A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 606 Overpowered For my Age

Chapter 606 Overpowered For my Age

Archer looked around the room and approached the door when he saw a piece of paper on the door. He picked it up and read it, which didn't take too long. It was a note from Morgan telling him they had to get to work but to visit them sometime.

After reading that, he left the chamber he was in to see the Magic Knight common room, which was empty; with a shrug, Archer returned to the College Of Magic section of the mana ship. It didn't take him too long.

He entered the standard room and saw some professors sitting around a table chatting about the upcoming tournament. He stopped when they spotted Archer, who shrugged and walked to the nearest window.

When Archer looked out, he saw a rough sea below and waves as high as a city wall crash on a small island. They were flying about thirty meters above the waves to avoid the storm.

It relaxed as thunder boomed overhead and the rain lashed against the window. While standing there, he zoned out to the beautiful morning sky. The sun hadn't risen yet, but the moon allowed him to see through the storm.

The thunderous roar of the engines echoed in his ears, laboring relentlessly to navigate through the storm. The entire vessel quivered, a symphony of vibrations, as the relentless rain battered against the protective shield.

''Isn't the weather just stunning, especially in the skies?'' He heard a voice from behind him.

Startled, Archer turned around to find an unexpected presence. A smile graced his face as he greeted her, ''Margeret, it's been a while. You're as beautiful as ever.''

He soaked in the sight of the beautiful, sophisticated woman he had encountered in the college library. She was wearing a form-fitting blue uniform that highlighted her curves, and her shirt struggled to contain her enormous boobs.

Margeret's short brown hair was neatly secured in a ponytail, and a clipboard rested in her grasp.

'She is stunning. Older woman on Earth never looked as good as she does.' He thought to himself.

A radiant gleam of joy illuminated her blue eyes as she caught sight of his smile. Archer found this mature older woman beautiful and stepped forward before whispering into her ear. ''That uniform looks good on you, Margeret.''

Her face reddened when she heard his compliment, causing her to think to herself. 'Why am I blushing like a little girl? I'm a grandmother and shouldn't be falling for this playboy's charm.'

Margeret shook her head and spoke. ''Thank you for the compliment, Archer. How are you finding the journey so far?''

''Well, apart from getting drunk for the first time, which was interesting, it's been okay, I guess. What are you doing here? You're a librarian?'' Archer asked with a curious voice.

''I am. But the headmistress wants me to be her secretary for the tournament, and if I do a good job, I'll be promoted.''

He smiled when hearing that and congratulated the older woman, who smiled before speaking apologetically. ''It was good seeing you, Archer. But I'm in a rush and have to go. I was running an errand for the headmistress.''

Archer bid farewell to Margeret, watching her briskly walk away, her figure disappearing down the corridor. He couldn't help but admire the sway in her step; even in her uniform, her round behind stood out.

With a slight smile, he turned and continued his journey through the mana ship. The atmosphere in the College of Magic section was a mix of excitement and anticipation for the upcoming tournament.

Professors and students alike were engaged in discussions about strategies and magic techniques. Archer decided to go to his room to gather his thoughts and perhaps rest for a while.

As he walked down the metallic corridors, the thunderous roar of the engines persisted, echoing the ship's struggle against the raging storm outside. He glanced out the windows, where the sea below raged with colossal waves.

Lost in thought, he was suddenly captivated by a movement in the sea. A colossal creature breached the surface, its massive form visible even through the stormy torrents.

After the creature vanished under the waves, he closed his hands to scan for the girls and saw some sleeping while Ella, Llyniel, Nala, Halime, and Teuila were in the common room. He sent them a message asking if they wanted to have breakfast with him.

All three agreed by replying through the bracelets. With that, Archer headed toward them as the sun rose. After walking for ten minutes, he found the five girls. Ella greeted him with a big smile. ''Morning Arch! Where were you last night?''

He kissed each girl before explaining what had happened and where he was, which caused them to laugh. Teuila asked while trying to stifle a laugh. ''You've never been drunk?''

''No Teu. Never seen the interest, but it wasn't so bad.'' Archer replied with a chuckle.

The five girls led Archer through the bustling corridors of the College of Magic section of the ship, navigating the flow of students going about their business gossiping or heading to the extra classes the professors decided to hold while they traveled.

As they entered the spacious dining room, Archer saw dozens of students in animated conversations scattered across the tables. The aroma of various dishes filled the air, creating a mouth-watering atmosphere.

Ella grinned at him and gestured towards an empty table. "Sit here, Arch. We'll get the food."

With that, she and the other girls dispersed towards the various serving stations, leaving Archer to take in the lively scene.

Sitting at the table waiting for the girls to return, Archer noticed Lioran approaching with a warm smile. Nalika and Leonora trailed behind him, their expressions mixing curiosity and excitement.

Lioran greeted Archer with a smile. "Good morning, Archer. Mind if we join you?"

Archer motioned to the empty seats. "Not at all, Lioran. Grab a seat. It's good to see you."

As they settled in, Leonora greeted him as she sat beside Lioran. ''Hey Archer. How was your morning?

''It's good. I'm just waiting for the girls to bring my breakfast. El told me to wait here.'' He replied to the lion girl.

Nalika commented next. ''When's your date with Inara? And are you planning to claim Nalani Silvermane as well?''

Archer choked when he heard the grey-haired lioness. He shook his head before talking to the girl in a fed-up voice. ''Do you spend your free time gossiping about my love life?

''Pretty much. It's interesting to guess who you're going to claim next.'' Nalika responded with a grin.

Archer looked at the lion boy, who was chuckling while watching his fiance tease him. ''I swear, Lioran, if you weren't my friend, I would have shaved her bald by now.''

This only made him and Nalika laugh. Leonora shook her head while stifling a laugh, causing Archer to answer. ''I haven't planned anything. I'm trying to strengthen my current relationships before wooing other women.''

''Oh damn. I thought you'd claim another ten princesses during the tournament.'' Lioran teased him.

Archer narrowed his eyes and warned the lion prince. ''One more word and I'll go after your grandmother and become your grandfather, Lio!''

He then turned his attention to the two lionesses and teased them. ''I will challenge your father for your mother's hand and any sisters you two have. So you'd be calling me father soon, girls.''

After speaking, everyone laughed as Lioran responded with a teasing tone. ''If you somehow marry her Arch, I will offer my hand in marriage as well.''

''Shut up, idiot. I wouldn't marry you, and I feel sorry for Leonora and Nalika for being stuck with you.'' Archer retorted.

Lioran started laughing and stopped messing around before asking. ''Enough of the teasing. Are you excited for the tournament? I heard the Oakheart Kingdom is beautiful.''

Archer nodded. ''Yeah, I can't fight and see how others compare due to being overpowered for my age.''

''That's cheating. You'll demolish the competition, and it would be unfair.'' Leonora spoke up after she took her cloak off.

''I created a limiter to put me at the Magus Rank.'' He replied as he raised his arm to show them the bracelet.

''Oh, okay. I guess that's fine, then. Sorry, I heard you've wiped out armies and destroyed the Dragon Hunters.'' Leonora explained.

When she mentioned the hunters, it brought back memories of the fights he'd had with them before, and he promised himself he would wipe them out when he visited the north.

Archer shook his head. ''Yeah, you're right, but where is the fun in fighting people my age and instantly beating them? I want a challenge.''

Lioran and the two girls started laughing before the lion boy spoke. ''Sounds about right for you, Arch.''

As the four continued to talk, Ella and the others returned with loads of plates. When Archer saw this, his eyes widened as there were all kinds of food, from meat to potato-looking things to burgers, which confused him.

But he shrugged and started eating after thanking his girls, who replied with smiles before they ate.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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