A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 622 Been To See The General

Chapter 622 Been To See The General

Archer looked at the guards and smiled at them before approaching the front door, where a maid opened it for him. She offered to guide him to Sia, and he accepted as they walked through the mansion corridors.

The maid kept looking back at him with a curious expression, causing Archer to ask with a grin. ''What question do you want to ask?''

She got even more nervous but asked in a quiet voice. ''Are you Lady Sia's fiance?''

Archer nodded with a proud smile. ''Yes. Why?''

''Well, the rumors speak of you having many women but only princesses. Do you not like us common folk?''

He looked at the woman with a raised eyebrow and wondered why she thought that, so he asked. ''Well, I've only ever met maids and random people on my adventures. I've never been close to anyone apart from the girls.''

When the maid heard this, she smiled and spoke with hope. ''I'm Annalise. Would you like to be my friend?''

Archer was taken aback. He never expected a maid to be so strange, but it amused him. ''Okay. We can be friends, but why are you so forward, Annalise?''

''Because I know you don't care for noble etiquette and haven't many friends your age. So when I heard you visited the lady, I wanted to introduce myself.''

He looked at the white-haired girl whose grey eyes shone. She was much smaller than him and reminded him of a human version of Ella. ''Okay. Well, when I visit Valoria City, I will come to see you and introduce my girls.''

Annalise bobbed her head with a happy smile while guiding him through the mansion as she spoke about her life in the city. Archer learned that all kinds of beasts and creatures had attacked them.

When they got close to Sia's study, he asked curiously. ''Where are they coming from?''

The white-haired girl shrugged. ''I don't know. They appear and attack before running away.''

Archer nodded. ''Okay. I'm sure someone will find out soon enough.''

''Let's hope so. I've been praying to the gods for their help but still haven't got a reply.''

After speaking, she was about to knock on the door but fell over, which surprised Archer, who started laughing. The maid was lying on the floor while groaning before getting up and brushing herself down.

He looked at her, but seeing the girl looking anywhere but at him caused him to laugh even more, causing the office door to open. Sia appeared there before sighing. ''Annalise, did you fall over again?''

Archer calmed down before stepping forward and grabbing Sia by her waist, catching the older woman off guard. When Annalise saw this, her eyes widened, but she soon said goodbye to him and returned to work.

After the maid departed, he pushed Sia into the room while stripping away her armor and military uniform, igniting excitement within her. Archer examined her with eyes brimming with desire.

His grin grew wider as his eyes roamed down her curvy but muscular body and massive boobs that sat perfectly on her chest. Archer was lost to lust and lunged at the grinning woman who welcomed it.

The two made love late into the night, and by the time they were done, Sia was out cold while lying on his chest. They were lucky because the office connected to her bedroom, so they could rest after pleasing each other.

Archer woke up the following day to a message from Hemera through the bracelet, who returned to the ship while he was with his moon elf in Starfall City.

[Husband! We will be arriving at Oakheart Kingdom tomorrow, and I also want to show you some of the books I bought while you were with Hecate]

[I'll come back in a couple of hours. Just spending time with Sia before she returns to her mission]

[Okay, darling! I love you, Arch]

[Love you too, Hemi]

Afterward, he got out of bed and realized the older dragonkin wasn't waking up anytime soon, so he went to the kitchen. While walking through the corridors, all the maids were staring at him.

He wandered through the mansion, and his mind was set on finding the bathroom to indulge in a refreshing shower, the temptation of hot water beckoning to him. Turning a corner, he spotted an older maid dusting a nearby shelf.

Archer approached her with a casual stride and gave her a friendly smile as he spoke. ''Could you point me in the direction of the bathroom?"

The maid turned around, her eyes widening in shock as she took in the sight before her. Archer stood there, clad only in shorts, displaying his toned figure. She seemed unable to tear her gaze away momentarily as she discreetly looked him up and down.

Realization dawned on Archer as he followed the maid's gaze, suddenly aware of his state of undress. A grin spread across his face as he cleared his throat.

"Ah, sorry about that. I forgot to put on a shirt. But can you tell me where the bathroom is, please?" he chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.

The maid snapped out of her trance, her cheeks flushing slightly as she quickly composed herself.

"O-oh, yes, of course." She stammered, gesturing down the hallway. "Just down the hall to your left, young master."

"Thanks," Archer replied with a grateful nod before making his way there.

When he entered, the steam hit his face, causing him to let out a happy sigh before taking off his shorts and stepping into the hot water to relax for a while.

As Archer sat under the warm cascade of water, he let out a contented sigh, feeling the tension melt away from his muscles. The steam filled the room, enveloping him in a comforting embrace.

He allowed himself to linger with each passing minute, enjoying the moment of peace and relaxation. Minutes turned into moments, and Archer lost track of time as he let the hot water wash away the cares of the previous day.

Eventually, he stepped out, the bathroom shrouded in a misty haze. Drying himself off, Archer wrapped a towel around his waist before getting ready.

He combed his fingers through his hair, smoothing down the unruly strands, and then reached for his clothes, pulling them on with practiced ease. As he dressed, his mind wandered back to Sia, wondering how she was faring after their night together.

After getting ready, he left the bathroom feeling refreshed and ready to head back to the mana ship that would soon be arriving in Oakheart Kingdom. Archer walked back into Sia's room and saw her sitting up.

Her blue eyes were still dazed, but she turned toward him and complained. ''You went to Rough Arch! You're lucky my body can handle it.''

Archer chuckled softly. "My apologies. Let me try to cheer you up."

He approached the older woman, causing her to cry out, "No, Archer! I can't handle any more. Go see one of the others, please!"


Archer gently touched her shoulder, casting Aurora Healing to ease her discomfort. Then, he cast Cleanse to tidy her up, eliciting a sigh of relief from Sia before she nestled under the covers.

He kissed her forehead with a smile and said he needed to return to the manaship. Sia's eyes lit up with excitement upon hearing this, and she jumped up to hug him, peppering his face with loving kisses.

After leaving the Summerfield Duchy, Archer cast Gate to transport himself to his room aboard the ship. When he didn't see the girls, he used the tattoo to find them and noticed they were in the common room.

Archer made his way toward them while students were excitedly gossiping. It took him a few minutes to reach the girls, who got excited when seeing him. Each one smiled before giving him a kiss and cuddle.

Once they greeted him, Hemera and Nefertiti dragged him toward the sofa and sat on each side of him. The sun elf puts her long legs over his while the succubus puts her head on his shoulder.

''How was your time with Sia, darling?'' Teuila asked in a curious tone.

Before Archer could respond, the captain's voice echoed through the intercom, interrupting the tender moment.

"Attention, passengers." He announced, his voice carrying through the ship. "Could all the College of Magic students report to the main hall.Thank you."

Archer and the girls shared looks but got up to make their way to the hall. Ella led the way while Nefertiti grabbed his left hand, and Talila linked her arm with his right as they walked, which caused the others to laugh.

Lioran, Cian, and Alaric joined the group along with their fiances. The girls spoke among themselves while the boys started chatting with Archer.

Archer greeted them with a nod, but Lioran commented with a smirk. ''Been to see the general, eh? You naughty dragon.''

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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