A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 603 The Sisters of Shadows

Chapter 603 The Sisters of Shadows

Archer used his claws and started tearing into the undead dragon. The two were trading blows, but then more appeared. He was just about to summon some flying beasts from his Monster Army.

But he saw something falling from the manaship, and when they got closer, Archer recognized armored knights with glowing white wings holding all kinds of weapons. One started casting a spell that slammed into another undead dragon.

The knights fell upon the dragons and started battling them while in the air, thanks to the mana wing spell the mages cast on everyone. Archer saw this and returned to his fight, but a familiar seductive voice was heard beside him.

''Archer Wyldheart. I knew you'd be on board.''

Seeing the undead dragon's jaws closing around him, he realized the bite wasn't forceful. To his surprise, a woman materialized on the dragon's shoulder. Although shocked, Archer couldn't help but smile.

He fell to the ground below, where a forest with a concealed swamp awaited. They vanished into the canopy, but Archer returned to his humanoid form.


[Ophelia Blackfire's POV]

She was sitting in the office of the captain given her on the College Of Magic side of the manship when the alarm suddenly went off. Ophelia jumped to her feet, rushed outside, and heard dome of the Professors talking about undead dragons.

When hearing this, Ophelia rushed toward the closest balcony to see what was happening, and after stepping outside, she saw someone jump from above and quickly recognized the boy.

'Archer.' Ophelia thought to herself.

The older witch watched as he turned into his dragon form and crashed into the undead dragon. Seconds later, they fell to the ground, which shocked her.

That's when the knight assigned to the mana ship also jumped off when even more undead dragons appeared, but they were not as big as the one Archer was fighting.

But suddenly, Archer vanished into the forest below as the knights fought. Ophelia cast a spell and started flying to the battle in the air. She waved her hands while casting her witch magic.

The black fire appeared around her and shaped itself into large arrows. Once they were formed, she sent them toward the undead. When the black arrows connected with their rotten bodies, they exploded.

Once dealt with, the knights returned to the manaship, but it was stopped above where Archer disappeared. When Ophelia landed back on the ship, the captain summoned her to the cockpit.

She made her way there, and when she got there, the older human with white hair was wearing an immaculate Imperial Air Core uniform. The man turned around and spoke. ''I just received a message from General Ironhart telling me to wait for the boy to return because some ships were attacked. Why can't you deal with it, headmistress?''

''I can, Captain Greyborne, but there are too many attackers for only the Professors and me to deal with. Even the Magic Knights will have issues protecting the ships if any more appear.''

Just as she spoke, the air shook with an enraged roar, causing Ophelia and Captain Greyborne to rush to the nearest window. When they saw the incoming threat, their eyes widened. Hundreds of undead flying beasts were flying toward the manaships.

Ophelia rushed toward the nearest balcony while speaking. ''I'll hold them off. Activate the ship's weapons and try to hold out.''

The white-haired human nodded and started barking out commands. After doing that, several small mana cannons appeared on the bottom of the ship before firing into the swarm of beasts.

Powerful blasts of mana raced toward the undead beasts and exploded in the middle of them. The aftershock shook the ship, but that didn't stop Ophelia from casting a particular spell passed down through the Blackfire family.

She started chanting in an unknown language, sending a tsunami of black fire surging toward the undead. The scorching hot flames burned them to ash, but even more beasts appeared in all shapes and sizes.

Ophelia saw this and sighed as it was impossible to keep using the same spell as it used a lot of mana. The older witch sensed all the students watching the battle while some cast spells into the swarm.

As the creatures approached, a sudden eruption of violet flames collided with them, resulting in explosions. Through the smoke, she witnessed a white dragon soaring into the air, snapping its jaws and tearing through the beasts without trouble.


[Back to Archer]

As Archer plummeted, he stopped himself from crashing into the ground using his wings before landing. As he dusted himself off, his gaze locked onto a woman he hadn't encountered in quite some time.

Time hadn't dimmed her beauty; she remained as enchanting as ever, prompting Archer to flash a charming smile.

"Hello, Demacia. Long time no see," he spoke.

''Yes, it has been a while, white dragon. It's also good to see you.'' A seductive voice responded.

Archer looked at the necromancer, wearing a long, gothic black dress. Her pale white skin was flawless, and her bright blue eyes shone with untold wisdom. She was gorgeous, and he wondered if she was married.

With a smile, he decided to ask. ''Demacia. I'm curious, are you married?''

When the necromancer stared at him, he was taken aback. But soon, a smirk appeared on her face before she responded. ''I am not. But relationships don't interest me.''

She approached and continued. ''I'm here to warn you about the Death Cult who is hunting you, but a few days ago, the Death's Whisper Guild approached us and offered an alliance to take you down and split your body between them, but as the leader of The Sisters of Shadows I accepted the offer, and instead of attacking you I decided to warn you.''

''Why? What benefit do you get out of helping me?''

Demacia shrugged before revealing her true motives. ''All my sisters have discussed the option of joining you, but what would we get in return?''

Archer was shocked but thought about it for a second before responding. ''What do you want? I'm guessing bodies for your necromancy and somewhere safe to work?''

She smiled and added one more condition. ''You must guarantee my sister's well-being?''

''Of course. But the Sisters of Shadows have to take a mana oath not to betray me or my girls, then you got yourself a deal.''

Demacia nodded before taking out a device and speaking. ''Mother. He accepted the offer, so prepare to leave.''

Archer sensed the Magic Knights getting close, so he turned to the black-haired woman and took out a bracelet to give to her. When the necromancer took it, she asked in a curious tone. ''What is this?''

''The soldiers are coming, so escape before they arrive. When you are with your mother and sisters, send mana into it to contact me.'' Archer explained.

Demacia smiled as she spoke with a grin. ''Thank you. I will see you soon, my king.''

Archer shook his head with a smile as the woman vanished just as the Magic Knights appeared around him. A middle-aged man approached him and knelt. ''White Prince. We must return to the manaship.''

''Okay. Let's go.'' He responded to the soldier as he summoned his wings and took off.

Soon, Archer and the soldiers were back on the manaship. When they arrived, Ophelia and his girls were waiting. They scolded him for jumping off without telling them first, but he soothed them with kisses and hugs.

This pleased them, and he promised to visit each one tonight, which excited them. After greeting his ladies, Archer turned to the purplish-black hair witch staring at him with narrowed eyes.

Ophelia stepped forward and asked. ''Why do I sense death all around you?''

Archer shrugged. ''I don't know. I did fight with an undead dragon, so maybe it's that.''

She just studied him before sighing. ''Stay out of trouble, dragon. You'll get all the excitement you need during the tournament. After all, some powerful youngsters will be taking part.''

''Of course. I don't look for it, Ophie. It seems to find me.'' He answered as the engines roared to life and the manaship started flying again.

Ophelia shook her head before retorting. ''Don't call me that boy! It's headmistress or Miss Blackfire. Now stay out of trouble and find something to do.''

Archer gave the woman a charming smile as she vanished, leaving him alone on the balcony he landed on. With a shrug, he entered the manaship to see students walking everywhere.

Without thinking, he turned and started walking through the ship's corridors and saw hundreds of doors, which he assumed were the passenger's rooms. He saw students from the Starlight Academy mixed in with students from his college.

But he ignored them and walked over to the nearest window. Archer looked out over the fast-moving landscape. As he watched that, a voice from behind him spoke up. ''We should be coming up to the sea now.''

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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