A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 567 A New Kingdom

Chapter 567 A New Kingdom

The first prince turned around to return to the barracks after telling the emperor he wanted to check on the injured soldiers.

Archer chuckled upon seeing this, then turned to his father-in-law and spoke with a smile. ''Glad I could be of help. It's not like I'm not going to benefit from it. Where is this kingdom based? I want to visit them before the tournament starts.''

When the sun elf empire heard this, he felt sorry for his enemy. They had caught the interest of a greedy dragon who would take all their treasure and lives if he felt the need.

But Agamemnon couldn't keep it from Archer. He revealed everything he knew. ''My son, they are from an empire called Valethorn on an island to the east. It's about fifty miles out to sea. It's large and was home to many kingdoms until the Valethornians took over and now raid us and the Lunarians to the north.''

Archer nodded when Hemera's father looked toward the east with eyes full of greed. All the surrounding soldiers saw. The moonlight couldn't hide the violet glow. He thought to himself. 'This is a chance to give the Dragon-kin a place in the real world. It would show the outside world how prosperous they became under me.'

He turned to the older elf with a grin. ''I will deal with the Valethornians. But tell Menelaus I'm claiming the whole island for my kingdom and not to interfere with my affairs.''

Agamemnon smiled before reassuring him that he would ensure the moon elves would get the message. With that done, he took off and flew east while the moon shone over Thrylos, and the girls were fast asleep.

But as he scanned the domain, he noticed Amaryllis was awake. He shrugged and sent her a message asking if she wanted to join him, but should be ready to fly if she did.

Minutes later, he got a reply saying she was happy to join him, so he summoned her. The blonde witch appeared with a big smile on her face.

Archer thinks she is beautiful but ignores it due to dealing with the empire that attacked Hemera's homeland. When Amaryllis saw him, she commented with a knowing look. ''What have you got planned on a night like this?''

He gazed around, captivated by the beauty of the stars illuminating the sky. As he observed, shooting stars streaked across, leaving a radiant trail of silver in their wake.

''Creating my kingdom on an island so my people can live in the real world and I can protect them.'' Archer casually answered, which shocked the Battle Witch.

Amaryllis asked curiously. ''What do you mean? How does one create a kingdom just like that?''

''Kill the imperial family. Wipe out anyone who can't accept me and ensure no one can challenge me.'' Archer answered before flying off.

She watched him speed up until he was just a dot in the distance and followed behind, but had to use more of her mana than usual to catch up.

They flew for a while until an island emerged in the distance. As Archer approached, something flew at them from ships patrolling the shores.

Archer dodged the incoming spells with a grin before stopping and casting hundreds of Azur Cannons at them.

Violet blasts appeared all around him, targeting the Valethornian ships. They didn't stand a chance against the volatile blasts, easily tearing through their hulls.

His spells sunk the battleships that attacked him. Archer smiled when he saw the smoke drifting into the air. Soon after that, Amaryllis stopped behind him while breathing heavily.

Archer turned and looked at the brown-skinned witch who used too much mana flying. He smiled before using Blink to appear behind her. He scooped her into a princess carry as he continued flying.

They got to the island and saw a fort guarding a cove where trade ships unloaded their goods. Archer knew what to do and looked at the landscape by approaching the mountain closest to the largest city he could see.

He landed on the mountaintop and watched over the land. The island stretched out below like a sprawling canvas, a mix of dense forests and expansive grasslands weaving together in a patchwork quilt of nature.

A serene river snaked its way through the island's heart, reflecting the moon's glow like a ribbon of liquid silver. He saw about a dozen cities dotting the island and decided to deal with them all in one fell swoop.

When Archer saw this, he knew this was where he started to build a world where his children could live in peace, and it would be built on the ashes of the Valethorn Empire. Amaryllis saw his eyes glowing as thousands of possibilities showed themselves to him.

After an hour passed to ensure that the humans could scramble and prepare to be attacked, he opened a massive portal to the domain without a word and called forth his Monster Army. All kinds of beasts poured out, which shocked Amaryllis, who took a step closer to him.

Large gorilla-like beasts rushed out of the portal alongside the spiders, ants, and Chull warriors. They started rushing down the mountain after he told them to kill all the soldiers and bring the royal family to him. Archer's piercing gaze settled on the witch, her wide eyes reflecting the unfolding scene.

"Do you know what everyone in this world would love?" he inquired.

She shook her head. Archer kept going, really passionate. "Peace. This world only tasted it briefly. Many tried and failed, but I'm determined to change everything. I'll make a place where our kids can live happily. No hunger, no neglect. I'll shape it with my fire and claws. Amaryllis, you're seeing the beginning. Watch as things start changing."

After speaking, he jumped off the mountain while flying behind the horde of beasts that rushed toward the city in the distance. One of the Trex-like beasts let out an earth-shattering roar that shook the mountain.

By the time they reached the bottom of the mountain, the Valethornians were already aware of his presence and assembled an army led by a Master Mage, which gave the emperor confidence.

Archer ordered the Monster Army to stop charging and prepare to fight the large human army. He noticed the rows of mages ready to cast their magic at any second, which made him smile.

He ordered them to go and attack the other cities while herding the citizens toward him, which they agreed to. This only left him facing the army that defended the Valethorn capital.

Archer decided to wipe the land clean of soldiers and give the people a chance to live under his rule or die. It didn't bother him what they chose.



[Valethornian Emperor's POV]

The emperor, RylanValethorn, ordered the attack on the elves of Mediterra in the hope of gaining a hold on the mainland but now regretted it, as the reports speak of a white-haired young man who destroyed his prized navy and guarded the shores of his empire.

The scouts conveyed news of the young man annihilating the invading force of 100,000 men. The survivors attempted to share more details, but before they could share anything else, all that reached the ears of the emperor and high command were chilling screams and eerie sounds.

He shook his head as he stood on his capital city walls, looking at the mountain the young man was reported to be. The emperor ordered the mustering of every fighting aged man in the local area to defend the city so the reinforcements could arrive.

But as the human man thought, he heard two of his sons arguing over a way to deal with the sudden invader. Rylan approached the two young men when they heard a roar, which spooked all three of them.

They rushed to the nearest balcony to look at the mountain the boy occupied. When they looked at it, they saw a horde of beasts rushing down the side. Rylan realized they were headed directly for them.

Mana horns bellowed, and the army outside the city rushed into formation, but something shocked everyone. The horde split into a dozen groups and rushed off into the distance.

When Rylan saw this, his face paled in fear. His eldest son, the first prince, asked in a scared tone. ''Where are they going?''

''The beasts are heading all over the kingdom.'' The second prince commented before he cast a spell that summoned mana birds.

They shot off and followed the horde and realized they were hunting soldiers as they butchered a column of reinforcements that were heading toward the capital.

The second prince watched as the horrifying beasts washed over the soldiers, who only managed to bring a few down with sheer luck. But when the emperor and his sons saw this, they knew it was bad, which was an understatement.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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