A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 618 Want To Tag Along

Chapter 618 Want To Tag Along

Archer turned to Hemera with a grin before speaking. ''You lewd sun elf. I know you're excited for tonight.''

The sun elf blushed before the group started chatting for a while. They told him about the classes they'd been taking and how they were getting to know the other girls in their year, which pleased him.

Ella looked at him and asked in a curious tone. ''You don't care if we make friends with the other girls in class?''

Archer shook his head. ''Of course not. Why would I? Like I told you girls, I won't hold you back from whatever you want to do.''

He looked at each one before continuing. ''I have no interest in controlling any of you whatsoever. I prefer seeing the smile on your face when you prefer doing what you love. Look at Hecate, and she's happy with the shop.''

The group discussed the upcoming Celestial Magic Tournament until Teuila, Talila, Sera, and Nala departed to join Professor Samara for their Combat Class. At the same time, Ella, Leira, Halime, and Llyniel made their way to Professor Ashguard's magic Combat Class.

Archer bid the others farewell before turning his attention to Hemera, who would stay with him. He walked up to each girl, offering a gentle kiss and hug before they left for their classes.

Once they were gone, he turned to the sun elf, reading a Pluoria history book, which caught his attention, causing him to ask. ''Anything good in there?''

Without taking her yellow eyes off the book, Hemera replied. ''Yes. Five kingdoms once stood in the far north of Pluoria, but only two are left after falling to the dark god Malgazar and becoming the Forsaken.''

''How did this dark god achieve that?''

''The author said the god sent his dark priests to the three northern kingdoms and corrupted their royal families. The population of all three kingdoms transformed into hideous creatures that stalk the land.''

Archer grew even more curious and asked her to continue, which she did. ''The last two kingdoms that stood against the Forsaken built the Ghostwall to protect their lands from the creatures who attack them.''

''What do these creatures look like?''

Hemera thought for a second before replying. ''They are humanoid but with fur. They attack at night, so it's hard to see them.''

He nodded as she continued. ''Now, the human and ice elves handle the wall to stop the Forsaken. But it seems things are changing as reports of mutated beasts appeared. Only their strongest cannons or mages can deal with them.''

When Archer heard that, his violet eyes shone, and a grin appeared. ''I should visit this wall. I could do with fighting stronger beasts.''

The sun elf laughed before replying. ''Wait until the tournament ends. We will have a month's break before heading to the central continent.''

''You're convinced we're going?'' Archer asked with a grin.

Hemera gave him a sweet smile. ''Of course. I know you certainly will, as well as most of the girls. For us, it all depends on who our opponents are, but everyone has been training hard.''

Archer nodded with a proud smile. ''Yes, I can feel that you have become even stronger. Let's hope you all can get a place in the central continent.''

After that, the two spoke about more events that have happened all over Pluoria. Archer stood up and spoke. ''I'm going to check on Hecate. Want to tag along?''

''Yes, please. Hopefully, the ship will be flying again.''

She jumped up as Archer opened a Gate to the Dragonheart Potions stockroom and stepped through, followed by Hemera.?As they stepped through the portal, the air was thick with the scent of various magical ingredients.

Shelves lined with colorful vials and jars neatly organized filled the room. The soft glow of enchanted crystals illuminated the space. The sweet and soothing aroma of dried herbs and flowers dances in the air, a comforting embrace that invites them further into the shop.

To their surprise, Thalia, Hecate's vampire assistant, was hunched over a worktable, meticulously calculating ingredients for a potion.

She looked up with a warm smile as they entered and enthusiastically greeted them, her eyes twinkling. "Archer! Hemera! It's good to see you both. I'm just working on a new batch of Elixirs. Step this way, and I'll take you to Hecate."

The blonde vampire led them through a narrow corridor with shelves with magical herbs and rare components. The trio emerged into the shop's front room, where Hecate stood behind a polished wooden counter.

A middle-aged couple chatted with her, their expressions curious and eager. The moon elf noticed Archer and Hemera's arrival. Her red eyes lit up with happiness as she saw him, and she politely excused herself from the couple.

"Arch, Hemera, welcome! Just a moment, please," Hecate said with a gracious smile, returning her attention to the customers. "Excuse me for a second; I'll be right back."

As Hecate approached them, the couple exchanged amused glances and continued perusing the various potions on display.

"Archer, Hemera, it's always a pleasure. What brings you here today?" She inquired, her long, silver hair shimmering in the ambient light.

''I wanted to see my beautiful moon witch. I've missed you, Hecate.'' He answered with a smile.

When hearing his words, a blush tinted Hecate's cheeks. She stepped forward and kissed him passionately, surprising both Archer and the customers, as they typically thought of her as a lovely yet stern woman.

Before he could do anything, a blonde blur was a scene, and Stella, the dog demi-human, crashed into him. Archer smiled before hugging Hecate's new apprentice, who was happy to see him as she spoke. ''Big Brother. It's good to see you. I've missed you.''

''I missed you too, Stella. We will meet up and go out for Directly support the authors on WebNovel!

something to eat. I've just been busy with the tournament and all the trouble I get into.''

The dog girl giggled as she replied. ''Master tells me about all your exploits, and you better.''

Archer smiled and nodded in agreement. He then sat down on a nearby chair, enjoying the warmth in Hecate's smile as she got back to work.

Meanwhile, Hemera wanted to explore local bookshops, so Archer handed her a pouch of coins and kissed her before she headed out. Once she was gone, he started watching Hecate serving her customers and chatting to them with a slight smile on her face.

Archer's violet eyes scanned the room as the sweet fragrance enveloped the air. Hecate's shop was bustling with customers seeking remedies for different ailments, and the soothing glow of crystals bathed the shop in a warm light.

As he watched, a young elven couple approached the counter, their expressions a mix of curiosity and anticipation. With her silver hair cascading gracefully over her shoulders, Hecate greeted them with a warm smile.

The couple began to explain their predicament, a lingering curse troubling them for weeks. Hecate listened, her expertise clear in asking thoughtful questions to understand the nature of their condition.

With a confident nod, she disappeared into the corridor with shelves filled with herbs and rare components. She returned moments later, holding a small vial containing a shimmering potion.

He watched as Hecate handed it to the couple; she explained the dosage and assured them of its efficacy. The gratitude in the couple's eyes was real as they left the shop after they paid her, their steps lighter and expressions brighter than when they had entered.

Archer watched with a satisfied smile, pleased to witness the moon elf's potion's positive impact on the lives of those who sought her aid. Soon after, an elderly man entered, leaning heavily on a staff.

His worn features spoke of a long, difficult life, and his eyes conveyed a silent plea for help. Hecate approached him with the same grace and compassion she showed every customer.

The man explained his chronic joint pain, aching bones that seemed to be getting worse as time went on. Archer saw her listening, her eyes filled with empathy. She disappeared again into the back, returning with a jar of salve infused with healing herbs.

She gently applied the salve to the old man's hands. Archer marveled at her skill. The man's face softened with each tender touch, and he expressed his gratitude in a raspy but heartfelt voice.

Customers continued to come and go, each with unique stories and requests. Hecate met them all with the same dedication and kindness, offering potions, salves, and magical remedies tailored to their needs.

This went on for a couple of hours until the flow of people slowed down, causing Archer to ask the moon elf who was going through a ledger. ''When will it get busy again?''

Hecate looked up as she smiled. ''Jasper should be in soon, and he normally gets them going again. Don't react to him when he comes in because the man means no harm. He is very eccentric.''

As she said that, the door opened, and a tall balm man walked into the shop while muttering about the cold weather.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks - Would anyone be interested in a dark British zombie novel? Let me know, and I'll release the chapters I've written so far]

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