A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 590 Finishing The Quests

Chapter 590 Finishing The Quests

When Archer heard the redhead, he smiled before continuing. "Exactly. People perceive actions based on their own beliefs, experiences, and needs. What one person considers evil might be a noble cause for another."

Talila said after no one else spoke, "But there must be some actions universally seen as good or evil, right?"

Archer smiled before speaking, "True, there are certain acts that most agree upon. But even those can be subject to interpretation."

Nala sighed, "So, we're all a mix of good and evil, depending on who's looking at us?"

He smiled, "Exactly. That's why I say there's no pure good or evil. It's all in shades of grey."

After that, Zarina went quiet before looking at him with ocean-blue eyes and asking, ''What's the worst thing you've done?''

When hearing this, Archer started to think before speaking. "Well, I've set fire to castles and forts with hundreds of people inside. I've turned armies into ashes and reduced kingdoms to dust. I've done plenty, but listing them all would be a bother."

Once he finished talking, the shadow creatures returned, and Nyctros suddenly appeared in front of Archer, which scared Zarinna, who yelped.

Nala and Teuila laughed while Talila eyed the creature as she wasn't sure about it. Nyctros bowed before speaking. ''Can I touch you, my prince? I can show you all the locations?''

Archer agreed, and the shadow contacted him, revealing several locations where the Bugbears resided. His satisfaction was evident when turning to the four girls. ''Okay, we can go now. I know where they are.''

There were camps spread out all over the forest, but all they held was the beasts and their food, which people butchered. He informed the girls of the locations and every detail, causing Zarina and Nala to pale.

Once Archer had finished explaining his plan, everyone agreed to it. Afterward, he transformed into his dragon form and took to the skies once the girls were on board. While flying, he cast a Cosmic Shield around them to protect them from the wind.

His keen dragon eyes scanned the forest below as he glided through the sky. The dense foliage hid the Bugbears, and Archer knew precisely where they were. While flying, the scent of the Bugbears, a mix of fur and decay, reached his nostrils.

Archer honed in on the first camp, where hundreds of the monstrous creatures mingled. Coming to a stop above, his massive wings created a gust of wind that sent them flying everywhere.

Inhaling deeply, he drew in the air tainted with the foul stench of the Bugbears. With a mighty exhale, he unleashed a torrent of searing flames that shot down and washed over the Bugbear camp.

A violet firestorm twirled, roared, and burned down the makeshift buildings and nasty creatures. Archer's dragon breath set everything on fire. That's when he saw the bright glow taking over the forest, visible for miles.

When this happened, the Bugbears were caught off guard, shrieked, and howled as the violet inferno consumed everything in its path. He maintained his position, the glow of the flames reflecting in his gleaming eyes.

The crackling of burning wood and the desperate roars of the Bugbears echoed through the forest, creating a dance of destruction. As the last embers faded away, Archer scanned the ashen remains of the camp below.

He saw that the once-thriving gathering of chaos had been reduced to smoldering ruins. The forest, freed from their presence, seemed to exhale a sigh of relief. After he was finished at the first Bugbear camp, he flew around doing the same to the others.

Soon, he was finished, and the forest had several burning infernos.?Satisfied with the outcome, he looked south to Silvershade City and started flying toward it with the girls on his back, wondering what they could do if Archer were going to burn everything.

Archer flew for half an hour until he saw a large city nearby and landed close by. Teuila and the others jumped off his back before he returned to his humanoid form. After that, Nala asked as she looked around. ''What's the next quest?''

''Rat extermination.''

As he finished speaking, all four girls cringed, but Archer reassured them. ''Don't worry, ladies. We don't have to step into the sewers. I have an idea.''

They smiled before approaching the city and were stopped at the gate as the morning sun shone overhead. The sky was clear, but dark clouds were coming from the north, causing him to sigh.

Archer told them they were completing quests from the College of Magic and were let through by the city guard. Once inside, they were guided to the sewer opening while the man fled as they arrived.

Zarina commented as they looked at the entrance. l. ''I hope we're not going in there. It stinks like death.''

The other three agreed before Archer shook his head and opened a portal to the domain. He had the perfect beast for such a task. He called for the giant rats he captured in the Nether Realm.

Many giant rats surged out of the portal, and he directed them to kill all the rats in the sewer. A cacophony of squeaks echoed as they hastily departed. Having accomplished this, Archer faced the girls and the guard, who looked at him like he was crazy.

The guard shook his head and braked, too. ''Why would you release even more rats, and bigger ones at that!''

''They are mine? I control them.'' Archer replied calmly to the man before finding a nearby bench and sitting down.

He pulled out some chocolate and started eating while the four girls sat beside him except Zarina, who sat on the next bench. The group only had to wait an hour until the Giant Rats returned covered in blood.

Archer sent them back to the domain when they were done before standing up and speaking. ''That was quicker than I expected.''

The guard who was still standing there looked at him with a shocked expression before he continued. ''You can now get someone to clean up.''

After speaking, he turned to the girls and informed them. ''Do you want to sit on my back or wait in the domain? We have to head north to the town of Starhaven.''

They decided to go to the domain, so he shrugged and summoned his wings. Archer took off and started flying north, and it didn't take him too long as he flew faster and faster. The landscape sped by, not allowing him to see anything.

Archer soared above cities and towns, instigating panic, yet he had already vanished by the time they gazed upward. The weather settled, maintaining its chill as he seamlessly merged with the outskirts of the town.

However, his relief was short-lived, as rain soon started, causing him to sigh before landing. After summoning the shadow creatures, he returned to the domain and told them to hunt the trolls.

Once he did that, he stepped into the domain and witnessed the sudden appearance of Ella, Nefertiti, and Llyniel. The half-elf hurried towards him with an enthusiastic smile upon spotting him.

"Arch! Prepare to return to the college. The headmistress is discussing the Arcane Tournament and asked you to attend. She mentioned dismissing the quests; she'll send some adventurers to handle the remaining ones."

Archer got excited when he heard that and greeted the six girls with kisses before winking at Zarina, who rolled her eyes. Once that was over, he opened a gate to the college and stepped through.

The others followed him to see a stream of students flow toward the auditorium, where the Professors were ushering people inside. When Archer arrived, people turned to him with either a smile or frown.

He ignored them when he saw the other when seeing Hemera, Sera, and Halime, who greeted him with a smile. The large group entered the auditorium and was told to sit in the middle, and some of them fought to sit next to him.

Archer smiled at this as Sera and Llyniel sat next to him. The others settled down as more students poured in to take their seats. When this happened, he turned to the wood elf, who was smiling back at him.

His hand snaked toward her slender thigh and held it, causing the elf to shiver. Her brown eyes turned to him and in a whisper. ''What are you doing?''

''Nothing.'' He replied with an innocent smile.

Archer moved his hand further up her thigh, causing her to squirm as he was close to her panties. She was wearing an everyday dress, but he sensed the mana radiating from it, and he guessed it kept her warm in such weather.

He stopped thinking about it when feeling Llyniel's hand grab onto his arm. Archer turned to her, and she motioned for him to lean in, which he did.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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