A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 647 What’s Steady

Chapter 647 What's Steady

When Archer saw the underwater city, he was amazed. The buildings stretched as far as he could see and looked well-kept. He wondered if they had been teleported there. But that's when he felt something was off.

The duo traveled forward, but a large tail flew out of the shadows and struck Demetra in the side, sending her flying through the water. As that happened, Archer shouted at the shark girl. ''Transform into your human form now!''

She listened, and when she transformed, Archer opened a gate back to the arena. The duo collided with the wall near the stands when they entered the portal, causing chaos. He was still holding Demetra, who was grinning but winced as the pain hit her.

"Whoa, what was that?" cried a spectator, his voice barely audible over the din of the chaos.

People scrambled to get out of the way, spilling their drinks and dropping their food hastily. Some stood frozen in shock, while others rushed towards the exits, desperately trying to escape.

A wave of confusion swept through the stands as spectators exchanged worried glances and muttered anxiously to one another. Parents clasped their children tightly, shielding them from the commotion, while Oakheart soldiers tried to restore order.

During the chaos, Archer and Demetra struggled to regain their bearings, their bodies aching from the impact. They exchanged a glance, silently acknowledging the havoc they had caused before slowly rising to their feet amidst the wreckage.

He shook his head before speaking. ''What was that monster?''

Demetra laughed as she answered. ''It's called the Maelstrom. Our people think it's the devil of the deep. No one has ever seen it, but it's killed many Deep Sea armies over the centuries.''

''You knew it was there?'' Archer asked in a surprised tone.

The shark girl giggled. ''Yes. But I thought the two of us would be enough to search the outskirts, but it looks like the monster is touchy.''

After speaking, she helped him stand as the Professors rushed over and asked. ''What happened to you two? Why did you come flying out of that portal!''

Demetra explained that they encountered a monster they couldn't fight, so when it struck, Archer teleported them here to escape the unknown attacker, which appeased the Professors who went about tending to the people.

Once they were gone, she turned to him and spoke with a grin as she threw him something. ''Take this dragon. We can talk through it if you want to.''

Archer nodded while looking at the thing she gave him. It was a little silver metal bar, but he felt the mana coming off it. ''Okay, sounds good. See you around.''

Demetra smiled before returning to her seat. Teuila hurried over to Archer and was concerned as she checked him over to see if he was okay. When confirming his well-being, a sigh of relief escaped her lips before she inquired, "What happened? Where did she take you?"

Archer shook his head slightly as he responded, "We ventured into the sea and found an ancient city. However, our exploration was cut short by an unexpected attack, leading us to now."

The girls sighed in relief, then greeted him with kisses and smiles. After that, Ella walked over to him and spoke with a giggle, "Sera's fight is coming up next. But we've got a problem."

She pointed at a drunk dragon girl slurring her speech and wobbling around. When Archer saw this, he sighed and couldn't help but laugh as he spoke, ''Why did no one stop her drinking? Can she fight like this?''

Teuila shrugged with a grin. "She insisted on fighting, so we figured why not let her have a go. If she ends up face-planting, it will be her tail she's tripping over."

Archer thought about the situation when suddenly, he felt a sharp nip on his waist. With a yelp, he spun around to find Sera grinning mischievously at him. He watched her wander off before Hemera grabbed her hand, but she broke away and lunged at Archer.

Before he could react, he realized it was Sera, and her breath smelt of alcohol.

"Hey there, handsome!" She slurred, wrapping her arms around his neck and climbing up his body like an overexcited monkey. Archer couldn't help but shiver as she nipped at his neck and ears with playful eagerness, her intoxicated antics catching him off guard.

"Whoa, Sera, easy there!" he chuckled nervously, trying to gently pry her off him without causing a scene. But just as he started to get a handle on the situation, a booming voice echoed through the arena.

"Seraphina Wyldheart! Your fight is about to begin!'' The referee shouted through the mic.

The announcement snapped the dragon girl out of her nonsense, and she reluctantly released him, her eyes widening in realization. Without another word, she dashed off towards the stage, leaving Archer bewildered and the spectators amused by the spectacle.

The other fighter and the referee looked at each other, surprised by her strange arrival. Archer saw her stumble onto the stage, wobbling and looking dizzy. The scent of alcohol wafted off her as she swayed slightly, trying to maintain her balance.

Despite her intoxicated state, there was a determined glint in her ruby-red eyes as she faced her opponent. The referee's voice boomed through the arena, announcing the beginning of the fight.

Without hesitation, the burly boy charged toward the intoxicated redhead who was swaying around with a stupid smile with surprising speed. Sera seemed oblivious to the looming danger.

Her attention was all over the place as she attempted to steady herself. As he closed in, spear poised to strike, Sera's instincts kicked in, albeit sluggishly. With a sway, she managed to raise her arms to defend herself.

The weapon came crashing down, but her reflexes, dampened by alcohol, barely managed to deflect it. In a moment of sheer luck or perhaps instinct, Sera's tail whipped around, the force behind it surprising even herself.

With a resounding smack, the tail connected with the boy's side, sending him flying backward, his spear clattering to the ground. The crowd erupted into a mix of gasps and laughter as they witnessed the unexpected turn of events.

Emboldened by her accidental success, Sera stumbled forward, her movements clumsy yet oddly effective. With each intoxicated swing of her fists, she landed blows on her confused opponent, who struggled to regain his footing.

Despite her drunk state, Sera fought with a recklessness fueled by a combination of alcohol-induced bravado and a stubborn refusal to back down.

Each punch and kick seemed to carry the weight of her frustrations, which caused her to unleash a flurry of blows that caught her opponent off guard. Ultimately, it wasn't skill or strategy that won Sera the fight but sheer determination and a healthy dose of luck.

As the referee announced her the victor of the fight, the cheers and applause of the crowd, Sera stumbled backward, her breath heavy and her movements unsteady. Archer watched amusement and concern flickering across his features from the sidelines.

'She's strong even when inebriated, but that was amusing. I'll punish the naught dragon later.' He thought to himself.

Despite her antics, there was no denying her tenacity and strength, which impressed and worried him in equal measure. As the commotion died down and Sera was escorted off the stage, Archer couldn't help but wonder what other surprises she had.

Before he could say anything, Ella jumped up when the redhead got close and scolded her, which made everyone laugh. ''Seraphina! Why are you fighting drunk? You could have killed that boy.''

The girl in question looked at the blonde elf with a goofy grin plastered on her face and swayed on the spot, her movements mirroring those of a tipsy sailor navigating rough seas.

Seeing her friend's antics, Ella approached her with amusement and concern. Sera paused, a thoughtful expression briefly crossing her face before she straightened up, or at least attempted to, with exaggerated determination.

She slurred, struggling to find the right words. "Of course, I can fight! I'm as steady as a... as a... um, what's steady?"

Ella couldn't help but chuckle at her antics. "How about we let someone else take this one, huh? You can be our cheerleader instead."

Undeterred, Sera shook her head vigorously before refusing her offer with an unsteady wave of dismissal. "No way! I can take on anyone, anytime, anywhere!"

Before Ella could respond, Sera suddenly lurched forward, attempting to strike a heroic pose but stumbling in the process. Quickly reacting, the half-elf grabbed her friend's hand, steadying her.

"Come on, Sera," She said with a smile, "Let's leave the fighting to someone else today. How about we head back to the domain and grab some snacks instead?"

When the dragon girl heard the word snacks, her expression brightened, causing her to agree with a nod. ''Yes. Let's go to the domain!''

Ella giggled before returning to the domain, leaving a chuckling Archer behind. He joined the other eight girls and spoke as he sat down. ''Who's fighting next?''

''I am Archie!'' Nala called out in an excited voice.

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you.]

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