A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 245: You have successfully cleared the final copy

Chapter 245: You have successfully cleared the final copy

Wuji Gu first choose to watch the memory of the evil god boss.

After he came to his senses, he found himself in the darkness, a place where there was nothing but a feeling of extreme danger.

"Are all his past memories a void." Wuji Gu frowned. It did fit the feeling of this weird evil god, even though he had known this evil god boss a long time ago, and had dealt with him in multiple copies, and even sealed him into himself, but he still knew too little about the other side.

In Wuji Gu's former memory, he had not seen this evil god boss in his previous life, and had not even seen such a bizarre evil spirit, making people feel unsure of how to solve it.

He followed his inner thoughts as he walked casually forward, gradually hearing the sound of water falling low to the ground, and the sound of people talking.

The voice is very illusory, so people can not find the source of the voice, but it is indeed a real child's voice. Then other voices also rang out.

Obviously in the dark, Wuji Gu feels as if he is walking in the middle of the city, even if he intends to control, he feels that his spirit is affected by the sound, and with it, his emotions fluctuate. If an ordinary person walking in this place, probably already lost in these sounds.

These voices were very ordinary at first, but then gradually took on a variety of negative feelings, and then deepened, so that people just listened to the voices contained countless pain and fear and resentment. Wuji Gu frowned, his forehead began to vaguely painful up, emotions are affected, almost to also with those voices as out of control.

But that was a momentary thing, because Wuji Gu is at least a veteran who has dealt with ghosts, and came to his senses in a moment.

And those sounds also instantly disappeared, replaced by a quiet. Wuji Gu wiped the cold sweat that had been trickling down his forehead for some time, and after taking a step forward, he suddenly stepped into a piece of liquid, and there was an extremely deep water in front of him, and countless ghostly shadows emerged, grabbing Wuji Gu's limbs and pulling him instantly into the cold liquid.

It is reasonable to rely on Wuji Gu's strength and experience should not be so casually hit, but the situation in this memory is very strange, after all, is a memory, and can not really let him to purify these ghosts.

In a dark and cold water, he looked down and saw, through layers of black shadows, a pair of golden eyes, eyes that are not human beings can have, and just gazing makes people feel like their minds are going to be confused.

--You want my power?

The voice rang out from the back of Wuji Gu's mind.

Wuji Gu nodded his head.

--then come on down, if you can find me.

With the disappearance of the voice, the surrounding ghosts swarmed around, almost as if they wanted to tear Wuji Gu apart just like that.

Of course such a thing could not happen to Wuji Gu, he pushed away these ghosts around him, although the number was troublesome, but not to the extent that it was difficult for him to face.

Advancing downward for an unknown period of time, he got closer and closer to the eyes, and could not see anything but the golden light around him.

The place where the other entity is located is not easy to find, Wuji Gu all by their instincts, walking in this gold, but with little success, completely unable to feel where the evil god boss's body will be.

Just then, he felt a sudden heat on the back of his hand, which had not moved for a long time, and immediately reached out and pulled the other hand in the golden light.

"Found it!"

Wuji Gu Where the eye can see, and can not see the human figure, can only vaguely feel that there is a terrible and dangerous existence, I did not expect things to be successful until now or thanks to the seal on the hand before.

"Since you have found me, I will lend you my power. However, if you fail, then your soul will be completely turned into my sacrifice"

The voice rang out once again, this time with an inscrutable smile that chilled the hearts of those who listened.

Wuji Gu is relieved, for now he has nothing to lose, if you can not successfully pass, the end is just a matter of how to die faster.



From the memory of awakening, Wuji Gu immediately felt his body's power once again, and this time there is even a kind of qualitative change of feeling, and then look around those black fog has not been the same, there are some sense of closeness, as if there is where he is more familiar and should stay.

Wuji Gu tried to walk into the black fog, feeling like a fish in water, the fog here is not a single threat to him, but also made him feel comfortable.

He could see at a glance the dilapidated building where the final boss was located, and even after so much time had passed, the other side had not come to attack him, but was waiting for him to pass by himself.

"Don't bother to make a move on me even when I'm in the memory of a stern ghost?" Wuji Gu can also understand that this is the other party's confidence in strength, and at the same time, a bit of tacit understanding between the two of them, right?

As for some of the unconscious ghosts around him, they showed some fear of Wuji Gu, as if they were afraid of the power inside him.

"I don't even know if I'm still human or not." Wuji Gu mood is slightly complicated, he touched his chest position, the heartbeat is still in, "but these things do not matter, only the pass is the most important."

He was not prepared to rest to adapt to the newly acquired power, after all, time to drag on are not sure what will happen outside, the final boss may also become more and more powerful.

But reality didn't even give Wuji Gu time to look at the memories of the last evil spirit, the black fog around him suddenly became agitated and countless dark claws reached out from the ground and grabbed directly towards Wuji Gu's direction.

A single Wuji Gu is easy to fight, but to fight so many is too exhausting, and the direction of these claws are coming from behind, as if urging him to hurry to the front, to meet the final boss in general.

"It looks like some people can't wait."

Wuji Gu frowned, although he still wanted to get the consent of the last Liege, but now there is no such time, he hurriedly ran towards the dilapidated building. In the process he used points to buy a large number of things, what a variety of martial arts, in short, things that might be able to increase the strength of all bought.

Props are even buy advanced also buy a lot, but also bought a lot of disposable props, although I do not know if it can play a role, but a little detail may affect the ending!

Thanks to Wuji Gu, I don't know how many ghosts I've purified recently, but the points are too much to spend.

Since this is the case he incidentally bought himself a lot of skills, and gave back purification techniques and what blood return skills can rise on the rise, spend points speed if put in the past can make all players are shocked.

By the time the points were spent, Wuji Gu felt like a kryptonite player in a page game, with all kinds of godly equipment all over his body, simply omnipotent. If other players were to play against him, it would be impossible to win.

That is, this final boss still let people do not know whether they can cope with, in exchange for other ghosts to see Wuji Gu have to kneel down and call Dad.

On top of the ruins of the building, the final boss was still drinking tea with his eyes closed like an elegant aristocrat, until Wuji Gu appeared, he put down the cup of tea in his hand and showed a smile to Wuji Gu.

"Welcome, it seems you're ready to finally decide to face me?"

"Not really." Wuji Gu honestly said, "You're not giving me a chance to prepare for this either."

"I have waited too long." The final boss stood up, he did not take a few steps, his figure appeared steeply behind Wuji Gu, his cold hand caressed Wuji Gu's cheek, his tone intimate but with full danger, "Can't wait to see you."

The next instant, Wuji Gu dodged to the side to avoid his touch, looking at each other's eyes with caution, just a touch by the other side, he felt that his body sealed other ghosts are to be moved, this guy is too dangerous.

Although Wuji Gu does not want to fight with the other side, but the situation now he summoned ghosts out will only be absorbed by the other side, can do only rely on their own ability and the final boss fist, anyway, his current power is enough! And then rely on some system props to hold on, maybe it will last.

Wuji Gu If you go back to the beginning can not imagine their future actually have to fight with the final boss of the game to solve the problem.



In this ruin came a roar.

The surrounding ghosts are fearful to avoid, in that the two fight in the surrounding area nothing exists.

The system to exchange for a variety of skills and their own strength and various props, Wuji Gu barely blocked most of the final boss's attacks, and occasionally can counterattack, but of course most of the time will be knocked flying on the ground. Thanks to his physical quality, otherwise carry a few attacks already directly hang, but even so he is now covered in wounds, arm also fractured, are enduring the pain to continue.

That is still because the final boss does not have two eyes even now, otherwise Wuji Gu thinks he would have died by now. Probably the opponent's power is not yet complete, so you must do it quickly while it's still possible.

At that moment, Wuji Gu steeply seized an opportunity to hold the final boss in a death grip and took the opportunity to use the purification technique on the opponent.

After all, Wuji Gu want to kill ghosts with their bare hands that is still too difficult, can be useful or really purification techniques.

Upgraded to the highest level of the purification spell burst out a strong light, this moment the final boss's body looked a little transparent, but the light soon disappeared, and the other side did not change.

The purification technique has failed!

At this moment, the final boss reached out and grabbed Wuji Gu by the neck, lifting him up from the ground.

"Uh-uh--" Wuji Gu struggled for his life, but at this point he realized that these props and what not were really of little use at a time like this, and the opponent's strength was amazing, and the gap between them was still too great.

...... If you can get the power of the last Liege before then certainly not so!

Obviously you can directly break Wuji Gu's neck, the final boss did not do so, just like playing with him, will not get their toys so easily killed.

Even if the body is strong, the vitals were caught, plus a lot of injuries before, Wuji Gu is also unable to resist, consciousness is slowly far away, he was in the nick of time, immediately choose to watch the last of the memories of the Liege.



It was the same ghost that had been with him since the past, something that made Wuji Gu's feelings a bit mixed.

That was the only friend he ever had, but did too many terrible things to protect him and hurt his parents, even though those were the ghosts that the Liege had found to disguise themselves as his parents.

In the end, because it was too dangerous, he had to seal the other side, and now the other side is also still sleeping in his body.

To say that hate hate that ghost is not, Wuji Gu is more of a kind of bewilderment to him, do not know why in the end he has to do this.

"What will your memories be like, exactly."

In front of me was the familiar dilapidated neighborhood where Wuji Gu used to live.

Only this time, Wuji Gu soon saw the figure of himself as a child. It's not that he's boasting, of course he was a very cute kid when he was a kid, and he looked a bit out of place with the ordinary kids around him.

And his perspective is fixed behind himself, like a spirit behind him. Wuji Gu thought about it, probably this time it was the first-person perspective of that ghost.

The memories that followed did not have any of the shocking plots that Wuji Gu thought they would have, but were very ordinary and everyday. Just keep looking at the things that happened to you in the past.

In Wuji Gu's recollection, his life in the past was very boring, that is, he went to school and came home every day, the most people at school would crowd him, and he did not take it seriously.

Now that he thinks about it he even misses it a little.

"But now is really what a good look at the daily time, and if this continues outside I am dead!" Wuji Gu this thought came to mind, but even if he worried about it, there is no use, so he had to sink his mind to continue watching.

The memory of some ghosts to tease Wuji Gu's classmates to exclude the picture, but also did not kill them, but just the haunting of this thing is enough to scare these people out of the psychological shadow immediately transferred to school.

But looking at it, Wuji Gu noticed the weirdness of his past self.

For example, usually there is almost nothing to express, eyes are also very listless, some sickly, much less with others more to socialize what, as if the whole soul is not fully attached to their own.

"Speaking of the past, I am also just an orphan, and then the previous memories are completely absent. How in the end I was reincarnated into this world things are also unclear ......"

Combined with the fact that this ghost has followed him from the beginning, Wuji Gu has a vague guess that it is this Liege that brought his soul to this world? But this body, which is just like his previous life, is probably not the one he possessed, but the one he had in his previous life may have some kind of deal with the system ...... may simply be the body he converted from his previous life.

After school, the young Wuji Gu back to the neighborhood, the Liege emerged to play with him, his spirit is visible to the naked eye, the white face also appeared blood, the eyes are also very spiritual.

Looking at himself like this, Wuji Gu felt some warmth emerge in his heart. Of course, this is not his own emotions, but the emotions of the Li Gu in his memory, which affected him.

Wuji Gu couldn't help but clench his hand.

After that, Wuji Gu watched the daily routine for a few more days and saw another side of his parents.

Although the parents were just ghosts found by the evil spirits to act as Wuji Gu's parents, they became attached to Wuji Gu day after day, and even where Wuji Gu did not see them, they cared and loved the child like real parents. They would rejoice in the child's good behavior and also worry immensely about his future, wondering what will happen to the child.

"Mom and Dad, don't worry." Wuji Gu's eyes softened and he said in his heart, "I grew up well, and now I'm doing well, and I've become a star."

Of course it is still necessary to pass this final copy to be really good, otherwise he may not even have the soul to see his parents again, not to mention what showbiz career!

After that, it was time for the highly influential accident that happened that year. It all started when someone tried to sacrifice the children in an abandoned factory, but when it came to Wuji Gu, the evil spirit inside him suddenly appeared and killed all of them.

After the Liege was even punished for relapsing into anger and reduced Wuji Gu's parents to the lowest level of ghosts, and erased Wuji Gu's memory so that he only remembered it when he grew up.

In these images, Wuji Gu's point of view has changed from the first-person view of the evil spirits to the God's view. He has a clear view of it all. Although it is enough to create a psychological shadow, but there is nothing to make Wuji Gu feel uncomfortable now.

The only thing he has is probably some regret and pain from the past. But Wuji Gu has always been a forward-looking person, and he will not dwell on the pain of the past.

After all these memories had been thoroughly read, the figure of a handsome young man appeared in front of Wuji Gu. He is the owner of these memories, the stern ghost who is overly protective of Wuji Gu.

The other side stood there, looking at Wuji Gu with a complex look in his eyes, he spoke softly, "You know all this, you began to hate me, right? That's why you sealed me up."

"No." Wuji Gu opened his mouth, "I don't hate you, but I just think there are some things you could do without, and it might be better that way."

He hardly thought he would have a chance to talk to the other side, and for a while struggled to organize his words. Of course, if you are facing other Li Gu Wuji Gu will not be so serious.

"Those things are necessary, even if it is a do-over, my approach will not change." The youth did not come closer, even though he wanted to be close to Wuji Gu , but did not act, just stood in place, his eyes did not even look at Wuji Gu , "Even if you hate me, it does not matter."

"Then it seems that there is no way for me to convince you." Wuji Gu shook his head and had no idea to continue talking to the other person, he was not the kind of person who had to change other people's minds, he took a deep breath, "But in my heart, you've always been my friend."

When it's over, if Wuji Gu is still alive, he is ready to purify the other side as well!

After hearing Wuji Gu's words, the youth immediately turned his head and gave Wuji Gu a deep look, but then lowered his head again, "I've known for a long time that you would come to this point. After all, this was all predetermined from the beginning. Don't worry, I will give you my power."

"The only thing I hope is that you will survive."

Wuji Gu froze, he didn't even think things would be so easy, even if he thought the other side was a friend, he didn't even think that the other side's purpose was really just to enable him to live.


Before the words were spoken, Wuji Gu was directly kicked out of his memory, and he couldn't even ask the other party a few more questions.



"Cough cough cough-"

With a cough, Wuji Gu's body exploded with amazing strength, almost subconsciously trying to push the final boss in front of him away. But in the next instant, he changed his approach and instead took advantage of the momentum to grab his opponent's hand as he pushed it away.

"Oh?" The final boss wasn't shocked by the spike in Wuji Gu's power; he probably had expected this.

"I will succeed in purifying you." Wuji Gu, still not slowed down from the force of the attack he just made, gasped and said fiercely, with determination in his eyes, "Pass this copy and change all that!"

"Very good wish." The final boss smiled, "But can you really succeed? Even with the power, it's still too hard for you to purify me, I'm not one of those ordinary evil spirits, hasn't the previous failure sobered you up?"

"No, there is still a way." Wuji Gu gritted his teeth to death, "As long as I can sacrifice myself."

The previous purification spell failed definitely because of insufficient power, but the level of this purification spell is already full, and the system can't possibly provide any more help.

Wuji Gu but immediately thought of the ghost mastery, that mastery of ghosts by draining themselves to be able to enhance the power. Although it is said that these are two different powers, but now can only be a dead horse to cure!

In the next instant, he directly used his own blood to use the purification technique once more.

The moment that light erupted, even the final boss, who was previously unconcerned, suddenly changed his expression, and this is the first time he felt threatened since he confronted Wuji Gu.

After the purification technique was launched, Wuji Gu felt his body incomparably cold up, feeling a large amount of blood loss, if he did not keep using skills to milk himself estimated directly unconscious, but now this will not last long.

"I must not be able to fall." Wuji Gu used his last strength to hold onto the final boss's hand with a death grip, not allowing the other party to escape.

But at this point, he suddenly realized that the final boss didn't seem to have any intention of running away at all.

"Something doesn't seem right ......"

In this light, Wuji Gu suddenly felt the ghosts that were sealed inside his body awakened, and this purification technique was like a signal for them to wake up from Wuji Gu's body and come to the outside world. The target of these evil spirits is the final boss.

Do they still choose to merge with the last part of themselves ......

Wuji Gu This idea came to his mind abruptly.

But then Wuji Gu felt a warm hand brush his cheek and the figure of the ghost baby emerged between him and the final boss, he gently and softly lowered his head to give Wuji Gu a kiss on the forehead, and then drifted away as a point of light to the final boss.

However, the strength of the final boss not only did not increase as a result, but the light of purification on the body became even more powerful.

Wuji Gu froze. They did this, in fact, all for themselves-

Other ghosts also emerged and expressed their forms of friendship, or love, to Wuji Gu. In the end, they all dissipated as points of light.

At the end of the day, Yu Jin also appeared at his side and smiled at Wuji Gu, "I didn't think you could really make it this far, I had to disappear before you did, so be glad for that."

Yu Jin was stronger than the other Liege, and his increased power made that purification spell further enhance. Eventually the boss's body had begun to slowly become transparent, but he just kept his eyes closed and didn't say a word.

The subsequent evil god boss didn't show its form, but just stretched out its invisible hand to hold Wuji Gu for a moment, and then dissipated directly.

Two extremely powerful Ghost King level stern ghost powers have made the final boss look close to the brink of being purged.

When the final ghost appeared, he did not say anything to Wuji Gu, but directly turned into a shadow and reunited with the final boss in front of Wuji Gu.

At the moment when the final boss's body was about to dissipate directly, he opened his eyes.

The eyes of the final boss are the same as the ghost that once gazed at Wuji Gu and protected him, he smiled and held Wuji Gu's hand, looking down at him, "The day has finally arrived, you can pass the game and live, and become the final winner, my wish will be fulfilled. "

Wuji Gu the whole person froze, the last of the only did not think up the memory of his past life, at this time finally appeared in his mind.

In his previous life, he fought with the final boss to the end when the other side took the initiative to give him the opportunity to be able to re-injure the final boss. that final boss did everything to make Wuji Gu hate him and be able to kill him so as to become the person who passed this copy.

From the beginning, the other side did not really want to kill Wuji Gu.

But at that time the final boss is actually not too complete, even Wuji Gu do this step is not a successful pass. Understanding everything, he will be the final boss separated from the various parts to take to a different world, want to change the future may happen tragedy ...... although that is actually of little use.

In the end, he chose to reincarnate with the final boss's last consciousness. And then made all this today.

Think about it, you know, this final boss of the various sub - body even if not a person, will not be so anxious to destroy themselves, they do everything because Wuji Gu.

"You ......"

Wuji Gu realized this and finally understood that this memory must have been deliberately suppressed by the other side when it existed in his body, until today he did not let him think about it, is afraid that his heart was soft and refused to do it.

He couldn't help but clutch the other man's hand in a death grip.

But now the purification is irreversible, not to mention how Wuji Gu can stop this purification, which simply failed all the efforts of everyone, the other players who trusted him, and the ghosts in front of him who wanted him to live.

The youth in front of him lowered his head and gently kissed Wuji Gu's lips.

At this moment, he does not look like any scary evil ghost at all, but just like an ordinary happy person in love.

Wuji Gu only felt something soft graze his lips, and then everything in front of him simply dissipated.

The purification technique was successful.

He has defeated the final boss.

But instead of feeling the joy from his heart, Wuji Gu felt as if a huge piece of his heart had been ripped out and he had lost something very important.

[Congratulations player! You have successfully cleared the final copy, which means you have cleared this entire game!

Now you can choose the wish to be fulfilled after the pass.

Wuji Gu took a deep breath and spoke his thoughts to the system, "I want to-"


Months after the final copy.

The final copy brought a great crisis at the beginning, but after Wuji Gu succeeded in clearing it, the whole world returned to normal. Even the people who originally died because of those accidents have also come back to life.

Of course most people are as erased from this memory and have no idea what happened.

It was also those players who, at the time, had great admiration in their hearts for that legendary passer, the great man who had become a god-like being in the rumors. But their memories were also erased for the most part, completely unaware of the other party's true identity.

Only those players who had a good relationship with Wuji Gu still have their memories, but they all have mixed feelings now.



In the vice president's office of Jia Cheng's entertainment company.

"Mr. Cheng, your schedule today is ......"

Jia Cheng, who had been running around behind Wuji Gu without any concern for the company's affairs, was now dressed up like a business elite, suppressing her impatience and listening to her secretary's words.

But his mind had long drifted away, today was the day Master Gu's new movie was released, and if it wasn't for that damn guy, how could he be here at work instead of following Master Gu to the premiere!

Like Sidun Ao, those lapdogs must be following diligently now! Only he, the nominal number one junior, is working here.

The actor is still working in the entertainment industry and is doing very well. After all, his identity and backstage and his own face acting skills, it is difficult not to fire.

Most people can't imagine that this high-faced and tough star has saved the world. But as long as the people who know a little bit about the secret, that are Wuji Gu respectful, and warned the people around absolutely not to provoke this person.

The guy that Jia Cheng hates so much is his actual distant relative, Jia Cheng, who looks very similar to him - he doesn't even know how this guy, a ghost, can appear in this world openly and come to work at the company, which is outrageous! I thought that guy was part of the final boss!

In fact, Wuji Gu is surrounded by so many evil spirits that Jia Cheng is also very helpless.

But Wuji Gu to keep on tangling with the Liege has become a consensus in everyone's mind.



The premiere scene at this time.

When the movie ended, the cinema was silent.

Not the crowd did not want to applaud, just this Wuji Gu latest starring horror film is really too tm scary, and even let people feel the chill of that film puff, the audience simply into the scene can not be into the scene, almost did not faint from fear. This movie played half a day did not slow down.

When they slowed down, the scene immediately rang with thunderous applause. The crowd was thrilled, feeling that the movie was so strong that it felt like what was happening in it was real! Not only Wuji Gu, but also the other actors are all good-looking and have amazing acting skills, I don't know where to find these talents!

Of course, if they know that the ghosts are actually in character, I wonder how they will feel.

Probably only Yunxiu Qi and Qingman Rong, who had been friends with Wuji Gu, were in a depressed mood, as they already knew the next news would be made public. They almost didn't want to come, who would want to face such a heartbreaking event! But they didn't want to miss the chance to see Wuji Gu, and they certainly couldn't miss Wuji Gu's movie.

In the midst of their complicated emotions, the main actors and creators and other people have come on stage to give speeches, and when it was Wuji Gu's turn to speak, he finally looked at the handsome young man beside him, who is also the biggest investor of the film - a few months ago appeared from nowhere, but is rich, coupled with amazing looks, and soon became a well-known diamond The president of the king's family.

This president appeared to have an excellent relationship with Wuji Gu, and never avoided, after rumors of a scandal the two actually admitted openly, so do not know how many people's heartbreak.

As for things like what both parties are men, no one has ever cared.

"In fact, I want to disclose one thing to everyone, that is, I am ready to get married, and my fianc is the one in front of me ......"


When the system asks Wuji Gu what exactly he wants to wish for.

Wuji Gu thought about what he had discussed with others. This is a game after all, and no matter how much one wishes, one cannot stop this game completely.

In that case ......

"I want to be the administrator of this game."


Even the system was silent for a while.

"That's no problem, right? I'm sure such a wish is not unattainable."


After that, of course, Wuji Gu's wish came true. And what he did was to turn this game system directly into a harmless game system, directly into a real horror game, even if it is more horrible, no one will really die because of it, and everyone can enjoy the game.

If you really do not want to choose to give up the game system is no loss.

Even though he is a game administrator, Wuji Gu is the god of these worlds and the god of this game world.

After this, everything developed into what it is now is also smooth.

It's not hard to get the purged final boss back.

As for the other party actually became their own boyfriend this kind of thing Wuji Gu did not anticipate.

But no matter what, he will never give up his showbiz career -


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