A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 562 What Now

Chapter 562 What Now

The witch was going to deal with them, but Archer stopped her and motioned for Ella to take them out. She nodded with a happy smile before pulling out her bow.

She used explosive arrows and fired them at the closest charging knights. It flew through the air quickly and created a small boom.

When the arrow struck the first knight who tried to defend himself, it caused a massive explosion that lit up the already dark morning.

The knights on the walls and inside the city were shocked when they heard it, which caused more soldiers to rush to the wall to see what was happening.

Ella kept firing her explosives arrows that quickly finished off the remaining knights. After that, he spoke to the half-elf. ''Fire at the walls to create a smoke cloud.''

She nodded, but Marzena commented. ''Can I deal with them, please?''

Archer turned to the witch and nodded with a charming smile before she stepped forward. The other two decided to watch the old witch queen's magic.

She held her hands together and chanted quietly before her hands turned into black flames. After that, she thrust her hand toward the wall.

Nothing happened initially, but dozens of backfire orbs suddenly appeared around her before they shot off toward the target.

The ominous black orbs sped up, which scared the church knights who tried to cast a shield, but it was useless as the spells slammed into the mote, which caused steam to rise and block the soldier's view of the Monster Army.

Once, Archer saw that he ordered the beasts to attack all the knights and soldiers but left the citizens alone because they were his.

A massive horde of creatures unleashed a cacophony of roars, chitters, and hisses as they surged forward, shaking the ground beneath them in their charge toward the city.

Archer's Monster Army bypassed the moat-like it was nothing and climbed the wall. The church soldiers and knights panicked as the beasts attacked them.

With claws, fangs, tails, and other horrifying things tore through the soldiers with ease. The beasts spread through the city, killing all the armed men while leaving the citizens unharmed.

The people were confused and scared, but when they realized the beasts wouldn't harm them, they watched on in horror as pincers or mandibles tore apart the church knights.

Archer and the two ladies sat back to watch as his beasts cleared the city of soldiers and knights. Once they were almost done, he opened a portal to tell his Dragon-kin army to be ready to escort people into the new city.

Chaos erupted as they prepared to help out their king. Archer saw this and chuckled before standing up. Ella and Marzena followed behind him with amused smiles.

Soon, they were standing opposite the city gate. The half-elf asked curiously as she fired at more soldiers who peered over the top.

The arrow pierced their heads before beasts swarmed over them. Archer heard the Chull Warriors charging into ranks of knights while the Nightmare Ants tore down the walls of their forts to kill the soldiers.

As the massacre was happening, he ordered the beasts to bring all the dead bodies to the city square. Once Archer did that, he looked at the gate as he summoned his wings.

He jumped into the air, ascended to the gatehouse, and used his claws to tear through the stone wall. When he did that, the guard hidden inside was shocked as Cave Spiders poured through the hole Archer created.

The beasts seized the struggling soldiers, their cries echoing through the air, while Archer descended. With a swift motion, he sliced through the chain, causing it to plummet and crash to the opposite side.

After doing that, he jumped down as Ella and Marzena crossed. The three continued into the city, seeing all sorts of beasts running around.

Archer led them through the city and saw hundreds of citizens wandering free from harm. Once they reached the square, they saw a mountain of corpses.

He was pleased, but Marzena. The witch turned to him with narrowed eyes and asked suspiciously. ''You don't practice blood magic, do you?''

When Archer heard her, he looked at her like she was an idiot before explaining. ''No, I don't, woman! I eat the hearts for a small bonus, and the bodies are for my beasts.''

Marzena looked at him and knew he wasn't lying to her. She accepted and didn't bring it up anymore. After seeing the witch, he had no questions and summoned the Stone Men in the hundreds.

Archer opened a portal to the Spider, Ant, and Chull nests and ordered the Stone Men to rip out the hearts and throw the bodies through the three violet portals.

They got to work carrying out his orders. Archer smiled when seeing this before opening another portal and summoning the Ettins, who soon answered the call.

The large troll-like beast walked through it and knelt before Archer, who grinned when Marzena's violet eyes widened. He turned to the beasts. ''Loot this city of all its wealth and bring it to me.''

After that, he walked over to the two ladies watching him with fascination, and while he did this, the Ettins got to work and started looting the city, which was full of treasures.

Archer looked around and saw a nice-looking inn before approaching it. The trio entered and saw nearly two dozen people hiding inside.

When they saw Archer, they froze in fear, but he walked toward the counter and asked for three teas. The man behind it quickly nodded before rushing off.

Once he vanished into the back, Archer sat down with Ella on his left and Marzena on his right. The half-elf turned to him and asked in a low voice. ''Arch! Why have you brought us in here? Can't you see how scared they are?''

He shrugged in response. ''I'm not here to hurt them and have made that clear by telling the beasts not to harm the citizens. Once the soldiers and knights are dealt with, we will empty the churches before destroying them.''

Marzena nodded before waiting for the tea she could smell. The man soon returned and placed the still-hot cups in front of them.

Archer was the first to sip, enjoying the sweet yet smooth flavor. The other two followed suit, equally savoring the brew. The shop owner visibly beamed with happiness and relief, and the other people in the inn settled down.

Hours passed as Archer, Ella, and Marzena relaxed in the inn until he got a message from the beasts informing him that all the soldiers and knights had been dealt with.

The news put a grin on his face as he stood up and walked out, followed by the two ladies. When they stepped outside, the smell of blood was strong.

Archer walked back to the square and saw it covered in blood. It came up to his ankles, unpleasant, but the Stone Men presented him with a mountain of hearts.

He stored them in his Item Box before summoning a group of little blood devils he captured in the Nether Realm and letting it loose. All Archer knew about the beast was its name and it liked blood.

Resembling an oversized worm, this creature boasted razor-

sharp teeth and beady red eyes. Its dark color allowed it to blend seamlessly into the shadows.

Archer let them go, and they started drinking the blood while eating the odd limb that floated by. He noticed the beasts were getting bigger and more ferocious looking.

Once the blood was gone, he tossed them back into the domain, where they nestled into the ground to rest. With that completed, Archer ordered the Monster Army to retreat and return to the domain.

Ella approached him and asked. ''What now?''

With a smile, he closed his eyes and cast Cosmic Shield but enlarged it to surround the city so no reinforcements could reach them.

After doing that, Archer opened another portal to call the Dragon-kin. Within a minute, they began marching out and assembled in the city square.

With over a thousand in formation, Archer closed the portal and instructed them to gather the citizens and their belongings to escort them here.

They saluted him before rushing off. Once that was done, Archer turned to Ella and Marzena, who were chatting to each other and spoke. ''Now you ladies can return to the new city and see the reactions.''

The two agreed with smiles as they stepped through the portal he opened as the first people appeared. The Dragon-kin gathered them in the square to talk to them all.

After an hour, over two thousand people were standing in the city square. When Archer saw this, he started explaining that they would be living in a better version of the city, and if they proved loyal, the domain would be opened to them.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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