A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 219: Since we got the task, we must finish it here!

Chapter 219: Since we got the task, we must finish it here!

Yi Fan is currently trying to stop, but suddenly stops.

If this were an ordinary person's words, Yi Fan would only think he was crazy, but this man in front of him is such a mysterious big brother ah! This is not an impulsive act, but a well-thought-out one!

Wuji Gu took the chopper and slashed at the surrounding mirrors, the action was fluid, although there was not much killing, but the deep resentment on the chopper could simply make the ghosts in the mirrors are horrified.

Yi Fan in the excitement at the same time, can not help but feel Wuji Gu this frame, if he did not know each other, will think Wuji Gu is the boss of this copy ......

At the sound of breaking mirrors, Er Fan suddenly awake, he stood up in fear, at this time around the mirror has broken most of, countless black fog from it, they are in the space is reduced to a ghost cave, the ghosts are moving, looking to completely surround them ---

Then a flash of white light past, not to mention what ghosts, even the black fog are dissipated most of the.

The two brothers were already stunned, and it took them a long time to realize that Wuji Gu had used the purification technique again! Obviously they had already seen it once, but it was still too shocking to use ...... It was like a fucking hang-up to brush a copy! So much so that people began to regret how they did not also learn the purification technique at the beginning.

Then watched Wuji Gu's figure had stopped in front of a mirror, which reflected not the figure of anyone in the outside world, but a strange and hideous face.

"It's that mirror!" Yi Fan blurted out.

The next moment, Wuji Gu actually violently drilled into the mirror.

This process Wuji Gu is very familiar with, he already knows the ghost's life and weaknesses, not to mention that there is also the mark of the evil god in, the ghost can only honestly do as ordered.

The brothers held their breath for half a day outside, and then they saw Wuji Gu come out as if nothing had happened.

"How's the situation?"

"It's okay." Wuji Gu nodded.

This is what it means to be cleared! The two brothers clapped their hands excitedly, then looked gratefully at Wuji Gu, knowing very well that without him, they would have died here just now.

Wuji Gu rather did not put this mirror ghost has also honestly listened to his words to act, after all, this fact seems to be too much for other players ......

"In fact, we have already wanted to contact you for a long time!"

"If you can, please let us follow you! Even if it's just for this period of time, it doesn't matter."

The two brothers also spoke cautiously, fearing that Wuji Gu would refuse.

Wuji Gu was a little surprised, then nodded, "That's not a problem. But I have other goals in this copy, not just to leave this copy, so you guys should be prepared."

"Yes!" The two men's eyes lit up and their hearts were very excited, as for what Wuji Gu was going to do, they were totally unexpected, and anyway, how would they know what such a big shot was thinking.

"Of course, I will also guarantee that if you listen to me, if I can leave this copy, you can also leave this copy." Wuji Gu still didn't make his words too absolute.

After all, in this dangerous situation he is in now, he may be reversed by the ghost in his body or the evil god boss, and then his own life will not be guaranteed, how can he save others. Wuji Gu is not prepared to give others needless hope.

The two brothers naturally had no problem with it, not to mention that Wuji Gu had surprised them by promising to take them away with him. After all, a person of Wuji Gu's power level would not be able to deceive them in such a place, which means that what he said must be true!

This is simply a word that those who come in groups are afraid to commit to each other.


What happened after that simply made all the senior players in this copy confused.

Originally these senior players are deep in the difficulties of the test ...... but Wuji Gu is easily appeared to solve the problem, easily and casually as if they are not a level!

Wuji Gu even has two followers behind him, who look attentive. Wuji Gu himself said he accepted this very naturally, as he had too many followers before.

The others, by this time, had already deeply realized the amazing strength of Wuji Gu. They even started to feel cynical towards Yi Fan Er Fan. How can these two people hold Wuji Gu's thigh when we were all the same before! And Wuji Gu such a big brother to them is actually quite cordial look, not like that kind of use people look like.

If they had known, they would have rushed up and hugged the leg before!

Everything went so smoothly that it was unnatural. It didn't take long for Wuji Gu to pass all the tests of the ghosts in the casino.

At this point everyone is gathered in the final test, the haunted casino hall. Of course this test has already been completed by Wuji Gu.

The two men who raised the ghost were also released by the female ghost of the portrait, they do not know what they have experienced in the portrait, both seem to have aged more than twenty years as vicissitudes, see the figure of Wuji Gu shivered, and muttered that they would never do anything bad again and other words.

Others looked at the two of them in this manner, the heart is a shock, this is in the end what has been experienced, so that the two experienced through the thousands of senior players into such ......

This is only the apparent situation, the reality is that these few ghosts have honestly decided to be Wuji Gu's minions, and even told all they know, at this point Wuji Gu simply knows everything about this casino.

[Complete the task: Bring the evil spirits that appear in the five nights of the evil spirits test under control].

[Hidden Mission Progress Update--]

[Obviously, you also found something wrong with this casino as you went through these trials].

Along with the words that rang in the ears of all the players, this entire casino actually began to collapse from all around, with a huge roar that was deafening.

The weird thing is that apart from these sounds, not even a single scream came from anywhere else, as if the large number of living people in this casino didn't exist before. Only the few chosen heir candidates fled in a panic, they had all been hiding in a safe place waiting for the test to end, and now they were able to avoid being directly smashed to death by the collapsing building.

"It's true that there are only a few living people in this casino."

The crowd probably expected it, after all, everyone has experienced so many copies, not as much as they even think that these few heir candidates are most likely not alive either.

For a moment, it was as if this hall was the only safe place, except for the fanatic player who suddenly attacked Wuji Gu, and the ghost of Sidun Ao, who had run away to who knows where, and everyone had gathered here.

Everyone looking up could still see the mirror image reflecting their own likeness, only to be quickly followed by a crisp cracking sound.

Aware of the danger that will occur, the crowd immediately alert to pick up their own pressed props.

[Because of various reasons, this space can no longer be supported. And the owner of the casino has finally appeared before you.]

The crowd looked at each other, and finally their eyes were fixed on an ordinary middle-aged man with brown hair. The other party is precisely the employer of the previous trio of ghost breeders, he stood up at this time, his body twisted to an unhuman degree, with a strange and hideous smile on his face.

The original fierce trio can now only cuddle together and shiver.

"I didn't expect you guys to pass all the tests so quickly." The middle-aged man sneered, "It's not that easy to challenge my position, all of you will be buried here!"

"Originally, according to the rules, the employer of the person who passed the test five times was already the heir, right? That's what I learned in this place." Wuji Gu opened his mouth, and Ersen Ni behind him nodded in shock.

Ersen Ni is now simply bewildered dumbfounded, he himself do not know what is going on in the situation, originally thought he knew everything as well as ...... result of things have simply changed dramatically. And he just because of the mystery was Wuji Gu fancy, so to lie to win? This kind of little white face hold on the good lap thing, how can appear in him such a big young master.

"But you, the first head of Ersen Ni's family, are the owner of this casino." Wuji Gu opened his mouth.

"What?!" The other succession candidates froze.

"From the beginning this was a deception. You got the power from the casino to come to the outside world and build up the family, but were unwilling to give up this power, so you tried every way to bring the casino under your control."

Wuji Gu said everything he had heard from these ghosts: "Perhaps because of some rule, your body will still age and your power will slowly drain away. So you will choose a few candidates from your family and have them come to the casino, nominally so they can get the master's position, but in reality just so you can occupy their bodies and leave the place yourself with the identity of the new family head!"

"From the beginning, all the people who have left this casino have been just you."

As for this casino, itself a spooky place that traps all kinds of ghosts, others have been caught in the curse from the moment they entered. And this curse will dedicate the power of all the ghosts to the so-called master.

As for the initial start of everything, maybe it was something randomly tossed out by some evil god boss.

"That's right." The middle-aged man sneered, "True, but so what? I'm just using the rules of this casino wisely, and besides, even if you think the winner should be Ersen Ni--"

His words broke off abruptly and his body fell violently to the ground, completely silent.

Then Ersen Ni behind Wuji Gu, but his face twisted for a moment, and soon revealed the expression of that house master, "All the bodies of the heir candidates here, I can just occupy, so what can you do?"

All the heir candidates are ugly, they did not expect that they are just the alternate body tool person of the family head.

"It's not that I'm not sure about the rules among you." The family owner spoke slowly and methodically to Wuji Gu, his tone full of enticement, "Although you are very powerful, so quickly passed these tests, but hard to go against me you will not be able to win. Why not just leave this casino with me. This way we can both achieve our goals ...... As for the others, you players, you don't seem to have much affection anyway."

The first time he said this, everyone held their breath, they are very clear, Wuji Gu if you choose to leave with the family head, such an ending they can not do anything at all. Ask yourself, if they were to encounter such a thing, they would certainly not want to make more trouble, and simply leave the copy like this.

Does it mean that all of them will die here?

Wuji Gu looked at the family head, but shook his head.

"You make a good point, but I've decided to get everyone out of this world and promised Ersen Ni that I would make him the head of the family, so I'm not leaving with you."

Hearing Wuji Gu's words, even Ersen Ni, who was possessed, already had a huge touch in his heart. The increase in his favorability rating was out of control.

[Side mission: protect the rich young master. And brush its good feeling, but also let the surrounding people think that the player to the rich young master immense love, and finally choose to break up when the good feeling reaches].

[Mission Progress: Young Master Ersen Ni's current good sense is 100].

Wuji Gu : "......" It seems that Ersen Ni is possessed, but his own consciousness is still there, so this dog's blood mission should also be completed.

Even now the situation is very risky, Wuji Gu's plan is not sure whether it can be achieved or not, and his life is not sure whether he can save it. But he is a compulsive person, since he received the mission, he must be here to complete it!

So Wuji Gu took a deep breath and looked at the 'Ersen Ni' in front of him, his eyes became tender and affectionate again.

"Actually, I've been wanting to say something to you for a long time."

Everyone is this contrast made a dumbfounded, this is what to do, before not also a sword tense atmosphere, why suddenly make the style into a romance drama like.

Even the house master himself, who possessed Ersen Ni's body, froze, he had never encountered such a thing in all his years of living!

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