A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 227: These two newcomers simply cant think straight, can they?

Chapter 227: These two newcomers simply cant think straight, can they?

The gender of the character "Guangyu Di" is MALE.

But the next moment, he realized that everyone around him had fallen down, and he was the only one still standing.

Xiao Xu: ????

Everyone is very stunned to look at a person standing not far away, they do not know what happened, only feel their legs are weak, power can not use out.

The man is Guangyu Di, he is at least a high-level player, in the face of Wuji Gu, although it seems very rookie, but that is only when the other party is Wuji Gu. The company's main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Looking at the only one left, Guangyu Di nodded slowly, "I didn't think there was a player here, interesting."

He did not care to deal with these ordinary people, just used a prop that can make all ordinary people lose their sense of resistance, only those who are also players can avoid.

Xiao Xu's forehead was stained with cold sweat, he had found from the feeling of oppression, the man in front of him is by no means an ordinary player.

"What's going on? Why did I just run into such a high level player, what should I do? If I run away now, how can I hug a big leg!"

That's when the car arrived slowly.

Before Wuji Gu even got off the car, Guangyu Di diligently pulled open the car door with an incomparably respectful attitude, "Master Gu, I've already taken care of everything."

Xiao Xu's pupils shook dramatically, "This ...... "Master Gu? Could this be the Wuji Gu they were originally looking for?

This Guangyu Di is already a high-level player, but he actually has to be a junior to someone else, how amazing is Wuji Gu's strength! Damn, is the person behind this Bai family trying to kill all of them here?

Wuji Gu there is at least idol baggage, long legs a step, big brother aura general down the car, behind Jia Cheng also hurriedly handed a pair of sunglasses.

Coupled with Wuji Gu's face and body, it instantly makes people feel that the surrounding area is not some abandoned warehouse, but some high-end venue in general.

"How is the situation?" Wuji Gu turned his head to Guangyu Di, who was looking aside.

Jia Cheng's face still carries a few moments of pride as a Wuji Gu follower. As for the driver, he was too scared to come out.

"The people here are just ordinary people. Even if they have some strength, they are just a bit stronger than ordinary people." Guangyu Di and Wuji Gu reported, "Only the one standing is a player, I think it's a mid-level player at most."

Xiao Xu is already drenched in sweat, and his rich imagination has conjured up many things.

What the hell is going on here! These two are really advanced players, there's no way the people of the White Family don't know about it, are they the cannon fodder that was sent over?

Xiao Xu can not describe the fear in his heart at this time, even in the copy of the direct face of the evil spirits are not so scary!

"Good." Wuji Gu looked at Xiao Xu, his heart felt much less trouble, and his attitude was quite casual as he opened his mouth, "Since it's good to have players in, I have something I want to ask you."

Xiao Xu has legs are weak just about kneel down, he almost thought not to speak, "all things I will explain! I will take you to the White House, although, although the exact location I do not know, but I know how to contact! Please don't kill me!" The White Family had already given up on the lives of all of them anyway! What did he have to keep their secrets for them.

Wuji Gu : "?" This person how so good to talk, he did not even ask the address of the White House it so active to explain.

Guangyu Di was disappointed in his heart, originally he wanted to be this man hard, he can also show a little torture means, it's a pity.

Xiao Xu hurriedly told all the things he knew, but helplessly the man did not know much, leaving Wuji Gu and Guangyu Di a little disappointed.

"Don't worry about the location of the Bai family." Guangyu Di opened his mouth, "I have a puppet that I secretly got from the Bai family before, and it can naturally find the location of the Bai family. That puppet is now in your hands, Master Gu."

"Ah, oh." Wuji Gu now remembered that when he had brought Guangyu Di under control, he had also put away a sturdy puppet beside him, which now came in handy.

He promised to join Wuji Gu's camp when he got the quota.

"Ah, so there is such a thing as a camp." Wuji Gu dawned on him, "Then you don't have to wait, just join."

Xiao Xu: "????"

Only then did he suddenly realize that the Wuji Gu in front of him was actually the mysterious player who had managed to get the first spot!

Xiao Xu's heartbeat at this moment are steeply accelerated, does it mean that today's encounter is not some disaster, but the beginning of his glorious life ......


Somewhere extremely remote, in the middle of nowhere, there is a very ancient and luxurious buildings, but does not look abrupt, but and the surrounding environment perfectly blended into one.

If the average person mistakenly enters here, probably still think they have crossed over.

This is exactly where the White family lives here.

The people of the White Family naturally did not live here originally. Their whereabouts are very erratic, if it is not a pivotal figure in the family, few people know where the people of the White Family live. But because of some kind of nebulous guidance, the people have come to this place.

As for the senior player behind the Bai family, Jiazhu Bai, it is even more mysterious, almost no one has seen his true face. All anyone knows is that he is extremely scary, not only feeding ghosts with his body, but even raising ghosts inside other people so that they have to do what he orders them to do.

At this time, many people are respectfully kneeling on the ground, these people are all some mid-level players, a lot of hard work to mix to the senior player's heart this position.

Soon after a figure pushed out the door, everyone did not dare to look at his face. They only know that Jiazhu Bai this time to enter the copy related to the final copy, if successful will be able to get a copy of the quota.

But if they fail, they will have to suffer if the other side gets angry.

"It worked." The extremely hoarse and unpleasant voice sounded, Jiazhu Bai took a few steps towards the front, the face full of bizarre scars immediately surfaced in the light, he laughed hideously: "That copy is a bit harder, but it's nothing in front of these good kids I raised, I've got the qualification for the final copy."

Between words, there are several ghostly shadows looming behind him, giving people a great sense of oppression. In fact, the White family feel that the family head is more frightening than the ghosts.

All of them look excited, they work so hard to do the little brother is not waiting for this day, have opened their mouths to congratulate.

This Jiazhu Bai is a senior ghost breeder even among advanced players. The trio Wuji Gu defeated in the copy before is simply the difference between an elementary school student and a graduate student.

Because of this, Jiazhu Bai is confident in himself and keeps operating for that final copy.

Then one person is full of cold sweat pushed open the door, "It's not good!"

The crowd immediately looked over with a look like dead people, how dare this person say anything that touches the bad luck at such a time.

He just opened his mouth, saw the atmosphere in the room and realized that he had lost his words, and hurriedly fell to his knees on the ground, spoke quickly, afraid to say late he would die directly on the spot, "The people sent to catch Wuji Gu and the young master of the Cheng family have lost contact!"

"Such trivial matters you can just deal with yourselves, is it necessary to come and talk in front of the family head?" A man immediately chided.

Others listened with disbelief.

After all, although Wuji Gu and Jia Cheng are of some use to their Bai family, they are just ordinary people that people can't see, at most that Wuji Gu has some means. They are nothing in front of this final copy, so how can they spoil Jiazhu Bai's mood with such garbage.

"No. It's not! They lost contact in a split second, it's not something normal people can do, and there was a mid-level player on the scene!"

The others were feeling a little delicate at this point, when another person broke into the door, "No good! The ghosts locked up suddenly stirred up, as if they were afraid of something, the seal will soon be unable to maintain!"

"What?" The crowd was frowning, of course they wouldn't think this was a coincidence, how could such a thing happen in such a concentrated manner at such a time.

Jiazhu Bai's face then gloomed, making his already grim face even more frightening.

"Oh no!" At this time, a person is rushing over again, against the crowd's eyes face ugly open, "There, someone broke in!"

"What kind of person dares to do such a thing, why don't you arrest them quickly!"

"No, it's not that simple." The man was already trembling, "The people who broke in are two high-level players! They're so incredibly strong, we can't do anything about it! And these two still have our White Family's puppets in their hands!"

A silence fell over the room as everyone knew what two high-level players meant. Even Jiazhu Bai now knew the seriousness of the situation.

"It seems that it was the matter of me getting the quota that got out so quickly." Jiazhu Bai sneered, "It seems that they may have also taken the opportunity to catch that kid from the Cheng family, actually dared to provoke to my head, even if it is two senior players and how ...... I want them to know that there is a gap between the strength of senior players and senior players! "

The words fell, the people around nodded their heads one after another. They know exactly how amazing Jiazhu Bai's strength is, after all, the senior players who have lived for so long have experienced many things.

"Surprisingly, even the puppets of the White Family have gotten their hands on it, this matter has been planned for a long time, I'm afraid. I also don't know which family is responsible for it."



When the crowd in the white family and the two people who broke in to look at the occasion, immediately were confused, the reason is because these two people and their hearts think of the enemy is really too far apart.

One of them looks like that Wuji Gu ah! I thought he was just an average player, but now he's advanced to an advanced player?

As for Guangyu Di is even more face raw, although he is also become a senior player for many years, but because this person is usually possessed others action, so no one knows him at all.

This causes, the two people who came to attack is completely the kind of novice advanced players that the crowd thinks. At one time the hearts of the crowd is a little disdain, on these two newcomers, afraid of not wanting to be the first to come to the white family to do it!

"You two, become my men now, and I can spare your lives." Jiazhu Bai himself thought the same thing, he was even full of disdain, looking at the two from on high, not taking them seriously at all.

"You're thinking beautiful." Guangyu Di spoke in a sneering tone, "Just an old thing like you, you still want Master Gu to be your henchman? You've been drinking too much!"

Wuji Gu instead shook his head, "You better not stimulate others, look at him are so old."

Wuji Gu swears that his words were spoken with good intentions.

However, the effect was actually silence in the room. Everyone knew that the White family head was most concerned about his appearance, and this statement simply touched his scales.

"You seek death!"

Almost everyone thought that Wuji Gu and Guangyu Di would be defeated in a few moves.

But it didn't take long for them to look at what was happening in front of them in dismay, simply suspecting that they were dreaming.

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