A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 581 Winter Has Its Charm

Chapter 581 Winter Has Its Charm

He approached his friend and grabbed him by the ear, causing Nala and Kamari to look on in shock. Archer scolded the lion boy. ''Why not tell me he's into men? I wouldn't have come here, you idiot!''

Archer put Lioran in a headlock before terrorizing him, which shocked the other two. Nala walked over to them and chopped the two on the head. ''Stop playing around, you two. The Duke is hosting us as his guests. Show some respect.''

After her scolding, a happy laugh was heard from behind them. Archer turned to see the Duke laughing.

This confused Nala, who looked at the man for answers, which she soon got. ''Well, princess. To see the infamous white dragon messing around with the prince is refreshing. I thought he would be hot-headed and cocky, but he seems like a normal person.''

Nala smiled and then started laughing, which lasted a couple of minutes. She soon calmed down and spoke. ''Yeah, he's not like the stories.''

The Duke nodded, summoning a maid to fetch some tea as they anticipated Atlas's return. Archer sampled the tea and found its flavor delightful, with a sweetness that he enjoyed.

They all started chatting about Archer's relationship with Nala, which pleased the Duke, who was happy that the kingdom had such an ally and wasn't bothered about his son's engagement because he knew the boy was different.

After some time, Atlas reappeared, clutching a map as he settled beside the Duke. He spread it out on the table between them before speaking, "I've heard that the College of Magic is arranging an expedition to the Unknown Continent. But that's not the only place that's lost to time. There are numerous uncharted regions out there, Archer, and while I can't embark on the journey myself, you can! If you agree to share some of the treasures you discover, I'll pinpoint more locations for you to explore."

When hearing this, Archer wondered why Atlas was making this offer. So, he decided to ask, "Why are you asking me? I'm sure the Lionheart Kingdom or even your father could find a group to explore them."

The Duke was the one to answer. ''You see, these places are usually dangerous, and many explorers have gone missing after commissioning a quest for it.''

Archer looked at the map and saw a large forest to the southeast of the west part of Pluoria, with red crosses circling it. But he shrugged and realized he could use his shadow form to travel through the forest once the tournaments were over.

''Okay, when I finish what I've got going on, I will return to the Lionheart kingdom and start the first treasure hunt,'' Archer answered after thinking.

Atlas smiled before folding the map and passing it to him alongside a communication device. He stored it in his Item Box before standing up. ''I have to return to the empire. My girls are in a cafe with my food. But contact me whenever you want.''

Nala and Lioran stood up while he opened a portal before speaking one last time. ''It was nice to meet the both of you. It was a pleasant surprise, I must admit.''

Archer stepped through the portal to appear near the cafe Ella was waiting out. Lioran looked at him and spoke. ''Thank you for not attacking them.''

He nodded after the lion boy spoke before commenting. ''You're welcome. But I wonder why Atlas wants to be friends.''

Lioran explained as they approached the cafe. ''Well, since he likes men, they tend not to get too close to him. But I already know you have no interest in men, so it wouldn't feel weird being around him; Atlas is smart and devoted to his lover, a knight in the imperial army, to think about someone else.''

When Archer heard this, he looked at the blonde boy who had stopped talking and teased him with a grin. ''You hid that from me, you cheeky lion. Next time you do something like that, I'll cut your hair and throw you in the Nightmare Ant Nest for a week.''

After teasing the lion, they entered the cafe to see Ella and the others chatting. Sera and Leira greeted him with a kiss, while Llyniel and Halime were too embarrassed as the place was busy.

The cafe #'s atmosphere was peaceful and smelt of freshly baked food, which caused Archer's stomach to grumble.

Sitting at an empty table full of food, which was his, he started eating like a glutton. Lioran joined him and tried to take something, but his hand got slapped by a slender white tail.

Lioran looked offendedly at him before laughing as Archer shared some cakes with him. As they ate, Ella and the other girls were filled with what happened in the Lionheart Kingdom, which made them laugh.

Sera asked Archer a question after she finished eating. ''So you're becoming an explorer now?''

He shook his head while answering. ''No. I want to relax until the tournaments start, which shouldn't be long now.''

Leira laughed before commenting. ''Well, that's if trouble doesn't find you. It seems to gravitate toward you, Arch.''

Archer agreed with the cat girl. After that, the large group was joined by Llyniel's older brother, Alaric, alongside a few other students. Everyone was getting along with the girls off to one side, speaking while the boys spoke among themselves.

He was hardly talkative when it came to people except his girls. But this didn't stop Alaric from asking him a question. ''Are you planning to return to the college?''

''Yes. I want to start tomorrow and attend some of the classes. They were interesting, but some bored me.'' Archer answered while he ate a donut-like treat.

After eating all the pastries, cakes, and other satisfying treats, Archer finally pushed away his plate. Satisfied, he leaned back in his chair, feeling the fullness settling in.

The aroma of the cafe's freshly baked goods lingered in the air. He glanced around at his girls and the others, all engaged in cheerful conversations.

Sera and Leira were sharing a quiet moment. Llyniel was chatting animatedly with her older brother Alaric, and Halime seemed lost in thought, occasionally stealing glances at the pastries she had yet to finish.

Feeling bloated, Archer decided it was time to settle the bill. He stood up and walked over to the counter, where a friendly waiter wiped the surface. Clearing his throat, Archer spoke up. "How much is the total for everything?"

The waiter glanced at the empty plates on Archer's table, his eyes widening slightly, and replied as he pulled out a small ledger. "Let me calculate that for you.''

After a brief moment of calculations, the waiter said, "That will be thirty gold pieces, sir."

Archer nodded, reaching into his Item Box and pulling out the required amount. The waiter accepted the payment, offering a polite smile in return.

Once he paid, he asked Ella and the others. ''Are you ready to leave? I want to go on a walk.''

The half-elf nodded in agreement as she stood up, followed by the other five girls. Lioran saw this and quickly spoke. ''Can we join you?''

''Yes. Hurry up, we're leaving, lion boy.'' Archer said as he exited the cafe after saying farewell to Cian and the new people he had met.

The city was blanketed in a serene layer of snow, and the buildings and streets transformed into a winter wonderland.

Archer, Ella, Sera, Leira, Llyniel, and Halime stepped out into the chilly air, greeted by the soft crunch of snow underfoot.

The cold breeze nipped at their noses, and the girls wrapped their cloaks around themselves. As they began their walk through the winter-covered city, the world seemed hushed, the usual sounds of the bustling streets muffled by the thick layer of snow.

Mana lamps glow warmly, and icicles glisten like crystal ornaments hanging from the eaves. Lioran flashed a playful grin at Archer. "Looks like winter suits you, Arch. Even the legendary white dragon can't outshine the snow."

Archer smirked, "I'll take that as a compliment, lion boy. Winter has its charm."

As they continued their walk, Archer led them toward a quaint winter market, where stalls offered steaming mugs of hot cocoa, roasted chestnuts, and handmade winter trinkets.

The aroma of spiced treats wafted through the air. He bought the group a round of hot cocoa, and they gathered around a table, sipping the warm, comforting drink.

After drinking, they returned to the domain while Lioran and the two lion girls returned to the college dorms. When Archer returned the rest of the ladies were up and about except Hecate who was at her shop.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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