A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 605 The Highmore Twins

Chapter 605 The Highmore Twins

Archer looked at the twins, who were smiling up at him. They both looked the same but different. They were beautiful and looked like they could fight, which impressed him. He shook his head and examined the two.

Giselle was the one with the short white hair and sparkling green eyes. She was a curvy woman with massive boobs like most noble women he met. Archer noticed she was wearing Magic Knight armor and carried a spear.

She looked like the happier of the two as she looked at him with a smile. After looking at the white-haired twin, he turned to the other sister, Genevieve, who was more slender than Giselle, with smaller boobs and a slimmer waist.

Archer loved her piercing blue eyes and short black hair. She seemed to be the moody one. He gave them his best smile before speaking. ''Hello, ladies. My name is Archer Wyldheart. It's a pleasure to meet you.''

Giselle's smile grew when she heard that, and Genevieve just huffed. Morgan laughed when seeing this and spoke. ''You can talk to him after girls. I want to have a drink with him.''

The two nodded before returning to a group of soldiers who were watching the scene. The black-haired man turned to him with a grin. ''They like you.''

But Morgan's expression changed as he leaned in to warn. ''Don't try to get them. They are not going in our collecting, you lewd dragon.''

Archer stopped, walked, and looked at the man. ''If I like them, I will take them, Morgan, and you won't be able to stop me, but I'm not interested. Yes, I admit they are gorgeous, but attracting my attention takes more than just good looks.''

The older man looked at him and smiled as they walked through the common room. ''I like you even more, boy. Want me to adopt you into the Highmore family.''

When Morgan finished speaking, he started laughing upon seeing Archer's expression. ''I'm joking. I'm sure you do not want parents with the ones you were given.''

He said nothing as the two continued until they arrived at the bar. Morgan looked at the bartender and ordered. ''Get me the usual, but get the Dragon Ale for my boy Archer.''

The bartender nodded and walked off before returning with a large jug filled with a sweet-smelling ale, its aroma wafting through the air as he set it down in front of Archer. He looked at the jug with genuine interest, lingering on the golden liquid inside.

Having downed his drink easily, Morgan turned to him with a grin. He slapped his back in a friendly way, causing Archer to shift forward slightly. "There you go, Archie! That's the renowned Dragon Ale. Brewed with the finest ingredients, it packs a punch that'll leave you feeling like you can breathe fire!"

He grabbed the jug with a nod of thanks. The sweet aroma teased his senses, and he couldn't help but be bewitched. Morgan, still grinning, raised his empty mug, encouraging Archer to join him.

The common room was filled with the lively chatter of the other Magic Knights, clinking mugs, and the occasional burst of laughter. Archer, holding the large jug of Dragon Ale, was drawn into the festive atmosphere. Sitting beside him, Morgan watched with an amused glint in his eyes.

Archer studied the golden liquid within, which brought a gleam to his eyes. Chuckling at his enthusiasm, Morgan leaned in with a friendly warning.

"Now, this ale has a kick like a dragon's tail. Drink it easy unless you want to be carried out of here like a sack of potatoes."

Flashing a confident smile, and dismissed the older man's warning. "I can handle it. Dragons aren't known for being lightweight, you know."

With a shrug, Morgan leaned back, lifting his mug with a smirk. "Your choice, my friend. Just remember, I warned you."

Ignoring the advice, Archer took a hearty swig from the jug. The initial taste was refreshing, with a fine sweetness that danced on his tongue. He lowered the jug, seemingly unaffected, and shot Morgan a triumphant grin.

Morgan laughed heartily. "Not bad for a rookie. But let's see how you handle another round."

Encouraged by his success, Archer continued to drink, savoring the flavor of the Ale. The conversation flowed, and the social atmosphere of the common room surrounded him.?The older man, still amused, raised an eyebrow. "You're holding up well, I'll give you that."

But as Archer reached for another round, a slight change began. The edges of his vision seemed to blur, and a warmth spread through him. The realization hit him, and he chuckled nervously, glancing at Morgan.

"That warning of yours might have been onto something," Archer conceded with a lopsided grin.

Morgan burst into laughter, slapping Archer on the back. "Told you so, my boy! The Dragon Ale has a way of sneaking up on you. Pace yourself next time."

The common room of the Magic Knights buzzed with laughter and the clinking of mugs, the entertainment reaching its peak as Archer, under the influence of the potent Dragon Ale, stumbled to his feet.

Morgan, engrossed in a lively conversation with fellow knights, didn't notice Archer's departure. With a mischievous grin, Archer mumbled something about needing fresh air and made his way to the exit.

The wooden door creaked open, and a cool night air greeted him. The moon hung high in the sky, casting its silvery glow across the sea below.

Guided by the ghostly light, Archer ambled through the corridors of the mana ship. The ship, powered by mana, hummed with a gentle resonance. While walking, he couldn't help but admire the patterns of the mana crystals embedded in the walls, giving off a soft light.

The corridors of the mana ship echoed with Archer's carefree laughter as he continued his tipsy exploration. Unknown to him, Giselle and Genevieve, having noticed his absence from the common room, decided to investigate and ensure he was okay.

The twin sisters, their Magic Knight armor glinting softly in the light, followed the sound of Archer's laughter. They found him leaning against a corridor wall, his eyes fixed on the moonlit night through a nearby window.

With her short white hair and sparkling green eyes, Giselle approached first with a warm smile as she spoke. "Archer, are you enjoying the night sky?"

He turned to them with a lopsided grin, and his cheeks flushed from the effects of the Dragon Ale. "Giselle! Genevieve! I was just... having a moment with the moon. It's so shiny!"

With her shorter black hair and piercing blue eyes, Genevieve chuckled at Archer's intoxicated state. "You've had more than your share of Dragon Ale. Come on, let's get you to the spare room. Father will kill us if we let you wander around drunk.''

Silence fell from Archer's lips as the Ale's effects finally took hold, sending his senses into disarray. He sagged in the girl's arms, his body succumbing to sleep.



[Giselle and Genevieve's POV]

The twins dragged Archer to the Magic Knight section and took him to their spare room. Genevieve opened the door while Gisella held onto him. He grabbed a hold of the white-haired woman who let him do it as he was out cold.

Her sister walked out of the room and informed her. ''Sister, the beds ready. You put him to sleep; I want to take off my armor. It's hurting my boobs.''

Giselle giggled while nodding. ''Go on, Gene. I'll deal with him and join you.''

With that sorted, the black-haired girl walked out of the room and headed down the corridor so she could relax.

When Genevieve was gone, she put the sleeping Archer in bed. Giselle moved away and noticed that he was having a bad dream. She leaned down and whispered into his ear. ''You're fine white dragon. Dragon Ale comes with nightmares.''

The white-haired girl pulled the covers over him before leaving the room. When leaving, she bumped into something. Giselle looked up to see her Father standing there. He looked down at her and spoke. ''How is he, Giselle?''

''He's good. Just drunk and needs some rest.'' Giselle answered.

Morgan smiled when hearing her response before heading back to his room. Giselle did the same thing after making sure Archer was okay.


[Back to Archer]

While sleeping, the Ale off, Arhcer managed to have several nightmares, which annoyed him. But by the time he woke up, they stopped. He looked around and didn't recognize the room he found himself in.

Archer got out of bed and stretched while yawning. The mana ship's quiet hum provided a soothing backdrop as Archer, having just cast Cleanse on himself, stood in the privacy of the room he was in.

The glow dissipated, leaving behind a refreshed and invigorated feeling. With a satisfied nod, he decided it was time to change into fresh clothes. Archer looked around and saw an empty room with basic furniture.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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