A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 634 Come With Me

Chapter 634 Come With Me

?[The Summoned Heroes POV]

She watched as a tall, muscular man approached their group along with the stunningly beautiful girl who seemed to be a few years older than them.

Emily moved close and spoke in a hushed voice. ''Tam. What's happening now?''

Tammy grinned as she eagerly explained. ''We will be invited to stay in that dude's Palace to train before being sent out to hunt monsters.''

Upon hearing this, Emily sighed. ''Why do you sound overly excited about this? We died and won't be able to go home!''

The black-haired girl shrugged in response to Emily's question. ''There's nothing we can do, Em. There's no point in being sad about it. We might as well enjoy our new lives.''

''Does that mean we get to use magic? I've heard you talk about it a lot back home,'' Natsuki asked.

Tammy replied with a big smile. ''Most likely. They will tell us soon, so don't worry.''

Jason and Tim nodded in agreement as they waited to hear more. Suddenly, the tall man approached them after talking to the Pope.

He addressed the group with a thick Russian-like accent, "Heroes. Welcome to my realm. I am Emperor Anatoly Volkovitch, and this lovely woman is my daughter, the Third Princess Yevdokiya. Would you let us take you to the palace so we can explain everything?"

The girls examined the princess. She had short grey hair that cut off just under her ears. A pair of beautiful crystal blue eyes shone like a star in the night sky. Natsumi nudged Emily and commented with a voice full of jealousy. ''Look at her body; it's even better than the models back home. They would die for a figure like hers.''

Yevdokiya had a perfect hourglass-shaped body that her armor clung to. Tammy shook her head and whispered in the same tone. ''Look at her boobs! They are big and without an inch of shag. What is this blasphemy!''

The other two girls agreed with a nod. The emperor and princess just watched this with amused looks. While the girls were being jealous, Jason looked at the princess. His eyes widened in shock as he had never seen a beautiful girl.

Emily quickly noticed Yevdokiya noticed him staring, and a look of disgust appeared on her face, but that didn't seem to faze him. As Tim saw this, he slapped his friend around the back of the head, returning him to reality and leaving Jason embarrassed.

Tammy shook her head, ignoring the boys, and asked in a hope-filled voice. ''Is there any way to go home? Or are we stuck here?''

Anatoly shook his head before answering with a sad smile. ''Unfortunately not. You died in your previous worlds and were brought here by higher powers. Now I'll explain everything back at the palace.''

The five nodded before the emperor and princess led the way. When the group stepped outside, they grew confused upon seeing a large blimp-like craft sitting there. Jason was the one to comment first. ''What is this thing?''

''That is a manaship. Our family uses it to travel across the empire.'' A voice echoed from behind the group.

Turning around, the group saw a young woman with short burgundy hair and beautiful green eyes. At that moment, the emperor turned to her with a smile. "Sofia, my lovely niece. How's the tournament?"

Tammy watched as the girl respectfully bowed before answering. "I'm fine, uncle, and fighting some of the other top students in the empire is fun.''

After replying, she looked at them and continued. ''Are these the people grandfather summoned without permission?"

Natsumi leaned in and whispered to the two other girls, "Seems like there's some family drama with that deceitful Pope."

The black-haired girl nodded with a smile as the emperor answered. ''Yes, my dear. I was going to talk to him but decided to summon him to the palace tomorrow.''

''Okay, uncle.'' She replied.

Once she was finished speaking to the emperor, they noticed her approaching with a friendly but sad smile. ''I'm sorry you died in your old world, but I assure you this one is full of wonders that even the imagination couldn't create. By the way, my name is Sofia Volkovitch. I'm a student at the Vladivostok College of Sorcery.''

Everyone introduced themselves to her before Tim spoke. ''It's nice to meet you, Sofia. What do you study in this Sorcery College of yours?''

She turned to the boy and answered. ''I specialize in light, fire, and water magic. So the college believes I should learn healing and attack magic.''

When Jason heard that, his eyes widened in amazement before inquiring. ''Can you show us a spell, please?''

Sofia looked toward the emperor, who nodded. ''Go ahead. I want to see how strong the famous Volkovitch devil is.''

After speaking, the group looked at the innocent-looking girl and couldn't put the nickname to her, but Sofia nodded before closing her eyes as they felt something rushing around them, causing their bodies to react.

It reminded them of wind, but this stuff resonated with them before Sofia cast a Fireball into the air and caused it to explode. The five friends' eyes widened in amazement and shock when they saw this.

Tammy couldn't contain her excitement anymore as she asked, ''Will I be able to do that?''

Sofia nodded with a smile. ''I'm sure you will, hero. You will learn everything you need to know when you get to the palace.''

While she spoke to the magician girl, Emily, and Natsumi turned to the two boys as they looked around in amazement. The blonde girl spoke to Tim with a sad smile. ''Your little brother would have loved this place.''

Tim nodded before answering in a sad tone. ''Yeah, he would have. But enough of the past now. That died with us, and all we can do now is live our new ones.''

After that, they were ushered on board. After saying goodbye to Sofia, the Emperor and Princess led the five heroes onto the manaship. The group couldn't help but feel excitement and apprehension.

The towering vessel loomed before them, its sleek design decorated with complex runes that shimmered in the dim light. As they stepped aboard, they were greeted by the soft hum of mana that pulsed through the air.

Anatoly spoke with a hint of pride in his voice. "Welcome aboard. This vessel will take us to the capital, Novgorod City, where you will begin training as our heroes."

The heroes followed their hosts into the ship's heart, where they found themselves surrounded by a labyrinth of corridors and chambers.

As they settled into their seats near the windows, the heroes watched in awe as the manaship began to ascend. With a gentle hum, the vessel lifted off the ground, defying gravity easily.

Through the transparent panels, they caught glimpses of the world below—a patchwork of lush forests, sprawling cities, and winding rivers.

"It's incredible." Jason breathed, his eyes wide with wonder.

Tim nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on the breathtaking vista unfolding before them. "I never imagined we'd see anything like this."

Tammy's smile was infectious, her excitement noticeable. "Just wait, until we explore those towns and cities up close! Wait until we take down hordes of monsters"

Natsumi leaned against the window, her expression filled with contemplation. "It's hard to believe that we were ordinary people living ordinary lives just a short time ago. Now, we're embarking on the adventure of a lifetime."

When she said that, the group grew quiet. It dawned on them that they would never see their loved ones again.


[Princess Yevdokiya Volkovitch's POV]

Yevdokiya noticed the solemn mood that suddenly engulfed the cabin they were sitting in. While watching them, her father spoke. ''Come with me, Yev.''

She nodded before standing up and following him to a private section reserved for their family. When they arrived, her Father spoke in a soft voice. "Yev.''

She turned to him, her blue eyes meeting his with curiosity. "Father, what is it?"

Anatoly paused, carefully selecting his words. "I have a request, my daughter. As the Third Princess and a skilled warrior, I need you to keep an eye on the heroes who have arrived in our realm."

Yevdokiya frowned, her brow furrowing in confusion. "But Father, why me? Shouldn't this task fall to one of the palace guards or advisors?"

Anatoly shook his head. "I trust you, Yev. You have a keen sense of judgment and a strong sense of duty. Besides, if the white dragon were to attack, they would need someone with your skills to protect them."

Yevdokiya's eyes widened in realization, understanding the weight of her father's words. The boy has been causing non-

stop trouble with the Church Of Light.

She nodded with a determined smile. ''Okay, father. I'll do it, but what happened when I attended the Celestial Magic Tournament?''

Her father smiled before answering. ''They will go with you and fight. I've already put the five in our two hundred, which gives us enough time to train them with your help, my daughter.''

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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