A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 220: Players feel like they cant even keep up with the plot anymore

Chapter 220: Players feel like they cant even keep up with the plot anymore

In the midst of this delicate atmosphere, for a while the crowd didn't know what to do, and felt that a big man like Wuji Gu couldn't be so casual, this must be some kind of scheme!

So everyone is looking at this amazing sight in front of them, but because Wuji Gu's acting skills are really amazing, and they have to feel like they are watching some idol drama ......

"In fact, I have hidden my true identity from you, originally I did not know whether I should tell you, but now if I do not tell you, maybe I will never have the chance again." Wuji Gu took a deep breath, removed his disguise, and his real face appeared in front of everyone.

The others were bewildered, after all Wuji Gu didn't seem to be much different except for the change of handsome face. Some people who are concerned about reality can see that he is a recent popular actor, but such information is not useful in the copy, do not know whether they can still leave alive.

"But I've always been true to you." Wuji Gu's deep and loving eyes were simply irresistible to anyone.

Anyone else present in such a situation, probably will be directly dumb.

This is a huge stimulus for the possessed young master Ersen Ni. After all, the person who had saved his life several times and who had implicitly dominated the relationship between them was the lover he had always despised! This shocking fact caused him a strong stimulus.

A variety of complex feelings emerged, Ersen Ni young master's heart is a confusion, but no matter how big his impact, already very high good feeling is now of course impossible to fall, rather than because of his own brain to make up too many things, resulting in also become more solid.

And Wuji Gu had also completed the requirements of the side quest. So he immediately took a step back, shook his head, and spoke softly, "But I think this relationship should also end now."

Anyway, Wuji Gu doesn't want to explain too much, Ersen Ni, a man with a lot of drama, should be able to make up his own mind.

[Side quest completed.]

"You think such words can influence this body-" the casino owner just sneered and said halfway, his face changed dramatically.

The casino owner didn't expect the shock of the sudden breakup to be too much for Ersen Ni, so much so that he stumbled and fell to the ground, struggling as if to explain to Wuji Gu, but his physical strength didn't allow him to fall into a coma, and the casino owner he was originally attached to was just squeezed out.

It dawned on everyone that this was Wuji Gu's ploy? Although the process was confusing, the ending was a success.

Wuji Gu : "......" He himself did not expect things to turn out like this! It's just a big shock to be broken up!

The owner of the casino was simply furious, he did not expect this Ersen Ni actually so unreliable in this regard, had to patrol around, in the eyes of the crowd alert and attached back to the middle-aged man before.

"You brought this on yourself." The casino master looked at Wuji Gu and sneered, "Since you gave up the opportunity I gave you, you still think you can leave? This place has long been under my control, even if you have the means, in the end, you are only living people, how can you possibly compare to a ghost."

The words fell, countless ghosts emerged around, but more than them, the greatest threat was clearly the harsh spirits that appeared in those few tests.

People are alert to look around, these ghosts if they attack, it is really difficult to fight.

"According to the rules, they will follow the orders of those who pass the test." The casino owner looked smugly at the surrounding ghosts, "But now, I am the rule here."

"Is that so?" Wuji Gu looked at the casino owner with some sympathy.

After that, the ghosts looked at the owner of the casino, not with respect, but with deep resentment. They had been enslaved by the casino owner for such a long time, and had long harbored resentment. If it weren't for the evil god mark, they would have done it already, and now Wuji Gu's arrival finally gave them a chance to take revenge.

The casino owner froze and subconsciously took several steps back, and only after a long time did he react to the current situation, his face immediately twisted and grimaced, "What have you done to them?!"

"It's nothing, just let them do what they want to do." Wuji Gu spoke softly.

Immediately afterwards, all the ghosts swarmed around the casino owner, and the screams of misery were incessant.

The other players in the back were either wary or surprised looking at Wuji Gu, and they didn't even know what Wuji Gu had done! It was obvious that everyone was in the same copy, but why did they seem to have missed several days of the plot.

[Because of the changed circumstances of the copy at hand, the main quest has been updated: successfully complete the ritual inside the casino and elect a new casino owner. While the player who protects that employer can leave the copy safely, the rest are to survive the new casino owner's pursuit].

The outside world is almost accepting the reality. Anyway, they can't beat Wuji Gu, and besides, they are not all doomed to die, there is a silver lining when the time comes.

The only thing is that compared to the main quest sounding in everyone's mind, Wuji Gu can hear the hidden quest sounding only in his mind.

[Destroy Curse Casino hidden quest update: Interrupt the ritual and destroy the casino. After success this copy will disappear completely. However, this mission is extremely dangerous and involves a higher level hidden copy boss, the slightest mistake will draw the other side to this world, players please choose carefully].

Wuji Gu did not hesitate in the slightest, he came here originally for the Evil God boss, if the other side came this is not better?

It is not good if it affects other people, but Wuji Gu before from the mouth of those ghosts also vaguely learned some of the secrets of this copy, then if it is really dangerous, through the hidden means can still let others leave the copy alive.

"I choose to complete the hidden mission."

"I won't let you guys get away with this!!!" The casino owner's hoarse voice rang out from the pile of ghosts, and the light of the evil god's seal emerged from his raised hand.

The power of this seal was so amazing that the surrounding ghosts backed away in fear.

The casino owner is already extremely wretched, he can barely see the human form at this point, but still reveals a crazy smile when he sees the golden light on the back of his hand.

"Originally, I didn't want to use this move either, but you guys forced me to do it ...... Even if I would die, I would drag you guys along with me!"

The words fell, the golden light erupted from the back of his hand, the power was too strong, even his body began to crumble into a broken light. Not only that, the surrounding bodies of the heir candidates also seemed to have received a huge impact and began to bleed from the mouth and nose.

"When all the candidates die, the next casino master will no longer be chosen, and you will be trapped here forever even if you don't die!"

"What, what?" The surrounding players were frozen, even if they didn't know as much information as Wuji Gu, they knew very well that the current situation was heading towards a very bad situation.

"Stop him now!" "He's only possessing ordinary people now too, just kill him and we'll be able to solve the problem!"

But at that moment, the figure of the young man who was a fanatic believer finally appeared, and he actually blocked directly in front of the casino owner to stop the players from making a move against him.

"What are you doing? We're all going to die if we keep going like this!"

"You guys are the ones who are thinking." The berserker youth looked excitedly at the glow from the casino owner, "What he's going to do now is sacrifice himself to God, how could I possibly let you guys interrupt this sacred ritual."

"Damn it, he's simply gone crazy!" The players all had ugly faces, and at this point they couldn't care less, getting rid of this obstructionist guy quickly was the most important thing.

"So that's it." Wuji Gu thought clearly about the situation at hand; the casino master had sacrificed himself to the gods in exchange for power that wouldn't last long, and instead of choosing to use that power against himself-after all, Wuji Gu was a very difficult man to deal with no matter how one thought about it-he chose instead to wipe out all of his heirs so that they, the people worse than death.

But ...... has more important things to do than that, Wuji Gu.

Although he has seen the power of the evil gods in the dream world penetrate here many, but after all, the boss of this place is not the other side, so that after even appearing may be only a part of the other side!

Wuji Gu needs to use the casino owner in this casino who is now closest to the evil god to bring the evil god boss to this place completely.

It just so happens that the casino owner is still sacrificing himself, and this ready-made sacrifice is all there! This casino is also very close to the evil god, the chances of successful summoning are too great.

Seeing that the situation was going to develop into a melee, Wuji Gu was the first to rush to the youth of the fanatic, who shrank a little when he saw Wuji Gu, but considering the situation at hand and full of confidence, "You are late even to stop it now, the sacrifice will not end once it starts. Not to mention that this is one of the altars of God ......"

"I'm not trying to stop you." Wuji Gu said, and pressed the youth's shoulder as if everyone was familiar with him, "I'm here to help you!"

"What?" The youth was suspicious of Wuji Gu, but Wuji Gu's eyes were so sincere that his heart wavered.

"I appreciate this spirit of yours, but don't you think that it is too wasteful for him to die in vain like this? I think we can summon God to this place and let God witness the death of this devotee." Wuji Gu spoke excitedly.

"Well, you have a point." The young man spoke, "But how can I trust you?"

"Is my mark not enough to explain all this?" Wuji Gu revealed the mark of the evil god on the back of his hand, and his tone was still very sincere, "Although we had some misunderstanding before. But this represents my piety!"

At this moment, not to mention the players, even the casino owner is silly, he thinks here certainly no one seal than his senior, but this Wuji Gu is what is going on, this so senior seal, he damn and the evil god is there a leg? No wonder those evil spirits just now are not obedient!

The casino owner suddenly felt regret, he felt that his actions might have unknowingly paved the way for Wuji Gu, the heartless man! But this sacrificial ritual was irreversible, and even his frantic regret could not stop it.

Players feel they have all been unable to keep up with the development of the plot, have they been dreaming since before ......

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