A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 620 Boring

Chapter 620 Boring

When Archer saw the man, he felt the mana radiating from him, but it was broken and disfigured, which caught his attention. He turned to Hecate, who smiled at him as she spoke. ''He comes in because he is still suffering the effects of the last war.''

He nodded as the man shuffled to the front. As the man drew nearer, Archer estimated him to be in his thirties, though life had taken its toll on him. When he stopped at the counter, he bowed his head to Hecate.

''Morning Hecate. Is the medicine ready?''

The moon elf nodded and took out a bottle, but Archer used his dragon eyes to scan the man's body and realized there was poison infesting his body, which was causing the pain, so he asked. ''Human. Who poisoned you?''

As he spoke, Hecate and the man looked at him with strange expressions before the elf asked. ''Husband? What do you mean by that?''

''Somethings lingering in his body causing whatever pain his suffering. It looks like someone managed to get Shadowbane Venom in your system. It's a nasty poison that doesn't kill but causes never-ending pain in the victim.''

Hecate's eyes widened in shock. ''How do you know that, Arch? I couldn't sense the poison.''

Archer smiled at his moon witch before explaining. ''Well, I can see all mana, my love. I can see it flowing through his body.''

The man looked at him in amazement but shook his head and pleaded. ''White Prince. My name is Jasper Arundel. I was a knight in the Avalonian army before I was injured. If you can remove the poison, I'd be willing to do anything for you.''

When he heard the man say the name, the Avalonians called him. ''Okay, Jasper. Take a mana oath never to betray me and become my knight, and I shall give you a new lease on life.''

Jasper declared, his words echoing with sincerity. "White Prince, I pledge my loyalty to you. I swear upon my mana and my life to serve you faithfully, to uphold your honor, and to protect those under your charge."

Archer regarded him with a mixture of respect and compassion. He placed a hand on Jasper's shoulder and met the man's gaze with a reassuring nod. ''Now, become new, my knight.''

He just cast Aurora Healing on him, and when Jasper felt the pure mana flowing through his body, mending everything that's been broken. He felt his muscles repairing themselves, and the poison eating him from the inside vanished.

When Archer was done, he stepped back with a smile. ''You're healed now. You will guard this shop and my Hecate with your life. If she ever comes to harm, I will eat you without a second thought. Understand?''

''Yes, my lord! Lady Hecate will never come to harm while I breathe.'' Jasper said in a voice full of pride.

Archer grinned. ''Good man. Now go rest for the day and be here tomorrow morning. I'll bring you some special armor.''

Jasper nodded. ''Yes. Thank you for help, my White Prince.''

The man stood up and made his way out of the shop while excited to be able to run again. His reaction caused Archer and Hecate to laugh, but she turned to him with a smile. ''Thank you for that. People have been getting rowdy, and having a strong knight protecting the shop makes me worry less.''

''That's okay. I was going to assign Eldric here, but his training with the army. But do you need anything else? I have to see Sia before we arrive at the Oakheart Kingdom.''

Hecate shook her head. ''I'm okay for now, husband. We have the Ethereal Apothecary Consortium supplying us now when their representative offered me a one-sided deal.''

Archer's eyebrows raised, causing her to explain. ''Well, about a week ago, a woman appeared in the shop and offered to supply us with everything while receiving five percent of the profits, but I only think that's cause the president is trying to get on your good side.''

''Why? Where is this company from?''

Hecate giggled. ''Maybe because you're a king? The white dragon? Guardian of the Avalon Empire, maybe?''

Archer laughed and nodded before she continued. ''They are from the Nightshade Empire on the central continent.''

''Oh, so they that big? Well, that's good, and if that president wants to meet, they'd have to wait until the Celestial Magic Tournament.''

Hecate smiled. ''I will tell the representative when she comes in next. She is a lovely woman but is obsessed with you.''

''What?'' Archer asked with confusion in his voice.

Once more, her laughter filled the air, its melodious notes captivating him. "Your laugh is so lovely, Hecate.''

Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the compliment, but Archer quickly reassured her of his sincerity. After that, he spent time with her before using the dragon tattoo to locate Sia and realized she was in Valoria City in the Summerfield Duchy.

Archer turned to Hecate and kissed her before opening a portal to the Duchy and stepped through while summoning his wings. He jumped into the air, started flying south, and soon saw a large city in the distance.

Recognizing it as Valoria City, the capital of the Summerfield Duchy. He descended towards the ground after soaring through the skies for twenty minutes. While landing, he couldn't help but notice the vast expanse of farmland dotting the landscape below.

As Archer approached the imposing gates of the fantasy city, he couldn't help but marvel at the peaceful beauty of the snow-covered landscape surrounding it. The city walls stood tall and sturdy, decorated with detailed carvings and fortified with towers reaching the sky.

When he got closer, the guards stationed at the gate halted his progress, their armor glinting in the wintry sunlight. One of them, a stern-faced soldier with a fur-lined cloak, stepped forward and raised a hand to signal for Archer to halt.

"Halt! State your business," the guard commanded, his voice firm and authoritative.

Archer met the guard's gaze calmly before answering. He put his cloak on and wrapped it around himself. ''I've come to see my fiance, Sia Silverthorne.''

The guard's eyes widened in shock as he mumbled. ''The white prince?''

He nodded. ''That's one of my many names. Now, could you take me to Sia? It's been a while since I've seen her.''

The guard nodded respectfully. "I am Captain Ronan, guardian of the city gates. Follow me. I will lead you to Lady Sia's mansion."

With a nod of thanks, Archer fell into step behind Captain Ronan as they made their way through the bustling streets of Valoria City. The snow-covered cobblestones crunched beneath their boots, and the sounds of merchants hawking their wares mingled with the laughter of children playing in the snow.

Captain Ronan spoke of the history and inhabitants as they walked, pointing out notable landmarks and sharing the city's folklore. Archer listened with interest, his curiosity piqued by the captain's words.

Eventually, they arrived at a grand mansion nestled at the city's edge, its white marble facade gleaming in the sunlight. Captain Ronan halted before the ornate gates, gesturing for Archer to enter.

"Here we are, white prince. Lady Sia's mansion," Captain Ronan announced, his tone respectful.

Archer nodded gratefully, his gaze lingering on the elegant architecture of the mansion. "Thank you, Captain Ronan."

As he stepped through the ornate gates of Sia Silverthorne's mansion, a ring of armored soldiers suddenly surrounded him, their weapons drawn. Despite the guards' threatening stance, Archer had a small smile playing at the corners of his lips.

He seemed to melt into the shadows, disappearing in the blink of an eye. The soldiers exchanged startled glances, their eyes darting around the space where he had stood moments before.

Meanwhile, at the mansion's main entrance, Sia Silverthorne stood at the entrance as Archer appeared in front of her and smiled. She quickly hugged him with a big smile, and he returned it before separating.

His eyes roamed his older fiances's stunning figure. Her jet-

black hair was tied into a ponytail, and the knight armor she was wearing couldn't hide her massive boobs or curves, which drove him nuts.

''Finished looking at me, my naughty husband? If you keep looking at me like that, don't blame me if I jump you.'' Sia's teasing voice brought him back.

After speaking, she waved around the guards, who rushed over before grabbing Archer and passionately kissing him. Once Sia got her fill of kisses, she dragged him inside and spoke. ''How's the flight to Oakheart?''

''Boring.'' He answered with a chuckle.

Sia started laughing. ''Yeah, it is when it's a long journey. But If I'm right, you're a few days from the kingdom, so it shouldn't be too long now, my love.''

Archer nodded with a smile before asking. ''How's the mission down here going?''

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks - Would anyone be interested in a dark British zombie novel? Let me know, and I'll release the chapters I've written so far]

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