A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 218: just break the mirror

Chapter 218: just break the mirror

For Wuji Gu, things are going very well.

He easily found the place of this test, the kitchen in the middle of the casino.

After Wuji Gu took out his chips, they dissipated in his hands, the surrounding picture is a turn, the original bright kitchen immediately dimmed, the clean as new walls are also more like blood stains.

The water is still dripping from the faucet somewhere, giving it a cool feeling.

Wuji Gu was very confident about this test, after all, it was a dish he was very interested in cooking.

Subsequently, a dark figure appeared in the corner, its hands also holding a flashing cold kitchen knife, each step almost makes the ground tremble, the most appalling is that difficult to hang a few pieces of meat face, dressed in chef's clothing body but extremely strong.

There is no doubt that this is a powerful ghost that all players do not dare to easily mess with.

It coldly looked at Wuji Gu, did not put this very ordinary-looking human in his eyes, said in a hoarse voice his requirements for the dishes, and then pushed open the door of the warehouse on the side.

The warehouse is obviously not the original warehouse of the kitchen, but incomparably dark and gloomy, but also emits a strong Yin Qi, which can be faintly seen in countless ghostly shadows. It is too difficult to find dishes that meet the requirements of the evil spirits from such an environment.

And there is a hidden difficulty in this test, which is the nasty tastes of the spirits that can only be learned by investigating in other places.

Looking at Wuji Gu, who slowly walked towards the warehouse, the stern ghost pulled a grim smile on his face, it just made a request, specifically saying that he did not like the food ...... anyway, the rules do not say that this does not work. Just so he is also hungry for a long time, take this human to taste should not be a problem.

In fact, it thought so. But before a few minutes had passed, the door was pushed open again, and Wuji Gu came out with a smile on his face, not to mention the wretched appearance of being chased by ghosts, and not even a bit of dust on his clothes.

Liege: "????"

Liege could not help but glance toward the door, and saw that the warehouse, which was also full of ghosts, was empty at this time, and the darkness had dissipated, and even gave people a refreshing feeling.

It looked again, Wuji Gu's hand was still holding a kitchen knife full of ghostly resentment (in fact, it was only Wuji Gu's to make it easier to get the ingredients to hold), the LiGui's heart for what happened in the warehouse, seems to have an idea.

If it were still alive, the Liege's face must have been glistening with cold sweat.

Wuji Gu just purified a warehouse of ghosts and got another wave of chips, also got the ingredients specified by the Liege, and was still in a good mood, asking the Liege, "I've got the stuff, can we start doing it?"

"When, of course!" The Liege immediately spoke, its attitude was already very different from before. Even if it was a Liege, it wouldn't dare to offend such a person!

Even the LiGi handed Wuji Gu his kitchen knife, "This one is also for you to use, it is especially sharp." In short, it is no longer thinking about eating people, quickly send this big man away is the most important.

"Oh oh, okay." Wuji Gu also nodded to the stern ghost, feeling that the other party is actually so cordial, and the portrait of the female ghost to him said particularly vicious completely different well.


So it became a sight for those two players to see.

Not only did the evil spirits not be mean to Wuji Gu, but they were also very kind to Wuji Gu, and even ate the food that looked very dark cuisine as if nothing had happened.

To be honest that dish these two players look at the heart of the war, but compared to this, Wuji Gu has actually powerful to such an extent is what makes them the most shocking!

"Let's just get out of here! Before he finds out."

"Yes, yes, such a powerful person is just too dangerous."

The two have already made up their minds to take a detour from Wuji Gu in the future no matter what.


Along with the sound of the system prompting the pass, the chef Ligurian also seems to feel relieved of something and still wants to send Wuji Gu away quickly.

"I have things to do before I leave." Wuji Gu opened his mouth, he did not forget his most important matter.

"Sh, what ......" the chef sternly up in fear.

Wuji Gu stretched out his hand and instantly showed the back of his hand to the other side. He took a deep breath, never imagining that one day he would have to forcibly awaken this seal.

The process was unfamiliar, but not difficult to do. Soon, the seal on the back of Wuji Gu's hand lit up, as if echoing the light of the seal on the chef's stern body.

It looked at Wuji Gu with a stunned look with its eyes falling down, and its legs kept getting weak, and the subconsciousness of obedience that emerged from its bones made it have infinite respect for Wuji Gu, and it directly half-kneeled in front of Wuji Gu.

At this time, the chef's ghost is grateful for his good attitude before, otherwise it would have offended Wuji Gu, how can it continue to mix!

Wuji Gu himself were stunned, he has felt the stern ghost in front of him and his own vaguely established contact, although not so powerful, but the other side seems to obey his orders, this seal is actually powerful to such an extent? ......

In fact, even if there is a seal, many believers are obedient, but there may be dissatisfaction in their hearts, so that this obedience does not reach a perfect state. But Wuji Gu has scared the chef's ghost enough before, and now this step is simply smooth to the extreme, easily replacing the casino owner's power of control over the chef's ghost.

"May I ask what your orders are?" The cook stern spoke respectfully.

"It's not much, I just want to ask if there is more detailed information about this hotel and other tests ......" Wuji Gu firmly believes that knowing one's self and knowing one's enemy will win a hundred battles, even if he has an add-on like the seal, it is still safer to know more clearly.

The chef's ghost that of course is a huge detail will be everything quickly explained, can not wait to cling to Wuji Gu's thigh, it has realized that this casino will happen to turn the world upside down big event!


Somewhere in the casino.

The two brothers Yi Fan Er Fan were looking around with ugly faces.

They are standing in a corridor, whether on the sides or the ceiling and floor, are affixed with countless mirrors, which reflect overlapping scenes, simply dazzling.

The test they chose tonight was about mirrors. After finding a very hidden blood-stained mirror and then handing over the chips they had, the two entered the bizarre space.

"Be careful, one of these mirrors reflects a face that is not ours, you have to find that one to do it ......"

The test, to put it simply, is to find the face that doesn't belong to you, smash that mirror, and be able to leave successfully.

But actually doing it is very difficult, after all, there are just too many mirrors here, even the eyesight of advanced players are difficult to distinguish. Not to mention that even their own faces, there are many people who are not really familiar with them.

What is even more dangerous is that every second spent in this space, more dangers will appear, and these mirrors hide countless ghosts to pull people into them.

And the two have been in for a long time. They have been tangled with the ghost for so long that they are physically and mentally very tired, but they have never been able to leave.

"Damn, why is it so hard to find." Yi Fan cold sweat on his face could not help but trickle down, he wiped his own sweat, turned around to ask his brother how the observation went, but he saw his brother's body half pulled into the mirror.

Yi Fan hastily took out props and violently shattered the mirror in front of him to save his brother. But also because of this, countless Yin Qi from the broken mirror spread out, resulting in the whole room more gloomy, the mirror is countless black Qi floating, more difficult to find the target.

Er Fan has been in a coma for a long time, and is completely useless.

"Damn it ...... are we just going to sit back and wait for death?" He tried to resist, but his body was so exhausted that he couldn't help but fall to the ground.

But the floor was also on the mirror, and a hand came out of it, looking to grab them both -

"This is it." A familiar voice rang out.

Along with that sound, the hand in the mirror also dissipated abruptly, Yi Fan looked down just in time to see this scene, and realized that a crisis was thus invisibly resolved.

Yi Fan, relieved, turned his head to see Wuji Gu, whom the two brothers wanted so much to play nice, walking out of the broken mirror as if nothing had happened.

"How, how in the world did you get here?"

Wuji Gu shook his head, "Nothing, now it's better to quickly think of a way to get out of here."

How he came to be very simple, after all Wuji Gu just also and the chef Li Ghost, slightly please each other to help themselves, others will send him to, also incidentally explained the various weaknesses of this mirror Li Ghost.

Of course Wuji Gu is also not afraid, the mirror world he has long experienced, and that as the evil spirit Jia Cheng is also a good relationship (Wuji Gu think), experienced, and naturally very calm at this time.

"Well." Yi Fan also knew that such an expert must have many secrets, and looked at Wuji Gu with grateful eyes, "Thanks for what just happened. You should also be careful, this place is not simple."

"I know." Wuji Gu walked over and turned his head to look around, and all these mirrors looked at him too, simply giving a sense of being numbed by countless eyes staring at his body.

Yi Fan could not help but say: "We just searched for half a day but could not find where the strange mirror is, I think it may be hidden in a very hidden place."

"You have a point. But I've also thought of a way." Wuji Gu opened his mouth.

"How will you do it?" Yi Fan looked at Wuji Gu excitedly , could he finally see the picture of such a big brother solving problems with his intelligence!

Er Fan also woke up at this time, although not quite understand what happened, but he has experienced countless copies of the Wuji Gu instantly guessed the current situation a seven or eight.

"Anyway, the requirement is to break that weird mirror ...... in that case, just break all the mirrors." Wuji Gu said so, and also turned his head to Yi Fan Er Fan brothers two show affectionate smile.

Er Fan is still not very sober, immediately flattered to Wuji Gu also returned a giggle.

Only Yi Fan because of too much shock, the hands are loose, their own brother are dropped to the ground.

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