A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 244: "Obviously just a little short."

Chapter 244: "Obviously just a little short."

Qin Lao watched as Wuji Gu walked around the base as if he were walking in some park.

The place that was comparable to a horror movie has become very normal, and there are little mermaids in front of Wuji Gu's eyes, even Qin Lao such experienced people are skeptical of life!

But remembering Wuji Gu's previous actions, Qin Lao was calm, he already felt that the other party and he were not of the same species at all.

After Wuji Gu then seal the mermaid boss is also logical, after all, this mermaid boss would have liked Wuji Gu, and is such a crisis time, it is impossible to make what will Wuji Gu forced to stay possible, after all, his own hiding place are going to be swallowed, and finally weighed and agreed.

After they came out of the building, Wuji Gu suddenly said, "Do you think the game is really over when this final copy is over?"

"What?" Qin Lao didn't expect Wuji Gu to talk to him, he was flattered, and racked his brains to speak, "I think so, even if it's not over, there's nothing we can do, all we want is to survive this level."

"That's what I thought." Wuji Gu nodded; that was indeed what he thought at first, but ......

After Wuji Gu and Qin Lao parted ways and let him rush to where the other players were staying, he once again began to ask the question, but this time he asked about the game's system.

"System, you said you could even become a god after successfully clearing the copy, so what exactly is this god capable of doing?"

But he has been thinking about this question since before, even if he really passed the final copy, can change everything back to the original, but the game is really over?

This is not even the first round of the game he has experienced, but the last time.

[Becoming a god, of course, is to have enough power to change everything, that power can almost change time and space, or directly change the world, so that it becomes what you want it to be].

"So did I fail last time because the pass wasn't complete enough?" Wuji Gu opened his mouth.

[According to the test, this is indeed the case. The player did not completely kill the villain boss last time, thus causing the power to be incomplete and only a portion of it could be used in the end.]

"And what happens to this game and system if you pass it?"

[Of course it's time to change to another world and start over. This game is never over.

The system's mechanized voice uttered these words in a cold voice.


Emerging from a building once more, Wuji Gu wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Already only the last ghost baby boss, Wuji Gu has sealed all the other Li Ghost.

But this forceful sealing of a lot of the Li ghosts, but also to Wuji Gu brought a lot of side effects, he felt his body have become extremely cold, his face is also very pale, occasionally passing by the mirror to look at it, will doubt to see the mirror of their own is a dead person.

If not for his heart still beating, Wuji Gu is really starting to wonder if he is still alive.

In addition to that, the power brought by these Liege is also amazing and seems to have produced a quantitative change ...... After all, no one knows what exactly will be caused by sealing so many Liege in their own body also changes, this game so many players never have the guts to do such a thing.

And this act is actually extremely dangerous, the slightest mistake will make the person burst and die, if these ghosts have the mentality of resisting or trying to kill Wuji Gu, it will lead to uncontrolled power in Wuji Gu's body.

But in fact, this most dangerous situation did not happen at all, Wuji Gu sealed the power of these evil spirits get along harmoniously is comparable to a miracle.

Although the reasons are many and complex, the most fundamental reason is that these Li Gu are just very good to Wuji Gu and have no intention to hurt his life, plus the situation is special and they are willing to let Wuji Gu use their power.

This is probably something that no one expected, even the game system probably did not expect someone to achieve such a degree, of course Wuji Gu himself did not think.

At this time Wuji Gu looked up when the images seen have changed. No longer like an ordinary person's vision, but rather like the kind of dead to see the bizarre images, and even to see the appearance of the air in the darkness, but also to detect where in the end there is danger, such as at this time -

Wuji Gu steeply lunged forward and rolled several times on the ground, turning his head to see that the black fog behind him had been incomparably alarming and had swallowed up most of the space including the one he had just come out of, at this time, in addition to the mountain hotel building where the ghost baby boss was at the very beginning, all the other buildings had ceased to exist.

"Is it actually so soon? It seems like there's not much time left for me."

Wuji Gu could even see the countless ghosts trapped by the fog in unbearable pain, and their eyes were fixed on Wuji Gu, as if pleading with him to free them.

This fog also makes Wuji Gu feel the presence of great pressure, is undoubtedly the inside of the Liege boss.

"Even though all have sealed so many ghosts, still can't fight against the Li Ghost boss? Surely I still need to seal other Li Ghosts to do so."

Wuji Gu took a deep breath, turned his head and ran towards the mountain inn where the ghost baby boss was located, now all that was missing was this step!

In the instant he took the step, the surrounding black fog is a steep rise, but is fiercely bypassed him, flying towards the mountain hotel ahead.

"Wait!" Wuji Gu's face suddenly changed and he rushed towards the front, using all the props and abilities he could use and all the ghosts he could summon to try to reach his destination more quickly.

It is important to know that there are not only ghost babies there, but also other players, and even still means the lives of everyone outside the game.

Even with Wuji Gu's speed, before he could rush past, several giant snakes made of black mist burrowed steeply out of the ground, turning the inn into ruins in a matter of moments. Of course such an attack cannot kill these high-level players, but what it does do is inhibit these people's abilities so that they cannot escape from it.

Wuji Gu gritted his teeth, he still remembered his summoning ability, although that ability does not know which can summon the evil spirits, and may even fish out the final boss, so that he has always been afraid to use rather than scrupulous, but by now there is no way out.

The next moment he called on the system to use the summoning ability, Wuji Gu immediately felt his physical strength was drained, and nearly deflated after summoning the evil spirits than has been too much stronger.

And slowly emerged in front of his eyes, the teenage shadow, is clearly the appearance of the ghost baby has grown up.

It's good that it's not the final boss, Wuji Gu immediately let go of his breath and reached out to grab his opponent.

The young man's eyes opened, looking at Wuji Gu also have the intention to lunge, but in the next instant, the body was entangled by the thorns from nowhere, he immediately let out a harsh cry. Because of the danger of the thorns, he retreated quite a bit in such a situation, fearing that it would affect Wuji Gu.

"Wait!" Wuji Gu, the blood fading from his face, rushed up to get the other side out, but the black fog steeply passed right by him, swallowing everything in front of him.

Just like that time before, he could only watch as the others just ended up bosses devouring them directly.

Everything happened too fast, but in a moment, the black fog that covered the sky had covered everything, except for the empty space where Wuji Gu was standing, the entire space had been completely swallowed up.

"Obviously, it was only a little bit worse." Wuji Gu stood in place, clenched his hands, his lips were bitten out of blood, and for a while there was a feeling of not being able to breathe.

This is the first time Wuji Gu so positively feel their powerless, but he also quickly understood that this is all the Ligurian boss deliberately, this sudden surge of power is obviously the other party has been hiding, just to this last moment to give him a blow, he is like the final boss's toys can only be played by the other side in the palm of the hand.

Although with the memories of the previous life, but this life of the Liege boss is also clearly stronger than when ...... moreover he only has the key memory of how exactly he solved the final boss back can not recall.

And then, all this black fog instantly soared, the ghost baby swallowed the final boss has a more powerful power, and even able to spread to the outside world.

Wuji Gu already too late to regret or sadness, his mind remembered the memory of the past world of the tragic situation, the expression immediately became grave, "bad!"


At this point in the outside world, the system space, the crowd has almost no time to continue watching live, mainly because the whole live from the beginning of the previous has been a complete black fog, it seems that the system can not monitor the situation of this final copy.

And outside the real world, which was still barely maintaining normal conditions, is a great rise in Yin, originally covered ghosts can even directly roam in the outside world, causing countless turmoil.

But the good news is that it only started in the city where Wuji Gu is located, and the city has gathered a lot of capable people for various things before, and can barely handle the current problem.

And what the players of these games can do now is to help others with the various means they got from the game.

But as time passes, it is clear that such a situation will spread to more places, and then what will happen tragically, no one will be able to think, or everyone dares not to think about that most terrible situation.

Obviously, the world has entered an extremely critical situation with the final copy, and the only thing that can change that is the final copy that Wuji Gu is in.


Wuji Gu was also surrounded by the black fog when it completely covered the space, but he was not swallowed up and did not encounter any danger.

Wuji Gu can do is to turn around and go back to the abandoned villa where the final boss is located, from which it may be possible to find out the other party's weaknesses, but of course this hope is very slim. From the time the other side got such power, the original identity has been unable to bind him.

The reason Wuji Gu is probably also clear, this final boss is also estimated to be not rashly out and his hands, after all, his side sealed so many Li ghosts, contains the power is also very amazing. It is normal for the final boss to be afraid of him.

"I always feel that there is something that I have overlooked from the beginning." Wuji Gu began to think deeply about what exactly he hadn't noticed, and then he suddenly remembered something, "Right."

Although it is said that Wuji Gu got permission from the other Li Ghosts to seal them, but that the Ghost King level Li Ghosts that have been following him since before, and the Evil God bosses, were forcibly sealed by him, and there was no communication in the process.

Even though they will not hurt Wuji Gu's life, they will not be able to make Wuji Gu use their true power in such a situation. Moreover, the power of these two ghosts is still the strongest, and only Yu Jin's power can compete with them among the other ghosts.

Because of this, Wuji Gu can not fight the final boss is inevitable.

"Have you finally realized this?" Yu Jin's careless voice rang out from within Wuji Gu's mind.

"You already knew?" Wuji Gu didn't even have time to pursue the reason why the other party could talk to him so casually.

"Of course. If you could really use the strength of those two guys, it wouldn't even have taken that long to deal with me before." Yu Jin opened his mouth, but if that were the case, he wouldn't have lent his power to Wuji Gu so willingly, "I just wanted to see how long it would take you to think of that."

If only the other party could have said so a little earlier. Such thoughts Wuji Gu simply never had, after all, Yu Jin such a heartless Liege, not to mess up is good, not to mention what to help people.

"But now, are you still trying to tell me something?" Wuji Gu said, "Don't tell me nothing at all."

"Don't be angry." Yu Jin lightly smiled and spoke, "There is a reason to limit your power ...... because you are only a human, under the limitations of the human body, you can play out the power of course not full. Like the current you, after taking too much power, the body is on the verge of collapse, just be barely maintained."

Wuji Gu fell into silence at the words, indeed, he is a human, which is how it is not possible to use the power as recklessly as those severe ghosts.

"If you use points to buy things from the system mall to improve your body ......"

The moment this idea came up, it was denied by Wuji Gu, he knew very well that such a huge power even if the system gave him a boost more useless, as long as he was still limited to the human range. The system mall stuff is not buggy enough to allow people to cultivate immortality.

The only way is that he gives up his life, in the case of not human, of course, will be able to fight the final boss who is also not human. in the death of the temporary maintenance of consciousness, or even make their own ghost props, the mall is still bought.

However, this killer is still to be put to the end, otherwise he will only be like the others who hung up before, at best becoming yet another copy of the spiteful soul.

Wuji Gu took a deep breath and then decided to go and face the two ghost king level stern ghosts that he had initially sealed separately and enter into their memories, this time to convince them properly.

But honestly he is completely not much bottom, after all, the evil god boss kind of look at it does not know what he is thinking. As for the ghost king level stern ghost that has been with him since the beginning, Wuji Gu is feeling him quite friendly, but at the same time also feel him very scary, do not know what he is following himself for, in the end or understand simply not enough.

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