A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 645 What Are Titans

Chapter 645 What Are Titans

?Archer rushed forward with a boom, throwing a punch toward Kassandra's smiling face. However, she deflected it before countering with one of her own, striking him in the stomach.

As the wind left his lungs from her counterattack, Archer grinned and grabbed her arm, swiftly throwing her across the stage to create distance between them. She landed on her feet, but her bright blue eyes shone as she looked at him.

His smile widened, mirroring hers. The crowd roared excitedly, eager to witness the clash between them. Archer charged at her, but she didn't move, waiting for his attack with a smile.

Kassandra blocked the first attack, but the second got through and threw her off balance. The battle raged on; each exchange of blows shook the arena to its core. Each blow landed with bone-crushing force, leaving them both battered and bruised.

Yet, amidst the chaos, a sense of ecstasy coursed through Kassandra's veins. She had found someone who could match her strength blow for blow, causing her to unleash a flurry of punches with a wild grin, each strike fueled by her growing excitement.

Archer managed to block some attacks, but a few still hit him. The heat of battle sharpened his senses, and he needed to adapt to stand a chance against this Kassandra. The fight was exciting, so he had to dig through his memories to remember anything that could help.

Drawing upon the lessons of Teuila's training, Archer's movements became blurrier and even straightforward. He easily dodged Kassandra's punches with lightning-fast reflexes, quickly slipping through her guard.

Archer skillfully exploited openings to deliver his devastating blows. The tide of the fight began to shift as his relentless attack forced Kassandra onto the defensive. He chipped away at her defenses, each strike wearing her down.

But she grabbed his arm and pulled him close just as he thought he was gaining the upper hand. The two started to wrestle each other, and Archer felt her boobs squishing up against his chest before he was thrown to the ground.

She jumped on top, but he quickly pulled the surprised girl close so her punches couldn't do much damage. While they were like this, she spoke in a voice tinged with exotic allure. ''Can we meet after the fights? I want to spend some time with you.''

When Archer heard this, he was thrown off by the sudden change in her tone, which left him bewildered as Kassandra grinned. ''Got you.''

She pushed him back before throwing a punch that collided with his jaw, sending his world spinning. Archer was forcefully propelled into the arena wall, collapsing with a groan.

Despite his injuries, Archer wasn't ready to concede defeat. Excitement fueled his movements, and Regeneration was healing his body; he instantly sprang to his feet and cast Blink, reappearing behind her.

Leaning close, he whispered gently into her ear, "Yes, we can meet. But I have to defeat you first."

That's when Archer unleashed a series of punches, striking Kassandra's back three times. The force of the impacts sent her crashing across the stage, meeting the same unforgiving wall he had moments before.

Archer watched as the girl jumped up, but something was different about her. He noted the manic intensity in her smile as excitement surged through her. Kassandra recognized she had finally encountered someone who could keep up with her.

A loud thunderclap echoed through the arena as she charged at Archer. He lifted his arms to protect himself from her punch, which pushed him back, but he smirked and quickly moved closer to her.

They continued to fight with their fists, the air filled with energy, and each punch boomed loudly in the arena. The crowd, on the edge of their seats, roared with excitement as the two clashed with unmatched ferocity.

Each punch they exchanged sent shockwaves rippling through the air, making the ground tremble beneath their feet. Archer's movements were too fast to see, and his reflexes honed to perfection as he anticipated Kassandra's every move.

As the black-haired girl launched a powerful punch toward Archer, he deftly sidestepped the attack, his hand shooting out to intercept her blow. He diverted her momentum, sending her staggering forward.

Seizing the opportunity, he pressed his advantage, launching a rapid barrage of punches at her. Each blow landed accurately, wearing down her defenses as he relentlessly pressed forward.

Despite her skill, she struggled to keep up with his attacks. For every passing moment, Kassandra realized that she was outmatched. As Archer delivered a final, decisive attack, his fist connected with her jaw with a resounding crack.

Archer watched as she stumbled backward, her eyes glazing over before she collapsed to the ground, unconscious. That's when the arena reverberated with the crowd's deafening roar, their cheers echoing off the walls as they hailed Archer as the victor.

With a sense of satisfaction, he raised his fists in triumph, basking in the crowd's admiration as he emerged victorious. Archer quickly approached Kassandra and performed the Aurora Healing spell, enveloping her in a radiant white light that stirred her from unconsciousness.

As Kassandra blinked her stunning azure eyes open, a mischievous grin spread across her pretty face. "You're quite tough, Archer. How about we journey together? I believe there's much we can teach each other." She commented while sitting up.

''Of course, princess.'' Archer nodded. ''But you still haven't told me what race you are?''

The black-haired girl laughed before inquiring. ''How do you know I'm a princess?''

He pointed toward her clothing. ''He gestured toward her clothing. ''The body suit you're wearing, made from Aquarite and Deepsea Velvet, suggests you're from The Dark Trenches.''

When Kassandra heard this, her smile grew even more. She was about to speak, but the referee announced Archer as the winner, and the two left the stage. The black-haired girl linked arms with him and leaned in. ''I'm the fifth Kraken Princess Kassandra Tidewater of the Tidewater Empire. It's nice to meet you, white dragon.''

Archer turned to her and saw a beautiful smile that charmed him, but he shook his head before asking. ''You're a Kraken? Like the sea monster?''

Kassandra nodded. ''Yes, dragon. But they are our wild cousins who have lost their minds or have been banished.''

Curiosity piqued, he inquired, "What brings a deep-sea monster to compete in a tournament like this?"

The girl laughed before explaining. ''Well, because we are Titans, it doesn't mean we aren't like other races.''

After their conversation, they returned to the group of girls and his friends. As they walked, Archer asked, "What exactly are Titans?"

Kassandra spoke as they stepped onto the stand. "Titans are ancient beings of immense power and unfathomable size. They are not mere creatures, but forces of nature incarnate."

Archer listened intently, absorbing her words as they weaved through the crowd. "But what makes them so formidable?" he inquired, his curiosity evident.

"Titans can assume humanoid forms," Kassandra explained. "In their true state, they are colossal monsters, capable of easily reshaping landscapes and laying waste to entire civilizations."

She stopped talking and looked at him with a smile. ''Does that bother you, Archer?''

Shaking his head. ''No. I'm a dragon. Who am I to judge a Krakan? If you mean me no harm, then we have no issues.''

When hearing Archer's question, Kassandra's face lit up with a smile. She spun on her heels and approached him, kissing his cheek before speaking, "I assure you, I mean you no harm whatsoever. I wish to get to know you, that's all."

She smiled as they continued walking, but Archer felt loads of eyes on him. When they reached the girls, he introduced them. ''My beauties, this is Kassandra Tidewater, the Fifth Princess of the Tidewater Empire in The Dark Trenches.''

Archer saw Teuila's eyes widening in shock as she jumped up and demanded. ''What are you, girl? A Shadow Shark or Lurker?''

Kassandra smirked before shaking her head, ''No Aquarian princess. But I can smell your blood from here, which smells delicious.''

Teuila turned to Archer, ''Do you understand what she is, husband? That's a monster of the deep. They hunted the ocean races like no end. It's one of the reasons we were forced to step onto land.''

He shifted to Kassandra, who shrugged unbothered, ''That was the elders. We needed breeding pools, and the Mid-Rift was the perfect place for them.''

The blue-haired girl exploded. ''What do you mean! Those lands were our homes! What are you anyway? You never said.''

Kassandra smiled. ''I'm a Kraken. Now, take back your words, Aquarian.''

When Teuila heard that, she rushed forward and spoke with suspicion, ''You're still alive? You're race hasn't been seen since you attacked our sea settlements.''

The black-haired Kraken shook her head. ''Yeah, but the Shadow Sharks have been warring against us and keeping us trapped in the Trenches.''

''Oh god. Are they real?'' Teuila asked with wide eyes.

Kassandra sadly nodded. ''Yes, and stronger than ever. Their princess is here and represents a kingdom in the south which the Shadow Empire seized.''

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you.]

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