A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 580 Courtship Battle

Chapter 580 Courtship Battle

Lioran felt Archer's aura bear down on him like a mountain, and he spoke annoyedly as it wasn't his decision. ''Arch, I've done nothing wrong, so control your aura. I want you to marry her, not some hot-headed noble that will get her killed! It happens all the time in the Lionheart Kingdom. I consider you a friend and would happily see Nala with you! Why do you think I make excuses for her when she's off adventuring with you?''

When Archer heard the lion boy, he calmed down and apologized. ''Sorry about that. I lose my temper instantly when it comes to my girls.''

Nala knew he was overprotective over them and didn't hold it against him.?Archer extended his hand, gently rubbing Nala's lion ear, evoking a shiver and a smile from her.

Lioran observed his sister's reaction with contentment before responding to Archer's question. "They are in the southern region of the Lionheart Kingdom, in a city named Sunhart. You won't have trouble finding it."

After hearing this, Archer smiled, rising from his seat and walking to Ella. Leaning in, he shared the details with her, evoking anger, though she trusted him to handle the situation.

Ella reassured him that she would wait at the cafe for his return. After finishing their conversation, Archer seized the lion siblings, pulled them outside as he summoned his wings, and climbed into the sky, still clutching Nala and Lioran.

As Archer halted high in the sky, Starfall City appeared miniature, its details lost in the distance. Lioran shielded his eyes against the overwhelming brightness that suddenly appeared while Nala, too, sought refuge from the radiance.

Massive claws enveloped Nala and Lioran, securing them on his back as his dragon form cast its shadow over the city below. The city guards, recognizing him, let him fly over without bothering him.

Archer flew east with Nala and Lioran on his back, arguing. When he heard this, he spoke in a deep voice. ''Shut up, you two. Let's get this over and done with. I want to enjoy my snacks with the others soon.''

Once he spoke, he cast Cosmic Shield around them and Mana Manipulation to tie them to him. After that, Archer sped up and soon crossed over a river and some mountains that separated the Lionheart Kingdom and Avalon Empire.

Archer soared through the skies and saw a breathtaking sight beneath him. The vast savannah spread like a colorful painting, filled with green, gold, and amber.

It seemed to go on forever, with various beasts and small villages scattered across the landscape. Beneath them, herds of majestic creatures grazed peacefully, their forms creating a mesmerizing mosaic against the lush backdrop.

Archer's dragon wings beat rhythmically, causing the savannah to ripple beneath them. The landscape below transformed as they glided over a cluster of quaint villages.

The huts were built from natural materials, creating a safe space for close communities with wooden fences around them for protection from wild beasts. Lioran tapped one of Archer's large scales, getting his attention. "Sunhart City is nearby, Arch. You might want to land."

When hearing this, Archer refrained from landing as he searched for the Silvermane family's mansion. He eventually saw it as the city came into view. It was a large mansion in the city's southern part.

He headed directly for it and let out a roar that shook the buildings below him, and when he was over the Silvermane mansion, he descended to the ground with a crash. He returned to his humanoid form after Nala and Lioran jumped off him.

Soldiers panicked and charged them as they did that, but Archer cast Cosmic Shield, causing the men to run straight into it. Most were knocked onto their behind in a daze as the trio started laughing.

They saw a burly man push open the front door. Lioran told Archer as he leaned in and whispered, "That's Duke Kamari Silvermane."

He nodded, swiftly using Blink, appearing directly before the grey-haired lion man. Despite Archer's smaller stature, he stood confidently before the larger man.

Duke Kamari immediately stopped and narrowed his eyes as he bowed toward the siblings before questioning him.

''Who are you, boy?'' The Duke asked in a suspicious tone.

Archer grinned when hearing this and introduced himself. ''Archer Wyldheart. King of Draconia and the most handsome dragon on Thrylos.''

When Lioran and Nala heard his introduction, they couldn't help but laugh. This caught Kamari's attention, and when he saw the royal siblings standing in his mansion, he wondered why they were there.

''I bet you're guessing why I'm here, little cat?'' Archer smirked and angered the older lion man, who was about to react but then felt a dreadful aura wash over him, causing him to feel like he was in front of a predator.

Archer smiled before he continued talking. ''I'm here for your son Atlas and the Courtship Battle as I'm Nala's fiance.''

When Kamari heard this, he was angry as the king agreed to it, but that's when the rumors his family had been telling him about a white dragon being close to the Lionheart Princess and realized who the boy in front of him was.

The Duke, no fool, saw the wisdom in befriending rather than fighting. Shaking his head, the older lion approached Archer with an unexpected smile. Kamari extended his hand, offering a friendly gesture as he spoke. ''I will take you to Atlas, but he is in the baths. How about I give you a tour of my mansion? I've just had it decorated.''

Archer looked at the lion man and couldn't figure him out. So decided to go along with whatever the Duke had planned. He looked at Nala and Lioran, who were looking around in paranoia.

Duke Kamari Silvermane led them into his mansion, a sturdy structure with a modest exterior. As they entered, Archer expected luxury and magnificence, typical of nobility.

To his surprise, the interior revealed a different story. The mansion was not overly decorated with expensive furnishings or extravagant details. Instead, it gave a sense of modest elegance.

Simple furniture adorned the rooms, and the walls were adorned with tasteful paintings and a few strategically placed plants.

Archer couldn't help but glance around with curiosity, and the Duke, noticing his interest, smiled. "I've never been a fan of wasting gold on things that don't add value. A touch of paint, a few well-placed plants, that's all it takes to make a place beautiful."

They moved through the mansion, and Archer admired the natural beauty in the simplicity of the design.

The Duke continued, "Fancy trinkets and excess don't make a home. I believe in practicality and making the most of what we have. A home should be comfortable, not a display of wealth."

Nala and Lioran nodded in agreement, appreciating the welcoming atmosphere of the mansion. Archer, too, found a certain charm in the Duke's approach. It was a refreshing departure from the flashy displays he had witnessed in other noble houses and his own.

As they explored further, Duke Kamari shared stories about the history of the mansion and the changes he made to transform it into a cozy home. Archer couldn't help but appreciate the Duke's perspective on balancing simplicity with beauty.

In the end, the group found themselves in a cozy sitting room with large windows that overlooked a well-tended garden.

The Duke gestured toward the outside, "This garden, a bit of greenery, and some sunlight – that's all you need for a peaceful retreat. Gold can't buy the tranquility that nature provides."

Archer, Nala, and Lioran looked at each other, understanding that Duke Kamari Silvermane cared more about the feeling of a home than how it looked.

Soon, the older man turned to them and spoke. ''Wait here for a second. I'll get Atlas so we can sort this out.''

They nodded and sat down. Soon, Archer saw the Duke return with a young man who looked like the older lion but had a warrior's presence. He bowed toward Nala and Lioran before approaching him.

Archer thought he might be a young master, but the boy approached and offered a handshake instead. ''I heard you're Nala's fiance. Congratulations, the princess is a great girl and will keep you on your claws. But I also want you to know that I had no intentions of marrying her.''

The young lion man looked around before whispering as the Duke spoke with the royal siblings. ''I'm not attracted to women and already have a lover. The engagement was my father's and the king's idea. The idea of marrying a woman makes me cringe.''

When Archer heard this, he was shocked. He expected a fight, not some gay guy who seemed to be friendly. He nodded with a confused smile. ''I don't know you to be friends. That takes time but this is a start I guess.''

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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