A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 619 Path in life

Chapter 619 Path in life

[Dragonheart Potions customers POV]

[While Archer was wandering the witch kingdoms]

The man has lived in the capital for over a hundred years and has seen many shops come and go still when the new potion shop appeared on Market Street selling high-quality potions and medicines for cheap.

Jasper was interested as his bones ached every morning and needed something to help the pain. He exited the bed and stretched as best as possible, only to hear a loud pop from his spine.

He was a warrior in his younger days but was injured, so he was forced to retire from the Avalonian army, where he was an accomplished veteran of the Unification Wars and the following Midnight Uprising.

The old man was bitter that he was forgotten about and rotted away in the mansion where his family left him. He had children, but none visited since Bella died a year ago. Jasper shook his head and splashed some water on his face.

After retrieving his clothes, he went to his mana safe to get some coins to buy whatever they were selling. Once Jasper was done, he shut it and left the house as the wind slowed, but the street was still icy.

As he navigated the bustling streets of Starfall City, he couldn't help but overhear the excited murmurings of the people around him. Amidst the sea of faces, the topic of discussion became clear – the White Dragon Prince.

Whispers of his impending marriage to the third princess Laira Avalon circulated like a gust of wind through the crowd. The pride in their voices spoke of the union not just as a royal affair but as a symbol of hope and protection for the empire.

Jasper's ears caught fragments of conversation as he walked along the cobbled streets. The citizens spoke wonderfully of the Archer Wyldheart, the White Prince, who had taken on the role of the empire's guardian at only seventeen years old.

The news seemed to bring a sense of reassurance to the people, and the atmosphere buzzed with positivity. Jasper couldn't help but sneer at the mention of the White Dragon Prince.

His experience as a seasoned warrior allowed him to see through the supposed guardian. Whispers of the prince's actions, burning kingdoms and stealing treasures for himself.

The rumors only fueled his contempt for the so-called guardian of the empire. His distrust lingered as he strolled through Starfall City's streets, filled with the festive anticipation of the upcoming Frostwinter festival.

However, he decided to shift his thoughts and check out the new potion shop, hoping to find something to ease the constant pain in his body. When Jasper entered the shop, he was greeted by the sight of neatly organized shelves filled with potions and medical supplies.

The air was thick with the pleasant scent of herbs and magical ingredients. Two busy girls, one with blonde hair and the other with black, stocked the shelves with various potions while a stunning grey-skinned elf woman with an air of authority perused a ledger.

Her pointed ears accentuated her supernatural beauty, and her red eyes held a captivating charm. A cascade of silver hair framed her gorgeous face, adding to the enchantment. Jasper found himself momentarily mesmerized by her features.

The elegance in her posture and the subtle glow of her skin left an indelible impression. He couldn't deny the sheer beauty of the elf before him, appreciating the finer details of her appearance.

Jasper was completely captivated by the beauty of the elf before him that he assumed to be the owner. As she oversaw the potion shop, I couldn't resist approaching her. With a newfound vigor in his step, he sauntered towards her, a hint of a grin on his lips.

He used his most charming tone as he spoke. "Excuse me, ma'am. Your presence in this shop makes it shine even brighter than the potions you sell."

The elf, however, remained composed, raising an eyebrow at his feeble attempt at flirting. She retorted coolly. "Flattery won't get you anywhere.''

Undeterred, Jasper pressed on, "Well, it's not every day I encounter someone as beautiful as you. A woman like you deserves to be courted and admired."

The grey-skinned elf's expression turned stern as she interrupted, "Save your charms for someone who might actually fall for them. I am happily married, and I suggest you keep your inappropriate comments to yourself."

Jasper, caught off guard by her directness, stammered an apology, "My apologies, I meant no harm. Just wanted to appreciate the beauty in front of me."

He was confident in his charming abilities and continued conversing with the elf. Despite her quiet and reserved demeanor, he misinterpreted her silence, assuming she must enjoy the attention.

In his mind, the absence of outright rejection fueled his confidence, prompting him to escalate his flirting even further. Unaware of the elf's discomfort, Jasper pressed on, convinced he was making a lasting impression.

But before he could utter another word, the elf leaned in, her voice now threatening, "Let me be crystal clear. I won't hesitate to end you if you attempt to flirt with me again. Understood?"

Jasper gulped audibly, nodding in agreement. Little did he know, the two girls behind him, whom he mistook for mere shop assistants, hissed menacingly.

Turning around, he discovered their true nature – vampires, their eyes glinting with a predatory glimmer.

The elf spoke again, her red eyes narrowing at Jasper. "You better watch your words. My husband wouldn't take kindly to someone like you flirting with me."

Feeling annoyed and somewhat insulted, he retorted, "And who might your husband be? I'd be happy to challenge him to a duel."

Laughter erupted from the elf and the two girls behind Jasper. The blonde vampire stepped forward, her amusement evident. "You have no idea, do you? Her husband is none other than Archer Wyldheart, the White Dragon Prince, and she is Hecate Wyldheart."

Jasper's eyes widened. The White Dragon Prince, the very person he had sneered at earlier, was the husband of the elf he had been trying to flirt with. He started to feel a mixture of embarrassment and regret.

The stern warning, accompanied by the menacing hisses from the vampire girls, made him realize his mistake.Taking a deep breath, he stepped forward, his posture showing sincerity as he bowed to the three, even if it hurt him.

He began, addressing Hecate and the two girls. "I owe you all an apology. I didn't know who you were, and my attempts at flirting with a married woman were entirely wrong and disrespectful. I respect your limits, and I'm truly sorry for any discomfort I caused."

Hecate, maintaining her composed demeanor, nodded slightly, acknowledging his apology. The blonde girl, still amused, looked at him with a more neutral expression while the black-haired one remained vigilant.

"I appreciate your apology. Understanding boundaries is crucial, especially when interacting with others, especially married women." Hecate responded, her tone softer but firm.

Giving a subtle nod, the blonde vampire added, "We may have a sense of humor, but certain lines should never be crossed."

Jasper nodded in understanding, appreciating their willingness to accept his apology. "I've learned my lesson, and I'll be more mindful in the future. Please convey my apologies to your husband, the White Dragon Prince, as well. I meant no disrespect."

Hecate's stern expression softened slightly. "Consider this a valuable lesson, then. Be cautious in your interactions, and remember that not everyone appreciates advances, especially when they're married."

He nodded before Hecate started talking again. ''Now, how can I help? Assuming you came in for a reason.''

Jasper sighed, his gaze distant. "Indeed, the constant agony in my bones greets me every morning, a harsh reminder of the injuries sustained in the last war. Yet, it goes beyond mere physical pain. My thoughts are scattered, and I often find myself in a state of confusion and fear. The tremors in my hands persist until I finally surrender to sleep, only to awaken to the same cycle once more."

After speaking, Hecate nodded. ''I've heard of this before. Many veterans suffer from this when their body takes too much damage. When were you injured?''

''About one hundred and three years ago,'' Jasper answered as the black-haired girl brought him a chair to sit down in.

Hecat asked the older man. ''So you're a Master Mage?''

''Yes, but I was a Knight Master. Was never good at magic.''

She nodded. ''It's called Wraithbane Affliction. It destroys a soldier's body from the inside out because of a material they used in the armor and weapons back in your days.''

Jasper's eyes widened as the College Of Medicine couldn't tell him what it was, but this young woman did. He shook his head and asked with a voice full of hope. ''Is there a way to heal it?''

Hecate shook her head. ''No, but there's a way to reduce the pain and slow down the degeneration of your body.''

''How much would the treatment cost?''

''One gold. I'll make the potion now. So wait here.'' The elf answered as he watched her walk away.

After that, Jasper kept going back there until one day, he ran into someone who would forever change his path in life.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks - Would anyone be interested in a dark British zombie novel? Let me know, and I'll release the chapters I've written so far]

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