A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 225: Cheng Family Secrets

Chapter 225: Cheng Family Secrets

Wuji Gu and Jia Cheng are already on their way back.

Jia Cheng after seeing the man next to Master Gu easily scare the ghosts away, finally realized profoundly, Master Gu is really Master Gu! The newest brother around has such strength, what is there to fear. At once Jia Cheng's heart was filled with confidence.

Wuji Gu sat down in his position and felt the power that was now in his body.

After sealing yet another Ghost King boss into his body, his power has not doubled, but has almost increased geometrically.

"And I don't know if I can seal another boss in."

Wuji Gu muttered in a low voice, and if anyone else had heard his shocking statement, they would have been stunned.

Two people have thoughts in their minds, did not notice the driver in front of the look.

In fact, the driver had been bribed to drive to a remote location where he would meet the others.

The driver did not find it difficult at all when he received the task. After all, this Jia Cheng young master in order to conceal actually did not even bring a bodyguard, only brought a recent star seems to be quite hot, these two look on the weak man what is dangerous.

Even if it is vaguely heard what two people and ghosts have something to do with things, the driver also did not think, such things must be false -

A figure appears abruptly in the back seat.

The driver stared into the rearview mirror already stunned, "???"

He suspected his eyes were blurry, how was this possible?

But the driver blinked several times, to make sure that a big man just suddenly appeared! His hand couldn't help but tremble slightly, and his heart had gone to the dogs.

"Does it mean that this what Wuji Gu is really someone who is involved with ghosts?

The driver did not dare to make any move on the surface, and could only keep on driving with a hard head.

This man is, of course, Guangyu Di, who volunteered to go against the enemy earlier.

In the past, he would have seized the opportunity to run away, but now Guangyu Di has seen Wuji Gu's strength, and after the shock he has come to a great realization that maybe this is just a test given to him by God, and he must cling to the thick leg like Wuji Gu! He immediately found something for himself to prove his loyalty to Wuji Gu.

"Well?" Wuji Gu inquired calmly, looking like a big brother to an outsider.

"Master Gu." Guangyu Di has naturally changed his address, respectfully replied, "I have asked the answer from that person, and did not hurt their lives." Of course he still used a little means to make those people have a psychological shadow, especially the so-called master, has been directly by him to abolish the ability, can no longer do anything underhanded.

Guangyu Di felt a sense of justice in his heart when he thought this way, even forgetting how he had shamelessly persecuted Wuji Gu in the past.

The driver in front of the driver is shivering, after all, the two conversations at first listen to the kind of terrible villain-like, the driver has had a not too good association.

"What is the situation like?" Wuji Gu was very satisfied with Guangyu Di's approach and was touched in his heart, it seems that Guangyu Di had followed him for so long and was finally converted!

"According to what he said he was hired to do is to kidnap Master Gu you and that Jia Cheng alive, crippled alive is scared crazy does not matter." Guangyu Di opened his mouth and said, "It seems that the person behind the curtain is a certain psychic family, the purpose is to learn some information from your mouth. That master is not very clear, but I deduce that they want to know is a certain copy of the things, as if that copy and the final copy related."

"So that's how it is." Wuji Gu did not doubt how those clansmen knew which copies they had passed, after all, advanced players always had various means to know these things.

"Do you know which copy that is?"

Guangyu Di shook his head, "That person didn't know that much. But I think so many people have passed through various copies, but they are focusing on you, Master Gu, it must be because there is something that only you have encountered."

Wuji Gu : "......" only he has encountered the situation, this, this is too much!

Guangyu Di saw Wuji Gu's expression and knew what was in his mind. He couldn't help but feel sympathy for those who wanted to do Wuji Gu harm and knew what kind of people Wuji Gu really was!

Wuji Gu is a vicious person who has two Ghost King level bosses in his body!

Wuji Gu was puzzled, "But what about Jia Cheng, and what are these people doing with him?"

Jia Cheng listened and immediately perked up his ears, he did not dare to intervene in the conversation between the two, but he did not miss it at all.

"It seems that the Cheng family is hiding some secret, and some people are ready to make a move to blackmail." Guangyu Di said.

"So that's how it is." Wuji Gu nodded, after all, the Cheng family's people really seemed to know quite a lot of things and were involved in a lot of things, "Wait, so we have to go back quickly now! I'm sure there will be trouble at the Cheng family's place as well."

Jia Cheng is also anxious, he only wanted to take Wuji Gu to run away, did not expect his own home will also be in trouble, he quickly took out his cell phone to call, but found completely unable to reach, "Master Gu!"

"It doesn't look good." Wuji Gu couldn't help but frown, he also suddenly felt the charm he once gave to those in the Cheng family glowing up, "Gotta get the driver to drive back faster to do that."

"In that case, this driver seems to have been eavesdropping on our conversation since just now." Guangyu Di sneered and looked ahead, he is not even human anymore, of course it is impossible not to notice the difference in the car.

Jia Cheng sniffed and looked at the driver in anger, "You actually-" He thought the driver was someone he could trust, but he didn't expect to be sold out.

The driver was already in a cold sweat, almost drove the car into the woods next to him, and now he is begging for forgiveness with trepidation, "I was wrong! I did not want to deliberately harm you, let me go, I said everything!"

"Don't worry." Wuji Gu's words were as warm as a spring breeze, "We won't do anything to you, just tell us all about it."

Of course in the heart of the ghost of the driver sounded so terrible that he hurriedly explained all his things.

It is indeed a rival of the Cheng family bribed him, and it is said that that rival has been in contact with what family, so the audacity is amazing, and even already is preparing to do it soon.


And at this time, among the Cheng family.

Jia Cheng's cousin, Qing Cheng, the current head of the Cheng family, was sitting in the study with a grimace on his face, while Jia Guan was nervously milling around. Several other family members were also sitting around anxiously.

From just the beginning, this Cheng family has fallen into a bizarre situation, all the servants are doing bizarre things, these years of loyal servants is impossible to suddenly betray the Cheng family, but if it is moved with any spells, it can also be caused by such consequences.

After these servants secretly do something to leave the things given by outsiders, Cheng home is surrounded by ghosts, forcing them to hide in this study.

Several members of the Cheng family felt that this image was very familiar, as if they had encountered it before, and if their memories had not been erased after leaving the copy of reality, they probably would have immediately remembered the terrible things that had happened before.

After all, the Cheng family was a mirror ghost, or a young master of the Cheng family once, almost occupied Jia Cheng's body, after being cheated by Wuji Gu feelings (?) After the Wuji Gu cheated on his feelings (?) and left here.

Thanks to Wuji Gu gave a lot of charms, now attached to the surrounding walls can still prevent the invasion of ghosts, but it is clear that the charms will not last long, after all, there are already too many ghosts in the house.

The whole study was plunged into a negative mood.

"Master, what should we do?" Jia Guan spoke anxiously, "If this goes on we will be killed by these ghosts sooner or later! And there's no signal here at all, so we can't contact Master Gu ......"

"It's nothing. I've already contacted them before and told them to get as far away from here as possible." The young family head was bashful in saying this.

"What?" The others were instantly displeased, "Is this how you're going to disregard our lives!"

"The situation now is not something that Master Gu alone can solve. It's a few family members who are behind it." Family Master Qing Cheng sneered, "They won't kill us, they just want to know a certain thing, but even if I die, they will never know that secret!"

"It seems that you have been prepared for a long time." Jia Guan spoke in a low voice after being shocked, he had long felt as if the family head knew many secrets that were not known to anyone.

"As for Master Gu, Jia Cheng followed him quite well, and the two stay away from each other, they should be able to stay away from this right and wrong." Qing Cheng shook his head.

The others listened and immediately stirred up, yet they could not do a thing even if they were discontented.

Although Qing Cheng is young, but the drive and action is not the ordinary people can compare, he decided the thing no one can change.

At this time the door on the spell has begun to slowly burn up, it is clear that there are too many ghosts outside, the spell has to be unable to resist, and will soon be completely useless.

At that point, it was already obvious how this room of ordinary people would end up under the attack of the ghosts.

Several people were huddled together in fear and shivering, and in this moment fear almost overwhelmed them.

Qing Cheng calmly waited for that moment to come, he thought in his mind, the only regret is that he did not tell Wuji Gu ...... that family secret but with Jia Cheng in, maybe they will still be able to find out what that thing really is.

As early as the first time he met Wuji Gu, he knew that the other man was the one they, the family, had been waiting for. But it was far from the right time to reveal that secret.


"Now the Cheng family must be very dangerous, I have to think of a way." Wuji Gu anxious in the car, he even more powerful can not go back now in the flesh, want to send Guangyu Di is also impossible, after all, these ghosts also does not transient.

"Master Gu, you can remotely summon the ghost to do it through the props purchased in the mall." Guangyu Di gave Wuji Gu advice from the side, "provided that the ghost was originally what you were able to summon, and at the same time he had a deep connection with the place in the first place."

Others may not be able to do anything, but Guangyu Di is confident that Wuji Gu will be fine, and this Wuji Gu is no ordinary person!

"Ah, in that case ......"

Wuji Gu's heart has steeply emerged as a stern ghost.

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