A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 243: Wuji Gu finally brings the past back to mind

Chapter 243: Wuji Gu finally brings the past back to mind

Wuji Gu finally remembered everything from the past.

He did have a relationship with Yu Jin in his previous life, no, rather he had a relationship with most of the Li-Ghost bosses. The memory images I've seen before are fine, but they lack some key information and actually obscure the truth.

In his previous life, although he had established an organization by accident, he did not actually manage it, and left everything to his friend Jialiang Jiang. Because he actually does not like to manage these things, and also very trust each other, his own side is to try to pass the copy, to bring more people's lives is enough.

But in the course of time, Wuji Gu's friend Jialiang Jiang had other ideas and wanted to kill him to take his place, after all, he thought he was not weak and had worked harder in the organization, so why did he have to be under Wuji Gu. But this person just completely forgot that it was Wuji Gu that developed the organization, and if it wasn't for Wuji Gu, they would have died many times.

So also in many of the subsequent copies, Jialiang Jiang deliberately put Wuji Gu in danger, trying to let him die from an accident. But Wuji Gu's own strength and personality problems, but nothing happened, but also get a lot of plug-ins, but also and many ghosts to exchange feelings, so Jialiang Jiang almost died of anger.

As for the communication with the Liege or from the enemy into the development of what other feelings, it is also logical to very natural things ...... After all, from the beginning Wuji Gu is too popular with the ghosts! This is simply a skill that comes from the mother's womb.

It was at this time that Wuji Gu met a number of evil spirits.

Even that the final copy of the LiGui boss are good relationship with Wuji Gu, which also makes the final copy of the beginning of everything is very easy, not even a person was injured, see so easy to pass the copy, everyone is stunned.

Jialiang Jiang, of course, did not give up on this, but also had some other ideas, want to use this relationship to get rid of Wuji Gu. He designed to let the Li-Ghost boss to make a move on him, to reach the end of Wuji Gu and the Li-Ghost boss killing each other, and then he came out to reap the benefits.

For this reason he also specially prepared the props for fake death. But what Jialiang Jiang didn't expect was that the ghost boss in this copy didn't look at Wuji Gu's face to stay, but directly killed not only him, but also all the other players instantly, only Wuji Gu remained alive.

Jialiang Jiang hung up the moment did not expect to be so sudden, after that deep resentment let him turn into a ghost, to today, has been left in a copy of ...... also coincidentally Qingman Rong to the possession of.

All of this led to the image Wuji Gu saw in the previous memory fragment. In fact, Wuji Gu had a vague feeling that something was wrong, and he also knew some information from other ghosts, and when he saw this image now, he also had a feeling that this was really the case.

But the last fragment, that is, the memory of how exactly he got to the last step still has not surfaced.

At the end, it was probably that the evil spirit was defeated by him, and he got the victory of this final copy.

The memories after that are intermittent, but they give Wuji Gu an idea of what happened.

In fact, the final boss is a fusion of many other ghosts. Or rather it started out as one ghost but was scattered to various copies before meeting Wuji Gu.

Although he was defeated by the evil spirits barely achieved victory. But the other side was not purified, perhaps because the obsession of this Liege was too deep, perhaps because this Liege was too powerful, perhaps because he himself did not know what new ideas he had ...... This also makes Wuji Gu finally get the victory is not complete.

Wuji Gu does not know exactly what he thought at the time, in any case, he separated the soul of the Liege, or rather let it return to the state before the final copy, and finally separated the Liege from those parts were made different treatment.

Some parts of the Liege are sent back to the original copy where they were, after all, only the world rules of the original copy can suppress such powerful Liege, and such Liege will also lose the memory of what they once were, after all, after the final copy, the whole world of the game is rebooted and everything inside is reset.

Some copies, however, retain the settings from the previous round, so that the beings inside remember what Wuji Gu once went through. Of course none of the Lichs inside will remember what happened in the final copy.

And in some copies, the Li-Ghosts don't even start out as ghosts, but continue to develop the plot in a human way. So Wuji Gu in his previous life went into these copies and tried to change the future in which they would become a LiGi. Although I don't know what the chances of success are in doing so, by slightly altering the future of a few LiGhosts, the future will definitely be affected as well.

Of course the facts now prove that he was wrong at first. Apparently the fate that these Li Gu will become Li Ghost is predestined ...... sometimes the arrival of Wuji Gu instead also contributed to such a process.

But it also made him understand something, that most of these stern ghosts also do not know their true identity. And they also have their own consciousness, and do not want to merge with the final Liege boss as one, and can even cooperate with others for this purpose.

Than these, Wuji Gu suddenly realized a point that even in his previous life he probably did not expect to happen, that is, actually that part of the evil spirit actually accompanied him in his reincarnation, making his encounter with psychic events in this life is far more intense than in his previous life.

He even got the ability to seal the stern ghost into his body, which is perhaps the key to this final copy.

"But the previous me was too casual to just leave things to my current self?" Wuji Gu After looking at these memories, he suddenly felt the weight on his shoulders, and he absolutely had to succeed in solving this final copy to do so!


Then Wuji Gu slowly came to his senses, but before he could regain consciousness, he ran into Qingman Rong being possessed and hitting him.

Originally he had already looked Qingman Rong feel where it seems wrong, and now is pretending not yet awake, listened to a few more sentences, and immediately understood the current situation.

Jialiang Jiang, who was attached to Qingman Rong's body, looked at Wuji Gu in astonishment and suddenly understood what was going on, "That evil spirit has been sealed by you, you actually have such power now ...... you have thought everything up? "

"About the same." Wuji Gu opened his mouth. Wuji Gu opened his mouth, now he not only remembered all the things from his previous life, but also successfully sealed Yu Jin, with a thought, the black fog around him completely dissipated, the original three evil spirits still dislike each other here are back to Wuji Gu's body.

The whole building instantly from the previous dark and spooky, into a bright ordinary ruins, as for the surrounding ghosts, was Wuji Gu easily all purified, instantly the place breath calm as if never haunted general.

Wuji Gu himself also feels that his strength has suddenly increased a lot, compared to before that is a geometric increase, now if Wuji Gu is asked to deal with some high level evil spirits, he can directly tear up! Of course Wuji Gu will not do something that drastic, he must just use the purification technique to send others on their way.

The crowd was thrilled at the sight. Although they didn't know exactly what had happened, it was clear that the terrible ghost in this place had been sealed by Wuji Gu! Jiazhu Bai was extremely excited, he actually witnessed Wuji Gu seal the terrible ghost, although he didn't actually see anything, but it was enough to make him feel like he had no regrets in this life.

If it is said that they need to rely on Wuji Gu before, but the heart actually have some other ideas, now that is already completely submissive.

"I didn't expect you to hate me so much." Wuji Gu really think it makes no sense, he has not done anything wrong ...... but because it is a lifetime ago, he is not so hateful, just want to know what this Jialiang Jiang in the end is thinking, "I am where there is wrong You?"

Jialiang Jiang also realized that the current situation is not good for them, but still hard to speak: "Yes, you are no where sorry, but I think you simply do not fit this position ......"

Wuji Gu nodded, and his expressionless face gave Jialiang Jiang tremendous pressure.

Jialiang Jiang decided to say something soft, after all, it is most important to save his own life, now Wuji Gu can easily kill him, anyway, he thought he knew Wuji Gu very well, this naive person will certainly not really kill him, he only need to give a little soft, Wuji Gu will probably forgive him immediately, and then wait for the opportunity to make a move also It's not too late.

"But now it's so dangerous, since you have solved the problem, then we don't have to be so intense, I think what I did myself before was too much, and I apologize here with you." Jialiang Jiang immediately turned his words, "now the situation is so critical, I also experienced in these copies for so long, I can offer you some help, as long as you are willing to forgive me, we can pretend that everything never happened. Besides, I didn't mean to lie to you about that Liege before! It was really flipping out and killing all of us, do you still want"

Seeing Jialiang Jiang actually reveal the intention to give in, the others are shocked, this person is actually so shameless. Yunxiu Qi, in particular, was so angry that he was about to burst a blood vessel, and just about went up to persuade Wuji Gu not to listen to this guy.

But they have little courage, after all, from Wuji Gu and this Jialiang Jiang's only words, the two seem to have some unspeakable complex relationship in the past, they are outsiders really can not go forward to intervene.

What worries people like Sidun Ao and Yunxiu Qi even more is that Wuji Gu is really a good guy, and they are afraid that they will really forgive this guy!

Wuji Gu really looked relieved and spoke, "It's great that you realize that."

Jialiang Jiang saw Wuji Gu this attitude immediately a burst of complacency, feeling Wuji Gu this good old man really even if it is dead once is similar to the original.

"But I want to ask, is Qingman Rong all right, the person you possessed." Wuji Gu, of course, is still very concerned about Qingman Rong's safety.

"Of course it's fine." Jialiang Jiang possessed Qingman Rong for such a short period of time is not enough to kill him directly, not to mention that he actually has no need for this body, but for the convenience of Wuji Gu, "Do not worry, as long as I want to leave whenever I can leave."

"So can you leave his body now, after all, I still can't quite trust you." Wuji Gu sighed, "I believe that with your strength, you don't need to be possessed instead, but also more powerful, right?"

At least it's a ghost that has been around for so many years, from the last game to now, just when Wuji Gu wasn't awake there wasn't a single person to solve him is enough to show Jialiang Jiang's strength.

Jialiang Jiang was a little hesitant, but if it was someone else, he would still suspect that the other party was lying, but if it was Wuji Gu, then there should be no problem. Besides, if he could not gain Wuji Gu's trust now, it would be troublesome to keep this body under control.

So the next moment, he left Qingman Rong's body, and the crowd only saw the illusory figure of a man slowly appear, while Qingman Rong was immediately unconscious on the ground.

Wuji Gu called a random person to carry Qingman Rong, and then looked at Jialiang Jiang with a relieved look, "Of course, I am willing to forgive you, but I, as your friend, feel at the end that I should give you a ride."

As he spoke, Wuji Gu's hands were lit up with white light.

The others were momentarily stunned, but they also suddenly reacted, Wuji Gu's purification technique has indeed reached an amazing degree, he wants to purify Jialiang Jiang this level of the Liege is still very possible ...... moreover, the years of friends to purify away this is indeed quite normal, but also considered The actual good thing to do.

For Wuji Gu, he does not have much hatred for Jialiang Jiang, after all, he is the one who did not know people well, and now since Qingman Rong's life is not in danger, sending Jialiang Jiang on his way is his last help as a good friend. If Jialiang Jiang had not appeared just now, Wuji Gu would have chosen to forcibly purify Qingman Rong's body.

"You?!" Jialiang Jiang's face turned pale, it was obviously too late to retract Qingman Rong's body now, with annoyance on his face, he violently flew out of the building, "Don't even think about it, there's no way I'll be purified by you ...... Wait! This, what is this? Wait, don't come over here again! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh-"

Hearing Jialiang Jiang's sudden scream, the crowd rushed out from the building, immediately saw the shocking picture, only to see the distant black fog has slowly moved towards this side, which also emerged a lot of black thorny vines spread out, it touched all the items are directly dissipated, directly into the black fog of nutrients.

Jialiang Jiang at this time was suddenly vines wrapped around the body, but a few breaths of kung fu body has been transparent most of the face is extremely painful, but also with a strong regret, I guess he felt that if he had known this would have been better just Wuji Gu was purified also better.

Before the others reacted, Jialiang Jiang was directly engulfed by the black fog, so fast that it was too late for others to save. Even others seem to be able to faintly feel some anger from the black fog.

Everyone was dumbfounded all of a sudden.

"Shit, let's get out of here!"

As long as you are not blind, you know how dangerous the situation is now. Jialiang Jiang such a strength of the still-possible LiGi a face to face actually to be that LiGi boss devour, they people will be better off to run quickly.

Wuji Gu also flew to run to the building of the current time, he already understood his goal now - will this final copy of the remaining LiGi are sealed into their own body, so that the LiGi boss no ghost to swallow, there is no way to turn into the final form ...... As for other things, where can he consider so much.

Before, I just thought this final copy was quite a hodgepodge of ghosts he knew, but now Wuji Gu probably guessed that all these ghosts must be part of the final Li Ghost boss. Since I couldn't stop them from turning into ghosts before, let me try my best to seal them off now!


Qin Lao was hiding in a place that looked a lot like a monitoring room in a research institute, with cold sweat lying down on his face.

He was also one of the people who participated in the final copy and had joined Wuji Gu's camp before, but when something happened in Yu Jin's building just now, Wuji Gu told them to go and he ran right back.

After all, who wants to stay in a place that dangerous!

And he then entered this building that looked like it should be quite safe. The outside looked like a dilapidated ship, but inside was a space with many layers like some kind of institute.

Before they came in with Wuji Gu, they passed without knowing what was happening, and therefore these people are not much in awe of these copies.

In fact, this space is Wuji Gu once stayed in the dream world copy, at first everyone mistakenly thought that here is a research institute, and inside is also the study of seemingly harmless but the power is very scary and can brainwash people mermaid.

Finally Wuji Gu finally realized that this place is just a dream world, and the boss inside is a mermaid that can make others enter the dream world unable to wake up, and if they don't wake up, they will be completely left in this world.

At that time, the mermaid boss also wanted to leave Wuji Gu behind, but Wuji Gu still managed to run away with the power of the Liege inside him.

In this final copy of this time, relying on their own knowledge of the relationship of the dream world, Wuji Gu quickly led the others to avoid the boss to find a way to run out.

But because it was so rushed, others simply didn't know the true nature of this copy, and that leaves players like Qin Lao now in a state of panic.

Qin Lao, after stepping in, felt like he was in a labyrinth and couldn't find his way. The weird thing was that he couldn't use his abilities and props, and this place was still weird.

"What is going on in this place, why is it so weird." Qin Lao has not experienced this kind of fear as an ordinary person hiding for a long time.

He looked at the monitoring of the various laboratories in the dark water, which constantly has the sound of something swimming coming from, and completely invisible in the end what is inside, making people's hearts hairy.

And this final copy is so cluttered that many of the messages found inside are so confusing that it's hard to figure out what's going on, just creepy.

Qin Lao almost didn't have the courage to continue his observation, but he was afraid of losing the clues, so he had to watch the labs one by one.

Just then, the sound of something climbing up from the water sounded, Qin Lao's body trembled with fear, looking at the screen, only to see a human-looking thing climbing up from the water, looking is incomparably hideous, as if water ghosts, but also have all crawled in one direction.

With a little careful thought, Qin Lao realized that they were probably targeting this surveillance room, and the thought of it sent chills down his spine.

"What to do! If I had known this would happen, I might as well have hugged that Wuji Gu's leg in the first place!" Over there, at least a bunch of people died together, but here he was just one person in fear.

At this time, the sticky voice came from outside the door, vaguely as if with what seems like a heavenly song, but it made Qin Lao tremble and turn his head to look at the screen again, only to see all the screens with deadly ghostly faces staring at him.


The visual effect was so shocking that Qin Lao's legs went weak on the spot and his mind collapsed as he swung a chair to smash the screen, but the sound outside the door became more and more intense, making him want to rush over and block the door again.

But it's too late!

At the sound of Qin Lao's terrifying voice, the door to the surveillance room burst open.

The person who appeared before him was Wuji Gu.

Qin Lao : "?"

"Ah, how is it you?" Wuji Gu, who had rushed over following various clues, was also a bit confused, "I thought the boss was supposed to be in this place."

After all, he couldn't have imagined that there would be a player trapped in this building.

By this time Wuji Gu had already managed to seal some of the other building bosses. All these Li Gu and Wuji Gu originally have a leg up (?) In short, they have a good feeling about Wuji Gu, and their will to be the villain boss is not very strong, and they don't want to be devoured by the final boss, so they basically agreed to Wuji Gu's request.

As for the other advanced players have been Wuji Gu are driven to the very beginning of the ghost baby copy, he is himself hurriedly looking for each copy of the boss to seal it. Now that he has come to this building in the dream world, he did not expect to meet another player at all.

"Master Gu!!!" Qin Lao was in tears and already wanted to hug Wuji Gu's thighs, he now felt that Wuji Gu was his savior.

"It's okay, let's hurry up and find the boss, then I'll take you out." Wuji Gu nodded to him, he was afraid that if he moved any slower there would be an accident.

"But the ghosts in this place are so scary that they don't let people use their abilities yet." Qin Lao is still having heart palpitations.

Originally already an advanced player he should not have been so afraid of this copy, but the inability to use his abilities, coupled with all the things that happened along the way, has made his mind completely broken, just like the kind of people who just play the game is no different.

"Terrible?" Wuji Gu's tone was tinged with doubt.

"Look at the surveillance--" Qin Lao's words stopped, because when he and Wuji Gu looked at the surveillance together, they found that the images and the ghostly faces that were supposed to be there had completely disappeared.

Instead of bright images and cute mermaids like cute, but also to the picture with a somewhat shy smile.

Qin Lao : ????

Wuji Gu : "I think it's probably because, this copy mainly depends on the mood of the Liege boss to determine what people who come in will see ......"

Qin Lao : ......

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