turned to him and asked. ''Have you heard of the Novgorod Heroes beating back the Swarm on the central continent?''

''Nope. I should send some spies there, but I can't be bothered with them. I'm too busy to deal with the church anymore.'' He replied while leaning back and relaxing.

Lioran started laughing before warning. ''You better keep an eye on them, brother. Who knows what plan they are cooking up to mess with you.''

Archer chuckled in response but decided to heed his friend's advice and planned to send out some Tressyms to gather information for him when he returned to the domain after the two fights.


[The Summoned Heroes POV]

Meanwhile, as Archer contemplated sending out spies, the summoned heroes had just arrived at Novgorod City. They were immediately captivated by its beauty, as no cities were like it on Earth.

Natsumi was the first to comment in a confused tone. ''Does this place remind any of you of Russia?''

Before them sprawled a city straight from the pages of a fantastical storybook, its architecture reminiscent of ancient Russian designs on Earth. Massive onion-domed towers with complex patterns soared into the sky.

They cast long shadows over the bustling streets below. Colorful buildings with impulsive turrets and spires lined the cobblestone pathways, each facade with detailed carvings and vibrant paintings.

Gasps of awe escaped their lips as they entered the scene before them. Emily's blue eyes widened, reflecting the colors that danced in the sunlight. Causing her to whisper. "It's like something out of a dream.''

Jason's gaze swept over the structures with wonder. "I've read about places like this in fairy tales," he said, his voice tinged with disbelief. "But I never imagined I'd see one in real life."

Tim couldn't tear his gaze away from the towering palace that loomed in the distance. Its golden domes gleamed in the sunlight, casting a warm, inviting glow over the city. "I've never seen anything so magnificent.''

The five heroes agreed with nods, but Natsumi turned to Princess Yevdokiya and asked inquisitively. ''Who is this white dragon your guards were gossiping about?''

When Tammy heard that, she got excited and questioned. ''Is that some rare beast? The way the guards spoke about it made it sound like it.''

Yevdokiya sighed, but the emperor explained. ''Well, he is not a beast but a menace. He has stolen from the Church Of Light and taken control over Pluoria, which is the name of the western continent.''

Jason asked. ''So he's the bad guy?''

The princess nodded. ''Yes. He has kidnapped several princesses from Pluoria, and rumors say he's targeting several more.''

When the five heard this, they were horrified, and Tammy commented. ''So he kidnapping girls while overloading a whole continent? Is he a demon king?''

Yevdokiya shook her head. ''No, he's a white dragon. They are rare beasts as there is only one of them, so he takes advantage of this and forces kingdoms to give up their daughters.''

After she spoke, the emperor added. ''We will arrive at the palace soon, and the empress can explain more. She is the leader of my intelligence service, so she knows all the rumors.''

The heroes agreed with a nod before turning their attention to the outside world while passing by all kinds of stores. The carriage continued traveling for twenty minutes until they reached a large metal gate.

Towering spires adorned with ornate designs reached toward the sky. The same golden domes they saw earlier were shimmering in the sunlight. The architecture was similar to the cities and reminded the five of a fantasy Russian palace.

Standing guard at the entrance were soldiers clad in sturdy-looking armor crafted from strange-looking metal and fur. Their imposing figures were decked with detailed engravings and embellishments, giving them an air of regal authority.

Each guard wielded a massive sword with ease, their movements practiced and precise. Tammy's eyes widened with excitement as she took in the sight before her, and she exclaimed in a voice full of awe, "Wow, look at those guards!?They look like they stepped right out of a fantasy movie.''

Emily nodded in agreement, her gaze lingering on the gleaming armor and imposing weapons. "I've never seen anything like it. They must be incredibly skilled warriors," she remarked, her tone tinged with admiration.

After that, the carriage stopped, and the doors opened, allowing the emperor and princess to step down while greeting someone. When the five heroes exited, they saw a row of maids and butlers standing in a neat line.

Before them stood a stunning woman, captivating even the girls with her beauty. Her luscious blonde hair cascaded down to the small of her back, framing a pair of bright blue eyes that seemed familiar to Yevdokiya.

But what truly captured the girls' attention was her sinful figure, flawlessly curved in every way, arousing a sense of envy within them. Tammy nudged Natsumi and whispered, "Do you see the size of her chest? They are massive!"

Emily looked at the two boys, who were mesmerized by the woman who started laughing before speaking in a distinctive Russian accent. ''Husband. Are these the five heroes? Will you have Paval train them?''

Tammy saw the emperor shake his head before pointing at Yevdokiya. ''I've asked Yev to train them as she has proved she is a strong warrior many times.''

The woman nodded before turning to the five and introduced herself to the group. "I'm Anastasia Volkovitch, the Empress of the Novgorod Empire."

When the group heard that, they introduced themselves, which pleased the empress, who ushered them into the palace. As the heroes entered, they were taken aback again by how beautifully decorated it was.

Expensive paintings showing the previous generations of the Volkovitch Dynasty lined the walls. Emily saw the paintings end with empty ones, causing her to ask the beautiful blonde woman. ''Anastasia, why aren't there any more paintings?''

The empress turned around while answering. ''They are for our grandchildren.''

As Anastasia led the heroes through the grand halls of the palace, their footsteps echoing against the polished marble floors, they couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence in her presence.

She moved gracefully, her regal demeanor commanding respect from all who crossed her path. Eventually, they arrived at a chamber bathed in a soft, ethereal light. In the center of the room stood a pedestal, upon which a glowing orb pulsating with energy rested.

The colors shifted and danced like a mesmerizing rainbow, casting elaborate patterns across the chamber walls. Anastasia gestured towards the orb solemnly, her voice carrying a weight of importance.

"Behold, the Affinity Orb," she announced, her words reverberating in the small chamber. "It can tell us what elements you will have access to."

The five approached the orb cautiously, their eyes widening in awe at its radiant display. Emily reached out tentatively, her fingertips tingling as they brushed against the orb's shimmering surface.

That's when the empress continued speaking. ''If you don't mind, put your hands on the orb individually so we can find out what affinity you process.''

Tammy was the first to test; multiple colors appeared when she placed her hand on the orb. That's when the empress spoke up. ''Red, Silver, and Blue.''

''What do those mean?'' Jason questioned in

Anastasia answered with a smile. ''Those elements are fire, metal, and water, which is very good.''

The black-haired girl got excited and started dancing on the spot before Emily stepped forward after Anastasia motioned to her. She placed her hand on the orb, and it started to glow white, purple, and yellow.

They were shocked when the imperial family saw this, but the emperor explained the elements this time. ''Light, space, and thunder.''

Emily smiled when hearing that and returned to Tammy, who was talking to Princess Yevdokiya. Jason was next and did the same and got dark purple, red, and brown, which were gravity, fire, and earth.

Anastasia shifted her gaze to Natsumi, who watched the scene with fascination, much like she did when engrossed in anime or manga. Intrigued, she stepped forward and gently rested her hand on the orb.

Silver, green, and yellow appeared, which pleased the empress who spoke. ''Wow, Natsumi. You got metal, wind, and thunder, a good combination.''

The Japanese girl nodded with a smile before the last hero stepped forward and placed his hand on the orb, only for it to glow red, blue, and brown. Anastasia smiled as she commented. ''Fire, water, and earth. The heroes are tri-element users, which is rare among us.''

''Yes, even among the other empires and kingdoms, a three-

element mage is rare. But if you like, we can have some of the best trainers instruct you?''

Tammy spoke up with an excited voice. ''Does that mean we can become witches?''

Princess Yevdokiya chuckled before explaining, "No, you'll be mages. They're similar but different from witches."

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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